Trump Has a String of Policy Accomplishments in 2017....


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
So why dont we here more about these instead of all the fake Russia collusion news?

Byron York: Amid firestorms, Trump has year of solid policy accomplishments. Can he keep going?

Something is happening in the final days of 2017. People are noticing that Donald Trump has gotten a lot done in his tumultuous first year in the White House.

Assume that tax reform passes and is signed into law. If in, say, 2014, a Republican, of either the conservative or moderate variety, predicted that in 2017 a newly-elected GOP president and Congress would —

  1. Cut corporate and individual taxes.
  2. Repeal the Obamacare individual mandate.
  3. Appoint a highly-respected conservative to the Supreme Court.
  4. Appoint a one-year record number of judges to the circuit courts.
  5. Get rid of reams of unnecessary regulations.
  6. Destroy ISIS.
  7. Approve pipeline projects and new oil drilling.

-- then a lot of Republicans would probably have cheered. Loudly.

No need to go through the litany of complaints against the president or the succession of hair-on-fire, Twitter-fueled controversies that have marked the wildest first year ever in presidential politics. Or the special counsel investigation into the Trump-Russia affair some Democrats (and some NeverTrump Republicans) hope will result in Trump's removal from office. Despite it all, Trump has racked up a solid record of first-year accomplishments.
The Democrat-Republican Establishment Oligarchs are not happy about this. And they have no sense of humor.
by this time in 2009, we had 34% Unemployment and god knows how many small and large businesses folded! but did Chucky ever cry as the middle class were still suffering?
Yes he and the Pubs care for the median income and working poor and as a result they are going to screw them, literally.
And how many millions filed for unemployment while every Democrat just sat there counting thier money while telling the poor and middle class to go F themselves?
by this time in 2009, we had 34% Unemployment and god knows how many small and large businesses folded! but did Chucky ever cry as the middle class were still suffering?

34% unemployment. The highest it went was 10%. You failed to mention the recession we were in for two years prior to that,
Obama crashed the Dow in 2009. Everything bad that happened in 2009 was Barry's fault.
That is simply not true.

The crash was the result of policies from both parties that fueled a huge bubble in the housing market based on subprime mortgages.

Then that was magnified by these mortgages being used to compose MBSes and similar derivatives. Then that was magnified even further by the use of CDSes to essentially gamble on the markets.

Obama did not cause the crash, it was baked into the economy long before he took office.

He also used Draconian Keynesian methods to prevent the whole financial system from collapsing under the weight of this bad debt and toxic equities.

But he could not get the economy to rise much because he tied it down with record setting growth in regulations and business obligations that frightened most businesses from hiring.

Trump is fixing that.

But Obama did not cause the crash, instead he mitigated it successfully.
Obama crashed the Dow in 2009. Everything bad that happened in 2009 was Barry's fault.
That is simply not true.

The crash was the result of policies from both parties that fueled a huge bubble in the housing market based on subprime mortgages.

Then that was magnified by these mortgages being used to compose MBSes and similar derivatives. Then that was magnified even further by the use of CDSes to essentially gamble on the markets.

Obama did not cause the crash, it was baked into the economy long before he took office.

He also used Draconian Keynesian methods to prevent the whole financial system from collapsing under the weight of this bad debt and toxic equities.

But he could not get the economy to rise much because he tied it down with record setting growth in regulations and business obligations that frightened most businesses from hiring.

Trump is fixing that.

But Obama did not cause the crash, instead he mitigated it successfully.
well Obama blamed bush for everything that went wrong the next 7 years, but he was the sole reason the DOW crashed in March,,investors had no faith in him and the stimulus failed !!!!
(Duplicate post alert)

Four Reasons Why You Are 100% Vindicated if You Voted for Donald Trump

The things the Lame Street Media and Leftist/Progressives will vehemently deny – in spite of the truth of the claims.

Reason One: Trump the Regulation Cutter – if they mean anything, they should be laws, not rules.

Here are a just few examples of his cuts:

Reason Two: The Trumponomics Boom = increased consumer and business owner confidence.

Reason Three: A Robust U.S. Foreign Policy = let the world know it’s America first and foremost.

Reason Four: The Judiciary = judges who follow the laws and not make them.

There are details in each section but don’t expect the Leftist/Progressives to take the time and argue them reasonably. Can be found @ Four Reasons Why You Are 100% Vindicated if You Voted for Donald Trump

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