trump has become the clueless defender of the World's Murderers and Tyrants

A few threads on this Wambier statement already.

He deserves a kick in the balls for this one. I'm fine with letting Otto's mother do the kicking....

Can you imagine how anyone can be so stupid as to believe Kim?

Yes...Otto's mom should take him down.
Lol, if you go over to another country in which if you break their laws. Knowing the dictator might have you killed. Maybe you shouldn't break the law.
So you support them beating him into a coma?
gotta be practical . Trump has to deal with these possible murderers as he works Diplomacy for the best outcome for the USA JimH .
Please give me a SINGLE example of ANY American president saying he believes the denials of dictators? I dare you, find a single instance?
A few threads on this Wambier statement already.

He deserves a kick in the balls for this one. I'm fine with letting Otto's mother do the kicking....

Can you imagine how anyone can be so stupid as to believe Kim?

Yes...Otto's mom should take him down.
Lol, if you go over to another country in which if you break their laws. Knowing the dictator might have you killed. Maybe you shouldn't break the law.
So you support them beating him into a coma?
No, but should we not try to make a deal to get them to give up their nukes. Because of it?
No, but should we not try to make a deal to get them to give up their nukes. Because of it?

I think the US should buy N. Korea’s enriched uranium. This will give them some cash to feed the people and add needed material for our reactors.

Just a suggestion

gotta be practical . Trump has to deal with these possible murderers as he works Diplomacy for the best outcome for the USA JimH .
Please give me a SINGLE example of ANY American president saying he believes the denials of dictators? I dare you, find a single instance?
------------------------------- i don't figure that Roosevelt [mostly] who was President during WW2 insulted our USSR Allies by talking about USSR Gulags or Prison Camps or 'uman rights' ABUSE during ww2 did he Forkup ??
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gotta be practical . Trump has to deal with these possible murderers as he works Diplomacy for the best outcome for the USA JimH .
Please give me a SINGLE example of ANY American president saying he believes the denials of dictators? I dare you, find a single instance?
------------------------------- i don't figure that Roosevelt [mostly] who was President during WW2 insulted our USSR Allies by talking about USSR Gulags or Prison Camps or 'uman rights' ABUSE during ww2 did he Staidup ??
Sure he didn't. Now give me ANY time he excused Gulags, prison camps, or human rights abuses?
gotta be practical . Trump has to deal with these possible murderers as he works Diplomacy for the best outcome for the USA JimH .
Please give me a SINGLE example of ANY American president saying he believes the denials of dictators? I dare you, find a single instance?
------------------------------- i don't figure that Roosevelt [mostly] who was President during WW2 insulted our USSR Allies by talking about USSR Gulags or Prison Camps or 'uman rights' ABUSE during ww2 did he Staidup ??
Sure he didn't. Now give me ANY time he excused Gulags, prison camps, or human rights abuses?
-------------------------------------- TRUMP is being PRACTICAL and TACTICAL and i approve . Although i feel sympathy for the Warmbiers , well , Otto should not have messed around with Private Property which got him noticed FUp .
Think about it:

-He defended Putin over Intel claims that Russia hacked the election
-He calls Putin a Great Leader
-He defends the Saudi Crown Prince after Intel says he was responsible for the Journalist's death
-He calls Kim talented and a great guy and processes his love for him

Now he says Kim knew nothing of Wambier's torture.

What next?

Is he going to call Hitler an innocent bystander and John Wilkes Booth just another theater patron?

The man us an Imbecile!

He supported American energy independence weakening Russian energy profits
He called out Germany for shackling itself to Russian energy when we are spending our money to protect them from Russia....
He armed Ukraine with lethal weapons, which will be used to kill Russians.
He killed Russian soldiers in Syria.
Unlike obama, he didn't promise putin more room after he was elected....

The Crown Prince is an actual reformer in Saudi Arabia, the man killed was a sympathizer with the Muslim Brother hood who used to work for the Saudi Family.

He has kept more sanctions in place against North Korea, after morons like you said he would give kim anything to get him to sign something.

He reestablished sanctions on Iran after obama gave them 150 billion dollars in cash to use to support their military, their nuclear program and terrorism around the world...

Get back to us when you have something intelligent to post.....
gotta be practical . Trump has to deal with these possible murderers as he works Diplomacy for the best outcome for the USA JimH .
Please give me a SINGLE example of ANY American president saying he believes the denials of dictators? I dare you, find a single instance?
------------------------------- i don't figure that Roosevelt [mostly] who was President during WW2 insulted our USSR Allies by talking about USSR Gulags or Prison Camps or 'uman rights' ABUSE during ww2 did he Staidup ??
Sure he didn't. Now give me ANY time he excused Gulags, prison camps, or human rights abuses?
-------------------------------------- TRUMP is being PRACTICAL and TACTICAL and i approve . Although i feel sympathy for the Warmbiers , well , Otto should not have messed around with Private Property which got him noticed FUp .
So, since you can not establish any president excusing behavior like in N-Korea you double down by excusing N-korea for torturing to death an American citizen? Thanks for proving that being a Trump supporter completely changes the way you think about basic values.
A few threads on this Wambier statement already.

He deserves a kick in the balls for this one. I'm fine with letting Otto's mother do the kicking....

Can you imagine how anyone can be so stupid as to believe Kim?

Yes...Otto's mom should take him down.
Lol, if you go over to another country in which if you break their laws. Knowing the dictator might have you killed. Maybe you shouldn't break the law.
So you support them beating him into a coma?
No, but should we not try to make a deal to get them to give up their nukes. Because of it?
Trump can do both

No need to buddy up with tyrants like Putin, Kim and Prince Salman

The US used to stand for values. We used to consider ourselves exceptional. An example for other nations to follow

Trump is not exceptional
No, but should we not try to make a deal to get them to give up their nukes. Because of it?

I think the US should buy N. Korea’s enriched uranium. This will give them some cash to feed the people and add needed material for our reactors.

Just a suggestion

They don’t want our money

They want the deterrent a nuclear bomb provides
as i said , poor 'Otto' , may he rest in peace but he started the whole thing by messing with 'nork' owned private property FUp . Should the USA have gone to War over Otto . And understand , i am cool with WAR . I don't live in 's. korea' and i can just imagine the show as a first step in taking out that massed Artillery that is pointed at 's.korea' FUp .
gotta be practical . Trump has to deal with these possible murderers as he works Diplomacy for the best outcome for the USA JimH .
Please give me a SINGLE example of ANY American president saying he believes the denials of dictators? I dare you, find a single instance?
------------------------------- i don't figure that Roosevelt [mostly] who was President during WW2 insulted our USSR Allies by talking about USSR Gulags or Prison Camps or 'uman rights' ABUSE during ww2 did he Staidup ??
Sure he didn't. Now give me ANY time he excused Gulags, prison camps, or human rights abuses?
-------------------------------------- TRUMP is being PRACTICAL and TACTICAL and i approve . Although i feel sympathy for the Warmbiers , well , Otto should not have messed around with Private Property which got him noticed FUp .
So, since you can not establish any president excusing behavior like in N-Korea you double down by excusing N-korea for torturing to death an American citizen? Thanks for proving that being a Trump supporter completely changes the way you think about basic values.
----------------- and last think i care about is what other 'punk prezidents' did or might have done FUp .

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