Trump Handed out $Trillions, Ramped the deficit to $3+ T, and Printed $Trillions in Fake Money

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Oh, the failures of modern Civics education. Here we have an apparently literate human who has no idea which branch of the Federal government spends money.

Sad, actually.
Like when Biden controls the price of oil?
You don't think that increased inflation a lot?

Trump presided over the biggest fake money print in US history.
Trump presided over the biggest US deficit inc in US history.
Trump presided over the biggest fake money handouts and stimulus handouts in US history.

Republicans are going to try and claim that didn't inc inflation? Of course that is going to increase inflation.

Meanwhile Biden is presiding over a massive interest rate inc, a massive FED tightening and FED balance sheet reduction, and the annual deficit has dropped from the massive $3+T/yr in 2020, down to $1.3T/yr in 2022.

This is another example of republicans trying to blame democrats for their policy failures, just like with the war in Iraq or the Bush crash.

Hey dipshit, Congress is in charge of spending, not the president. You can blame your shit party and Nacy Pelosi for all that spending. Are you retarded or something? Why did you post this? :cuckoo:
You mean because of his anti oil policies? You know, all those policies that you imbeciles defended, while conservatives said would lead to high prices?
Like when Trump had the oil companies cut production and shut down refineries when they laid off thousands because of the closed economy that Trump presided over?
Hey dipshit, Congress is in charge of spending, not the president. You can blame your shit party and Nacy Pelosi for all that spending. Are you retarded or something? Why did you post this? :cuckoo:
Congress was split, the House was DNC and the Senate was GOP, so please include the GOP.
It is not TDS when you are just showing the clean up this President had to to after the last guy...

Trump claimed Obama Economy wasn't good but Obama borrowed less money that he did, Obama had record number of jobs created while Trump left as the First President with a negative figure..

GOP main problem is that Biden might not clean up there mess in time for 2024 when the want the wheel back..
You mean because of COVID? Are you blaming Trump for COVID? SERIOUSLY? :cuckoo:
He did cut the Global Pandemic team to cover China...

US was one of the last countries to get COVID yet had some of the highest deaths per captia....

Trump Administration had a disastrous response ad the proof was in unnecessary dead Americans.
Oh, the failures of modern Civics education. Here we have an apparently literate human who has no idea which branch of the Federal government spends money.

Sad, actually.

He did cut the Global Pandemic team to cover China...

US was one of the last countries to get COVID yet had some of the highest deaths per captia....

Trump Administration had a disastrous response ad the proof was in unnecessary dead Americans.
We had higher death rates because we skewed the numbers. Well, i should say that DEMOCRATS in positions of power skewed the numbers by counting anyone who died while having COVID. Having a fatal heart attack with COVID in your system = "COVID death".
You don't think that increased inflation a lot?

Trump presided over the biggest fake money print in US history.
Trump presided over the biggest US deficit inc in US history.
Trump presided over the biggest fake money handouts and stimulus handouts in US history.

Republicans are going to try and claim that didn't inc inflation? Of course that is going to increase inflation.

Meanwhile Biden is presiding over a massive interest rate inc, a massive FED tightening and FED balance sheet reduction, and the annual deficit has dropped from the massive $3+T/yr in 2020, down to $1.3T/yr in 2022.

This is another example of republicans trying to blame democrats for their policy failures, just like with the war in Iraq or the Bush crash.

Not to mention....

But, as always, the rubes aren't told about this.
And you have the SAME answers for EVERYTHING.
Do you have them saved in a Word doc and just copy and paste all the time?

If you didn't post the SAME shit ALL THE TIME, and start EVERY FUCKING post with "TRUMP DID IT" wouldn't look like a fucking imbecile and retard.

EVERYTHING you post is just a slight variation of the bullshit you posted previously. You just pick a different subject and then insert it in.
Everything else STAYS THE SAME.

Pull your head out of your ass and write something comprehensive, based in REALITY, and in YOUR OWN WORDS....................and MAYBE...............just MAYBE.............we will stop laughing at you.
thats it right there.....he says the same shit to whatever you say.....but thats the way die hard party people can be.....and he never proves what he says about someone...
Everything I post is fact.

Get back to me when you can actually debate me or post anything of merit beyond childish pathetic memes.

You have nothing at all beyond childish memes.
debate you? say the same shit whenever someone disagrees with you.....and i have asked you many a time to prove what you say about me always supporting the still waiting by the way....
Hey dipshit, Congress is in charge of spending, not the president. You can blame your shit party and Nacy Pelosi for all that spending. Are you retarded or something? Why did you post this? :cuckoo:
The president has a VETO over any spending bill. And a congressional override (2/3rds of both houses) is such a rarity, that presidential veto's have been overriden

Presidents have vetoed 83 appropriations bills, and Congress has overridden 12 (14.5%) of these vetoes.

Trump Handed out $Trillions, Ramped the deficit to $3+ T, and Printed $Trillions in Fake Money​

Following in the traditions of the presidency as practiced by all of his predecessors, Trump Handed out $trillions, ramped the deficit to $3 trillion, and Printed $trillions in fake money. All who come after are expected to follow suit.
Now he wasn't alone in this, nor were the others. The whole purpose of the federal reserve is to print money faster than the congress and the potus can spend it. If it isn't backed by gold or silver it is all fake money.
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