trump has become the clueless defender of the World's Murderers and Tyrants

think about it
Obama defends BLACK criminals who ATTACK police
Obama loves BLACK criminals
Obama defends and goes to listen to RACISTS like Rev Wright
Obama LOVES foul mouthed-cop-women hater JAY Z
Republicans like white cops that kill unarmed black children. They even sent money to a murderer named Zimmerman who killed a kid who is coming home from the store after buying candy and soda pop.
In my view Trump admires tyrants and sees himself as one as well. In the upcoming election cycle Trump will show his true colors by denigrating fellow Republicans who oppose him with lies and false accusations.

Folks, we can’t wait until then, we need to get him out of office NOW & impeachment and removal is the rightful way to go!!!!

Please, join the impeachment call with a loud unified voice NOW!!

***Trump your FIRED!!!***
gotta be practical . Trump has to deal with these possible murderers as he works Diplomacy for the best outcome for the USA JimH .
You don’t really believe that. Do you?
---------------------------------- of course i believe that TRUMP has to be PRACTICAL as he is TACTICAL . Trump is looking for success in negotiations with the 'norks' and 'rocketman' kim . What sense does it make to pizz the 'norks' off over the very nasty death of Otto . And as i asked , what was the Original event that set off the Otto Warmbier imprisonment and eventual very nasty death DeanRD ?? [OR , what led up to Otto's very nasty death DeanRD ??]
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Impeachment if off the table until Republican come to the conclusion that they can no longer accept a criminal in the White House. It happened with Nixon and I think it will eventually happen with trump. The difference is, trump will never resign. He will make excuses and blame everyone else, including his own family.

With the number and brevity of the investigations around this criminal, there will be a reckoning. Republicans will need to either take their party back or they will go down with trump.
gotta be practical . Trump has to deal with these possible murderers as he works Diplomacy for the best outcome for the USA JimH .
You don’t really believe that. Do you?
---------------------------------- of course i believe that TRUMP has to be PRACTICAL as he is TACTICAL . Trump is looking for success in negotiations . What sense does it make to pizz the 'norks' off over the very nasty death of Otto . And as i asked , what was the Original event that set off the Otto Warmbier imprisonment and eventual very nasty death DeanRD ?? [OR , what led up to Otto's very nasty death DeanRD ??]

He didn't have to say a word. He could have said, "Yes, I asked Kim about the Wambier torture." and let it go. But as with Putin and MBS...he falls all over himself in order to defend them. The great deal maker is a Fraud...
Think about it:

-He defended Putin over Intel claims that Russia hacked the election
-He calls Putin a Great Leader
-He defends the Saudi Crown Prince after Intel says he was responsible for the Journalist's death
-He calls Kim talented and a great guy and processes his love for him

Now he says Kim knew nothing of Wambier's torture.

What next?

Is he going to call Hitler an innocent bystander and John Wilkes Booth just another theater patron?

The man us an Imbecile!
yattacksyea kinda like when obama stuck his thumb up his ass and started spinning screaming weee weee when iran executed around 200 gay lesbian and transgender juveniles and a bunxh of journalist and funded terriost that killed Americans . then on top of that obummer made a deal with iran that they never signed while they were chanting death to America and death to jews and the deal let them contuine to enriching uranium and build and test short and long-range intercontinental ballistic missiles paid for hostages in cash and gave them 150 billion .
Did you forget about all of this or did you just perfer not to compare . o yes lets not forget about iran killing American soldiers in Syria.
And who started the entire Otto Warmbier incident JimH ??

Can't be the kid who went to a communist hell hole....
--------------------------------- yeah , and then STOLE a half penny's worth of some propaganda poster from a Hotel Corridors Wall . Not that Otto's torture and death are excusable but what the hey , the 'norks' laws are pretty severe and unforgiving by American standards Pete .
gotta be practical . Trump has to deal with these possible murderers as he works Diplomacy for the best outcome for the USA JimH .
You don’t really believe that. Do you?
---------------------------------- of course i believe that TRUMP has to be PRACTICAL as he is TACTICAL . Trump is looking for success in negotiations . What sense does it make to pizz the 'norks' off over the very nasty death of Otto . And as i asked , what was the Original event that set off the Otto Warmbier imprisonment and eventual very nasty death DeanRD ?? [OR , what led up to Otto's very nasty death DeanRD ??]

He didn't have to say a word. He could have said, "Yes, I asked Kim about the Wambier torture." and let it go. But as with Putin and MBS...he falls all over himself in order to defend them. The great deal maker is a Fraud...
------------------------------------- TRUMP did things his way JimH .
Think about it:

-He defended Putin over Intel claims that Russia hacked the election
-He calls Putin a Great Leader
-He defends the Saudi Crown Prince after Intel says he was responsible for the Journalist's death
-He calls Kim talented and a great guy and processes his love for him

Now he says Kim knew nothing of Wambier's torture.

What next?

Is he going to call Hitler an innocent bystander and John Wilkes Booth just another theater patron?

The man us an Imbecile!
You clowns crapped out on your fake Russia BS and now you move on to your next pack of lies. What happened to the Mueller report, liar?
Think about it:

-He defended Putin over Intel claims that Russia hacked the election
-He calls Putin a Great Leader
-He defends the Saudi Crown Prince after Intel says he was responsible for the Journalist's death
-He calls Kim talented and a great guy and processes his love for him

Now he says Kim knew nothing of Wambier's torture.

What next?

Is he going to call Hitler an innocent bystander and John Wilkes Booth just another theater patron?

The man us an Imbecile!
Please die.

So reported....
gotta be practical . Trump has to deal with these possible murderers as he works Diplomacy for the best outcome for the USA JimH .
All presidents have had to work and deal with murdering dictators....they didn't praise them and say they were "in love".

You all pitched a fit and fell into it when Obama was president and you thought he bowed too low. Trump sucks the cocks of the world's worst dictators and y'all want to give him a Nobel for it.
Can you imagine Trumps tweets if a Democrat had said he and Kim Jong Un loved each other?
gotta be practical . Trump has to deal with these possible murderers as he works Diplomacy for the best outcome for the USA JimH .
All presidents have had to work and deal with murdering dictators....they didn't praise them and say they were "in love".

You all pitched a fit and fell into it when Obama was president and you thought he bowed too low. Trump sucks the cocks of the world's worst dictators and y'all want to give him a Nobel for it.
Can you imagine Trumps tweets if a Democrat had said he and Kim Jong Un loved each other?


The complicit Repubs will keep allowing trump to get away with crimes and his lack of morality until he is cornered with no way out. The House Democrats understand that and are now beginning to build an indisputable case of various crimes the man has committed.

The framers of the Constitution never imagined that a Mobster Boss would be elected president. With Putin's help, one has been.
A few threads on this Wambier statement already.

He deserves a kick in the balls for this one. I'm fine with letting Otto's mother do the kicking....

Can you imagine how anyone can be so stupid as to believe Kim?

Yes...Otto's mom should take him down.
Lol, if you go over to another country in which if you break their laws. Knowing the dictator might have you killed. Maybe you shouldn't break the law.
And who started the entire Otto Warmbier incident JimH ??

Can't be the kid who went to a communist hell hole....
--------------------------------- yeah , and then STOLE a half penny's worth of some propaganda poster from a Hotel Corridors Wall . Not that Otto's torture and death are excusable but what the hey , the 'norks' laws are pretty severe and unforgiving by American standards Pete .

Yeah, I don't have sympathy for people who go to places they have no business in.
The rotten smell of trump sympathies in this room has become unbearable...the man is an embarrassment. The world laughs at a Country that elects such a fool as trump.
The rotten smell of trump sympathies in this room has become unbearable...the man is an embarrassment. The world laughs at a Country that elects such a fool as trump.
Lol, the world laughed at us when Obama was elected.

Rated as one of the beat Presidents ever....Novel Prize winner and no one had to forge the signature...

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