Trump has black protestors forcibly removed

So much for the 'big tent.'
So much for the 'big tent.'
The big tent seems to only cover fat white asses.

Why you suppose Trump singled out black people? No Hispanics were available?

Had nothing to do with skin color but what they were yelling. Why do you suppose only blacks were yelling what they were yelling. Maybe it's culture for them.
Who cares? These "protesters" had no business being at a private rally in the first place.

Since when were political rallies "private events"? I thought that ALL Americans had the right to pick and choose what candidates they want to listen to, or even protest if they feel the need.

Nope. To attend a Trump rally you have to have a ticket. It's private event. He rents the space and determines who is allowed to attend.
Who cares? These "protesters" had no business being at a private rally in the first place.

Since when were political rallies "private events"? I thought that ALL Americans had the right to pick and choose what candidates they want to listen to, or even protest if they feel the need.
No state action. Thus, no first amendment right to protest. Fuck 'em right up their leftist homosexual assholes.
Hillary Clinton throws out Black Lives Matter protestors

, Oct 30, 2015.


Hillary Clinton Throws Out Black Lives Matter Protesters

This is a Ugly article, even if it's against Clinton. You see what the left is fed daily
Hillary Clinton: 'I Will Talk Only to White People ...'
By William Boardman, Reader Supported News

25 August 15

Black Lives Matter activists push edges that need pushing
fter listening awhile, Hillary Clinton pettishly told a quintet of respectful Black Lives Matter activists that, “Yeah, well, respectfully, if that is your position, then I will talk only to white people about how we are going to deal with a very real problem.” More than being nonsensical, she was actually trying to avoid the reality that white violence against black people is an offense that only white people can stop. And she was also avoiding her own, very real role in promoting federal policies that have made black lives matter less and less over the past two decades.

all of the crap here:
If he never expelled a white protester, this might be news...but Trump is an equal opportunity ejector. If you cause a disturbance, you get ejected, regardless of race, creed, color, religious affiliation, lack thereof, or sexual orientation.

Equality, it's a beautiful thing.

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