trump has become the clueless defender of the World's Murderers and Tyrants

----------------------------------------- little I have heard , Bolsonaro is a good guy , Trump also likes him from what I hear . Bolsanaro doesn't really matter though as he is a foreigner from , thinks its Brazil XYZ . Ill look at your links later XYZ . [Bolsonaros is said to have BOLS XYZ :afro:.

Not a bad guy????

---------------------------------- Brazilian like him i guess FUp .
I can’t imagine the conservative outrage if Obama had remotely praised one of these Tyrants
Trump not only praises them but pronounces his love
'trump has become the clueless defender of the World's Murderers and Tyrants'

The OP is insane... Barak Obama dragged the United States into an illegal war to help Al Qaeda, who slaughtered 3,000 Americans in one attack / day, kill the leader of a nation who was helping the Coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa then handed control of Libya to Al Qaeda.

'Nuff Said. Hands down, that has to be the biggest case of treason / betraying the US and its citizens in US history.
----------------- and last think i care about is what other 'punk prezidents' did or might have done FUp .
Sure you don't. Standards of behavior simply aren't applicable anymore when it comes to what you support. It's the bases of being a Trump supporter. It's not about ideology, principles or even common decency. It's about, Trump is better then all the people against him. The only question is. If you don't believe in anything except what Trump says, what limits are there to what you will let Trump do? I fear the answer is nothing.
So now you argue for standards of behavior?

What does the other side of your face say about that?
Huh? What in the hell are you talking about? I have shown my standards of behavior in our talks. So if you find them lacking I invite you to put words to it?
I wasn’t referring to your standards of behavior. I was referring to you invoking standards of behavior in your comment.
Seems to me, that you are trying to set up another straw man in regards to me.
-Our first argument was about morality, and it's nature. Show me were I took any position on standards of behavior that is immoral in it?
-Our second was about abortion. Show me any time, I took any position in it besides the position that you shouldn't force somebody to risk their life. In fact in those kinds of discussions I'm very careful in what position I take, and take the position that it's a choice that everybody makes and has to live with for themselves. Precisely because it's so morally ambiguous.
-So I'm curious what exactly about my previous posts is inconsistent, with me saying that people who defend Trump like Pismoe don't seem to do so out of anything but personal loyalty? Or why you think me invoking standards of behavior is hypocritical, when you can't even claim I myself act in any way as without personal standards of behavior?
Because you are literally making an argument that has the expectation that there is a standard that he should know and accept.
my support of TRUMP is because he seems to be American in thought and Deed . And in the case of Otto Trump is just being Practical . Why should Trump start a fight over Otto when Otto is dead and gone and a fight will not help achieve TRUMPS goal of getting the 'norks' under control FUp .
Define being an American in thought in deed? How do you define that... American?
American in the mind of a Russian troll.
i think that you are only a 'new zealander . and who cares what you think . As the sole provider of 'kiwi birds' and 'platypus' to the USA i suppose that you tend to get uppity eh ?? Anyway , ME as an older American its best that you just let new decide what a worthy American is XYZ . [you fecking 'new zealander' ] chuckle !!
Sure you don't. Standards of behavior simply aren't applicable anymore when it comes to what you support. It's the bases of being a Trump supporter. It's not about ideology, principles or even common decency. It's about, Trump is better then all the people against him. The only question is. If you don't believe in anything except what Trump says, what limits are there to what you will let Trump do? I fear the answer is nothing.
So now you argue for standards of behavior?

What does the other side of your face say about that?
Huh? What in the hell are you talking about? I have shown my standards of behavior in our talks. So if you find them lacking I invite you to put words to it?
I wasn’t referring to your standards of behavior. I was referring to you invoking standards of behavior in your comment.
Seems to me, that you are trying to set up another straw man in regards to me.
-Our first argument was about morality, and it's nature. Show me were I took any position on standards of behavior that is immoral in it?
-Our second was about abortion. Show me any time, I took any position in it besides the position that you shouldn't force somebody to risk their life. In fact in those kinds of discussions I'm very careful in what position I take, and take the position that it's a choice that everybody makes and has to live with for themselves. Precisely because it's so morally ambiguous.
-So I'm curious what exactly about my previous posts is inconsistent, with me saying that people who defend Trump like Pismoe don't seem to do so out of anything but personal loyalty? Or why you think me invoking standards of behavior is hypocritical, when you can't even claim I myself act in any way as without personal standards of behavior?
Because you are literally making an argument that has the expectation that there is a standard that he should know and accept.
Well I think you can have an expectation as an American citizen that the American president doesn't try to make excuses for another countries leadership, torturing one of it's citizens to death. You think that is an unknowable expectation? I think you can have an expectation as an American citizen that the American president takes the words of his own intelligence community over that of a foreign autocratic leader. You think that is an unknowable expectation? I think you can have an expectation as an American citizen that the American president isn't actively trying to undermine the credibility of it's law enforcement agencies and the justice department in general. You think that is an unknowable expectation? I can go on and on. The point is, if any of you claim that the standard of behavior that this president displays would be accepted by anyone besides him I will call you a liar.
I find it hilarious that someone who tries to argue that morality is absolute, is now trying to argue that you can't argue that there's a standard of behavior for the President of the United States that one should know and accept.
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some heads of intelligence agencies aren't trusted by President Trump . , see brennan , clapper . comey and then see lisa paige , strozk , , the 'orrs' and many other leftover 'mrobama' people that President Trump considers to be unworthy of Trust FUp . Trump is the boss and a fine American as he thinks for himself FUp .
some heads of intelligence agencies aren't trusted by President Trump . , see brennan , clapper . comey and then see lisa paige , strozk , , the 'orrs' and many other leftover 'mrobama' people that President Trump considers to be unworthy of Trust FUp . Trump is the boss and a fine American as he thinks for himself FUp .
Sure he thinks for himself. He thinks "I did and do some shady things and now I have the power of my office to try to get away with those things." Which is incidentally also the reason he considers those names you mentioned as untrustworthy. The problem is of course that using his office in that way is possibly illegal in itself but sure as hell is as unethical as it comes. Which brings me back to my original assertion. This behavior would not be accepted by any other president and that's a fact. The only comparable example is Nixon and he ended up having to resign over it.
gotta be practical . Trump has to deal with these possible murderers as he works Diplomacy for the best outcome for the USA JimH .

No excuse....He seems to enjoy defending the indefensible...typical Mobster tactics.
Trump forget he was live speaking to the press. He thought he was in a back room of the W.H. talking to Jared, Ivanka & the rest of his crime family.
some heads of intelligence agencies aren't trusted by President Trump . , see brennan , clapper . comey and then see lisa paige , strozk , , the 'orrs' and many other leftover 'mrobama' people that President Trump considers to be unworthy of Trust FUp . Trump is the boss and a fine American as he thinks for himself FUp .
Sure he thinks for himself. He thinks "I did and do some shady things and now I have the power of my office to try to get away with those things." Which is incidentally also the reason he considers those names you mentioned as untrustworthy. The problem is of course that using his office in that way is possibly illegal in itself but sure as hell is as unethical as it comes. Which brings me back to my original assertion. This behavior would not be accepted by any other president and that's a fact. The only comparable example is Nixon and he ended up having to resign over it.
--------------------------------- i don't know your age but its my guess that you have only known a few Presidents from the 70s going to today and its my GUESS that you approve of 'clinton and mrobama' the worst 'prezidents ' and you like them . Anyway , not trying to convince you but TRUMP is old style American and is a good guy FUp ..
some heads of intelligence agencies aren't trusted by President Trump . , see brennan , clapper . comey and then see lisa paige , strozk , , the 'orrs' and many other leftover 'mrobama' people that President Trump considers to be unworthy of Trust FUp . Trump is the boss and a fine American as he thinks for himself FUp .
Sure he thinks for himself. He thinks "I did and do some shady things and now I have the power of my office to try to get away with those things." Which is incidentally also the reason he considers those names you mentioned as untrustworthy. The problem is of course that using his office in that way is possibly illegal in itself but sure as hell is as unethical as it comes. Which brings me back to my original assertion. This behavior would not be accepted by any other president and that's a fact. The only comparable example is Nixon and he ended up having to resign over it.
--------------------------------- i don't know your age but its my guess that you have only known a few Presidents from the 70s going to today and its my GUESS that you approve of 'clinton and mrobama' the worst 'prezidents ' and you like them . Anyway , not trying to convince you but TRUMP is old style American and is a good guy FUp ..
My knowledge of US presidents goes back further then the 70's. I'll even go as far as to call myself somewhat knowledgeable in history subjects in general although not necessarily presidential history. So again what about Trump reminds you of old style presidents? And what do you even mean by that?

His feelings toward North Korean Commie Kim:


And then we fell in love, okay? No, really - he wrote me beautiful letters




Putin's a killer.


There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What do you think — our country’s so innocent?


Trump has put his personal interests ahead of America's national security and America's interests.

So now you argue for standards of behavior?

What does the other side of your face say about that?
Huh? What in the hell are you talking about? I have shown my standards of behavior in our talks. So if you find them lacking I invite you to put words to it?
I wasn’t referring to your standards of behavior. I was referring to you invoking standards of behavior in your comment.
Seems to me, that you are trying to set up another straw man in regards to me.
-Our first argument was about morality, and it's nature. Show me were I took any position on standards of behavior that is immoral in it?
-Our second was about abortion. Show me any time, I took any position in it besides the position that you shouldn't force somebody to risk their life. In fact in those kinds of discussions I'm very careful in what position I take, and take the position that it's a choice that everybody makes and has to live with for themselves. Precisely because it's so morally ambiguous.
-So I'm curious what exactly about my previous posts is inconsistent, with me saying that people who defend Trump like Pismoe don't seem to do so out of anything but personal loyalty? Or why you think me invoking standards of behavior is hypocritical, when you can't even claim I myself act in any way as without personal standards of behavior?
Because you are literally making an argument that has the expectation that there is a standard that he should know and accept.
Well I think you can have an expectation as an American citizen that the American president doesn't try to make excuses for another countries leadership, torturing one of it's citizens to death. You think that is an unknowable expectation? I think you can have an expectation as an American citizen that the American president takes the words of his own intelligence community over that of a foreign autocratic leader. You think that is an unknowable expectation? I think you can have an expectation as an American citizen that the American president isn't actively trying to undermine the credibility of it's law enforcement agencies and the justice department in general. You think that is an unknowable expectation? I can go on and on. The point is, if any of you claim that the standard of behavior that this president displays would be accepted by anyone besides him I will call you a liar.
I find it hilarious that someone who tries to argue that morality is absolute, is now trying to argue that you can't argue that there's a standard of behavior for the President of the United States that one should know and accept.
Was that what you think I am arguing? How’d you make that leap in logic? Can you show me?

Because my argument was very narrowly focused. You are literally making a moral argument that you expect everyone to understand and accept.
Huh? What in the hell are you talking about? I have shown my standards of behavior in our talks. So if you find them lacking I invite you to put words to it?
I wasn’t referring to your standards of behavior. I was referring to you invoking standards of behavior in your comment.
Seems to me, that you are trying to set up another straw man in regards to me.
-Our first argument was about morality, and it's nature. Show me were I took any position on standards of behavior that is immoral in it?
-Our second was about abortion. Show me any time, I took any position in it besides the position that you shouldn't force somebody to risk their life. In fact in those kinds of discussions I'm very careful in what position I take, and take the position that it's a choice that everybody makes and has to live with for themselves. Precisely because it's so morally ambiguous.
-So I'm curious what exactly about my previous posts is inconsistent, with me saying that people who defend Trump like Pismoe don't seem to do so out of anything but personal loyalty? Or why you think me invoking standards of behavior is hypocritical, when you can't even claim I myself act in any way as without personal standards of behavior?
Because you are literally making an argument that has the expectation that there is a standard that he should know and accept.
Well I think you can have an expectation as an American citizen that the American president doesn't try to make excuses for another countries leadership, torturing one of it's citizens to death. You think that is an unknowable expectation? I think you can have an expectation as an American citizen that the American president takes the words of his own intelligence community over that of a foreign autocratic leader. You think that is an unknowable expectation? I think you can have an expectation as an American citizen that the American president isn't actively trying to undermine the credibility of it's law enforcement agencies and the justice department in general. You think that is an unknowable expectation? I can go on and on. The point is, if any of you claim that the standard of behavior that this president displays would be accepted by anyone besides him I will call you a liar.
I find it hilarious that someone who tries to argue that morality is absolute, is now trying to argue that you can't argue that there's a standard of behavior for the President of the United States that one should know and accept.
Was that what you think I am arguing? How’d you make that leap in logic? Can you show me?

Because my argument was very narrowly focused. You are literally making a moral argument that you expect everyone to understand and accept.
In my thread with pismoe I talked about and you answered to, (trying to imply I'm hypocritical), that the standards of behavior of this president are both unprecedented and immoral. Then you said this.
Because you are literally making an argument that has the expectation that there is a standard that he should know and accept.
I figured that he was referring to Trump.
I wasn’t referring to your standards of behavior. I was referring to you invoking standards of behavior in your comment.
Seems to me, that you are trying to set up another straw man in regards to me.
-Our first argument was about morality, and it's nature. Show me were I took any position on standards of behavior that is immoral in it?
-Our second was about abortion. Show me any time, I took any position in it besides the position that you shouldn't force somebody to risk their life. In fact in those kinds of discussions I'm very careful in what position I take, and take the position that it's a choice that everybody makes and has to live with for themselves. Precisely because it's so morally ambiguous.
-So I'm curious what exactly about my previous posts is inconsistent, with me saying that people who defend Trump like Pismoe don't seem to do so out of anything but personal loyalty? Or why you think me invoking standards of behavior is hypocritical, when you can't even claim I myself act in any way as without personal standards of behavior?
Because you are literally making an argument that has the expectation that there is a standard that he should know and accept.
Well I think you can have an expectation as an American citizen that the American president doesn't try to make excuses for another countries leadership, torturing one of it's citizens to death. You think that is an unknowable expectation? I think you can have an expectation as an American citizen that the American president takes the words of his own intelligence community over that of a foreign autocratic leader. You think that is an unknowable expectation? I think you can have an expectation as an American citizen that the American president isn't actively trying to undermine the credibility of it's law enforcement agencies and the justice department in general. You think that is an unknowable expectation? I can go on and on. The point is, if any of you claim that the standard of behavior that this president displays would be accepted by anyone besides him I will call you a liar.
I find it hilarious that someone who tries to argue that morality is absolute, is now trying to argue that you can't argue that there's a standard of behavior for the President of the United States that one should know and accept.
Was that what you think I am arguing? How’d you make that leap in logic? Can you show me?

Because my argument was very narrowly focused. You are literally making a moral argument that you expect everyone to understand and accept.
In my thread with pismoe I talked about and you answered to, (trying to imply I'm hypocritical), that the standards of behavior of this president are both unprecedented and immoral. Then you said this.
Because you are literally making an argument that has the expectation that there is a standard that he should know and accept.
I figured that he was referring to Trump.
I was arguing that it is hypocritical to believe morals are relative but your expectation is that your perception of morality isn’t because you expect others to accept your version of morality.
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Huh? What in the hell are you talking about? I have shown my standards of behavior in our talks. So if you find them lacking I invite you to put words to it?
I wasn’t referring to your standards of behavior. I was referring to you invoking standards of behavior in your comment.
Seems to me, that you are trying to set up another straw man in regards to me.
-Our first argument was about morality, and it's nature. Show me were I took any position on standards of behavior that is immoral in it?
-Our second was about abortion. Show me any time, I took any position in it besides the position that you shouldn't force somebody to risk their life. In fact in those kinds of discussions I'm very careful in what position I take, and take the position that it's a choice that everybody makes and has to live with for themselves. Precisely because it's so morally ambiguous.
-So I'm curious what exactly about my previous posts is inconsistent, with me saying that people who defend Trump like Pismoe don't seem to do so out of anything but personal loyalty? Or why you think me invoking standards of behavior is hypocritical, when you can't even claim I myself act in any way as without personal standards of behavior?
Because you are literally making an argument that has the expectation that there is a standard that he should know and accept.
Well I think you can have an expectation as an American citizen that the American president doesn't try to make excuses for another countries leadership, torturing one of it's citizens to death. You think that is an unknowable expectation? I think you can have an expectation as an American citizen that the American president takes the words of his own intelligence community over that of a foreign autocratic leader. You think that is an unknowable expectation? I think you can have an expectation as an American citizen that the American president isn't actively trying to undermine the credibility of it's law enforcement agencies and the justice department in general. You think that is an unknowable expectation? I can go on and on. The point is, if any of you claim that the standard of behavior that this president displays would be accepted by anyone besides him I will call you a liar.
I find it hilarious that someone who tries to argue that morality is absolute, is now trying to argue that you can't argue that there's a standard of behavior for the President of the United States that one should know and accept.
Was that what you think I am arguing? How’d you make that leap in logic? Can you show me?

Because my argument was very narrowly focused. You are literally making a moral argument that you expect everyone to understand and accept.
--------------------------------------------------- if i follow , to me its the ACCEPTANCE that is the problem.

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