Trump has been 100% EXONERATED again!

Awwww does someone criticizing the dead vote upset you and make your pelosi tighten???
What is the "dead vote"? Like zombies?
No, zombies are people who are in an eternal afterlife state because they didn't wear a mask when told by the Gestapo and were smitten with the leftyvirus. Dead people are voters the Dems resurrect on fake ballots every election, its one of their well established patterns of cheating.
Yes, Donald Trump lost because...Democrats...resurrected the dead. sure lady.
Well, with the leftyvirus fake mailin ballots from China, its quite possible that dead votes were fairly infrequent.....because any name could be attached to the ballot being filled out by numerous libber workers at the polls as they were never checked. Imagine that.....millions of ballots with only "Biden" selected nobody bothered to quality check.
Go kick rocks, lady. Donald Trump lost the election. By like 7 or 8 million votes. There were no resurrected voters, the Democrats are not Necromancers. Y'all just got your butt kicked. That's all. Move on.
Sure lady (since for some reason you call me that). Without millions of fake mailin ballots, Pinochijoe wouldn't have been close. How many counties did he win, fewer then Hildabeast right? We all know the scam that just took place.
I thought you were a female. sorry... anyways, y'all lost. move on. It was not even close.
I have moved on....a little less than before though with gas prices so high now.

You know you're a fucking nut, don't you?

Nationally, gas prices are up only 0.066¢ on average since a year ago...

LOL, the guy who needs to look at his avatar before calling someone a "fucking nut," LOL.

Interesting self image you have there sport
Aww, poor guy. Thanks for letting me know you're bothered by my avatar. :itsok:

And yes, someone complaining about gas prices under Biden while ignoring gas prices under Trump, which were just 0.066¢ lower a year ago, is a fucking nut. Did that hit too close to home for you too?


Your avatar is hilarious. I love it. It clearly identifies you as the nut that you are. And that you pick Trump as your self selected self image is hilarious. It's funny as hell, angry fascist man
Regarding Kaz's Law, it's virtually a certainty that a wingnut can't finish three sentences without deploying the word leftist.

You don't like being identified as the leftist that you are? Hit a nerve there, huh? Why exactly would it bother you to be called a leftist when you endlessly advocate leftist ideology?
I wasn't commenting on what I don't like to be called but on the weakness in your habit of invoking the boogeyman.


Then why can't you debate any of my points rather than objecting to a word I used correctly, fascist?
You don't make points, you just rattle on about boogeymen and generalizations.

Try offering a proposition followed by evidence and than draw a conclusion. Here's a tip for you, avoid name-calling, and keep adjectives to a minimum. You might be surprised.

The guy calling anyone who isn't a Democrat having a "Trump crush" is whining about "generalizations" again, LOL. Funny stuff.

That' while the number of Democrats fighting Democrat fascism is actually zero
What's funny is that you are inferring an absolute, a logical fallacy.

So now we have two. First you got all hot and bothered I called you a leftist, you ignored my question how you're not. Now you're all hot and bothered defending that Democrats aren't fascist, but you can't show any Democrat who has opposed violence, firing and other Democrat party fascism to destroy their opposition
I'm 75, I don't get hot and bothered much anymore. But keep trying, Trump's failed court cases convinced morons that there was an election theft.

John Lewis opposed non-violence so I just proved you wrong that I couldn't name any. Perhaps you now appreciate why I harp about the fallacious use of absolutes. You lose.

You're just blathering. There was election fraud. Democrats removed vote counting ability all going into the election. They didn't do that to not cheat. But even if there wasn't, this used to be a free country to state our opinion. That Trump stating his opinion is illegal is why you are now just a fascist party. Calling for violence means DIRECTLY CALLING FOR VIOLENCE. Or it used to until the fascist Democrats started attacking and destroying your opposition as you delve deeper and deeper into fascism.

Note you're silent to the flagrant hypocrisy that Democrats stoked hatred all summer in people who went out and murdered people and you're silent about it, leftist fascist
There's always election fraud, but it is not exclusively from one side of the aisle.

More importantly, there has been no evidence presented to even hint at WIDESPREAD fraud.

If we are to have any meaningful conversation, you need to quit generalizing about who I am. I have no cotton to violence perpetrated by anyone, be they antifa or WS groups. Neither do I dismiss black anger over the cold-blooded murder of George Floyd.

My profession has me intimately familiar with the difficulty of getting inside of someone's head and proving the likes of fraud. Hence, I appreciate your complaint about calling for violence. The Dems made the wrong charge. They should have confined themselves to the disgraceful way he dragged his feet in reacting to the riot. Had he been a soldier in time of war, and so abandoned his duty and post, he would have been stood before a firing squad and shot.

Democrats cheated systematically in the open and stole the election. They directly removed monitors and any ability to verify voters and stole the election. To say some Republican cheated somewhere and so it's the same is more of your stupid crap
If you have evidence of widespread fraud, show it. Trump had none which is why he was tossed from court more than five dozen times ... including by judges who he appointed.

But, he made enough noise with his bull to con people like you. Open your eyes, you've been had.

I already gave you two examples and you ignored them
You gave me nothing.
Let's have a link to something specific.

You were blathering on you wanted support for something you apparently couldn't identify.

Let me know when you figure out the subject
Election fraud.

I'm asking you for a link to something that establishes that there was widespread fraud.

What do you have?

You need a link to my first two examples that Democrats moved election monitors away from the counters and Democrats eliminated barriers to linking votes to legal voters? Seriously? Where were you during the election? Were you out of the country, stoned off your ass or in a Democrat party cult?
No, I was here, and paying close attention.

Keep coming back with nothing and I'll keep pounding you.

Pounding me, LOL. You were paying close attention while the thieves were walking right past you. You'll believe anything, it's hilarious
I'll take your gibberish as a no; you don't have any hard evidence - just empty rhetoric.

OldBlue: I'm not a leftist, kaz

OldBlue: kaz, what's a leftist?


Oh, and you don't know about Democrats keeping Republicans away from vote counters, no idea. And you don't know about Democrats changing voting rules. When did that happen?

And now, answers, you demand I answer your questions!

You're a joke, boy
Awwww does someone criticizing the dead vote upset you and make your pelosi tighten???
What is the "dead vote"? Like zombies?
No, zombies are people who are in an eternal afterlife state because they didn't wear a mask when told by the Gestapo and were smitten with the leftyvirus. Dead people are voters the Dems resurrect on fake ballots every election, its one of their well established patterns of cheating.
Yes, Donald Trump lost because...Democrats...resurrected the dead. sure lady.
Well, with the leftyvirus fake mailin ballots from China, its quite possible that dead votes were fairly infrequent.....because any name could be attached to the ballot being filled out by numerous libber workers at the polls as they were never checked. Imagine that.....millions of ballots with only "Biden" selected nobody bothered to quality check.
Go kick rocks, lady. Donald Trump lost the election. By like 7 or 8 million votes. There were no resurrected voters, the Democrats are not Necromancers. Y'all just got your butt kicked. That's all. Move on.
Sure lady (since for some reason you call me that). Without millions of fake mailin ballots, Pinochijoe wouldn't have been close. How many counties did he win, fewer then Hildabeast right? We all know the scam that just took place.
I thought you were a female. sorry... anyways, y'all lost. move on. It was not even close.
I have moved on....a little less than before though with gas prices so high now.

You know you're a fucking nut, don't you?

Nationally, gas prices are up only 0.066¢ on average since a year ago...

LOL, the guy who needs to look at his avatar before calling someone a "fucking nut," LOL.

Interesting self image you have there sport
Aww, poor guy. Thanks for letting me know you're bothered by my avatar. :itsok:

And yes, someone complaining about gas prices under Biden while ignoring gas prices under Trump, which were just 0.066¢ lower a year ago, is a fucking nut. Did that hit too close to home for you too?


Your avatar is hilarious. I love it. It clearly identifies you as the nut that you are. And that you pick Trump as your self selected self image is hilarious. It's funny as hell, angry fascist man
Regarding Kaz's Law, it's virtually a certainty that a wingnut can't finish three sentences without deploying the word leftist.

You don't like being identified as the leftist that you are? Hit a nerve there, huh? Why exactly would it bother you to be called a leftist when you endlessly advocate leftist ideology?
I wasn't commenting on what I don't like to be called but on the weakness in your habit of invoking the boogeyman.


Then why can't you debate any of my points rather than objecting to a word I used correctly, fascist?
You don't make points, you just rattle on about boogeymen and generalizations.

Try offering a proposition followed by evidence and than draw a conclusion. Here's a tip for you, avoid name-calling, and keep adjectives to a minimum. You might be surprised.

The guy calling anyone who isn't a Democrat having a "Trump crush" is whining about "generalizations" again, LOL. Funny stuff.

That' while the number of Democrats fighting Democrat fascism is actually zero
What's funny is that you are inferring an absolute, a logical fallacy.

So now we have two. First you got all hot and bothered I called you a leftist, you ignored my question how you're not. Now you're all hot and bothered defending that Democrats aren't fascist, but you can't show any Democrat who has opposed violence, firing and other Democrat party fascism to destroy their opposition
I'm 75, I don't get hot and bothered much anymore. But keep trying, Trump's failed court cases convinced morons that there was an election theft.

John Lewis opposed non-violence so I just proved you wrong that I couldn't name any. Perhaps you now appreciate why I harp about the fallacious use of absolutes. You lose.

You're just blathering. There was election fraud. Democrats removed vote counting ability all going into the election. They didn't do that to not cheat. But even if there wasn't, this used to be a free country to state our opinion. That Trump stating his opinion is illegal is why you are now just a fascist party. Calling for violence means DIRECTLY CALLING FOR VIOLENCE. Or it used to until the fascist Democrats started attacking and destroying your opposition as you delve deeper and deeper into fascism.

Note you're silent to the flagrant hypocrisy that Democrats stoked hatred all summer in people who went out and murdered people and you're silent about it, leftist fascist
There's always election fraud, but it is not exclusively from one side of the aisle.

More importantly, there has been no evidence presented to even hint at WIDESPREAD fraud.

If we are to have any meaningful conversation, you need to quit generalizing about who I am. I have no cotton to violence perpetrated by anyone, be they antifa or WS groups. Neither do I dismiss black anger over the cold-blooded murder of George Floyd.

My profession has me intimately familiar with the difficulty of getting inside of someone's head and proving the likes of fraud. Hence, I appreciate your complaint about calling for violence. The Dems made the wrong charge. They should have confined themselves to the disgraceful way he dragged his feet in reacting to the riot. Had he been a soldier in time of war, and so abandoned his duty and post, he would have been stood before a firing squad and shot.

Democrats cheated systematically in the open and stole the election. They directly removed monitors and any ability to verify voters and stole the election. To say some Republican cheated somewhere and so it's the same is more of your stupid crap
If you have evidence of widespread fraud, show it. Trump had none which is why he was tossed from court more than five dozen times ... including by judges who he appointed.

But, he made enough noise with his bull to con people like you. Open your eyes, you've been had.

I already gave you two examples and you ignored them
You gave me nothing.
Let's have a link to something specific.

You were blathering on you wanted support for something you apparently couldn't identify.

Let me know when you figure out the subject
Election fraud.

I'm asking you for a link to something that establishes that there was widespread fraud.

What do you have?

You need a link to my first two examples that Democrats moved election monitors away from the counters and Democrats eliminated barriers to linking votes to legal voters? Seriously? Where were you during the election? Were you out of the country, stoned off your ass or in a Democrat party cult?
No, I was here, and paying close attention.

Keep coming back with nothing and I'll keep pounding you.

Pounding me, LOL. You were paying close attention while the thieves were walking right past you. You'll believe anything, it's hilarious
I'll take your gibberish as a no; you don't have any hard evidence - just empty rhetoric.

OldBlue: I'm not a leftist, kaz

OldBlue: kaz, what's a leftist?


Oh, and you don't know about Democrats keeping Republicans away from vote counters, no idea. And you don't know about Democrats changing voting rules. When did that happen?

And now, answers, you demand I answer your questions!

You're a joke, boy
Well, at least you didn't put your lie in quotes.

I know there's been no evidence presented of widespread fraud.

How about we wager on the above point? Wait, your the coward who doesn't put his money where his mouth is.
Awwww does someone criticizing the dead vote upset you and make your pelosi tighten???
What is the "dead vote"? Like zombies?
No, zombies are people who are in an eternal afterlife state because they didn't wear a mask when told by the Gestapo and were smitten with the leftyvirus. Dead people are voters the Dems resurrect on fake ballots every election, its one of their well established patterns of cheating.
Yes, Donald Trump lost because...Democrats...resurrected the dead. sure lady.
Well, with the leftyvirus fake mailin ballots from China, its quite possible that dead votes were fairly infrequent.....because any name could be attached to the ballot being filled out by numerous libber workers at the polls as they were never checked. Imagine that.....millions of ballots with only "Biden" selected nobody bothered to quality check.
Go kick rocks, lady. Donald Trump lost the election. By like 7 or 8 million votes. There were no resurrected voters, the Democrats are not Necromancers. Y'all just got your butt kicked. That's all. Move on.
Sure lady (since for some reason you call me that). Without millions of fake mailin ballots, Pinochijoe wouldn't have been close. How many counties did he win, fewer then Hildabeast right? We all know the scam that just took place.
I thought you were a female. sorry... anyways, y'all lost. move on. It was not even close.
I have moved on....a little less than before though with gas prices so high now.

You know you're a fucking nut, don't you?

Nationally, gas prices are up only 0.066¢ on average since a year ago...

LOL, the guy who needs to look at his avatar before calling someone a "fucking nut," LOL.

Interesting self image you have there sport
Aww, poor guy. Thanks for letting me know you're bothered by my avatar. :itsok:

And yes, someone complaining about gas prices under Biden while ignoring gas prices under Trump, which were just 0.066¢ lower a year ago, is a fucking nut. Did that hit too close to home for you too?


Your avatar is hilarious. I love it. It clearly identifies you as the nut that you are. And that you pick Trump as your self selected self image is hilarious. It's funny as hell, angry fascist man
Regarding Kaz's Law, it's virtually a certainty that a wingnut can't finish three sentences without deploying the word leftist.

You don't like being identified as the leftist that you are? Hit a nerve there, huh? Why exactly would it bother you to be called a leftist when you endlessly advocate leftist ideology?
I wasn't commenting on what I don't like to be called but on the weakness in your habit of invoking the boogeyman.


Then why can't you debate any of my points rather than objecting to a word I used correctly, fascist?
You don't make points, you just rattle on about boogeymen and generalizations.

Try offering a proposition followed by evidence and than draw a conclusion. Here's a tip for you, avoid name-calling, and keep adjectives to a minimum. You might be surprised.

The guy calling anyone who isn't a Democrat having a "Trump crush" is whining about "generalizations" again, LOL. Funny stuff.

That' while the number of Democrats fighting Democrat fascism is actually zero
What's funny is that you are inferring an absolute, a logical fallacy.

So now we have two. First you got all hot and bothered I called you a leftist, you ignored my question how you're not. Now you're all hot and bothered defending that Democrats aren't fascist, but you can't show any Democrat who has opposed violence, firing and other Democrat party fascism to destroy their opposition
I'm 75, I don't get hot and bothered much anymore. But keep trying, Trump's failed court cases convinced morons that there was an election theft.

John Lewis opposed non-violence so I just proved you wrong that I couldn't name any. Perhaps you now appreciate why I harp about the fallacious use of absolutes. You lose.

You're just blathering. There was election fraud. Democrats removed vote counting ability all going into the election. They didn't do that to not cheat. But even if there wasn't, this used to be a free country to state our opinion. That Trump stating his opinion is illegal is why you are now just a fascist party. Calling for violence means DIRECTLY CALLING FOR VIOLENCE. Or it used to until the fascist Democrats started attacking and destroying your opposition as you delve deeper and deeper into fascism.

Note you're silent to the flagrant hypocrisy that Democrats stoked hatred all summer in people who went out and murdered people and you're silent about it, leftist fascist
There's always election fraud, but it is not exclusively from one side of the aisle.

More importantly, there has been no evidence presented to even hint at WIDESPREAD fraud.

If we are to have any meaningful conversation, you need to quit generalizing about who I am. I have no cotton to violence perpetrated by anyone, be they antifa or WS groups. Neither do I dismiss black anger over the cold-blooded murder of George Floyd.

My profession has me intimately familiar with the difficulty of getting inside of someone's head and proving the likes of fraud. Hence, I appreciate your complaint about calling for violence. The Dems made the wrong charge. They should have confined themselves to the disgraceful way he dragged his feet in reacting to the riot. Had he been a soldier in time of war, and so abandoned his duty and post, he would have been stood before a firing squad and shot.

Democrats cheated systematically in the open and stole the election. They directly removed monitors and any ability to verify voters and stole the election. To say some Republican cheated somewhere and so it's the same is more of your stupid crap
If you have evidence of widespread fraud, show it. Trump had none which is why he was tossed from court more than five dozen times ... including by judges who he appointed.

But, he made enough noise with his bull to con people like you. Open your eyes, you've been had.

I already gave you two examples and you ignored them
You gave me nothing.
Let's have a link to something specific.

You were blathering on you wanted support for something you apparently couldn't identify.

Let me know when you figure out the subject
Election fraud.

I'm asking you for a link to something that establishes that there was widespread fraud.

What do you have?

You need a link to my first two examples that Democrats moved election monitors away from the counters and Democrats eliminated barriers to linking votes to legal voters? Seriously? Where were you during the election? Were you out of the country, stoned off your ass or in a Democrat party cult?
No, I was here, and paying close attention.

Keep coming back with nothing and I'll keep pounding you.

Pounding me, LOL. You were paying close attention while the thieves were walking right past you. You'll believe anything, it's hilarious
I'll take your gibberish as a no; you don't have any hard evidence - just empty rhetoric.

OldBlue: I'm not a leftist, kaz

OldBlue: kaz, what's a leftist?


Oh, and you don't know about Democrats keeping Republicans away from vote counters, no idea. And you don't know about Democrats changing voting rules. When did that happen?

And now, answers, you demand I answer your questions!

You're a joke, boy
Well, at least you didn't put your lie in quotes.

I know there's been no evidence presented of widespread fraud.

How about we wager on the above point? Wait, your the coward who doesn't put his money where his mouth is.

Wagering on the Internet is for dumb asses. You know, you
Awwww does someone criticizing the dead vote upset you and make your pelosi tighten???
What is the "dead vote"? Like zombies?
No, zombies are people who are in an eternal afterlife state because they didn't wear a mask when told by the Gestapo and were smitten with the leftyvirus. Dead people are voters the Dems resurrect on fake ballots every election, its one of their well established patterns of cheating.
Yes, Donald Trump lost because...Democrats...resurrected the dead. sure lady.
Well, with the leftyvirus fake mailin ballots from China, its quite possible that dead votes were fairly infrequent.....because any name could be attached to the ballot being filled out by numerous libber workers at the polls as they were never checked. Imagine that.....millions of ballots with only "Biden" selected nobody bothered to quality check.
Go kick rocks, lady. Donald Trump lost the election. By like 7 or 8 million votes. There were no resurrected voters, the Democrats are not Necromancers. Y'all just got your butt kicked. That's all. Move on.
Sure lady (since for some reason you call me that). Without millions of fake mailin ballots, Pinochijoe wouldn't have been close. How many counties did he win, fewer then Hildabeast right? We all know the scam that just took place.
I thought you were a female. sorry... anyways, y'all lost. move on. It was not even close.
I have moved on....a little less than before though with gas prices so high now.

You know you're a fucking nut, don't you?

Nationally, gas prices are up only 0.066¢ on average since a year ago...

LOL, the guy who needs to look at his avatar before calling someone a "fucking nut," LOL.

Interesting self image you have there sport
Aww, poor guy. Thanks for letting me know you're bothered by my avatar. :itsok:

And yes, someone complaining about gas prices under Biden while ignoring gas prices under Trump, which were just 0.066¢ lower a year ago, is a fucking nut. Did that hit too close to home for you too?


Your avatar is hilarious. I love it. It clearly identifies you as the nut that you are. And that you pick Trump as your self selected self image is hilarious. It's funny as hell, angry fascist man
Regarding Kaz's Law, it's virtually a certainty that a wingnut can't finish three sentences without deploying the word leftist.

You don't like being identified as the leftist that you are? Hit a nerve there, huh? Why exactly would it bother you to be called a leftist when you endlessly advocate leftist ideology?
I wasn't commenting on what I don't like to be called but on the weakness in your habit of invoking the boogeyman.


Then why can't you debate any of my points rather than objecting to a word I used correctly, fascist?
You don't make points, you just rattle on about boogeymen and generalizations.

Try offering a proposition followed by evidence and than draw a conclusion. Here's a tip for you, avoid name-calling, and keep adjectives to a minimum. You might be surprised.

The guy calling anyone who isn't a Democrat having a "Trump crush" is whining about "generalizations" again, LOL. Funny stuff.

That' while the number of Democrats fighting Democrat fascism is actually zero
What's funny is that you are inferring an absolute, a logical fallacy.

So now we have two. First you got all hot and bothered I called you a leftist, you ignored my question how you're not. Now you're all hot and bothered defending that Democrats aren't fascist, but you can't show any Democrat who has opposed violence, firing and other Democrat party fascism to destroy their opposition
I'm 75, I don't get hot and bothered much anymore. But keep trying, Trump's failed court cases convinced morons that there was an election theft.

John Lewis opposed non-violence so I just proved you wrong that I couldn't name any. Perhaps you now appreciate why I harp about the fallacious use of absolutes. You lose.

You're just blathering. There was election fraud. Democrats removed vote counting ability all going into the election. They didn't do that to not cheat. But even if there wasn't, this used to be a free country to state our opinion. That Trump stating his opinion is illegal is why you are now just a fascist party. Calling for violence means DIRECTLY CALLING FOR VIOLENCE. Or it used to until the fascist Democrats started attacking and destroying your opposition as you delve deeper and deeper into fascism.

Note you're silent to the flagrant hypocrisy that Democrats stoked hatred all summer in people who went out and murdered people and you're silent about it, leftist fascist
There's always election fraud, but it is not exclusively from one side of the aisle.

More importantly, there has been no evidence presented to even hint at WIDESPREAD fraud.

If we are to have any meaningful conversation, you need to quit generalizing about who I am. I have no cotton to violence perpetrated by anyone, be they antifa or WS groups. Neither do I dismiss black anger over the cold-blooded murder of George Floyd.

My profession has me intimately familiar with the difficulty of getting inside of someone's head and proving the likes of fraud. Hence, I appreciate your complaint about calling for violence. The Dems made the wrong charge. They should have confined themselves to the disgraceful way he dragged his feet in reacting to the riot. Had he been a soldier in time of war, and so abandoned his duty and post, he would have been stood before a firing squad and shot.

Democrats cheated systematically in the open and stole the election. They directly removed monitors and any ability to verify voters and stole the election. To say some Republican cheated somewhere and so it's the same is more of your stupid crap
If you have evidence of widespread fraud, show it. Trump had none which is why he was tossed from court more than five dozen times ... including by judges who he appointed.

But, he made enough noise with his bull to con people like you. Open your eyes, you've been had.

I already gave you two examples and you ignored them
You gave me nothing.
Let's have a link to something specific.

You were blathering on you wanted support for something you apparently couldn't identify.

Let me know when you figure out the subject
Election fraud.

I'm asking you for a link to something that establishes that there was widespread fraud.

What do you have?

You need a link to my first two examples that Democrats moved election monitors away from the counters and Democrats eliminated barriers to linking votes to legal voters? Seriously? Where were you during the election? Were you out of the country, stoned off your ass or in a Democrat party cult?
No, I was here, and paying close attention.

Keep coming back with nothing and I'll keep pounding you.

Pounding me, LOL. You were paying close attention while the thieves were walking right past you. You'll believe anything, it's hilarious
I'll take your gibberish as a no; you don't have any hard evidence - just empty rhetoric.

OldBlue: I'm not a leftist, kaz

OldBlue: kaz, what's a leftist?


Oh, and you don't know about Democrats keeping Republicans away from vote counters, no idea. And you don't know about Democrats changing voting rules. When did that happen?

And now, answers, you demand I answer your questions!

You're a joke, boy
Well, at least you didn't put your lie in quotes.

I know there's been no evidence presented of widespread fraud.

How about we wager on the above point? Wait, your the coward who doesn't put his money where his mouth is.

Wagering on the Internet is for dumb asses. You know, you
I specified that an escrow hold the stake. Technically, it's not wagering on the internet. It's a friendly bet with someone met on the internet.

But, it's probably unlawful so I'll withdraw the offer. It's good enough that I showed you for someone who shoots off his mouth but won't back it up.
OldBlue: I'm not a leftist, kaz

OldBlue: kaz, what's a leftist?


Oh, and you don't know about Democrats keeping Republicans away from vote counters, no idea. And you don't know about Democrats changing voting rules. When did that happen?

And now, answers, you demand I answer your questions!

You're a joke, boy
Well, at least you didn't put your lie in quotes.

I know there's been no evidence presented of widespread fraud.

How about we wager on the above point? Wait, your the coward who doesn't put his money where his mouth is.

Wagering on the Internet is for dumb asses. You know, you
I specified that an escrow hold the stake. Technically, it's not wagering on the internet. It's a friendly bet with someone met on the internet.

But, it's probably unlawful so I'll withdraw the offer. It's good enough that I showed you for someone who shoots off his mouth but won't back it up.

You're a joke, boy
OldBlue: I'm not a leftist, kaz

OldBlue: kaz, what's a leftist?


Oh, and you don't know about Democrats keeping Republicans away from vote counters, no idea. And you don't know about Democrats changing voting rules. When did that happen?

And now, answers, you demand I answer your questions!

You're a joke, boy
Well, at least you didn't put your lie in quotes.

I know there's been no evidence presented of widespread fraud.

How about we wager on the above point? Wait, your the coward who doesn't put his money where his mouth is.

Wagering on the Internet is for dumb asses. You know, you
I specified that an escrow hold the stake. Technically, it's not wagering on the internet. It's a friendly bet with someone met on the internet.

But, it's probably unlawful so I'll withdraw the offer. It's good enough that I showed you for someone who shoots off his mouth but won't back it up.

You're a joke, boy
Lot's of people play poker on the internet, and making wagers on sporting events is huge. I'm not really into that, but your calling them all dumbasses is hardly fair. You've probably alienated a few of your friends. Not good as I imagine that you're already pretty thin in that department.
OldBlue: I'm not a leftist, kaz

OldBlue: kaz, what's a leftist?


Oh, and you don't know about Democrats keeping Republicans away from vote counters, no idea. And you don't know about Democrats changing voting rules. When did that happen?

And now, answers, you demand I answer your questions!

You're a joke, boy
Well, at least you didn't put your lie in quotes.

I know there's been no evidence presented of widespread fraud.

How about we wager on the above point? Wait, your the coward who doesn't put his money where his mouth is.

Wagering on the Internet is for dumb asses. You know, you
I specified that an escrow hold the stake. Technically, it's not wagering on the internet. It's a friendly bet with someone met on the internet.

But, it's probably unlawful so I'll withdraw the offer. It's good enough that I showed you for someone who shoots off his mouth but won't back it up.

You're a joke, boy
Lot's of people play poker on the internet, and making wagers on sporting events is huge. I'm not really into that, but your calling them all dumbasses is hardly fair. You've probably alienated a few of your friends. Not good as I imagine that you're already pretty thin in that department.

I don't give a shit. Making bets over a disagreement with someone I respect for fun. I would have to bet at least a $100K for it to affect my life even a little and I'm not going to do that. You do it apparently to be a nagging ass. We have inconsistent objectives for wagering. Note there are no question marks in this paragraph, fascist ass.

As for your inane personal insults, sadly how they are in no way beneath you, boy. LOL
Last edited:
100% not guilty once and 100% not guilty again over same things equals

200% Innocent

How galling for the emotional thumb suckers to have failed TWICE in their vindictive childish fraudulent schemes. They are demented and think the outside issue of Trump will quell their jangled nerves when it’s really their own internal misery that is causal of their perpetual state of victimization

Go ahead and monkey trial him again. BBC is blistering in their assessment of this double charade “trial” while USMSM focuses on what statue might not make someone feel good.
100% not guilty once and 100% not guilty again over same things equals

200% Innocent

How galling for the emotional thumb suckers to have failed TWICE in their vindictive childish fraudulent schemes. They are demented and think the outside issue of Trump will quell their jangled nerves when it’s really their own internal misery that is causal of their perpetual state of victimization

Anybodywho thinks that the Reblicans refusal to convict means he is innocent must have a turnip for a brain. This is just the beginning. I can't to see what you guys have to say when the criminal charges hit
100% not guilty once and 100% not guilty again over same things equals

200% Innocent

How galling for the emotional thumb suckers to have failed TWICE in their vindictive childish fraudulent schemes. They are demented and think the outside issue of Trump will quell their jangled nerves when it’s really their own internal misery that is causal of their perpetual state of victimization
View attachment 460047

Anybodywho thinks that the Reblicans refusal to convict means he is innocent must have a turnip for a brain. This is just the beginning. I can't to see what you guys have to say when the criminal charges hit
TWICE 100% Exonerated.

Trump 2, Nazi Pelousy 0
100% not guilty once and 100% not guilty again over same things equals

200% Innocent

How galling for the emotional thumb suckers to have failed TWICE in their vindictive childish fraudulent schemes. They are demented and think the outside issue of Trump will quell their jangled nerves when it’s really their own internal misery that is causal of their perpetual state of victimization
View attachment 460047

Anybodywho thinks that the Reblicans refusal to convict means he is innocent must have a turnip for a brain. This is just the beginning. I can't to see what you guys have to say when the criminal charges hit
Yeah you dont get to put an emotional overlay opinion on a fact based outcome
All you are saying is “ it did not go the way I felt it should and wanted it to “
100% not guilty once and 100% not guilty again over same things equals

200% Innocent

How galling for the emotional thumb suckers to have failed TWICE in their vindictive childish fraudulent schemes. They are demented and think the outside issue of Trump will quell their jangled nerves when it’s really their own internal misery that is causal of their perpetual state of victimization
View attachment 460047

Anybodywho thinks that the Reblicans refusal to convict means he is innocent must have a turnip for a brain. This is just the beginning. I can't to see what you guys have to say when the criminal charges hit
Yeah you dont get to put an emotional overlay opinion on a fact based outcome
All you are saying is “ it did not go the way I felt it should and wanted it to “
The fact is that he is going to get slamed big time in criminal court
100% not guilty once and 100% not guilty again over same things equals

200% Innocent

How galling for the emotional thumb suckers to have failed TWICE in their vindictive childish fraudulent schemes. They are demented and think the outside issue of Trump will quell their jangled nerves when it’s really their own internal misery that is causal of their perpetual state of victimization
View attachment 460047

Anybodywho thinks that the Reblicans refusal to convict means he is innocent must have a turnip for a brain. This is just the beginning. I can't to see what you guys have to say when the criminal charges hit
TWICE 100% Exonerated.

Trump 2, Nazi Pelousy 0
After Senate trial, will Donald Trump face criminal charges? (

The former president could soon be indicted on criminal charges, not to mention the multiple civil actions that have been filed against him.

Now that Trump is once again a mere citizen without the protection of presidential immunity, he risks the unprecedented infamy of being indicted.

He is the target of at least one criminal investigation, led by Manhattan prosecutor Cyrus Vance, who has been fighting for months to obtain eight years of Trump's tax returns.
100% not guilty once and 100% not guilty again over same things equals

200% Innocent

How galling for the emotional thumb suckers to have failed TWICE in their vindictive childish fraudulent schemes. They are demented and think the outside issue of Trump will quell their jangled nerves when it’s really their own internal misery that is causal of their perpetual state of victimization
View attachment 460047

Anybodywho thinks that the Reblicans refusal to convict means he is innocent must have a turnip for a brain. This is just the beginning. I can't to see what you guys have to say when the criminal charges hit
Yeah you dont get to put an emotional overlay opinion on a fact based outcome
All you are saying is “ it did not go the way I felt it should and wanted it to “
The fact is that he is going to get slamed big time in criminal court
You clowns also told us he would be in cuffs as soon as he left the WH.

He is golfing in Florida.

100% not guilty once and 100% not guilty again over same things equals

200% Innocent

How galling for the emotional thumb suckers to have failed TWICE in their vindictive childish fraudulent schemes. They are demented and think the outside issue of Trump will quell their jangled nerves when it’s really their own internal misery that is causal of their perpetual state of victimization
View attachment 460047

Anybodywho thinks that the Reblicans refusal to convict means he is innocent must have a turnip for a brain. This is just the beginning. I can't to see what you guys have to say when the criminal charges hit
TWICE 100% Exonerated.

Trump 2, Nazi Pelousy 0
After Senate trial, will Donald Trump face criminal charges? (

The former president could soon be indicted on criminal charges, not to mention the multiple civil actions that have been filed against him.

Now that Trump is once again a mere citizen without the protection of presidential immunity, he risks the unprecedented infamy of being indicted.

He is the target of at least one criminal investigation, led by Manhattan prosecutor Cyrus Vance, who has been fighting for months to obtain eight years of Trump's tax returns.

Where are these charges?

Why hasn't he been arrested?
100% not guilty once and 100% not guilty again over same things equals

200% Innocent

How galling for the emotional thumb suckers to have failed TWICE in their vindictive childish fraudulent schemes. They are demented and think the outside issue of Trump will quell their jangled nerves when it’s really their own internal misery that is causal of their perpetual state of victimization
View attachment 460047

Anybodywho thinks that the Reblicans refusal to convict means he is innocent must have a turnip for a brain. This is just the beginning. I can't to see what you guys have to say when the criminal charges hit
Yeah you dont get to put an emotional overlay opinion on a fact based outcome
All you are saying is “ it did not go the way I felt it should and wanted it to “
The fact is that he is going to get slamed big time in criminal court
You clowns also told us he would be in cuffs as soon as he left the WH.

He is golfing in Florida.

The night is young big guy
100% not guilty once and 100% not guilty again over same things equals

200% Innocent

How galling for the emotional thumb suckers to have failed TWICE in their vindictive childish fraudulent schemes. They are demented and think the outside issue of Trump will quell their jangled nerves when it’s really their own internal misery that is causal of their perpetual state of victimization
View attachment 460047

Anybodywho thinks that the Reblicans refusal to convict means he is innocent must have a turnip for a brain. This is just the beginning. I can't to see what you guys have to say when the criminal charges hit
TWICE 100% Exonerated.

Trump 2, Nazi Pelousy 0
After Senate trial, will Donald Trump face criminal charges? (

The former president could soon be indicted on criminal charges, not to mention the multiple civil actions that have been filed against him.

Now that Trump is once again a mere citizen without the protection of presidential immunity, he risks the unprecedented infamy of being indicted.

He is the target of at least one criminal investigation, led by Manhattan prosecutor Cyrus Vance, who has been fighting for months to obtain eight years of Trump's tax returns.

Where are these charges?

Why hasn't he been arrested?
District of Columbia
The Southern District of New York (Federal)

Comming soon to a court house near you

He'll be arrested when the indictments are unsealed.

Any more brilliant questions ??
100% not guilty once and 100% not guilty again over same things equals

200% Innocent

How galling for the emotional thumb suckers to have failed TWICE in their vindictive childish fraudulent schemes. They are demented and think the outside issue of Trump will quell their jangled nerves when it’s really their own internal misery that is causal of their perpetual state of victimization
View attachment 460047

Anybodywho thinks that the Reblicans refusal to convict means he is innocent must have a turnip for a brain. This is just the beginning. I can't to see what you guys have to say when the criminal charges hit
Yeah you dont get to put an emotional overlay opinion on a fact based outcome
All you are saying is “ it did not go the way I felt it should and wanted it to “
The fact is that he is going to get slamed big time in criminal court
You clowns also told us he would be in cuffs as soon as he left the WH.

He is golfing in Florida.

The night is young big guy
^^^^^2021's RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA^^^^^

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
100% not guilty once and 100% not guilty again over same things equals

200% Innocent

How galling for the emotional thumb suckers to have failed TWICE in their vindictive childish fraudulent schemes. They are demented and think the outside issue of Trump will quell their jangled nerves when it’s really their own internal misery that is causal of their perpetual state of victimization
View attachment 460047

Anybodywho thinks that the Reblicans refusal to convict means he is innocent must have a turnip for a brain. This is just the beginning. I can't to see what you guys have to say when the criminal charges hit
TWICE 100% Exonerated.

Trump 2, Nazi Pelousy 0
After Senate trial, will Donald Trump face criminal charges? (

The former president could soon be indicted on criminal charges, not to mention the multiple civil actions that have been filed against him.

Now that Trump is once again a mere citizen without the protection of presidential immunity, he risks the unprecedented infamy of being indicted.

He is the target of at least one criminal investigation, led by Manhattan prosecutor Cyrus Vance, who has been fighting for months to obtain eight years of Trump's tax returns.

Where are these charges?

Why hasn't he been arrested?
District of Columbia
The Southern District of New York (Federal)

Comming soon to a court house near you

He'll be arrested when the indictments are unsealed.

Any more brilliant questions ??
^^^^^2021's RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA^^^^^


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