Trump has black protestors forcibly removed

If he never expelled a white protester, this might be news...but Trump is an equal opportunity ejector. If you cause a disturbance, you get ejected, regardless of race, creed, color, religious affiliation, lack thereof, or sexual orientation.

Equality, it's a beautiful thing.

Exactly, they wail about Equal equal equal THEN they get Equal justice andwhine when it's given to people who had black skin. they want it both way of course. losers
Racist Trump Supporters Taunt Latino High School Basketball Players
That fake has been debunked oh a trillion times

Prove it.

These don't look fake:





Racist scum.

Clinton-Gore '92 Confederate Flag Campaign Pin Controversy

all have been debunked

The Washington Post also observed that:

It's important to note that there is no indicator that these buttons were actually made and distributed by the actual Clinton-Gore campaign.

One indicator that it isn't official is that it lacks a union "bug," the little marker showing that a piece of campaign material was printed in a union shop. If you look at other Clinton-Gore buttons, nearly all — but not all — have a bug somewhere.


In the 1980s and 1990s, buttons played part of the role that Etsy, Zazzle and Cafepress play now. Buttonmakers were never hard to come by, and anyone who wanted to could make his or her own, offering whatever sentiment they wanted to. So just because these buttons exist doesn't mean they were sanctioned or approved by the campaign.
Clinton-Gore '92 Confederate Flag Campaign Pin Controversy
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Hilary had a Black Girl from Black Lives Matter removed from her private event. You Liberals are so full of shit and double standards.

Clinton-Gore '92 Confederate Flag Campaign Pin Controversy

all have been debunked

The Washington Post also observed that:

It's important to note that there is no indicator that these buttons were actually made and distributed by the actual Clinton-Gore campaign.

One indicator that it isn't official is that it lacks a union "bug," the little marker showing that a piece of campaign material was printed in a union shop. If you look at other Clinton-Gore buttons, nearly all — but not all — have a bug somewhere.


In the 1980s and 1990s, buttons played part of the role that Etsy, Zazzle and Cafepress play now. Buttonmakers were never hard to come by, and anyone who wanted to could make his or her own, offering whatever sentiment they wanted to. So just because these buttons exist doesn't mean they were sanctioned or approved by the campaign.
Clinton-Gore '92 Confederate Flag Campaign Pin Controversy

It's important to note Gore's father's voting record as well as the record of William Fulbright.

Clinton-Gore '92 Confederate Flag Campaign Pin Controversy

all have been debunked

The Washington Post also observed that:

It's important to note that there is no indicator that these buttons were actually made and distributed by the actual Clinton-Gore campaign.

One indicator that it isn't official is that it lacks a union "bug," the little marker showing that a piece of campaign material was printed in a union shop. If you look at other Clinton-Gore buttons, nearly all — but not all — have a bug somewhere.


In the 1980s and 1990s, buttons played part of the role that Etsy, Zazzle and Cafepress play now. Buttonmakers were never hard to come by, and anyone who wanted to could make his or her own, offering whatever sentiment they wanted to. So just because these buttons exist doesn't mean they were sanctioned or approved by the campaign.
Clinton-Gore '92 Confederate Flag Campaign Pin Controversy

It is important to note that the Gore Campaign in 2000 had the Military Vote disqualified.
It is important to note that the Gore Campaign in 2000 had the Military Vote disqualified.

It is important to note that Catastrophe 43 received more than a Half million fewer votes than Gore and the dead Fat Fuck Scalia inflicted this catastrophic failure of a President Crash 43 on a hapless America
Meme em Tyrone.
A picture is worth a thousand words ...look for instance at post # 92 which is the Editorial cartoon at the Miami Herald for today...that graphic makes the point that the GOP has long been playing and flirting with and using racism and ethnic fears in order to attract supporters and to maintain itself politically ...this same GOP now pretends it is against what Trump is doing....the cartoon exposes how Trump and the GOP are two of a kind in racism....

In what way is it "disingenuous" ? it is both candid and it is lists the racist stunts and policies supported by the GOP abnd then acts shocked because Donald Trump presents those same views but Candidly Unvarnished by GOP Sugar coatings...It is a very effective cartoon in capturing the GOP 's current dilemma..
Meme em Tyrone.
A picture is worth a thousand words ...look for instance at post # 92 which is the Editorial cartoon at the Miami Herald for today...that graphic makes the point that the GOP has long been playing and flirting with and using racism and ethnic fears in order to attract supporters and to maintain itself politically ...this same GOP now pretends it is against what Trump is doing....the cartoon exposes how Trump and the GOP are two of a kind in racism....
Fun, ain't it?

And it's catching-on like wildfire, isn't it?

In the final analysis, it isn't about racism.

It's about mustering the political power to overturn elements of the LibProg agenda that have polluted the country in recent years.

And, if it takes the votes of a few white-sheeters, alongside the rest of the folks who are pissed off, well, that's what's likely to happen.

It's that whole Action / REaction thing at work.

Welcome to the opposite end of the pendulum swing.
Meme em Tyrone.
A picture is worth a thousand words ...look for instance at post # 92 which is the Editorial cartoon at the Miami Herald for today...that graphic makes the point that the GOP has long been playing and flirting with and using racism and ethnic fears in order to attract supporters and to maintain itself politically ...this same GOP now pretends it is against what Trump is doing....the cartoon exposes how Trump and the GOP are two of a kind in racism....
Fun, ain't it?

And it's catching-on like wildfire, isn't it?

In the final analysis, it isn't about racism. It's about mustering the political power to overturn elements of the LibProg agenda that have polluted the country in recent years. And, if it takes the votes of a few white-sheeters, alongside the rest of the folks who are pissed off, well, that's what's likely to happen.

It's that whole Action / REaction thing at work. Welcome to the opposite end of the pendulum swing.
you are going to end up in the pits of that pendulum./ GOP nut bags think that in the general population, not limited to conservative voters , that there is the same degree of derangement and unhinged abandonment of reality as exists in the GOP ...well you all got another thing coming....
why do you think
Panic in the GOP
Brendan Karet: Right-Wing Media Panic Over Donald Trump's Front-Runner Status On Super Tuesday
Last edited: are going to end up in the pits of that pendulum./ GOP nut bags think that in the general population, not limited to conservative voters , that there is the same degree of derangement and unhinged abandonment of reality as exists in the GOP ...well you all got another thing coming....
The Democratic Party is turning into the Blacks and Mexicans and Homosexuals Party.

The Republican Party is turning into the Whites Party.

You're right.

This is becoming a matter of Race.

Whites (of all kinds) constitute seventy-seven (77%) percent of the US population, according to the 2010 US Census.

Even taking into account that percentage of Whites who will stand alongside the Blacks and Mexicans rather than their own kind...

Given the massive and apparently unprecedented voter turnout, and the apparent Trump juggernaut, and the corrupt Establishment nature of the Democratic frontrunner, and all of the disillusioned Bernie supporters who are going to see the Super Delegate factor steal the election away from them, and all of the New Age Reagan Democrats who are likely to vote this year, and given eight long years of the Magic Negro, and his Rule by Imperial Decree...

YOU do the math...

Laugh now... because it seems likely that you will not be laughing, on the morning of November 9, 2016.


This is not an endorsement of Trump nor a particular expression of glad-ness that this seems to be headed in the direction outlined above.

Rather, it is a sad, reluctant articulation of the Reality that seems to be taking shape, as the 2015-2016 campaign season unfolds here in the US.

And, even more sadly, I do not believe that this is just a "phase" or a "fad".

The People are pissed, and, I think, this is just the beginning.

Time will tell.
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The Republican Party is turning into the Whites Party.
babbling Oompa-Loompa
Yes, yes, yes... very nice, I'm sure... thank you for your feedback...

you are welcome little boy
Watch CNN's Trump Apologist Get Schooled On Trump's Relationship With White Nationalists

There Is A "Dark Underside Here" And Trump Is "Tapping Into ... [Something] Very Frightening To Me And Frightening To A Lot Of People"

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