Trump Has Literally Brought Shame And Disgrace Upon The US Armed Forces

Donald Trump’s directive to American troops to abandon our Kurdish allies in the fight against ISIS, leaving them instead wholly at the mercy of invading Turkish forces, has already left an indelible scar on the reputation and credibility of the U.S. military—according to the troops themselves.

Trump has literally brought shame and disgrace upon the U.S. military

We love our military.

Trump won 61% of the military vote and he will win it again. You can love the military, but they loves them some Cheetos's Man
Donald Trump’s directive to American troops to abandon our Kurdish allies in the fight against ISIS, leaving them instead wholly at the mercy of invading Turkish forces, has already left an indelible scar on the reputation and credibility of the U.S. military—according to the troops themselves.

Trump has literally brought shame and disgrace upon the U.S. military

We love our military.

Wrong, putting our soldiers lives ahead of the idiotic whims of retards in the middle east is the sign of a leader.

There's 35 Million Kurds, they can protect themselves.

Plus, Trump just whipped them all without firing a shot. The Syrians are forced to protect Syrian Kurds, pitting them against the Turks. The Turks were trying to snuggle up to Putin and now they'll be against Putin. Then we slap sanctions on Turkey if they keep up this nonsense.

Trump has them all by the short hairs. Let Syria defeat ISIS now. There's no caliphate, our job is done. And the majority of Americans get what they want, us out of the middle east cluster fuck in that area.
Is the Trump Towers in Turkey going to face a backlash for sanctions? Are we going to stop paying Turkey billions to station our nukes in Turkey over the incident. Didn't Chamberlain allow Hitler to take over nations without saying a negative thing to the aggressor?

We can bring our nukes home. Let NATO and United Nations take care of addressing Turkey. Trump is right, we don't need to police all these stupid shitholes. We don't need to lose lives. We don't need to spend Billions we get nothing in return for.
What we want and what corporate America wants is like two sides of a coin and the massive majority of the time the "we" side hardly ever shows up from the toss...
Donald Trump’s directive to American troops to abandon our Kurdish allies in the fight against ISIS, leaving them instead wholly at the mercy of invading Turkish forces, has already left an indelible scar on the reputation and credibility of the U.S. military—according to the troops themselves.

Trump has literally brought shame and disgrace upon the U.S. military

We love our military.

Nah. Trump has realized that there is no win to be had over there and has exited the theater or at least the involvement of our troops in the combat over there.

Lets not confuse this move with any strategy other than his not having to phone a grieving mother. He simply doesn’t have the guts to make the tough calls. He lacks character and is a coward.

But the net result is that we’re not losing lives for no reason over there. So I support this act of extreme cowardice by the blob.
and if it was a democrat president in the same situation you would be saying its not cowardice,its what was needed to be done.....your shit is old candy....
Donald Trump’s directive to American troops to abandon our Kurdish allies in the fight against ISIS, leaving them instead wholly at the mercy of invading Turkish forces, has already left an indelible scar on the reputation and credibility of the U.S. military—according to the troops themselves.

Trump has literally brought shame and disgrace upon the U.S. military

We love our military.
it is so funny how the libtards think that removing our troops out of a country we have been too long in is foolish. Was this foolish? I never ever have been more ashamed of my county when the "greatest" navy in the world surrendered to the camel jockeys. Thanks Obama.

----------------------------------------------- and if i recall correct the ' lady sailor captive ' in the group put on an 'islamic' hijab' while she and the other 'sailor' captives ate 'ahmadinegads' sweets and other finger foods .
Is the Trump Towers in Turkey going to face a backlash for sanctions? Are we going to stop paying Turkey billions to station our nukes in Turkey over the incident. Didn't Chamberlain allow Hitler to take over nations without saying a negative thing to the aggressor?

Any sources America is paying Turkey billions ?
Donald Trump’s directive to American troops to abandon our Kurdish allies in the fight against ISIS, leaving them instead wholly at the mercy of invading Turkish forces, has already left an indelible scar on the reputation and credibility of the U.S. military—according to the troops themselves.

Trump has literally brought shame and disgrace upon the U.S. military

We love our military.
it is so funny how the libtards think that removing our troops out of a country we have been too long in is foolish. Was this foolish? I never ever have been more ashamed of my county when the "greatest" navy in the world surrendered to the camel jockeys. Thanks Obama.

More whataboutism to derail the discussion about THE CURRENT PRESIDENT. Donald Trump the draft dodging back stabber in chief is now in charge...

How do you know he does not have bone spurs?
He lettered in bowling while in college.

Seriously? YOu are equating walking the three fucking steps needed to bowl, with being able to complete basic training? Or be able to do combat patrols?

If you have bone spurs then normally all you'd be doing at the bowling alley is drinking beer or sniffing shoes there would be zero bowling or his other hobby of being in the ROTC.
And this also:

Trump got four student deferments while he was enrolled at Fordham University in New York and then as a transfer student at Penn. As a student at New York Military Academy and in college, he was an active athlete, playing baseball, basketball, golf and football. He was 6-foot-2, 180 pounds, lean and strong. He described himself as “the best baseball player in New York.”

After he graduated from the Wharton School at Penn in spring 1968, he was reclassified 1-A — prime eligibility for the draft. He had an Armed Forces physical in September; records of that exam show only that he was declared “DISQ” for “disqualified.”
Donald Trump’s directive to American troops to abandon our Kurdish allies in the fight against ISIS, leaving them instead wholly at the mercy of invading Turkish forces, has already left an indelible scar on the reputation and credibility of the U.S. military—according to the troops themselves.

Trump has literally brought shame and disgrace upon the U.S. military

We love our military.
it is so funny how the libtards think that removing our troops out of a country we have been too long in is foolish. Was this foolish? I never ever have been more ashamed of my county when the "greatest" navy in the world surrendered to the camel jockeys. Thanks Obama.

More whataboutism to derail the discussion about THE CURRENT PRESIDENT. Donald Trump the draft dodging back stabber in chief is now in charge...

How do you know he does not have bone spurs?
-------------------------------- Doctor signed off on TRUMP having 'bone spurs' .
Is the Trump Towers in Turkey going to face a backlash for sanctions? Are we going to stop paying Turkey billions to station our nukes in Turkey over the incident. Didn't Chamberlain allow Hitler to take over nations without saying a negative thing to the aggressor?

Any sources America is paying Turkey billions ?
You think the US base in Turkey is free?
Donald Trump’s directive to American troops to abandon our Kurdish allies in the fight against ISIS, leaving them instead wholly at the mercy of invading Turkish forces, has already left an indelible scar on the reputation and credibility of the U.S. military—according to the troops themselves.

Trump has literally brought shame and disgrace upon the U.S. military

We love our military.

So what was your solution? Turkey is a NATO member, they are allies. So you want to piss off NATO? Why hasn’t NATO done anything? Why are we the world police? During the elections you cry was Trump was a warmonger, now you cry because he isn’t. Had he fought Turkey you would have told us he was a war monger. You morons will never be happy and always hypocritical.
Donald Trump’s directive to American troops to abandon our Kurdish allies in the fight against ISIS, leaving them instead wholly at the mercy of invading Turkish forces, has already left an indelible scar on the reputation and credibility of the U.S. military—according to the troops themselves.

Trump has literally brought shame and disgrace upon the U.S. military

We love our military.

Wrong. We are still in Afghanistan, and Trump just sent 1800 troops to Saudi Arabia.

But he moves to disgruntle his own troops, and backstabs the people that helped him win against ISIS.

But you worship him for keeping a promise?

I think you Trump turds would kill our troops in a second to defend that piece of shit. You people are real credit to the flag arent you?

Nah. Trump has realized that there is no win to be had over there and has exited the theater or at least the involvement of our troops in the combat over there.

Lets not confuse this move with any strategy other than his not having to phone a grieving mother. He simply doesn’t have the guts to make the tough calls. He lacks character and is a coward.

But the net result is that we’re not losing lives for no reason over there. So I support this act of extreme cowardice by the blob.
and if it was a democrat president in the same situation you would be saying its not cowardice,its what was needed to be done.....your shit is old candy....
Donald Trump’s directive to American troops to abandon our Kurdish allies in the fight against ISIS, leaving them instead wholly at the mercy of invading Turkish forces, has already left an indelible scar on the reputation and credibility of the U.S. military—according to the troops themselves.

Trump has literally brought shame and disgrace upon the U.S. military

We love our military.

Nah. Trump has realized that there is no win to be had over there and has exited the theater or at least the involvement of our troops in the combat over there.

Lets not confuse this move with any strategy other than his not having to phone a grieving mother. He simply doesn’t have the guts to make the tough calls. He lacks character and is a coward.

But the net result is that we’re not losing lives for no reason over there. So I support this act of extreme cowardice by the blob.
and if it was a democrat president in the same situation you would be saying its not cowardice,its what was needed to be done.....your shit is old candy....
Donald Trump’s directive to American troops to abandon our Kurdish allies in the fight against ISIS, leaving them instead wholly at the mercy of invading Turkish forces, has already left an indelible scar on the reputation and credibility of the U.S. military—according to the troops themselves.

Trump has literally brought shame and disgrace upon the U.S. military

We love our military.
Oh fuck you.
Obama brought shame on our military.
His commanders are currently infecting the military with their PC BS and degrading their readiness.
I was told the other day that they can't raise their voices at the little shits because it might offend them....and that they can't have in today's Army.
Donald Trump’s directive to American troops to abandon our Kurdish allies in the fight against ISIS, leaving them instead wholly at the mercy of invading Turkish forces, has already left an indelible scar on the reputation and credibility of the U.S. military—according to the troops themselves.

Trump has literally brought shame and disgrace upon the U.S. military

We love our military.

Seems to me, its liberals always calling them baby killers, or stupid for joining up in the first place when they should have gone to college, or that we need to cut their funding. But anyway... I'm glad they all love them now, so lets remember this moment and hold all Liberals to that.
The truth of the matter is that the Troops are probably grateful for being pulled out. It's the fat asses in the Pentagon, traitors in the CIA and the career politicians who are embarrassed.

They are ,because they asked Trump to get them out and Trump listened to them, not the arrogant elite's.
DC is really upset he is giving control back to the people and not them.
Donald Trump’s directive to American troops to abandon our Kurdish allies in the fight against ISIS, leaving them instead wholly at the mercy of invading Turkish forces, has already left an indelible scar on the reputation and credibility of the U.S. military—according to the troops themselves.

Trump has literally brought shame and disgrace upon the U.S. military

We love our military.

If you want to defend the Kurds then put your money where your mouth is and go join their army. Nobody is stopping you. Get cracking!

For the rest of us Trump said he is tired of visiting Dover to pay honor to our fallen heroes and tired of going to the hospitals to see the badly broken troops that got that way fighting other people's wars.

God bless Trump for putting American interest first.
Is the Trump Towers in Turkey going to face a backlash for sanctions? Are we going to stop paying Turkey billions to station our nukes in Turkey over the incident. Didn't Chamberlain allow Hitler to take over nations without saying a negative thing to the aggressor?

Any sources America is paying Turkey billions ?
You think the US base in Turkey is free?

We share the base at Incirlik with the Turks and at times the Brits and Saudis use it too.
It's been there since the mid-50's AND we, believe it or not, store many nukes there.

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