trump has become the clueless defender of the World's Murderers and Tyrants

gotta be practical . Trump has to deal with these possible murderers as he works Diplomacy for the best outcome for the USA JimH .

Yup. Its called diplomacy. Does he believe Kim? I doubt it but he does have to negotiate with the little troll.

To bad the lefty loons aren't smart enough to see what Trump is doing.

Sucks to be them.

What you call democracy, the rest of the world sees as bending over and spreading his ass cheeks.

Not democracy. Diplomacy.

You sure aren't very smart.
Trump does not understand diplomacy

He gutted most experienced state dept employees and has yet to replace them

He substitutes seat if his pants diplomacy which he is a failure at
----------------------------------------------- Wasn't it 'kerry' that sang a song of love to the 'euros' ?? [i forget] Hasn't 'bill richardson' of 'hispanic' and 'new mexico' fame tried making a deal with the 'norks' many times and just ended up sending the 'norks' tons of rice . Your 'diplomats' don't seem to be worth a zhit RWinger . ---------- Go TRUMP .
gotta be practical . Trump has to deal with these possible murderers as he works Diplomacy for the best outcome for the USA JimH .

Yup. Its called diplomacy. Does he believe Kim? I doubt it but he does have to negotiate with the little troll.

To bad the lefty loons aren't smart enough to see what Trump is doing.

Sucks to be them.

What you call democracy, the rest of the world sees as bending over and spreading his ass cheeks.

Not democracy. Diplomacy.

You sure aren't very smart.
Trump does not understand diplomacy

He gutted most experienced state dept employees and has yet to replace them

He substitutes seat if his pants diplomacy which he is a failure at

Well for someone you think doesn't understand diplomacy, he's doing pretty darned good.

Look outside your box. If you did you would see what everyone who isn't a Trump hater sees.

Or be a good little sheeple and carry on. The Dems will love you.
gotta be practical . Trump has to deal with these possible murderers as he works Diplomacy for the best outcome for the USA JimH .

Yup. Its called diplomacy. Does he believe Kim? I doubt it but he does have to negotiate with the little troll.

To bad the lefty loons aren't smart enough to see what Trump is doing.

Sucks to be them.

What you call democracy, the rest of the world sees as bending over and spreading his ass cheeks.

Not democracy. Diplomacy.

You sure aren't very smart.
Trump does not understand diplomacy

He gutted most experienced state dept employees and has yet to replace them

He substitutes seat if his pants diplomacy which he is a failure at
------------------------------------------ here you go . --- Awkward: John Kerry Brings James Taylor to Paris, Sings ‘You’ve Got a Friend’ --- RWinger .
Negotiations are one thing. Saying you are “in love” is something entirely new. Believing murdering dictators over your own intelligence community goes beyond just “new” to fucking disturbing.

I still sense a lot of irrational butt-hurt p[artisan hatred in your response.....tell me....


Negotiating cost the United States absolutely NOTHING, and in the end, again, President Trump did what Barry could not / would not do - WALK AWAY FROM A VERY BAD DEAL.
--------------------------------------- clapper , brennan , comey . I've heard bad things about them and i think that 'brennan' had his Security Clearance taken away because he can't be trusted . And didn't ' clapper' lie in front of 'congress' Seawitch ??

Proven to have perjured himself before Congress TWICE; exposed as having worked with former FBI Agent Strzok and CIA Director Brennan in authoring an illegal / False Intel Community Assessment (ICA) and an Intel Community Report based on the Russian-authored Dossier. They controlled who they sent the ICA to in the Intel Community to get back the responses they were looking for.

After that, the FBI took the phony ICR, which they knew was based on the Dossier, to con the FISA Court in order to get their illegal warrants. They illegally passed the ICA based on the Dossier as 'legitimate' Intel, which it was not.

Brennan took the same ICR to Congress to con them into opening an investigation and appointing their waiting co-conspirator, Mueller, as Special Counsel - all based on the LIES / the RUSSIAN-AUTHORED dossier Hillary bought from foreign spies and the Russians.

(** Despite the lies / contrary snowflakes try to tell pe0ople, all of this has been exposed through evidence and testimony given before Congress.)

Brennan is not only a proven POS repeat-offender Perjurer but also a betrayer / criminal who disregarded the Constitution and American Rights protected under the Constitution. He 1st (known) lied to Congress claiming he was NOT spying on the American people and had NOT spied on the US Senate. Days later evidence broke exposing not only his perjury but his illegal spying.
-- The ONLY reason Brennan did not go to prison was because the Democrats and Republicans made their own ILLEGAL DEAL to protect Brennan from Indictment and Prosecution. Brennan was forced to appear before Congress and ADMIT he lied, that he HAD illegally spied on Congress...then promised never to do any more illegal spying again.

During the Trump Witch Hunt Brennan perjured himself again testifying he knew NOTHING about the Dossier....until evidence was released showing not only did he know about it but that he had collaborated with Strzok/the FBI and Clapper/the NSA to author the illegal / bogus ICA and ICR. The evidence clearly showed Brennan himself briefed Congress on the ICR / Dossier - HE was the one who conned Congress into opening the investigation of a NON-CRIME and the one who got them to appoint Co-Conspirator Mueller as Special Counsel.

'Ignored' His Intel Agency? The same Intel Agency actual evidence shows participated in the coup d'état against him?


And again, where the F* was all this concern for a President embracing foreign entities and this nation's enemies when Obama sided with the Saudis, refusing to let the families of victim killed on 9/11/01 sue Saudi for their part in the 9/11/01 attack?

Where the F* was all this concern when Barry bypassed Congress to engage in PERSONAL, Un-Constitutional TREATY negotiations on behalf of the United States with Iran - after he and Iran signed it he by-passed Congress again, running to the UN with his terrorist-supporting deal to have the 'world' ratify it before our Congress even got to see it?!
-- It sucked. Obama refused to make a demand to release US hostages be part of the Treaty. Instead, Obama handed over Billions of dollars to Iran...while allowing them to keep US hostages....and then paid them a HUGE ransom to them afterwards to get the Americans back! WTF?!

Where was all that concern about siding with terrorists and enemies when the Nobel Peace prize winner dragged the US into 2 new wars TO HELP TERRORISTS, helping Al Qaeda - who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 - murder the leader of Libya and take the country for their own, and ISIS - running guns to them, helping them try to over-throw al-Assad, and finally committing an International War Crime by INVADING a Sovereign nation without the request / consent of that nation?

(Snowflakes claim Obama used the same authority given to Bush - who DID go before Congress and asked for permission to go to war...and was given that permission - and did not need to ask Congress for permission to HELP AL QAEDA AND ISIS. The truth is Obama refused to go to Congress to ask permission to go to war both times because he was smart enough to know Congress would never have given him permission to use the US military to help AL QAEDA take over Libya and help ISIS and later INVADE Syria!)
What you call democracy, the rest of the world sees as bending over and spreading his ass cheeks.

Negotiating cost the United States absolutely NOTHING, and in the end, again, President Trump did what Barry could not / would not do - WALK AWAY FROM A VERY BAD DEAL.

Negotiations are one thing. Saying you are “in love” is something entirely new. Believing murdering dictators over your own intelligence community goes beyond just “new” to fucking disturbing.
--------------------------------------- clapper , brennan , comey . I've heard bad things about them and i think that 'brennan' had his Security Clearance taken away because he can't be trusted . And didn't ' clapper' lie in front of 'congress' Seawitch ??

I've "heard" truly terrible things about Trump. Many verified by public documents.

Brennan had his clearance revoked because Trump didn't like public statements Brennan made about him.

What did Clapper allegedly lie about? Do you even know?
Negotiations are one thing. Saying you are “in love” is something entirely new. Believing murdering dictators over your own intelligence community goes beyond just “new” to fucking disturbing.

I still sense a lot of irrational butt-hurt p[artisan hatred in your response.....tell me....


Negotiating cost the United States absolutely NOTHING, and in the end, again, President Trump did what Barry could not / would not do - WALK AWAY FROM A VERY BAD DEAL.

Obama didn't negotiate a bad deal. He worked with five other countries to get the Iran deal. How many countries are in on the Trump/Kim "love affair"?
-------------------------------------- TRUMP is being PRACTICAL and TACTICAL and i approve . Although i feel sympathy for the Warmbiers , well , Otto should not have messed around with Private Property which got him noticed FUp .
So, since you can not establish any president excusing behavior like in N-Korea you double down by excusing N-korea for torturing to death an American citizen? Thanks for proving that being a Trump supporter completely changes the way you think about basic values.
----------------- and last think i care about is what other 'punk prezidents' did or might have done FUp .
Sure you don't. Standards of behavior simply aren't applicable anymore when it comes to what you support. It's the bases of being a Trump supporter. It's not about ideology, principles or even common decency. It's about, Trump is better then all the people against him. The only question is. If you don't believe in anything except what Trump says, what limits are there to what you will let Trump do? I fear the answer is nothing.
So now you argue for standards of behavior?

What does the other side of your face say about that?
Huh? What in the hell are you talking about? I have shown my standards of behavior in our talks. So if you find them lacking I invite you to put words to it?
I wasn’t referring to your standards of behavior. I was referring to you invoking standards of behavior in your comment.
Obama didn't negotiate a bad deal. He worked with five other countries to get the Iran deal. How many countries are in on the Trump/Kim "love affair"?
Almost every other nation walked away from the Iran deal.

Obama was the only Iranian 'bitch' who remained at the table who was being MOCKED by Iran's military leader

Obama was the only Iranian 'bitch' who remained at the table who's country's navy / aircraft carriers were the very intentional public target of Iran's military training.
- Iran's military conducted military training exercises practicing air strikes on US carriers while Obama remained at the table begging for Iran's signature while being too damn AFRAID to ask for US hostages back, not wanting to offend them and have THEM walk away.

Obama was the only Iranian 'bitch' who remained at the table while Iran's leaders led throngs of Iranians in chants of 'Death To America'.

The only way Barry could have negotiated from a position of more WEAKNESS is if they would have demanded he dress like a Catholic School Girl while at the negotiating table ... AND HE WOULD HAVE DOBNE IT, TOO BECAUSE HE WAS SO DESPERATE TO HET THIS 'LEGACY' DEAL DONE.

...and I also noticed how you completely avoided talking about how Barry violated the Constitution by bypassing his own personAl treaty then bypassing them AGAIN to take his treasonous, Iran-benefiting shit to the U.N to get them to ratify it before Congress could see it.

Smart man ... Almost worked .... NOT!

I've "heard" truly terrible things about Trump.

Brennan had his clearance revoked because Trump didn't like public statements Brennan made about him.
Brennan had his Clearance revoked appropriately after he repeatedly committed crimes again this country, members of the US Senate, and the citizens of the United States.

His - and his fellow Conspirators' - ass belongs in GITMO along with the other enemies of this country, especially after he was caught collaborating in a seditious conspiracy to commit treason in an attempt to overthrow the President of the United States.!

What did Clapper allegedly lie about? Do you even know?

Are you really THIS stupid or just an America-hating traitor like your Leftist / Socialist Democrat Obama Leftover 'heroes'?

James Clapper's perjury, and why DC made men don't get charged for lying to Congress

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Negotiations are one thing. Saying you are “in love” is something entirely new. Believing murdering dictators over your own intelligence community goes beyond just “new” to fucking disturbing.

I still sense a lot of irrational butt-hurt p[artisan hatred in your response.....tell me....


Negotiating cost the United States absolutely NOTHING, and in the end, again, President Trump did what Barry could not / would not do - WALK AWAY FROM A VERY BAD DEAL.

Obama didn't negotiate a bad deal. He worked with five other countries to get the Iran deal. How many countries are in on the Trump/Kim "love affair"?
----------------------------------------------- we don't want any other countries as that just messes things up . Hopefully TRUMP see it MY way or I see things his way and USA will remain Independent with negotiations and diplomacy or talks with rocketman' Seawitch .
So, since you can not establish any president excusing behavior like in N-Korea you double down by excusing N-korea for torturing to death an American citizen? Thanks for proving that being a Trump supporter completely changes the way you think about basic values.
----------------- and last think i care about is what other 'punk prezidents' did or might have done FUp .
Sure you don't. Standards of behavior simply aren't applicable anymore when it comes to what you support. It's the bases of being a Trump supporter. It's not about ideology, principles or even common decency. It's about, Trump is better then all the people against him. The only question is. If you don't believe in anything except what Trump says, what limits are there to what you will let Trump do? I fear the answer is nothing.
So now you argue for standards of behavior?

What does the other side of your face say about that?
Huh? What in the hell are you talking about? I have shown my standards of behavior in our talks. So if you find them lacking I invite you to put words to it?
I wasn’t referring to your standards of behavior. I was referring to you invoking standards of behavior in your comment.
Seems to me, that you are trying to set up another straw man in regards to me.
-Our first argument was about morality, and it's nature. Show me were I took any position on standards of behavior that is immoral in it?
-Our second was about abortion. Show me any time, I took any position in it besides the position that you shouldn't force somebody to risk their life. In fact in those kinds of discussions I'm very careful in what position I take, and take the position that it's a choice that everybody makes and has to live with for themselves. Precisely because it's so morally ambiguous.
-So I'm curious what exactly about my previous posts is inconsistent, with me saying that people who defend Trump like Pismoe don't seem to do so out of anything but personal loyalty? Or why you think me invoking standards of behavior is hypocritical, when you can't even claim I myself act in any way as without personal standards of behavior?
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my support of TRUMP is because he seems to be American in thought and Deed . And in the case of Otto Trump is just being Practical . Why should Trump start a fight over Otto when Otto is dead and gone and a fight will not help achieve TRUMPS goal of getting the 'norks' under control FUp .

----------------------------------------- little I have heard , Bolsonaro is a good guy , Trump also likes him from what I hear . Bolsanaro doesn't really matter though as he is a foreigner from , thinks its Brazil XYZ . Ill look at your links later XYZ . [Bolsonaros is said to have BOLS XYZ :afro:.

Not a bad guy????

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my support of TRUMP is because he seems to be American in thought and Deed . And in the case of Otto Trump is just being Practical . Why should Trump start a fight over Otto when Otto is dead and gone and a fight will not help achieve TRUMPS goal of getting the 'norks' under control FUp .
Define being an American in thought in deed? How do you define that... American?
just my opinion but compared to past punk prezidents TRUMP is closest to being an old style American President because he is an Old Style American that i have ever seen in my 70 years [55 years that i took notice of Presidents] FUp .
just my opinion but compared to past punk prezidents TRUMP is closest to being an old style American President because he is an Old Style American that i have ever seen in my 70 years [55 years that i took notice of Presidents] FUp .
Again, define what you consider an old style American president? You keep on invoking it like it means something, so put meaning to it please?

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