Trump has got to go!


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
As an eminently educated citizen I would like to like to weigh in on some serious issues. Like Barack Obama I have several advanced degrees from some of the most prestigious universities on Earth. No one remembers me from these places because my education was protected and top secret just like Obama’s.

I feel the need to share my accumulated wisdom with the lower classes even though the Nobel Prize coming my way at the conclusion of my remarks will probably change my life. There are some things that need to be said post haste to save the United States in its new role as a borderless sponge for the rat holes of the world in order to import automatic support for the Democratic Party.

In my early days as a scholar I was among those who took Daniel Patrick Moynihan to the woodshed for raising the point that paying healthy, able-bodied young men to breed like wild animals with no personal responsibility for offspring was a bad idea. Moynihan, a trained sociologist, who was Assistant Secretary of Labor under the Kennedy and Johnson administrations, was stupidly throwing up a roadblock to the creation of a huge, artificial, government-dependent underclass.

You see, a genius university observer named Stanly Elkins had convinced the political hierarchy that black citizens were so delicate that they had been made mentally, physically and spiritually gullible by slavery. He told a grand tale that the poor black people couldn’t survive without a cavalry of white intellectuals using government to stampede over the public punishing them and teaching them how to run a country.

Without several decades of this paradigm we would never have had the result of black citizens calling the police on black criminals and then blaming the police for keeping order. This is better known as “Black Lives Matter”.

We need to get rid of Donald Trump! The fool is out there actually telling people what is really happening. Fifty years of making the people stupid is going to be wasted if this moron keeps using blue collar language to alert the masses to a systemic failure that made a lot of bureaucrats rich.

The Democrats have gone into hyper-drive abusing FISA Warrants and contaminating national security agencies to hang Trump with the flag he keeps waving in the name of liberty. Trump has got to go or the plan to destroy the country from the inside out will be over.
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As an eminently educated citizen I would like to like to weigh in on some serious issues. Like Barack Obama I have several advanced degrees from some of the most prestigious universities on Earth. No one remembers me from these places because my education was protected and top secret just like Obama’s.

I feel the need to share my accumulated wisdom with the lower classes even though the Nobel Prize coming my way at the conclusion of my remarks will probably change my life. There are some things that need to be said post haste to save the United States in its new role as a borderless sponge for the rat holes of the world in order to import automatic support for the Democratic Party.

In my early days as a scholar I was among those who took Daniel Patrick Moynihan to the woodshed for raising the point that paying healthy, able-bodied young men to breed like wild animals with no personal responsibility for offspring was a bad idea. Moynihan, a trained sociologist, who was Assistant Secretary of Labor under the Kennedy and Johnson administrations, was stupidly throwing up a roadblock to the creation of a huge, artificial, government-dependent underclass.

You see, a genius university observer named Stanly Elkins had convinced the political hierarchy that black citizens were so delicate that they had been made mentally, physically and spiritually gullible by slavery. He told a grand tale that the poor black people couldn’t survive without a cavalry of white intellectuals using government to stampede over the public punishing them and teaching them how to run a country.

Without several decades of this paradigm we would never have had the result of black citizens calling the police on black criminals and then blaming the police for keeping order. This is better known as “Black Lives Matter”.

We need to get rid of Donald Trump! The fool is out there actually telling people what is really happening. Fifty years of making the people stupid is going to be wasted if this moron keeps using blue collar language to alert the masses to a systemic failure that made a lot of bureaucrats rich.

The Democrats have gone into hyper-drive abusing FISA Warrants and contaminating national security agencies to hang Trump with the flag he keeps waving in the name of liberty. Trump has got to go or the plan to destroy the country from the inside out will be over.
Now that is the best Sarcasm, that has been presented in a while... I bet you are going to be verbally tarred and feathered by those who will defend their 1/2 white messiah and his diminishing legacy that the President 45 is eliminating.
The power of the corrupt and controlled MSM, can't be discounted. Proof of this are the number of average Americans who have nothing in common with the criminal ruling class, but who go along with their desires to remove Trump.
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Elkins used his academic training to arrive at the stunningly insulting conclusion that an entire class of human beings had been turned into helpless, robotic, sambos unable to function in society due to the cultural influence of slavery. The fact that this demeaning wrongheadedness was accepted wholesale by the American intelligentsia is a sad commentary pointing out that post modern racism 101 was born, bred and propagated by the Democratic Party in the 1960's.
Elkins used his academic training to arrive at the stunningly insulting conclusion that an entire class of human beings had been turned into helpless, robotic, sambos unable to function in society due to the cultural influence of slavery. The fact that this demeaning wrongheadedness was accepted wholesale by the American intelligentsia is a sad commentary pointing out that post modern racism 101 was born, bred and propagated by the Democratic Party in the 1960's.
“I’ll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for 200 years.” LBJ

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