Trump has come up with ‘frivolous, baseless claims’ of voter fraud: Nevada AG Aaron Ford

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008

All tossed out and the state attorney general is Republican, lol:

All four of the lawsuits that the Trump administration has filed in our state have been thrown out that I have been participating in,” explained Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford. “They continue to come with frivolous, baseless claims of speculation about voter fraud that's widespread, that ostensibly is changing the results of the election. And we continue to get them tossed out of court."

One allegation the Trump campaign makes is that dead people voted in the election, said Ford, “but they've not filed a complaint with my office. They continue to operate through the media as a PR stunt to blow up my timeline on Twitter to make it appear as though we're not doing our job, when the fact is, they have not presented a complaint with us that we can even verify, let alone investigate.”
That's all it is. A media stunt so he can hide in his loss and not seem like the whining little bitch he is.
They'll all be thrown out. Accusing a state of participating in anything less than a free and fair election
is not received well by Republican or Democrat run states. They tend to look upon it as an insult.

You don't just get to spout nonsense because your guy lost.
This is really embarrassing.

All tossed out and the state attorney general is Republican, lol:

All four of the lawsuits that the Trump administration has filed in our state have been thrown out that I have been participating in,” explained Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford. “They continue to come with frivolous, baseless claims of speculation about voter fraud that's widespread, that ostensibly is changing the results of the election. And we continue to get them tossed out of court."

One allegation the Trump campaign makes is that dead people voted in the election, said Ford, “but they've not filed a complaint with my office. They continue to operate through the media as a PR stunt to blow up my timeline on Twitter to make it appear as though we're not doing our job, when the fact is, they have not presented a complaint with us that we can even verify, let alone investigate.”
There is that Prog Media talking point again, FRIVOLOUS... Do you progs ever think for yourselves and do some research on why there suddenly was 130,000 ballots in a row with only Joe Biden selected and nothing down ballot?

Oh yeah, you are slaves, you are told to wear a mask that doesnt stop the virus, you wear it, you are told to vote for Joe Biden because the Progs hate the President who is stopping the New World Order, so you vote Joe Biden...Slaves....

All tossed out and the state attorney general is Republican, lol:

All four of the lawsuits that the Trump administration has filed in our state have been thrown out that I have been participating in,” explained Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford. “They continue to come with frivolous, baseless claims of speculation about voter fraud that's widespread, that ostensibly is changing the results of the election. And we continue to get them tossed out of court."

One allegation the Trump campaign makes is that dead people voted in the election, said Ford, “but they've not filed a complaint with my office. They continue to operate through the media as a PR stunt to blow up my timeline on Twitter to make it appear as though we're not doing our job, when the fact is, they have not presented a complaint with us that we can even verify, let alone investigate.”
There is that Prog Media talking point again, FRIVOLOUS... Do you progs ever think for yourselves and do some research on why there suddenly was 130,000 ballots in a row with only Joe Biden selected and nothing down ballot?

Oh yeah, you are slaves, you are told to wear a mask that doesnt stop the virus, you wear it, you are told to vote for Joe Biden because the Progs hate the President who is stopping the New World Order, so you vote Joe Biden...Slaves....

This is coming straight from the AG, not prog media or whatever the hell that is you idiot, you're just mad it aint favoring Trump, including Fox News which is not progressive
All tossed out and the state attorney general is Republican, lol:
Ford is a democrat, asshole! No surprise you got it all wrong, probably intentionally.
Even less surprising Ford is piping up and muddying the water with no facts to back up
his claims at all. And you are happy to perpetuate the fraud. So Fuck you.

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More from the OP-linked article:

[T]he Secretary of State in Nevada who oversees the election is a Republican, with most counties in the state leaning Republican.

“They have, at every step of the way, attempted to undermine this sacrosanct franchise of voting. We have defeated them at every single turn,” [Attorney General Ford - Democrat] said, referring to President Trump’s campaign [my italics].... The AG said he is ready to prosecute anyone who has committed voter fraud ... “So if they have credible threats or credible proof, we will look into it....”

Voting by mail ... was made possible to all voters by the state’s legislators.... Given that it was done in accordance with the state’s laws, Ford said he feels “entirely confident in any legal challenge” that might come....

“I will leave the hysteria and the hyperbole to those who want to undermine this process and do my job, which is to defend the lawful process to ensure that every lawful vote that has been cast is going to be counted,” Ford said.
[T]he Secretary of State in Nevada who oversees the election is a Republican, with most counties in the state leaning Republican.
The Attorney General of Nevada is Aaron Ford. Aaron Ford is a democrat. Ballotpedia, which I have linked
will confirm this. Jesus...get a brain stem and learn to read.
I remember in 2016 when they said Trump had no path to 270.

Start recounting your votes, you scared little piss ant.

Do you agree that should have happened in 2016? MI and PA should have went to full recounts. Much closer vote margin.
If not, carry on hack. :)
Why didn't they would be my rebuttal? It's not like Hillary went quietly into that good night.
I remember in 2016 when they said Trump had no path to 270.

Start recounting your votes, you scared little piss ant.

Do you agree that should have happened in 2016? MI and PA should have went to full recounts. Much closer vote margin.
If not, carry on hack. :)
Why didn't they would be my rebuttal? It's not like Hillary went quietly into that good night.

Than you must have been hitting the bottle hard that night. Not only did she call Trump to concede and congratulate him when there
were still a lot of votes to be counted, she essentially disappeared for the next week while she went hiking and wound down. And no
Democrat ever made one accusation of the election being "rigged", or "fraudulent", or "tampered with".
I remember in 2016 when they said Trump had no path to 270.

Start recounting your votes, you scared little piss ant.

Do you agree that should have happened in 2016? MI and PA should have went to full recounts. Much closer vote margin.
If not, carry on hack. :)
Why didn't they would be my rebuttal? It's not like Hillary went quietly into that good night.

Than you must have been hitting the bottle hard that night. Not only did she call Trump to concede and congratulate him when there
were still a lot of votes to be counted, she essentially disappeared for the next week while she went hiking and wound down. And no
Democrat ever made one accusation of the election being "rigged", or "fraudulent", or "tampered with".
She was too drunk and pissed to call. Someone did it for her. Then she stumbled drunk around the woods talking to ghosts.
I remember in 2016 when they said Trump had no path to 270.

Start recounting your votes, you scared little piss ant.

Do you agree that should have happened in 2016? MI and PA should have went to full recounts. Much closer vote margin.
If not, carry on hack. :)
Why didn't they would be my rebuttal? It's not like Hillary went quietly into that good night.

Than you must have been hitting the bottle hard that night. Not only did she call Trump to concede and congratulate him when there
were still a lot of votes to be counted, she essentially disappeared for the next week while she went hiking and wound down. And no
Democrat ever made one accusation of the election being "rigged", or "fraudulent", or "tampered with".
Then what was all that Russian horse excrement we listened to for 4 years? How quickly you rewrite history.
[T]he Secretary of State in Nevada who oversees the election is a Republican, with most counties in the state leaning Republican.
The Attorney General of Nevada is Aaron Ford. Aaron Ford is a democrat. Ballotpedia, which I have linked
will confirm this. Jesus...get a brain stem and learn to read.
YOU should “get a brain stem and learn to read.”
It would also be nice if you wrote with a little more respect for others.

I read your Ballotpedia article. My comment always specifically referred to the “Secretary of State” of Nevada who is in charge of the election ... as being a Republican. I never said the Attorney General was a Republican.

The Attorney General is indeed a newly elected Democrat.

What do you have against Nevada’s institutionalized voting system — set up by its elected legislators — anyway? Is it that you are only upset about democratic elections when they seem to result in Democratic Party victories?

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