trump has become the clueless defender of the World's Murderers and Tyrants

think about it
Obama defends BLACK criminals who ATTACK police
Obama loves BLACK criminals
Obama defends and goes to listen to RACISTS like Rev Wright
Obama LOVES foul mouthed-cop-women hater JAY Z
Republicans like white cops that kill unarmed black children. They even sent money to a murderer named Zimmerman who killed a kid who is coming home from the store after buying candy and soda pop.
as usual with your posts = NO evidence/facts/stats
your first sentence is total crap
Please give me a SINGLE example of ANY American president saying he believes the denials of dictators? I dare you, find a single instance?
------------------------------- i don't figure that Roosevelt [mostly] who was President during WW2 insulted our USSR Allies by talking about USSR Gulags or Prison Camps or 'uman rights' ABUSE during ww2 did he Staidup ??
Sure he didn't. Now give me ANY time he excused Gulags, prison camps, or human rights abuses?
-------------------------------------- TRUMP is being PRACTICAL and TACTICAL and i approve . Although i feel sympathy for the Warmbiers , well , Otto should not have messed around with Private Property which got him noticed FUp .
So, since you can not establish any president excusing behavior like in N-Korea you double down by excusing N-korea for torturing to death an American citizen? Thanks for proving that being a Trump supporter completely changes the way you think about basic values.
----------------- and last think i care about is what other 'punk prezidents' did or might have done FUp .
Sure you don't. Standards of behavior simply aren't applicable anymore when it comes to what you support. It's the bases of being a Trump supporter. It's not about ideology, principles or even common decency. It's about, Trump is better then all the people against him. The only question is. If you don't believe in anything except what Trump says, what limits are there to what you will let Trump do? I fear the answer is nothing.
as i said , poor 'Otto' , may he rest in peace but he started the whole thing by messing with 'nork' owned private property FUp . Should the USA have gone to War over Otto . And understand , i am cool with WAR . I don't live in 's. korea' and i can just imagine the show as a first step in taking out that massed Artillery that is pointed at 's.korea' FUp .
Actually you aren't saying poor Otto at all. You are saying Otto had it coming.
probably did if you go by the 'norks' sense of justice where enemies are executed with anti aircraft guns FUup . Still my sympahy is with Otto and his parents FUp .
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A few threads on this Wambier statement already.

He deserves a kick in the balls for this one. I'm fine with letting Otto's mother do the kicking....

Can you imagine how anyone can be so stupid as to believe Kim?

Yes...Otto's mom should take him down.
Lol, if you go over to another country in which if you break their laws. Knowing the dictator might have you killed. Maybe you shouldn't break the law.
So you support them beating him into a coma?
No, but should we not try to make a deal to get them to give up their nukes. Because of it?
Trump can do both

No need to buddy up with tyrants like Putin, Kim and Prince Salman

The US used to stand for values. We used to consider ourselves exceptional. An example for other nations to follow

Trump is not exceptional
Lol, Obama kissed Putin's ass.
------------------------------- i don't figure that Roosevelt [mostly] who was President during WW2 insulted our USSR Allies by talking about USSR Gulags or Prison Camps or 'uman rights' ABUSE during ww2 did he Staidup ??
Sure he didn't. Now give me ANY time he excused Gulags, prison camps, or human rights abuses?
-------------------------------------- TRUMP is being PRACTICAL and TACTICAL and i approve . Although i feel sympathy for the Warmbiers , well , Otto should not have messed around with Private Property which got him noticed FUp .
So, since you can not establish any president excusing behavior like in N-Korea you double down by excusing N-korea for torturing to death an American citizen? Thanks for proving that being a Trump supporter completely changes the way you think about basic values.
----------------- and last think i care about is what other 'punk prezidents' did or might have done FUp .
Sure you don't. Standards of behavior simply aren't applicable anymore when it comes to what you support. It's the bases of being a Trump supporter. It's not about ideology, principles or even common decency. It's about, Trump is better then all the people against him. The only question is. If you don't believe in anything except what Trump says, what limits are there to what you will let Trump do? I fear the answer is nothing.
------------------------------- go ahead , worship the past punk prezidents . But now we have a President that is an American that i can approve of FUp .
probably did if you go by the 'norks' sense of justice where enemies are executed with anti aircraft guns FUup . Still my sympahy is with Otto and his parent FUp .
How can you say your sympathy is with Otto when you in the very next part of the sentence blame Otto for what happened to him?
but he started the whole thing by messing with 'nork' owned private property FUp .
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They don’t want our money

Ok, the people don't want our money but the do want food on the table and a means to go to and from their job; which the money could provide

They want the deterrent a nuclear bomb provides

N. Korea could join NATO and NATO would guaranty their survival.

Kim has all the wealth he wants. If his people are starving, he just blames the west

A nuke means nobody can invade him

Even S Korea is not in NATO
probably did if you go by the 'norks' sense of justice where enemies are executed with anti aircraft guns FUup . Still my sympahy is with Otto and his parent FUp .
How can you say your sympathy is with Otto when you are in the very next part of the sentence blaming Otto for what happened to him?
but he started the whole thing by messing with 'nork' owned private property FUp .
He is an ass wipe
looks like Otto broke 'nork' law and was arrested and then TRIED in 'nork' legal system FUup .
Sure he didn't. Now give me ANY time he excused Gulags, prison camps, or human rights abuses?
-------------------------------------- TRUMP is being PRACTICAL and TACTICAL and i approve . Although i feel sympathy for the Warmbiers , well , Otto should not have messed around with Private Property which got him noticed FUp .
So, since you can not establish any president excusing behavior like in N-Korea you double down by excusing N-korea for torturing to death an American citizen? Thanks for proving that being a Trump supporter completely changes the way you think about basic values.
----------------- and last think i care about is what other 'punk prezidents' did or might have done FUp .
Sure you don't. Standards of behavior simply aren't applicable anymore when it comes to what you support. It's the bases of being a Trump supporter. It's not about ideology, principles or even common decency. It's about, Trump is better then all the people against him. The only question is. If you don't believe in anything except what Trump says, what limits are there to what you will let Trump do? I fear the answer is nothing.
------------------------------- go ahead , worship the past punk prezidents . But now we have a President that is an American that i can approve of FUp .
Some of the past presidents I don't just not worship, but I actually seriously dislike. Being personal behavior or on the bases of policy. None though, I question their personal belief in what it means to fill in the office of the president. Some of them where failed people. Some of them failed presidents. None of them, thought that everything about what it means to be American could be disregarded in pursuit of their goals. Not even Nixon on his worst day would say that Kim Jung Un was innocent of Otto's death. To give a current example.
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Think about it:

-He defended Putin over Intel claims that Russia hacked the election
-He calls Putin a Great Leader
-He defends the Saudi Crown Prince after Intel says he was responsible for the Journalist's death
-He calls Kim talented and a great guy and processes his love for him

Now he says Kim knew nothing of Wambier's torture.

What next?

Is he going to call Hitler an innocent bystander and John Wilkes Booth just another theater patron?

The man us an Imbecile!

Yep, Trump loves dictators. But why?

-------------------------------------- TRUMP is being PRACTICAL and TACTICAL and i approve . Although i feel sympathy for the Warmbiers , well , Otto should not have messed around with Private Property which got him noticed FUp .
So, since you can not establish any president excusing behavior like in N-Korea you double down by excusing N-korea for torturing to death an American citizen? Thanks for proving that being a Trump supporter completely changes the way you think about basic values.
----------------- and last think i care about is what other 'punk prezidents' did or might have done FUp .
Sure you don't. Standards of behavior simply aren't applicable anymore when it comes to what you support. It's the bases of being a Trump supporter. It's not about ideology, principles or even common decency. It's about, Trump is better then all the people against him. The only question is. If you don't believe in anything except what Trump says, what limits are there to what you will let Trump do? I fear the answer is nothing.
------------------------------- go ahead , worship the past punk prezidents . But now we have a President that is an American that i can approve of FUp .
Some of the past presidents I don't just not worship, but I actually seriously dislike. Being personal behavior or on the bases of policy. None though, I question their personal belief in what it means to fill in the office of the president. Some of them where failed people. Some of them failed presidents. None of them, thought that everything about what it means to be American could be disregarded in pursuit of their goals. Not even Nixon on his worst day would say that Kim Jung Un was innocent of Otto's death. To give a current example.
-------------------------------- think as YOU like FUp .
looks like Otto broke 'nork' law and was arrested and then TRIED in 'nork' legal system FUup .
Norks legal system is a travesty. You are trying to justify torture as part of a legal system.
----------------------------------- i justify nothing , the 'norks' have their legal system . Otto should been in fear of it as he stole a half penny worth of the 'norks' private property FUp .
Think about it:

-He defended Putin over Intel claims that Russia hacked the election
-He calls Putin a Great Leader
-He defends the Saudi Crown Prince after Intel says he was responsible for the Journalist's death
-He calls Kim talented and a great guy and processes his love for him

Now he says Kim knew nothing of Wambier's torture.

What next?

Is he going to call Hitler an innocent bystander and John Wilkes Booth just another theater patron?

The man us an Imbecile!
You clowns crapped out on your fake Russia BS and now you move on to your next pack of lies. What happened to the Mueller report, liar?

Like Trump said in the CPAC speech today, the Democrat Party is at the point where they are giving each other mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
This thread reminded me of that. In fact 90+% of anti-Trump USMB threads indicate, once again, that Trump is right!
Come on Conservatives

How do you defend Trump supporting murderers?

Is this one of those Fifth Avenue things where you defend whatever he does?
gotta be practical . Trump has to deal with these possible murderers as he works Diplomacy for the best outcome for the USA JimH .

No excuse....He seems to enjoy defending the indefensible...typical Mobster tactics.

Reagan was able to call the Soviet Union the Evil Empire and get away with it because in the end we simply had to wait for their economy to implode. As long as NK is supported by China, they arn't going anywhere so the only options are to try and assassinate Kim, go to war with them, or try to negotiate with them. One of those three has to be done. Now if we want to publicly call Kim Un the psycho murderer that he is, we would be morally correct, but if we use that tactic...and i think even Trump realizes after having met with him that he is ego maniacal, then we will never be able to negotiate an agreement with him.
So then the only two options left are assassination, or war. Which one are you in favor of?

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