trump has become the clueless defender of the World's Murderers and Tyrants

Come on Conservatives

How do you defend Trump supporting murderers?

Is this one of those Fifth Avenue things where you defend whatever he does?

has he supported them? are words the same as actions? I don't think so and what is said privately and publicly are two different things. what policies that Trump has put into motion have supported Russia or NK?
Is that like Obama giving billions of dollars to the Iranian Mullahs or going down to Cuba to publicly give Castro a blowjob in front of the whole world?
gotta be practical . Trump has to deal with these possible murderers as he works Diplomacy for the best outcome for the USA JimH .

No excuse....He seems to enjoy defending the indefensible...typical Mobster tactics.

Reagan was able to call the Soviet Union the Evil Empire and get away with it because in the end we simply had to wait for their economy to implode. As long as NK is supported by China, they arn't going anywhere so the only options are to try and assassinate Kim, go to war with them, or try to negotiate with them. One of those three has to be done. Now if we want to publicly call Kim Un the psycho murderer that he is, we would be morally correct, but if we use that tactic...and i think even Trump realizes after having met with him that he is ego maniacal, then we will never be able to negotiate an agreement with him.
So then the only two options left are assassination, or war. Which one are you in favor of?

Oh, by all means, we should ask Kim nicely to give up his nuclear options. I mean, now that we have put sanctions on everything Kim wants to buy, and 20% of his population is starving to death, which has not budged him in the slightest, it is obvious that all we have to do is offer him some money, and to say, "please". Why would a brutal and psychotic dictator who executes his own relatives, with anti-aircraft guns, no less, possibly refuse such a reasonable request? Maybe Good ol' Kim was just having a bad day in Vietnam, and we should ask again, but this time enclose a box of chocolates.
Come on Conservatives

How do you defend Trump supporting murderers?

Is this one of those Fifth Avenue things where you defend whatever he does?

The Communist hating Repubs have become the Dictator worshippers...just like their Putin President.
I guess all US presidents are "clueless" at foreign policy.


Rare photos of FDR, Stalin and Churchill...

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Come on Conservatives

How do you defend Trump supporting murderers?

Is this one of those Fifth Avenue things where you defend whatever he does?

has he supported them? are words the same as actions? I don't think so and what is said privately and publicly are two different things. what policies that Trump has put into motion have supported Russia or NK?

When you are President of the United States, words have meaning
He is speaking not just for himself but our country and our values

So when our President defends someone who:

Used a nerve agent to kill a dissident in the UK (Putin)
Tortures and dismembers a reporter (Prince Salman)
Beats and puts an American into a coma (Kim)

It is more than just words
Come on Conservatives

How do you defend Trump supporting murderers?

Is this one of those Fifth Avenue things where you defend whatever he does?

has he supported them? are words the same as actions? I don't think so and what is said privately and publicly are two different things. what policies that Trump has put into motion have supported Russia or NK?

When you are President of the United States, words have meaning
He is speaking not just for himself but our country and our values

So when our President defends someone who:

Used a nerve agent to kill a dissident in the UK (Putin)
Tortures and dismembers a reporter (Prince Salman)
Beats and puts an American into a coma (Kim)

It is more than just words
--------------------------------------------------------- your unamerican values are not my values 'mrobam' err , RWinger . ------------ 'kashoogi' , where is the PROOF of anything concerning 'kashoogi' . Some fureign newspaper writer that lived in some house in the USA at some different times . Assassination in the 'uk' of some dissident or spy against the Russians claimed to be done by 'Russians' , --- big deal . Let the 'uk'ers' handle THEIR Problem RWinger .
as far as 'kim' and the 'norks' go . My sympathy lies with the Warmbiers , may Otto rest in Preace . But he shouldn't have fecked around and got caught committing a CRIME on 'nork' Hotel Camera RWinger .
Come on Conservatives

How do you defend Trump supporting murderers?

Is this one of those Fifth Avenue things where you defend whatever he does?

has he supported them? are words the same as actions? I don't think so and what is said privately and publicly are two different things. what policies that Trump has put into motion have supported Russia or NK?

When you are President of the United States, words have meaning
He is speaking not just for himself but our country and our values

So when our President defends someone who:

Used a nerve agent to kill a dissident in the UK (Putin)
Tortures and dismembers a reporter (Prince Salman)
Beats and puts an American into a coma (Kim)

It is more than just words

Well, also when you are President of the United States, you have to N E G O T I A T E with other world leaders, and attempting to negotiate with a hair up your rear (like Obama did) tends to result in crap deals Obama made.
Come on Conservatives

How do you defend Trump supporting murderers?

Is this one of those Fifth Avenue things where you defend whatever he does?

has he supported them? are words the same as actions? I don't think so and what is said privately and publicly are two different things. what policies that Trump has put into motion have supported Russia or NK?

When you are President of the United States, words have meaning
He is speaking not just for himself but our country and our values

So when our President defends someone who:

Used a nerve agent to kill a dissident in the UK (Putin)
Tortures and dismembers a reporter (Prince Salman)
Beats and puts an American into a coma (Kim)

It is more than just words

Well, also when you are President of the United States, you have to N E G O T I A T E with other world leaders, and attempting to negotiate with a hair up your rear (like Obama did) tends to result in crap deals Obama made.

You don’t negotiate American values
Come on Conservatives

How do you defend Trump supporting murderers?

Is this one of those Fifth Avenue things where you defend whatever he does?

has he supported them? are words the same as actions? I don't think so and what is said privately and publicly are two different things. what policies that Trump has put into motion have supported Russia or NK?

When you are President of the United States, words have meaning
He is speaking not just for himself but our country and our values

So when our President defends someone who:

Used a nerve agent to kill a dissident in the UK (Putin)
Tortures and dismembers a reporter (Prince Salman)
Beats and puts an American into a coma (Kim)

It is more than just words

Well, also when you are President of the United States, you have to N E G O T I A T E with other world leaders, and attempting to negotiate with a hair up your rear (like Obama did) tends to result in crap deals Obama made.

You don’t negotiate American values
-------------------------------- YOU don't know what American values are RWinger .
Come on Conservatives

How do you defend Trump supporting murderers?

Is this one of those Fifth Avenue things where you defend whatever he does?

has he supported them? are words the same as actions? I don't think so and what is said privately and publicly are two different things. what policies that Trump has put into motion have supported Russia or NK?

When you are President of the United States, words have meaning
He is speaking not just for himself but our country and our values

So when our President defends someone who:

Used a nerve agent to kill a dissident in the UK (Putin)
Tortures and dismembers a reporter (Prince Salman)
Beats and puts an American into a coma (Kim)

It is more than just words

Well, also when you are President of the United States, you have to N E G O T I A T E with other world leaders, and attempting to negotiate with a hair up your rear (like Obama did) tends to result in crap deals Obama made.

You don’t negotiate American values

Yea, bribery (like Obama did) doesn't work too well.
Think about it:

-He defended Putin over Intel claims that Russia hacked the election
-He calls Putin a Great Leader
-He defends the Saudi Crown Prince after Intel says he was responsible for the Journalist's death
-He calls Kim talented and a great guy and processes his love for him

Now he says Kim knew nothing of Wambier's torture.

What next?

Is he going to call Hitler an innocent bystander and John Wilkes Booth just another theater patron?

The man us an Imbecile!
Imagine how he would have defended OBL if Former President Obama hadn't given the go-ahead to kill him.
Think about it:

-He defended Putin over Intel claims that Russia hacked the election
-He calls Putin a Great Leader
-He defends the Saudi Crown Prince after Intel says he was responsible for the Journalist's death
-He calls Kim talented and a great guy and processes his love for him

Now he says Kim knew nothing of Wambier's torture.

What next?

Is he going to call Hitler an innocent bystander and John Wilkes Booth just another theater patron?

The man us an Imbecile!

Your previous buffoon led us into never ending wars. Your faux outrage falls on deaf ears.
Come on Conservatives

How do you defend Trump supporting murderers?

Is this one of those Fifth Avenue things where you defend whatever he does?

has he supported them? are words the same as actions? I don't think so and what is said privately and publicly are two different things. what policies that Trump has put into motion have supported Russia or NK?

When you are President of the United States, words have meaning
He is speaking not just for himself but our country and our values

So when our President defends someone who:

Used a nerve agent to kill a dissident in the UK (Putin)
Tortures and dismembers a reporter (Prince Salman)
Beats and puts an American into a coma (Kim)

It is more than just words

Well, also when you are President of the United States, you have to N E G O T I A T E with other world leaders, and attempting to negotiate with a hair up your rear (like Obama did) tends to result in crap deals Obama made.

You don’t negotiate American values
-------------------------------- YOU don't know what American values are RWinger .
Truth, Justice and the American Way

Trump wants to sell our values to the highest bidder
Think about it:

-He defended Putin over Intel claims that Russia hacked the election
-He calls Putin a Great Leader
-He defends the Saudi Crown Prince after Intel says he was responsible for the Journalist's death
-He calls Kim talented and a great guy and processes his love for him

Now he says Kim knew nothing of Wambier's torture.

What next?

Is he going to call Hitler an innocent bystander and John Wilkes Booth just another theater patron?

The man us an Imbecile!
Imagine how he would have defended OBL if Former President Obama hadn't given the go-ahead to kill him.

Trump would have said what a great leader bin Laden is and how much they love each other
Come on Conservatives

How do you defend Trump supporting murderers?

Is this one of those Fifth Avenue things where you defend whatever he does?

has he supported them? are words the same as actions? I don't think so and what is said privately and publicly are two different things. what policies that Trump has put into motion have supported Russia or NK?

When you are President of the United States, words have meaning
He is speaking not just for himself but our country and our values

So when our President defends someone who:

Used a nerve agent to kill a dissident in the UK (Putin)
Tortures and dismembers a reporter (Prince Salman)
Beats and puts an American into a coma (Kim)

It is more than just words

Well, also when you are President of the United States, you have to N E G O T I A T E with other world leaders, and attempting to negotiate with a hair up your rear (like Obama did) tends to result in crap deals Obama made.

You don’t negotiate American values

Yea, bribery (like Obama did) doesn't work too well.
Bribing with their own money?

I’m in on that

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