trump has become the clueless defender of the World's Murderers and Tyrants

The rotten smell of trump sympathies in this room has become unbearable...the man is an embarrassment. The world laughs at a Country that elects such a fool as trump.

The world laughed at Obummer, who was everyone’s bitch. He did nothing, and lied about everything. He commuted tons of sentences for criminals, and tried to send millions to terrorists as he was leaving office. And punks like you can’t get your tongue [emoji104] out of his ass. Your dyke lost, get over it.

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The world respected Obama. He was never laughed at within the UN. Everyone knows trump is a Putin Plant.

How is that Nobel Peace Prize going? Maybe a better forgery may help.
has he supported them? are words the same as actions? I don't think so and what is said privately and publicly are two different things. what policies that Trump has put into motion have supported Russia or NK?

When you are President of the United States, words have meaning
He is speaking not just for himself but our country and our values

So when our President defends someone who:

Used a nerve agent to kill a dissident in the UK (Putin)
Tortures and dismembers a reporter (Prince Salman)
Beats and puts an American into a coma (Kim)

It is more than just words

Well, also when you are President of the United States, you have to N E G O T I A T E with other world leaders, and attempting to negotiate with a hair up your rear (like Obama did) tends to result in crap deals Obama made.

You don’t negotiate American values
-------------------------------- YOU don't know what American values are RWinger .
Truth, Justice and the American Way

Trump wants to sell our values to the highest bidder

Don't forget to add late term abortions, and illegal alien amnesty, and massive govt bureaucracy, and biased corrupt media, and corrosive identity politics, and never ending political investigations
The world respected Obama. He was never laughed at within the UN. Everyone knows trump is a Putin Plant.

How is that Nobel Peace Prize going? Maybe a better forgery may help.
Trump is mocked around the world
When you are President of the United States, words have meaning
He is speaking not just for himself but our country and our values

So when our President defends someone who:

Used a nerve agent to kill a dissident in the UK (Putin)
Tortures and dismembers a reporter (Prince Salman)
Beats and puts an American into a coma (Kim)

It is more than just words

Well, also when you are President of the United States, you have to N E G O T I A T E with other world leaders, and attempting to negotiate with a hair up your rear (like Obama did) tends to result in crap deals Obama made.

You don’t negotiate American values
-------------------------------- YOU don't know what American values are RWinger .
Truth, Justice and the American Way

Trump wants to sell our values to the highest bidder

Don't forget to add late term abortions, and illegal alien amnesty, and massive govt bureaucracy, and biased corrupt media, and corrosive identity politics, and never ending political investigations
The DNC can out together a great campaign ad featuring trump praising murderers and saying he wanted his "people" to stand up for him like North Koreans do for Kim.

The man is a Wannabe Dictator...
The DNC can out together a great campaign ad featuring trump praising murderers and saying he wanted his "people" to stand up for him like North Koreans do for Kim.

The man is a Wannabe Dictator...
I can see a lot of ads with Trump declaring his Man-Love for Kim Jong Un

Maybe Dems can invite Otto Warmbiers parents to the debates
The DNC can out together a great campaign ad featuring trump praising murderers and saying he wanted his "people" to stand up for him like North Koreans do for Kim.

The man is a Wannabe Dictator...
I can see a lot of ads with Trump declaring his Man-Love for Kim Jong Un

Maybe Dems can invite Otto Warmbiers parents to the debates

I will give trump a compliment...He is the most talented liar that I have ever seen on the world stage.

All presidents lie....but trump has turned lying into a presidential art. He should go on Americas got Talent and just speak for five minutes. He will break the lie record.
The DNC can out together a great campaign ad featuring trump praising murderers and saying he wanted his "people" to stand up for him like North Koreans do for Kim.

The man is a Wannabe Dictator...
I can see a lot of ads with Trump declaring his Man-Love for Kim Jong Un

Maybe Dems can invite Otto Warmbiers parents to the debates

I will give trump a compliment...He is the most talented liar that I have ever seen on the world stage.

All presidents lie....but trump has turned lying into a presidential art. He should go on Americas got Talent and just speak for five minutes. He will break the lie record.
I would say more prolific rather than talented liar

It is difficult to know when a talented liar is lying

Most of Trumps lies are easily disproved
The DNC can out together a great campaign ad featuring trump praising murderers and saying he wanted his "people" to stand up for him like North Koreans do for Kim.

The man is a Wannabe Dictator...
I can see a lot of ads with Trump declaring his Man-Love for Kim Jong Un

Maybe Dems can invite Otto Warmbiers parents to the debates

I will give trump a compliment...He is the most talented liar that I have ever seen on the world stage.

All presidents lie....but trump has turned lying into a presidential art. He should go on Americas got Talent and just speak for five minutes. He will break the lie record.
I would say more prolific rather than talented liar

It is difficult to know when a talented liar is lying

Most of Trumps lies are easily disproved

He lies and it is on video and when he denies he lied...his cult lines up behind him like good little soldiers.

1930's Germany all over again...
Drumpf has called for the death penalty for drug dealers several times:

So of course he's met Duterte.

And of course he congratulates Erdogan on getting more power, he likes absolute rulers.

Funny enough, the Egyptian dictator is mentioned at the beginning of the video.
But he isn't I think about it. He is a calculating liar and schemer....he is propping up these despots because he sees himself as one of them.

If not for the Dem House, the Judiciary, or the free media....he may have already started jailing his opponents.
Drumpf has called for the death penalty for drug dealers several times:

So of course he's met Duterte.

And of course he congratulates Erdogan on getting more power, he likes absolute rulers.

Funny enough, the Egyptian dictator is mentioned at the beginning of the video.

As was said...he is the greatest threat to our Democracy since the Civil War.
But he isn't I think about it. He is a calculating liar and schemer....he is propping up these despots because he sees himself as one of them.

If not for the Dem House, the Judiciary, or the free media....he may have already started jailing his opponents.
He already said he wanted to jail Hillary, although it is debatable how much of that was a lie to gain the political upper hand.
i didn't watch all the videos but what should be done with Drug Dealers like 'el chapo' and his type of murderous Billionaire drug dealers XYZ ??
Warmbiers will just have to understand i guess as there are bigger and more important fish to fry JimH .

You have to be kidding!
Your empathy level is down there with Trump.
I’d guess being compared with Trump is probably an honor for Little Trumpster's
even if it means being as low as one can get.
Warmbiers will just have to understand i guess as there are bigger and more important fish to fry JimH .

You have to be kidding!
Your empathy level is down there with Trump.
I’d guess being compared with Trump is probably an honor for Little Trumpster's
even if it means being as low as one can get.
---------------------------- i see myself as being PRACTICAL and notice that the Warmbiers have been vocal about what Trump has said as i see reports that they are annoyed and that they disagree with The Trump Kiwi . We got 2 opinions on Otto , we got the opinion of the Warmbiers and we have Trumps opinion . I think its TRUMPS Tactics and opinion that is the most practical and important as TRUMP does his Diplomacy and Negotiations to get what is best for Americans and assorted fureigners of 'da world' Kiwi .
The US used to stand for values. We used to consider ourselves exceptional. An example for other nations to follow

So did the Republican party but now it is clear they have changed their colors for self serving reasons.

It is not the party my father admired
nor do I :)-
Trump loves despots and murderers because that’s what he would be if he could. Didn’t he say he could shoot somebody I’m in the middle of the street and Republicans wouldn’t care? I think they would send him money.

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