Trump Had No Choice In Ending DACA

Reagan and Bush 1 BOTH had very similar executive deferred action programs for illegal immigrants as DACA, I doubt it's UNCONSTITUTIONAL....Trump could have ordered Sessions to defend the action or fire him as he fired Acting Attrny General Yates for not defending his Muslim ban....No?

There was never a Muslim ban... geeze.
My mistake, you are right....I meant to add in, alleged Muslim ban.... I could not think of another name to call it....
travel ban was what it was called. why is that so difficult to write?
It was unconstitutional. No one predicted CJ Roberts would rule that obama care wasn't a tax to give them jurisdiction to hear the case, but was a tax to make it constitutional.

The federal government hasn't been given authority over american health care. Simple as that.

I sense a serious case of butt hurt you're trying to mend.

The unconstitutional claim ran out long ago
still doesn't make it unconstitutional. because scum doesn't protect its citizens isn't the citizens fault.
Liberals can stomp their feet, jump up and down, rail at the moon, and it doesn't matter.

Nine States were going to file legal action to challenge DACA in Federal Court and everyone knows the executive order was going to get shot down. DOJ is not going to spend resources defending something unconstitutional.

Trump did the right thing. Congress needs to fix Obama's mess. DACA babies having anchor babies is not going to help this country. DACA babies and their parents have already consumed Billions from taxpayers. Illegal babies from illegal babies doesn't let us control our immigration policy.

So once again, libtardo overreach ended up screwing everyone. But that's a daily occurrence in libtardo land.
He could have done it in a much better way. Push legislation and an immigration reform plan that protected the "Dreamers" and then repealed the EO if he wanted to make the point that Obama over reached. Or let the courts decided on its legality. At least then there would be precedent. Like most his other moves, this was sloppy and controversial and is only going to feed the ongoing turmoil and division in this country.
he just did that. so what's your issue?
Children cannot benefit from the crimes of their parents.
Do you think children should be punished for the crimes of their parents?

They are not being punished. They simply are not being permitted to benefit from the crimes of their parents.

You grok?
A kid is brought here as a baby and grows up here for their entire life... All their friends and family, life and education was here. Most have never been to Mexico since coming here and have no memory or connection to that country... You don't think that deporting them to Mexico is punishment?

I never said to deport them. I said they cannot benefit from the crimes of their parents, ergo they cannot become citizens and cannot vote.

I agree with an earlier poster that those who serve honorably in military service could be the exception to the rule. They earned it.
So you don't want to deport them and you don't want to grant them citizenship so what exactly do you want to do with them?

They can work and pay taxes, and live the American Dream, but not directly influence American politics.
My main stipulations with any legislated DACA policy would be that unless you can prove you came here by legal means, you will never become a citizen,.

So you believe the children had a say in how they came to America? Or that they even knew they weren't born in the USA? And can you really hold someone criminally liable, when the act committed was done by their parents, and they had no "criminal intent" to commit it, plus they were a minor.

Children cannot benefit from the crimes of their parents.
Do you think children should be punished for the crimes of their parents?
should american citizens?

Funny how you don't ever take into account the American citizens. are you anti american?
Liberals can stomp their feet, jump up and down, rail at the moon, and it doesn't matter.

Nine States were going to file legal action to challenge DACA in Federal Court and everyone knows the executive order was going to get shot down. DOJ is not going to spend resources defending something unconstitutional.

Trump did the right thing. Congress needs to fix Obama's mess. DACA babies having anchor babies is not going to help this country. DACA babies and their parents have already consumed Billions from taxpayers. Illegal babies from illegal babies doesn't let us control our immigration policy.

So once again, libtardo overreach ended up screwing everyone. But that's a daily occurrence in libtardo land.
He could have done it in a much better way. Push legislation and an immigration reform plan that protected the "Dreamers" and then repealed the EO if he wanted to make the point that Obama over reached. Or let the courts decided on its legality. At least then there would be precedent. Like most his other moves, this was sloppy and controversial and is only going to feed the ongoing turmoil and division in this country.
he just did that. so what's your issue?
He didn't do that. Thats my issue
Liberals can stomp their feet, jump up and down, rail at the moon, and it doesn't matter.

Nine States were going to file legal action to challenge DACA in Federal Court and everyone knows the executive order was going to get shot down. DOJ is not going to spend resources defending something unconstitutional.

Trump did the right thing. Congress needs to fix Obama's mess. DACA babies having anchor babies is not going to help this country. DACA babies and their parents have already consumed Billions from taxpayers. Illegal babies from illegal babies doesn't let us control our immigration policy.

So once again, libtardo overreach ended up screwing everyone. But that's a daily occurrence in libtardo land.
He could have done it in a much better way. Push legislation and an immigration reform plan that protected the "Dreamers" and then repealed the EO if he wanted to make the point that Obama over reached. Or let the courts decided on its legality. At least then there would be precedent. Like most his other moves, this was sloppy and controversial and is only going to feed the ongoing turmoil and division in this country.
he just did that. so what's your issue?
He didn't do that. Thats my issue
sure he did, he just gave Congress six months to come up with legislation. Now again, what's your issue with what he did?
Do you think children should be punished for the crimes of their parents?

They are not being punished. They simply are not being permitted to benefit from the crimes of their parents.

You grok?
A kid is brought here as a baby and grows up here for their entire life... All their friends and family, life and education was here. Most have never been to Mexico since coming here and have no memory or connection to that country... You don't think that deporting them to Mexico is punishment?

I never said to deport them. I said they cannot benefit from the crimes of their parents, ergo they cannot become citizens and cannot vote.

I agree with an earlier poster that those who serve honorably in military service could be the exception to the rule. They earned it.
So you don't want to deport them and you don't want to grant them citizenship so what exactly do you want to do with them?

They can work and pay taxes, and live the American Dream, but not directly influence American politics.
So you want legal status but want to protect the vote. Thats fine I understand where you are coming from. But you do realize that DACA did not grant citizenship, nor did it give eligibility for welfare or student aid. It simply protected them from being deported.
Trump Had No Choice In Ending DACA

Of course he didn't have a choice.

Obama was for it, how can he possibly be? That would be un-clown like and totally out of touch with his ignorant, reactionary base.
and you're pissed because Trump wanted to follow the constitution? figures.

Bullshit, you just call Obama's EOs unconstitutional while while having zero such concerns when it comes to Trump pumping out EOs like there is no tomorrow.

Trump doesn't give a shit about constitution and niether do you, it's just something you lip service to score political points.
Liberals can stomp their feet, jump up and down, rail at the moon, and it doesn't matter.

Nine States were going to file legal action to challenge DACA in Federal Court and everyone knows the executive order was going to get shot down. DOJ is not going to spend resources defending something unconstitutional.

Trump did the right thing. Congress needs to fix Obama's mess. DACA babies having anchor babies is not going to help this country. DACA babies and their parents have already consumed Billions from taxpayers. Illegal babies from illegal babies doesn't let us control our immigration policy.

So once again, libtardo overreach ended up screwing everyone. But that's a daily occurrence in libtardo land.
He could have done it in a much better way. Push legislation and an immigration reform plan that protected the "Dreamers" and then repealed the EO if he wanted to make the point that Obama over reached. Or let the courts decided on its legality. At least then there would be precedent. Like most his other moves, this was sloppy and controversial and is only going to feed the ongoing turmoil and division in this country.
he just did that. so what's your issue?
He didn't do that. Thats my issue
sure he did, he just gave Congress six months to come up with legislation. Now again, what's your issue with what he did?
I already explained my issue. If you don't get it then I'm sorry, there are apparently many things about my point of views that you don't understand.
They are not being punished. They simply are not being permitted to benefit from the crimes of their parents.

You grok?
A kid is brought here as a baby and grows up here for their entire life... All their friends and family, life and education was here. Most have never been to Mexico since coming here and have no memory or connection to that country... You don't think that deporting them to Mexico is punishment?

I never said to deport them. I said they cannot benefit from the crimes of their parents, ergo they cannot become citizens and cannot vote.

I agree with an earlier poster that those who serve honorably in military service could be the exception to the rule. They earned it.
So you don't want to deport them and you don't want to grant them citizenship so what exactly do you want to do with them?

They can work and pay taxes, and live the American Dream, but not directly influence American politics.
So you want legal status but want to protect the vote. Thats fine I understand where you are coming from. But you do realize that DACA did not grant citizenship, nor did it give eligibility for welfare or student aid. It simply protected them from being deported.

It was also unconstitutional. The ball is now in the halls of Congress, where it belongs.
Trump Had No Choice In Ending DACA

Of course he didn't have a choice.

Obama was for it, how can he possibly be? That would be un-clown like and totally out of touch with his ignorant, reactionary base.
and you're pissed because Trump wanted to follow the constitution? figures.

Bullshit, you just call Obama's EOs unconstitutional while while having zero such concerns when it comes to Trump pumping out EOs like there is no tomorrow.

Trump doesn't give a shit about constitution and niether do you, it's just something you lip service to score political points.
Trump has been ending all of the EO's dictator obummer initiated general.
Liberals can stomp their feet, jump up and down, rail at the moon, and it doesn't matter.

Nine States were going to file legal action to challenge DACA in Federal Court and everyone knows the executive order was going to get shot down. DOJ is not going to spend resources defending something unconstitutional.

Trump did the right thing. Congress needs to fix Obama's mess. DACA babies having anchor babies is not going to help this country. DACA babies and their parents have already consumed Billions from taxpayers. Illegal babies from illegal babies doesn't let us control our immigration policy.

So once again, libtardo overreach ended up screwing everyone. But that's a daily occurrence in libtardo land.
He could have done it in a much better way. Push legislation and an immigration reform plan that protected the "Dreamers" and then repealed the EO if he wanted to make the point that Obama over reached. Or let the courts decided on its legality. At least then there would be precedent. Like most his other moves, this was sloppy and controversial and is only going to feed the ongoing turmoil and division in this country.
he just did that. so what's your issue?
He didn't do that. Thats my issue
sure he did, he just gave Congress six months to come up with legislation. Now again, what's your issue with what he did?
I already explained my issue. If you don't get it then I'm sorry, there are apparently many things about my point of views that you don't understand.
you're correct, your issues are very concerning.
Liberals can stomp their feet, jump up and down, rail at the moon, and it doesn't matter.

Nine States were going to file legal action to challenge DACA in Federal Court and everyone knows the executive order was going to get shot down. DOJ is not going to spend resources defending something unconstitutional.

Trump did the right thing. Congress needs to fix Obama's mess. DACA babies having anchor babies is not going to help this country. DACA babies and their parents have already consumed Billions from taxpayers. Illegal babies from illegal babies doesn't let us control our immigration policy.

So once again, libtardo overreach ended up screwing everyone. But that's a daily occurrence in libtardo land.
He could have done it in a much better way. Push legislation and an immigration reform plan that protected the "Dreamers" and then repealed the EO if he wanted to make the point that Obama over reached. Or let the courts decided on its legality. At least then there would be precedent. Like most his other moves, this was sloppy and controversial and is only going to feed the ongoing turmoil and division in this country.
he just did that. so what's your issue?
He didn't do that. Thats my issue
sure he did, he just gave Congress six months to come up with legislation. Now again, what's your issue with what he did?
I already explained my issue. If you don't get it then I'm sorry, there are apparently many things about my point of views that you don't understand.
again, I see you don't care about American citizens only illegals.
Trump Had No Choice In Ending DACA

Of course he didn't have a choice.

Obama was for it, how can he possibly be? That would be un-clown like and totally out of touch with his ignorant, reactionary base.
and you're pissed because Trump wanted to follow the constitution? figures.

Bullshit, you just call Obama's EOs unconstitutional while while having zero such concerns when it comes to Trump pumping out EOs like there is no tomorrow.

Trump doesn't give a shit about constitution and niether do you, it's just something you lip service to score political points.
Trump has been ending all of the EO's dictator obummer initiated general.

Bullshit - those are far from his only executive orders.
Trump Had No Choice In Ending DACA

Of course he didn't have a choice.

Obama was for it, how can he possibly be? That would be un-clown like and totally out of touch with his ignorant, reactionary base.
and you're pissed because Trump wanted to follow the constitution? figures.

Bullshit, you just call Obama's EOs unconstitutional while while having zero such concerns when it comes to Trump pumping out EOs like there is no tomorrow.

Trump doesn't give a shit about constitution and niether do you, it's just something you lip service to score political points.

WTF, Obama called the EO unconstitutional.
Trump Had No Choice In Ending DACA

Of course he didn't have a choice.

Obama was for it, how can he possibly be? That would be un-clown like and totally out of touch with his ignorant, reactionary base.
and you're pissed because Trump wanted to follow the constitution? figures.

Bullshit, you just call Obama's EOs unconstitutional while while having zero such concerns when it comes to Trump pumping out EOs like there is no tomorrow.

Trump doesn't give a shit about constitution and niether do you, it's just something you lip service to score political points.
Trump has been ending all of the EO's dictator obummer initiated general.

Bullshit - those are far from his only executive orders.
ahhh truth hurts I see.
Of course he didn't have a choice.

Obama was for it, how can he possibly be? That would be un-clown like and totally out of touch with his ignorant, reactionary base.
and you're pissed because Trump wanted to follow the constitution? figures.

Bullshit, you just call Obama's EOs unconstitutional while while having zero such concerns when it comes to Trump pumping out EOs like there is no tomorrow.

Trump doesn't give a shit about constitution and niether do you, it's just something you lip service to score political points.
Trump has been ending all of the EO's dictator obummer initiated general.

Bullshit - those are far from his only executive orders.
ahhh truth hurts I see.

then I'm sorry to have hurt you.
and you're pissed because Trump wanted to follow the constitution? figures.

Bullshit, you just call Obama's EOs unconstitutional while while having zero such concerns when it comes to Trump pumping out EOs like there is no tomorrow.

Trump doesn't give a shit about constitution and niether do you, it's just something you lip service to score political points.
Trump has been ending all of the EO's dictator obummer initiated general.

Bullshit - those are far from his only executive orders.
ahhh truth hurts I see.

then I'm sorry to have hurt you.
you don't have that capacity.

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