Trump has eliminated $86 Billon in rules and regulations

The significantly lower cost of natural gas had nothing to do with coal sales reducing?

What part of TECHNOLOGY do you not understand?

The commodities market reducing the cost of natural gas is technology?

The technology that makes natural gas easier and cheaper to obtain. Duh...

Yep, and automation will make mining coal much more profitable with very few workers. How many of those miners that lost their jobs do you think they can crowd around an automation control board? 75%, 50%, 2%? More importantly, how many more workers will they hire back beyond the number that is required to man those control boards?

It doesn't matter silly girl. Under your hero obummer there would be NO jobs in the coal sector. Under the trumpster there will be. You wailing like a fool won't change that fact one iota.
Like I said, celebrate quickly. His promise of all those coal jobs returning just isn't going to happen. Owners of the coal companies have already said that.
The significantly lower cost of natural gas had nothing to do with coal sales reducing?

What part of TECHNOLOGY do you not understand?

The commodities market reducing the cost of natural gas is technology?

The technology that makes natural gas easier and cheaper to obtain. Duh...

Fracking was invented in 1860.

Yep, but it wasn't fully developed until George Mitchell, using hundreds of millions of dollars in government research grants made it work.

George P. Mitchell DID improve known technology. Which has been my point when someone brings up 'new technology.'
President Trump has saved taxpayers more than $86 billion in regulatory costs during his first three months in the White House, according to a new study from a conservative group.

The American Action Forum (AAF) points to several Obama-era regulations that Trump has either rolled back on his own or with the help of Republican lawmakers using the Congressional Review Act (CRA).

Study: Trump has eliminated $86B in regs

Remember the whole point of Obama was to make the costs of doing business so prohibitive the businesses would go bankrupt.
Remember these comments?
Obama wanted to bankrupt 1,400 companies, that pay $100 billion a year in taxes and unemploy 450,000 people that work for these companies! (Obama told us he favored a "single payer health system... so what happens to the above?)
" if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can – it’s just that it will bankrupt them.” (Pretty easy way of increasing unemployment.)
"I prefer higher gas prices". (And Obama signed 40% fewer Federal oil lease exploration then Bush).
Trump will never tell a foreign country such as "Brazil to develop oil and that the USA will be their best customer"!
"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." (That certainly puts a dent in the pocketbook..._
Trump will never tour the world tearing America and Americans down as Obama did his first year... just so he could travel!

Trump like most of us understand that the more the government attaches rules and regulations the more
costs to the company,especially smaller companies which put these smaller companies at a disadvantage.

One recent survey, released just in time for Donald J. Trump's inauguration, dropped this eye-popping number: at least $12,000 a year.
And you don't even want to know what a start-up spends on regulations in its first year.
However, I'll tell you anyway — a whopping $83,019.
These figures come from the first-ever Small Business Regulations Survey, conducted by the National Small Business Association, which of course makes it its business to reduce the regulatory burden on small businesses. Among other conclusions, the survey found that 44 percent of businesses spend at least 40 hours a year dealing with federal regulations, and 29 percent spend at least that much on state and local rules. Three-quarters of business owners say that they have spent time reading proposed rules at least once, and of these, not quite two-thirds discover that more than half the time, the rules they've read wouldn't apply to them. About 40 percent of respondents claim that they have held off making a new investment because of a regulation at some point in the past.

Twenty-two percent of the business owners found the Obamacare's regulations somewhat burdensome, and 43 percent found it very burdensome. Yet the overwhelming majority of the respondents — 82 percent of them — have 20 or fewer employees. And if a business owner needs to know one thing about the Affordable Care Act, it's this: if you have fewer than 50 employees, the Affordable Care Act does not apply to you, at all.

The $83,000 Question: How Much Do Regulations Really Cost Small Businesses?

is it any wonder that with employers encouraged by Trump's PRO-business stance that .......
Number of people collecting unemployment checks hits 17-year low, jobless claims show
Number of people collecting unemployment checks hits 17-year low, jobless claims show
Mass Employment In Coal Mining Is Never Coming Back, No Matter Trump's Promises Or Regulations
Mass Employment In Coal Mining Is Never Coming Back, No Matter Trump's Promises Or Regulations
In Wyoming it is
President Trump has saved taxpayers more than $86 billion in regulatory costs during his first three months in the White House, according to a new study from a conservative group.

The American Action Forum (AAF) points to several Obama-era regulations that Trump has either rolled back on his own or with the help of Republican lawmakers using the Congressional Review Act (CRA).

Study: Trump has eliminated $86B in regs

Remember the whole point of Obama was to make the costs of doing business so prohibitive the businesses would go bankrupt.
Remember these comments?
Obama wanted to bankrupt 1,400 companies, that pay $100 billion a year in taxes and unemploy 450,000 people that work for these companies! (Obama told us he favored a "single payer health system... so what happens to the above?)
" if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can – it’s just that it will bankrupt them.” (Pretty easy way of increasing unemployment.)
"I prefer higher gas prices". (And Obama signed 40% fewer Federal oil lease exploration then Bush).
Trump will never tell a foreign country such as "Brazil to develop oil and that the USA will be their best customer"!
"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." (That certainly puts a dent in the pocketbook..._
Trump will never tour the world tearing America and Americans down as Obama did his first year... just so he could travel!

Trump like most of us understand that the more the government attaches rules and regulations the more
costs to the company,especially smaller companies which put these smaller companies at a disadvantage.

One recent survey, released just in time for Donald J. Trump's inauguration, dropped this eye-popping number: at least $12,000 a year.
And you don't even want to know what a start-up spends on regulations in its first year.
However, I'll tell you anyway — a whopping $83,019.
These figures come from the first-ever Small Business Regulations Survey, conducted by the National Small Business Association, which of course makes it its business to reduce the regulatory burden on small businesses. Among other conclusions, the survey found that 44 percent of businesses spend at least 40 hours a year dealing with federal regulations, and 29 percent spend at least that much on state and local rules. Three-quarters of business owners say that they have spent time reading proposed rules at least once, and of these, not quite two-thirds discover that more than half the time, the rules they've read wouldn't apply to them. About 40 percent of respondents claim that they have held off making a new investment because of a regulation at some point in the past.

Twenty-two percent of the business owners found the Obamacare's regulations somewhat burdensome, and 43 percent found it very burdensome. Yet the overwhelming majority of the respondents — 82 percent of them — have 20 or fewer employees. And if a business owner needs to know one thing about the Affordable Care Act, it's this: if you have fewer than 50 employees, the Affordable Care Act does not apply to you, at all.

The $83,000 Question: How Much Do Regulations Really Cost Small Businesses?

is it any wonder that with employers encouraged by Trump's PRO-business stance that .......
Number of people collecting unemployment checks hits 17-year low, jobless claims show
Number of people collecting unemployment checks hits 17-year low, jobless claims show
Mass Employment In Coal Mining Is Never Coming Back, No Matter Trump's Promises Or Regulations
Mass Employment In Coal Mining Is Never Coming Back, No Matter Trump's Promises Or Regulations

Ahhhhhh, bulldoggy has a sad.... Amazing what TECHNOLOGY will do for you. Unlike your hero obummer who wanted to close all of the mines, under trump they are open and hiring. So....ZERO jobs under your hero obummer vs jobs under the trumpster.

Epic fail bodey, epic fail....

The significantly lower cost of natural gas had nothing to do with coal sales reducing?

What part of TECHNOLOGY do you not understand?

The commodities market reducing the cost of natural gas is technology?
Fossil fuel's are not going anywhere, because they are reliable the same cannot be said about renewable energy… Fact
What part of TECHNOLOGY do you not understand?

The commodities market reducing the cost of natural gas is technology?

The technology that makes natural gas easier and cheaper to obtain. Duh...

Fracking was invented in 1860.

Yep, but it wasn't fully developed until George Mitchell, using hundreds of millions of dollars in government research grants made it work.

George P. Mitchell DID improve known technology. Which has been my point when someone brings up 'new technology.'

Only because the government PAID him to do it.
The commodities market reducing the cost of natural gas is technology?

The technology that makes natural gas easier and cheaper to obtain. Duh...

Fracking was invented in 1860.

Yep, but it wasn't fully developed until George Mitchell, using hundreds of millions of dollars in government research grants made it work.

George P. Mitchell DID improve known technology. Which has been my point when someone brings up 'new technology.'

Only because the government PAID him to do it.
The petroleum companies did more for improving the technology than any fucking career politician…
Mass Employment In Coal Mining Is Never Coming Back, No Matter Trump's Promises Or Regulations
Mass Employment In Coal Mining Is Never Coming Back, No Matter Trump's Promises Or Regulations

Ahhhhhh, bulldoggy has a sad.... Amazing what TECHNOLOGY will do for you. Unlike your hero obummer who wanted to close all of the mines, under trump they are open and hiring. So....ZERO jobs under your hero obummer vs jobs under the trumpster.

Epic fail bodey, epic fail....

The significantly lower cost of natural gas had nothing to do with coal sales reducing?

What part of TECHNOLOGY do you not understand?

The commodities market reducing the cost of natural gas is technology?

The technology that makes natural gas easier and cheaper to obtain. Duh...

Commodities prices aren't set with 'easier and cheaper' in mind, it's about making money fast which in turn screws consumers. Gasoline is a perfect example. We've had a GLUT of gasoline for decades. We should have $1.20/gal regular unleaded. We don't because of commodities market.
The technology that makes natural gas easier and cheaper to obtain. Duh...

Fracking was invented in 1860.

Yep, but it wasn't fully developed until George Mitchell, using hundreds of millions of dollars in government research grants made it work.

George P. Mitchell DID improve known technology. Which has been my point when someone brings up 'new technology.'

Only because the government PAID him to do it.
The petroleum companies did more for improving the technology than any fucking career politician…

WOW! Someone want to tell him!!!!!!
The commodities market reducing the cost of natural gas is technology?

The technology that makes natural gas easier and cheaper to obtain. Duh...

Fracking was invented in 1860.

Yep, but it wasn't fully developed until George Mitchell, using hundreds of millions of dollars in government research grants made it work.

George P. Mitchell DID improve known technology. Which has been my point when someone brings up 'new technology.'

Only because the government PAID him to do it.

You are both wrong. The DOE funded fracking research in the 1970's with their Eastern Gas Shale Program. Mitchel used that research, and others, to do his work around Fort Worth.
Ahhhhhh, bulldoggy has a sad.... Amazing what TECHNOLOGY will do for you. Unlike your hero obummer who wanted to close all of the mines, under trump they are open and hiring. So....ZERO jobs under your hero obummer vs jobs under the trumpster.

Epic fail bodey, epic fail....

The significantly lower cost of natural gas had nothing to do with coal sales reducing?

What part of TECHNOLOGY do you not understand?

The commodities market reducing the cost of natural gas is technology?

The technology that makes natural gas easier and cheaper to obtain. Duh...

Commodities prices aren't set with 'easier and cheaper' in mind, it's about making money fast which in turn screws consumers. Gasoline is a perfect example. We've had a GLUT of gasoline for decades. We should have $1.20/gal regular unleaded. We don't because of commodities market.

I agree with you that commodities brokers are the scum of the earth. Of that there is no doubt. But the natural gas boom was due to private companies investing hundreds of millions of dollars to do the research and development to bring the technology to maturity. The DOE invested around 140 million into the technology as well.
Mass Employment In Coal Mining Is Never Coming Back, No Matter Trump's Promises Or Regulations
Mass Employment In Coal Mining Is Never Coming Back, No Matter Trump's Promises Or Regulations

Ahhhhhh, bulldoggy has a sad.... Amazing what TECHNOLOGY will do for you. Unlike your hero obummer who wanted to close all of the mines, under trump they are open and hiring. So....ZERO jobs under your hero obummer vs jobs under the trumpster.

Epic fail bodey, epic fail....

The significantly lower cost of natural gas had nothing to do with coal sales reducing?

What part of TECHNOLOGY do you not understand?

The commodities market reducing the cost of natural gas is technology?
Fossil fuel's are not going anywhere, because they are reliable the same cannot be said about renewable energy… Fact

Yes, for now, gas and oil are here to stay. coal will be around for a while too, but gas is much cheaper, and the numbers of employees won't be anywhere near what it once was, or the amount Trump promised.
The technology that makes natural gas easier and cheaper to obtain. Duh...

Fracking was invented in 1860.

Yep, but it wasn't fully developed until George Mitchell, using hundreds of millions of dollars in government research grants made it work.

George P. Mitchell DID improve known technology. Which has been my point when someone brings up 'new technology.'

Only because the government PAID him to do it.
The petroleum companies did more for improving the technology than any fucking career politician…

George Mitchel was the owner of an oil company dummy.
President Trump has saved taxpayers more than $86 billion in regulatory costs during his first three months in the White House, according to a new study from a conservative group.

The American Action Forum (AAF) points to several Obama-era regulations that Trump has either rolled back on his own or with the help of Republican lawmakers using the Congressional Review Act (CRA).

Study: Trump has eliminated $86B in regs

Remember the whole point of Obama was to make the costs of doing business so prohibitive the businesses would go bankrupt.
Remember these comments?
Obama wanted to bankrupt 1,400 companies, that pay $100 billion a year in taxes and unemploy 450,000 people that work for these companies! (Obama told us he favored a "single payer health system... so what happens to the above?)
" if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can – it’s just that it will bankrupt them.” (Pretty easy way of increasing unemployment.)
"I prefer higher gas prices". (And Obama signed 40% fewer Federal oil lease exploration then Bush).
Trump will never tell a foreign country such as "Brazil to develop oil and that the USA will be their best customer"!
"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." (That certainly puts a dent in the pocketbook..._
Trump will never tour the world tearing America and Americans down as Obama did his first year... just so he could travel!

Trump like most of us understand that the more the government attaches rules and regulations the more
costs to the company,especially smaller companies which put these smaller companies at a disadvantage.

One recent survey, released just in time for Donald J. Trump's inauguration, dropped this eye-popping number: at least $12,000 a year.
And you don't even want to know what a start-up spends on regulations in its first year.
However, I'll tell you anyway — a whopping $83,019.
These figures come from the first-ever Small Business Regulations Survey, conducted by the National Small Business Association, which of course makes it its business to reduce the regulatory burden on small businesses. Among other conclusions, the survey found that 44 percent of businesses spend at least 40 hours a year dealing with federal regulations, and 29 percent spend at least that much on state and local rules. Three-quarters of business owners say that they have spent time reading proposed rules at least once, and of these, not quite two-thirds discover that more than half the time, the rules they've read wouldn't apply to them. About 40 percent of respondents claim that they have held off making a new investment because of a regulation at some point in the past.

Twenty-two percent of the business owners found the Obamacare's regulations somewhat burdensome, and 43 percent found it very burdensome. Yet the overwhelming majority of the respondents — 82 percent of them — have 20 or fewer employees. And if a business owner needs to know one thing about the Affordable Care Act, it's this: if you have fewer than 50 employees, the Affordable Care Act does not apply to you, at all.

The $83,000 Question: How Much Do Regulations Really Cost Small Businesses?

is it any wonder that with employers encouraged by Trump's PRO-business stance that .......
Number of people collecting unemployment checks hits 17-year low, jobless claims show
Number of people collecting unemployment checks hits 17-year low, jobless claims show
Mass Employment In Coal Mining Is Never Coming Back, No Matter Trump's Promises Or Regulations
Mass Employment In Coal Mining Is Never Coming Back, No Matter Trump's Promises Or Regulations

Ahhhhhh, bulldoggy has a sad.... Amazing what TECHNOLOGY will do for you. Unlike your hero obummer who wanted to close all of the mines, under trump they are open and hiring. So....ZERO jobs under your hero obummer vs jobs under the trumpster.

Epic fail bodey, epic fail....
Annual Coal Report - Energy Information Administration

Highlights for 2015:

  • In 2015, U.S. coal production dropped 10.3% year-over-year to below 900 million short tons, the lowest annual production level since 1986.
  • Production in the Western Region, representing 56.6% of total U.S. coal production in 2015, totaled 507.4 million short tons (MMst), 6.5% lower than 2014.
  • In 2015, the productivity capacity of U.S. coal mines decreased for the fourth year in a row to 1,165 MMst, a decline of 6.3% from the 2014 levels.
  • The average number of employees at U.S. coal mines decreased 12.0% to 65,971 employees, the lowest on record since EIA began collecting data in 1978.
  • U.S. coal consumption of 798 MMst in 2015 was 13.1% lower from the 2014 levels. The electric power sector consumed about 92.5% of the total U.S. coal consumption in 2014.
  • Average sales price of coal from U.S. mines was $31.83 per short ton in 2015, 8.6% lower than the prior year.
  • Total U.S. coal stocks ended at 238.8 MMst, 20.6% higher than at the same time in 2014. Electric power coal stocks increased from 151.8 MMst at the end of 2014 to 195.9 MMst at the end of 2015, the highest year-ending stocks on record.
US wind power jobs hit record, up 20 percent in 2016
‘Wind rush’ fuels hiring boom, delivers more consumer savings
April 12, 2016

DENVER, April 12, 2016 — American wind power supported a record 88,000 jobs at the start of 2016—an increase of 20 percent in a year—according to the U.S. Wind Industry Annual Market Report, Year Ending 2015, released today by the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA). Strong job growth coincided with wind ranking number one as America’s leading source of new generating capacity last year, outpacing solar and natural gas.

US wind power jobs hit record, up 20 percent in 2016

National Solar Jobs Census

The Solar Foundation’s National Solar Jobs Census 2016 is the seventh annual update on current employment, trends, and projected growth in the U.S. solar industry. The Solar Jobs Census 2016 found that solar employment increased by over 51,000 workers, a 25 percent increase over 2015. Overall, the Solar Jobs Census found there were 260,077 solar workers in 2016. Solar industry employment has nearly tripled since the first National Solar Jobs Census was released in 2010.

National Solar Jobs Census - The Solar Foundation

Go ahead and beat that dead horse, Mr. Westwall. In the meantime, the renewables will continue to eat coals lunch for economic reasons.
Fracking was invented in 1860.

Yep, but it wasn't fully developed until George Mitchell, using hundreds of millions of dollars in government research grants made it work.

George P. Mitchell DID improve known technology. Which has been my point when someone brings up 'new technology.'

Only because the government PAID him to do it.
The petroleum companies did more for improving the technology than any fucking career politician…

George Mitchel was the owner of an oil company dummy.

That's George 'P' Mitchel
Fracking was invented in 1860.

Yep, but it wasn't fully developed until George Mitchell, using hundreds of millions of dollars in government research grants made it work.

George P. Mitchell DID improve known technology. Which has been my point when someone brings up 'new technology.'

Only because the government PAID him to do it.
The petroleum companies did more for improving the technology than any fucking career politician…

George Mitchel was the owner of an oil company dummy.
I said the career politicians, George Mitchell did not need the federal government…
Ahhhhhh, bulldoggy has a sad.... Amazing what TECHNOLOGY will do for you. Unlike your hero obummer who wanted to close all of the mines, under trump they are open and hiring. So....ZERO jobs under your hero obummer vs jobs under the trumpster.

Epic fail bodey, epic fail....

The significantly lower cost of natural gas had nothing to do with coal sales reducing?

What part of TECHNOLOGY do you not understand?

The commodities market reducing the cost of natural gas is technology?
Fossil fuel's are not going anywhere, because they are reliable the same cannot be said about renewable energy… Fact

Yes, for now, gas and oil are here to stay. coal will be around for a while too, but gas is much cheaper, and the numbers of employees won't be anywhere near what it once was, or the amount Trump promised.
There will always be coal mining in Wyoming there's 1000 year supply plus, along with oil drilling and Fracking...
Mass Employment In Coal Mining Is Never Coming Back, No Matter Trump's Promises Or Regulations
Mass Employment In Coal Mining Is Never Coming Back, No Matter Trump's Promises Or Regulations

Ahhhhhh, bulldoggy has a sad.... Amazing what TECHNOLOGY will do for you. Unlike your hero obummer who wanted to close all of the mines, under trump they are open and hiring. So....ZERO jobs under your hero obummer vs jobs under the trumpster.

Epic fail bodey, epic fail....

The significantly lower cost of natural gas had nothing to do with coal sales reducing?

What part of TECHNOLOGY do you not understand?

The commodities market reducing the cost of natural gas is technology?
Fossil fuel's are not going anywhere, because they are reliable the same cannot be said about renewable energy… Fact
Fiction, little dingleberry, fiction. LOL
The technology that makes natural gas easier and cheaper to obtain. Duh...

Fracking was invented in 1860.

Yep, but it wasn't fully developed until George Mitchell, using hundreds of millions of dollars in government research grants made it work.

George P. Mitchell DID improve known technology. Which has been my point when someone brings up 'new technology.'

Only because the government PAID him to do it.

You are both wrong. The DOE funded fracking research in the 1970's with their Eastern Gas Shale Program. Mitchel used that research, and others, to do his work around Fort Worth.

He used research done by the DOE, and he used federal tax credits to fund his first attempts at fracking.
Mass Employment In Coal Mining Is Never Coming Back, No Matter Trump's Promises Or Regulations
Mass Employment In Coal Mining Is Never Coming Back, No Matter Trump's Promises Or Regulations

Ahhhhhh, bulldoggy has a sad.... Amazing what TECHNOLOGY will do for you. Unlike your hero obummer who wanted to close all of the mines, under trump they are open and hiring. So....ZERO jobs under your hero obummer vs jobs under the trumpster.

Epic fail bodey, epic fail....

The significantly lower cost of natural gas had nothing to do with coal sales reducing?

What part of TECHNOLOGY do you not understand?

The commodities market reducing the cost of natural gas is technology?
Fossil fuel's are not going anywhere, because they are reliable the same cannot be said about renewable energy… Fact

So far. Tesla is currently developing battery technology that can power a car over 1000 miles.

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