trump has become the clueless defender of the World's Murderers and Tyrants

Dictators and Tyrants the world over can commit whatever atrocities they want....and all they have to do is tell trump he has nice hair and is REALLY smart and BAM!

"He denied knowing Otto was tortured and I believe him."

The POS falls for any line after being told how great he is....
---------------------------------- denied knowing that Otto was tortured , thats probably just Trump being Practical , Tactical and polite as he deals , negotiates and does Diplomacy JimH .
gotta be practical . Trump has to deal with these possible murderers as he works Diplomacy for the best outcome for the USA JimH .
Would your response have been the same for president Obama?
------------------------------ yeah , i think so but i'd probably be hoping that 'mrobams' failed in the end Crep . Course , i'd think the same for any 'bush' . Same for mcstain , romney if they had made it to 'prezident' . Trump is different and more better in my opinion Crep .
"Mrobams"? "Any bush"? "More better"?

Dictators and Tyrants the world over can commit whatever atrocities they want....and all they have to do is tell trump he has nice hair and is REALLY smart and BAM!

"He denied knowing Otto was tortured and I believe him."

The POS falls for any line after being told how great he is....
Another low point in American history
The rotten smell of trump sympathies in this room has become unbearable...the man is an embarrassment. The world laughs at a Country that elects such a fool as trump.
Lol, the world laughed at us when Obama was elected.

Rated as one of the beat Presidents ever....Novel Prize winner and no one had to forge the signature...
How can they say the world laughed at us when we elected Obama and Obama has been one of the most popular presidents in decades.

Especially when Trump got up in front of the united nations and the world laughed right in his face. . Not through proxies. But right in his face.
The rotten smell of trump sympathies in this room has become unbearable...the man is an embarrassment. The world laughs at a Country that elects such a fool as trump.
Lol, the world laughed at us when Obama was elected.

Rated as one of the beat Presidents ever....Novel Prize winner and no one had to forge the signature...
How can they say the world laughed at us when we elected Obama and Obama has been one of the most popular presidents in decades.

Especially when Trump got up in front of the united nations and the world laughed right in his face. . Not through proxies. But right in his face.

Yup, they didn't seem to be laughing when he left, did they? Dumbass.
The rotten smell of trump sympathies in this room has become unbearable...the man is an embarrassment. The world laughs at a Country that elects such a fool as trump.
Lol, the world laughed at us when Obama was elected.

Rated as one of the beat Presidents ever....Novel Prize winner and no one had to forge the signature...
How can they say the world laughed at us when we elected Obama and Obama has been one of the most popular presidents in decades.

Especially when Trump got up in front of the united nations and the world laughed right in his face. . Not through proxies. But right in his face.

Yup, they didn't seem to be laughing when he left, did they? Dumbass.

Actually, there is nothing fumy about Trump.
The rotten smell of trump sympathies in this room has become unbearable...the man is an embarrassment. The world laughs at a Country that elects such a fool as trump.
Lol, the world laughed at us when Obama was elected.

Rated as one of the beat Presidents ever....Novel Prize winner and no one had to forge the signature...
How can they say the world laughed at us when we elected Obama and Obama has been one of the most popular presidents in decades.

Especially when Trump got up in front of the united nations and the world laughed right in his face. . Not through proxies. But right in his face.

Yup, they didn't seem to be laughing when he left, did they? Dumbass.
Because he clearly works for Vlad.


gotta be practical . Trump has to deal with these possible murderers as he works Diplomacy for the best outcome for the USA JimH .

Yup. Its called diplomacy. Does he believe Kim? I doubt it but he does have to negotiate with the little troll.

To bad the lefty loons aren't smart enough to see what Trump is doing.

Sucks to be them.
Think about it:

-He defended Putin over Intel claims that Russia hacked the election
-He calls Putin a Great Leader
-He defends the Saudi Crown Prince after Intel says he was responsible for the Journalist's death
-He calls Kim talented and a great guy and processes his love for him

Now he says Kim knew nothing of Wambier's torture.

What next?

Is he going to call Hitler an innocent bystander and John Wilkes Booth just another theater patron?

The man us an Imbecile!
Spretty, Barry and Hillary earned that title 1st.

Hillary took more than $100 million from the Russians years ago, before Trump ran for office. Hillary also illegally colluded with (as did Obama's top Intel & Law Enforcement agency directors) and PAID the Russians for their help in trying to win the 2016 election.

Barry whispered to Medvedev to pass on to Putin that he would be Putin's Bitch after his re-election. 2 years later, Barry gave Putin uranium, Crimea, Top Secret data off of Hillary's illegal server, & e unchallenged years of Interference, hacking, counter-Intel ops using social media, and flat-out buying willing liberal hate groups to spread racial tension and violence.

Once again, snowflakes are attempting to falsely claim others do what Democrats have done / do and of being who Democrats are.

Bravo, lil' brainwashed snowflake.


------------------------------- i don't figure that Roosevelt [mostly] who was President during WW2 insulted our USSR Allies by talking about USSR Gulags or Prison Camps or 'uman rights' ABUSE during ww2 did he Staidup ??
Sure he didn't. Now give me ANY time he excused Gulags, prison camps, or human rights abuses?
-------------------------------------- TRUMP is being PRACTICAL and TACTICAL and i approve . Although i feel sympathy for the Warmbiers , well , Otto should not have messed around with Private Property which got him noticed FUp .
So, since you can not establish any president excusing behavior like in N-Korea you double down by excusing N-korea for torturing to death an American citizen? Thanks for proving that being a Trump supporter completely changes the way you think about basic values.
----------------- and last think i care about is what other 'punk prezidents' did or might have done FUp .
Sure you don't. Standards of behavior simply aren't applicable anymore when it comes to what you support. It's the bases of being a Trump supporter. It's not about ideology, principles or even common decency. It's about, Trump is better then all the people against him. The only question is. If you don't believe in anything except what Trump says, what limits are there to what you will let Trump do? I fear the answer is nothing.
So now you argue for standards of behavior?

What does the other side of your face say about that?
gotta be practical . Trump has to deal with these possible murderers as he works Diplomacy for the best outcome for the USA JimH .

Yup. Its called diplomacy. Does he believe Kim? I doubt it but he does have to negotiate with the little troll.

To bad the lefty loons aren't smart enough to see what Trump is doing.

Sucks to be them.

What you call democracy, the rest of the world sees as bending over and spreading his ass cheeks.
gotta be practical . Trump has to deal with these possible murderers as he works Diplomacy for the best outcome for the USA JimH .

Yup. Its called diplomacy. Does he believe Kim? I doubt it but he does have to negotiate with the little troll.

To bad the lefty loons aren't smart enough to see what Trump is doing.

Sucks to be them.

What you call democracy, the rest of the world sees as bending over and spreading his ass cheeks.

Thank you Comrade!
gotta be practical . Trump has to deal with these possible murderers as he works Diplomacy for the best outcome for the USA JimH .

Yup. Its called diplomacy. Does he believe Kim? I doubt it but he does have to negotiate with the little troll.

To bad the lefty loons aren't smart enough to see what Trump is doing.

Sucks to be them.

What you call democracy, the rest of the world sees as bending over and spreading his ass cheeks.

Not democracy. Diplomacy.

You sure aren't very smart.
What you call democracy, the rest of the world sees as bending over and spreading his ass cheeks.

Negotiating cost the United States absolutely NOTHING, and in the end, again, President Trump did what Barry could not / would not do - WALK AWAY FROM A VERY BAD DEAL.
Sure he didn't. Now give me ANY time he excused Gulags, prison camps, or human rights abuses?
-------------------------------------- TRUMP is being PRACTICAL and TACTICAL and i approve . Although i feel sympathy for the Warmbiers , well , Otto should not have messed around with Private Property which got him noticed FUp .
So, since you can not establish any president excusing behavior like in N-Korea you double down by excusing N-korea for torturing to death an American citizen? Thanks for proving that being a Trump supporter completely changes the way you think about basic values.
----------------- and last think i care about is what other 'punk prezidents' did or might have done FUp .
Sure you don't. Standards of behavior simply aren't applicable anymore when it comes to what you support. It's the bases of being a Trump supporter. It's not about ideology, principles or even common decency. It's about, Trump is better then all the people against him. The only question is. If you don't believe in anything except what Trump says, what limits are there to what you will let Trump do? I fear the answer is nothing.
So now you argue for standards of behavior?

What does the other side of your face say about that?
Huh? What in the hell are you talking about? I have shown my standards of behavior in our talks. So if you find them lacking I invite you to put words to it?
gotta be practical . Trump has to deal with these possible murderers as he works Diplomacy for the best outcome for the USA JimH .

Yup. Its called diplomacy. Does he believe Kim? I doubt it but he does have to negotiate with the little troll.

To bad the lefty loons aren't smart enough to see what Trump is doing.

Sucks to be them.

What you call democracy, the rest of the world sees as bending over and spreading his ass cheeks.

Not democracy. Diplomacy.

You sure aren't very smart.

Yeah, sorry. Early morning misstype
What you call democracy, the rest of the world sees as bending over and spreading his ass cheeks.

Negotiating cost the United States absolutely NOTHING, and in the end, again, President Trump did what Barry could not / would not do - WALK AWAY FROM A VERY BAD DEAL.

Negotiations are one thing. Saying you are “in love” is something entirely new. Believing murdering dictators over your own intelligence community goes beyond just “new” to fucking disturbing.
What you call democracy, the rest of the world sees as bending over and spreading his ass cheeks.

Negotiating cost the United States absolutely NOTHING, and in the end, again, President Trump did what Barry could not / would not do - WALK AWAY FROM A VERY BAD DEAL.

Negotiations are one thing. Saying you are “in love” is something entirely new. Believing murdering dictators over your own intelligence community goes beyond just “new” to fucking disturbing.
--------------------------------------- clapper , brennan , comey . I've heard bad things about them and i think that 'brennan' had his Security Clearance taken away because he can't be trusted . And didn't ' clapper' lie in front of 'congress' Seawitch ??
gotta be practical . Trump has to deal with these possible murderers as he works Diplomacy for the best outcome for the USA JimH .

Yup. Its called diplomacy. Does he believe Kim? I doubt it but he does have to negotiate with the little troll.

To bad the lefty loons aren't smart enough to see what Trump is doing.

Sucks to be them.

What you call democracy, the rest of the world sees as bending over and spreading his ass cheeks.

Not democracy. Diplomacy.

You sure aren't very smart.
Trump does not understand diplomacy

He gutted most experienced state dept employees and has yet to replace them

He substitutes seat if his pants diplomacy which he is a failure at

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