Trump has lost the election already -- he should just resign

  • Thread starter Deleted member 73486
  • Start date

A series of polls in swing (and not-so-swing) states released Wednesday make this reality plain.
* A Fox News poll in Arizona shows Joe Biden leading Trump 46% to 42%
* A Fox News poll in Ohio put Biden at 45% to Trump's 43%
* A Fox News poll in Wisconsin had Biden at 49% and Trump at 40%.
* A Quinnipiac University poll in Texas had the race at Trump 44%, Biden 43%.
How bad are those numbers for Trump? To put a fine point on it: Really bad.

Republicans are well aware of Electoral Votes
Losing Arizona, Ohio, Wisconsin and dare we say Texas would be catastrophic

And before you say it........This is Fox
The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!
You are out of touch. The "soul" of the nation is with President Trump and law and order.
The truth is more than half the country wouldn't piss on Trump if he was on fire ,,,Soul of the KKK nation is with trump

The Klan is less that 8k people. You are smearing good people because you are a cock sucking asshole. FUCK YOU.
8000 that admit it maybe but a lot more revealed when you assholes came out to vote for the racist You're one of those ""good people ""too I bet

You are a delusional asshole, using your delusions as an excuse for what a fucking asshole you are.

Fuck you.
Where you breathe you ass kissing traitor

YOu are the fucktard pretending the Klan is a major force, to support your asshole behavior, you fucking piece of filth.
You're known by the friends you keep You and the racists are on the same side Says lots about you

The Klan, and it's various ilk have no place in the GOP or mainstream conservativism, and you know it, you filthy cock sucking piece of shit.

That you lie, shows that you know you are in the wrong.
The Klan and all white supremacists enthusiastically support Trump

Trump would not have been elected without them
Bullshit. Unadulterated bullshit.
Trump built his presidential run on hatred of Mexicans, Muslims and gays

Yes, he did. And aimed that message at redneck white people who are afraid of them.
So you think rednecks are white supremacists?? Where the hell were you educated??

Why are they white supremacists?
Because they are white trash who never accomplished anything in their lives.

But if they feel they are better than blacks, Mexicans, Muslims and gays....they are content
View attachment 345606

You know the louder you shout, the less people listen.
You know the more you lie, the less people believe you...

The more he TALKS, the less people believe him . . . because most people won't listen to homeless people screaming at the sky.
1. If you like riots and protests in the streets
2. If you like random acts of violence, coming to a neighborhood near you
3. If you want crime to spike because of nos. 1 and 2
4. If you want food shortages and store closings from bankruptcies
5. And a 20% unemployment rate forcing more people out of their homes and on to the streets
6. And military using flash-bang, rubber bullets and tear gas on a peaceful gathering so your Emperor can cross the street for a photo-op
Then you stupid, ignorant motherfuckers vote for Trump.
It's that simple.

On the other hand, if you like people bringing you all of those things listed, and then smugly trying to blame someone else for them because they think you're too stupid to get it, vote for leftists.
Independent voters do not support mob violence and destroying private property.

I'm aware. The point is that Blaine Shitstick is trying to blame Trump for the crap he and his thought leaders have been plaguing the nation with for decades, and I refuse to let his lies stand.
The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!
You are out of touch. The "soul" of the nation is with President Trump and law and order.
The truth is more than half the country wouldn't piss on Trump if he was on fire ,,,Soul of the KKK nation is with trump

The Klan is less that 8k people. You are smearing good people because you are a cock sucking asshole. FUCK YOU.
8000 that admit it maybe but a lot more revealed when you assholes came out to vote for the racist You're one of those ""good people ""too I bet

You are a delusional asshole, using your delusions as an excuse for what a fucking asshole you are.

Fuck you.
Where you breathe you ass kissing traitor

YOu are the fucktard pretending the Klan is a major force, to support your asshole behavior, you fucking piece of filth.
You're known by the friends you keep You and the racists are on the same side Says lots about you

The Klan, and it's various ilk have no place in the GOP or mainstream conservativism, and you know it, you filthy cock sucking piece of shit.

That you lie, shows that you know you are in the wrong.
The Klan and all white supremacists enthusiastically support Trump

Trump would not have been elected without them
Bullshit. Unadulterated bullshit.
Trump built his presidential run on hatred of Mexicans, Muslims and gays

Yes, he did. And aimed that message at redneck white people who are afraid of them.

Being against illegal immigration is not "hatred of Mexicans" you stupid faggot.

He called them rapists and murderers in 2015. What the fuck do you call that, idiot? LOL
I guess your memory and recall is somewhat like that of an average gerbil.

Personally, I call it another one of your putrid lies. "LOL" Don't talk to US about a bad memory when you never bothered to LEARN what he said in the first place, Gerbil Boy.
The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!
You are out of touch. The "soul" of the nation is with President Trump and law and order.
The truth is more than half the country wouldn't piss on Trump if he was on fire ,,,Soul of the KKK nation is with trump

The Klan is less that 8k people. You are smearing good people because you are a cock sucking asshole. FUCK YOU.
8000 that admit it maybe but a lot more revealed when you assholes came out to vote for the racist You're one of those ""good people ""too I bet

You are a delusional asshole, using your delusions as an excuse for what a fucking asshole you are.

Fuck you.
Where you breathe you ass kissing traitor

YOu are the fucktard pretending the Klan is a major force, to support your asshole behavior, you fucking piece of filth.
You're known by the friends you keep You and the racists are on the same side Says lots about you

The Klan, and it's various ilk have no place in the GOP or mainstream conservativism, and you know it, you filthy cock sucking piece of shit.

That you lie, shows that you know you are in the wrong.
The Klan and all white supremacists enthusiastically support Trump

Trump would not have been elected without them
Bullshit. Unadulterated bullshit.
Trump built his presidential run on hatred of Mexicans, Muslims and gays

Yes, he did. And aimed that message at redneck white people who are afraid of them.

Being against illegal immigration is not "hatred of Mexicans" you stupid faggot.

He called them rapists and murderers in 2015. What the fuck do you call that, idiot? LOL
I guess your memory and recall is somewhat like that of an average gerbil.
You are such an obedient lemming.

Nope, I just have a good memory for remembering things that Trump said to please his lemmings like you.

Nope, you just have a good memory for the lies your thought masters have told you to believe.
The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!
You are out of touch. The "soul" of the nation is with President Trump and law and order.
The truth is more than half the country wouldn't piss on Trump if he was on fire ,,,Soul of the KKK nation is with trump

The Klan is less that 8k people. You are smearing good people because you are a cock sucking asshole. FUCK YOU.
8000 that admit it maybe but a lot more revealed when you assholes came out to vote for the racist You're one of those ""good people ""too I bet

You are a delusional asshole, using your delusions as an excuse for what a fucking asshole you are.

Fuck you.
Where you breathe you ass kissing traitor

YOu are the fucktard pretending the Klan is a major force, to support your asshole behavior, you fucking piece of filth.
You're known by the friends you keep You and the racists are on the same side Says lots about you

The Klan, and it's various ilk have no place in the GOP or mainstream conservativism, and you know it, you filthy cock sucking piece of shit.

That you lie, shows that you know you are in the wrong.

But white supremacists do?
After all, Donald said there were "good people on both sides" at Charlottesville.
The residents of Charlottesville and the white supremacists who ended up killing one of the residents.
I haven’t seen him say there are good people in the George protests. Thugs, criminals...yes
People sincerely

95% of the protesters are the "others" that Trump described in the Rose Garden earlier this week:

"...... our nation has been gripped by professional anarchists, violent mobs, or, arsonists, looters, criminals, rider rioters, Antifa and others."

Once again, he's using fear to pull his base back to him. Because he knows he's losing them.

Thank you for admitting that your accusations have nothing to do with what Trump said, and everything to do with what you've decided to believe he meant. I could not have produced better evidence that everything you say is shit than you just produced for us.

You know why it's so fun to argue with leftists? Because they're so fucking dumb that they do half my job for me, just by opening their mouths.
The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!
You are out of touch. The "soul" of the nation is with President Trump and law and order.
The truth is more than half the country wouldn't piss on Trump if he was on fire ,,,Soul of the KKK nation is with trump

The Klan is less that 8k people. You are smearing good people because you are a cock sucking asshole. FUCK YOU.
8000 that admit it maybe but a lot more revealed when you assholes came out to vote for the racist You're one of those ""good people ""too I bet

You are a delusional asshole, using your delusions as an excuse for what a fucking asshole you are.

Fuck you.
Where you breathe you ass kissing traitor

YOu are the fucktard pretending the Klan is a major force, to support your asshole behavior, you fucking piece of filth.
You're known by the friends you keep You and the racists are on the same side Says lots about you

The Klan, and it's various ilk have no place in the GOP or mainstream conservativism, and you know it, you filthy cock sucking piece of shit.

That you lie, shows that you know you are in the wrong.
The Klan and all white supremacists enthusiastically support Trump

Trump would not have been elected without them
Bullshit. Unadulterated bullshit.
Trump built his presidential run on hatred of Mexicans, Muslims and gays

Yes, he did. And aimed that message at redneck white people who are afraid of them.
So you think rednecks are white supremacists?? Where the hell were you educated??

Why are they white supremacists?
Because they are white trash who never accomplished anything in their lives.

But if they feel they are better than blacks, Mexicans, Muslims and gays....they are content
View attachment 345606

You know the louder you shout, the less people listen.

Oh, we know, because we've been watching you shout at people and them viewing you as something to avoid.
Now, let's look at what these numbers would mean to Trump's chances of getting to 270 in November.

Start here: Trump got 306 electoral votes in his 2016 win. Now, consider these 2020 scenarios (all calculations made via
* If Trump loses Texas (and wins everywhere else he won in 2016), he loses to Biden, 270 electoral votes to 268 electoral votes.
* If Trump loses Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin (and wins everywhere else he won in 2016), he loses to Biden 278 to 260.
* If Trump loses Arizona, Michigan and Pennsylvania (and wins everywhere else he won in 2016), he loses to Biden 279 to 259.
* If Trump loses Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin (and wins everywhere else he won in 2016), he loses to Biden 276 to 262.
* If Trump loses Arizona, Ohio and Wisconsin (and wins everywhere else he won in 2016), he loses to Biden 271 to 267.

The point here is not to say any of these electoral map scenarios are locked in. After all, we are still 152 days away from the November 3 election. (And, yes, I counted.)
Rather, they are to note that Biden, as of right now, has a WHOLE lot of different paths to 270 electoral votes, while Trump has a dwindling number.

A series of polls in swing (and not-so-swing) states released Wednesday make this reality plain.
* A Fox News poll in Arizona shows Joe Biden leading Trump 46% to 42%
* A Fox News poll in Ohio put Biden at 45% to Trump's 43%
* A Fox News poll in Wisconsin had Biden at 49% and Trump at 40%.
* A Quinnipiac University poll in Texas had the race at Trump 44%, Biden 43%.
How bad are those numbers for Trump? To put a fine point on it: Really bad.

Republicans are well aware of Electoral Votes
Losing Arizona, Ohio, Wisconsin and dare we say Texas would be catastrophic

And before you say it........This is Fox
Take a poll after the mob rule, anarchy and criminal behavior on the streets of America. Independent voter's from middle-class will run toward Trump and law and order. Biden has sided with a violent criminal minority. Same thing Hillary did.
We learned in 2016 that it is not over until it is over and you can’t underestimate Trump

But you cannot ignore that the public understands what they get with Trump and that the political landscape against Trump politics has changed in the last three years.

Not counting Trump out, but this could also be a political backlash against Trump and his party
Wait. What?

Now it's not over?

Earlier you were saying Trump lost, and Dimwingers were taking the Senate AND the House (despite the fact they already have the House).

Your crawfishing is cute. :abgg2q.jpg:
The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!
You are out of touch. The "soul" of the nation is with President Trump and law and order.
The truth is more than half the country wouldn't piss on Trump if he was on fire ,,,Soul of the KKK nation is with trump

The Klan is less that 8k people. You are smearing good people because you are a cock sucking asshole. FUCK YOU.
8000 that admit it maybe but a lot more revealed when you assholes came out to vote for the racist You're one of those ""good people ""too I bet

You are a delusional asshole, using your delusions as an excuse for what a fucking asshole you are.

Fuck you.
Where you breathe you ass kissing traitor

YOu are the fucktard pretending the Klan is a major force, to support your asshole behavior, you fucking piece of filth.
You're known by the friends you keep You and the racists are on the same side Says lots about you

The Klan, and it's various ilk have no place in the GOP or mainstream conservativism, and you know it, you filthy cock sucking piece of shit.

That you lie, shows that you know you are in the wrong.
The Klan and all white supremacists enthusiastically support Trump

Trump would not have been elected without them
Bullshit. Unadulterated bullshit.
Trump built his presidential run on hatred of Mexicans, Muslims and gays
Bullshit. He built it on the blue collar and middle class in this country. And he has no tolerance for the thug or terrorist class of any color: white, black, brown, yellow or green.
You do realize that Grenell is gay, correct? Though knowing you, you have no idea who Grenell even is...
Or Alex Azar...
Or Jovita Carranza...
Or Elaine Chao...

Elaine Cho got her job as Secty of Transporation because she's Moscow Mitch's wife, idiot.
Ignorant fuck.
Oh, so you pick one name out of...
Who’s the ignorant one here...

I know who the others are, fucko.
And I thank Jovita for the speedy SBA-Covid Disaster loan I just received. Damn fine job.
You looked them up. Don’t lie. Now, deflection is noted.

And Trump called Azar an alarmist when he tried to warn Trump in January about COVID.
Surprised he hasn't fired him yet.
But it looks like Esper's days are numbered.
Yeah, sure he did, that’s why he listened to him and stopped flights out of China, other than US citizens, and then put them in quarantine. You are so full of it.
Yeah he shut down China too late and forgot about Europe
We learned in 2016 that it is not over until it is over and you can’t underestimate Trump

But you cannot ignore that the public understands what they get with Trump and that the political landscape against Trump politics has changed in the last three years.

Not counting Trump out, but this could also be a political backlash against Trump and his party
Especially when the moron brings in the military
The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!
You are out of touch. The "soul" of the nation is with President Trump and law and order.
The truth is more than half the country wouldn't piss on Trump if he was on fire ,,,Soul of the KKK nation is with trump

The Klan is less that 8k people. You are smearing good people because you are a cock sucking asshole. FUCK YOU.
8000 that admit it maybe but a lot more revealed when you assholes came out to vote for the racist You're one of those ""good people ""too I bet

You are a delusional asshole, using your delusions as an excuse for what a fucking asshole you are.

Fuck you.
Where you breathe you ass kissing traitor

YOu are the fucktard pretending the Klan is a major force, to support your asshole behavior, you fucking piece of filth.
You're known by the friends you keep You and the racists are on the same side Says lots about you

The Klan, and it's various ilk have no place in the GOP or mainstream conservativism, and you know it, you filthy cock sucking piece of shit.

That you lie, shows that you know you are in the wrong.
The Klan and all white supremacists enthusiastically support Trump

Trump would not have been elected without them
Bullshit. Unadulterated bullshit.
Trump built his presidential run on hatred of Mexicans, Muslims and gays
Bullshit. He built it on the blue collar and middle class in this country. And he has no tolerance for the thug or terrorist class of any color: white, black, brown, yellow or green.
You do realize that Grenell is gay, correct? Though knowing you, you have no idea who Grenell even is...
Or Alex Azar...
Or Jovita Carranza...
Or Elaine Chao...

Elaine Cho got her job as Secty of Transporation because she's Moscow Mitch's wife, idiot.
Ignorant fuck.
Oh, so you pick one name out of...
Who’s the ignorant one here...

I know who the others are, fucko.
And I thank Jovita for the speedy SBA-Covid Disaster loan I just received. Damn fine job.
You looked them up. Don’t lie. Now, deflection is noted.

And Trump called Azar an alarmist when he tried to warn Trump in January about COVID.
Surprised he hasn't fired him yet.
But it looks like Esper's days are numbered.
Yeah, sure he did, that’s why he listened to him and stopped flights out of China, other than US citizens, and then put them in quarantine. You are so full of it.
Yeah he shut down China too late and forgot about Europe
Yeah, that’s why the left called him xenophobic and racist. Lol
We learned in 2016 that it is not over until it is over and you can’t underestimate Trump

But you cannot ignore that the public understands what they get with Trump and that the political landscape against Trump politics has changed in the last three years.

Not counting Trump out, but this could also be a political backlash against Trump and his party
Especially when the moron brings in the military
Show where he brought in the military for the riots other than DC, which is federal, not a state...
We learned in 2016 that it is not over until it is over and you can’t underestimate Trump

But you cannot ignore that the public understands what they get with Trump and that the political landscape against Trump politics has changed in the last three years.

Not counting Trump out, but this could also be a political backlash against Trump and his party
Especially when the moron brings in the military
Show where he brought in the military for the riots other than DC, which is federal, not a state...

I would also like to know what Eddie thinks he should do instead. If he's got a grand plan to resolve what's happening that's SO MUCH BETTER, let's hear it.
We learned in 2016 that it is not over until it is over and you can’t underestimate Trump

But you cannot ignore that the public understands what they get with Trump and that the political landscape against Trump politics has changed in the last three years.

Not counting Trump out, but this could also be a political backlash against Trump and his party
Especially when the moron brings in the military
Show where he brought in the military for the riots other than DC, which is federal, not a state...

I would also like to know what Eddie thinks he should do instead. If he's got a grand plan to resolve what's happening that's SO MUCH BETTER, let's hear it.
Cecillie the man you'll vote for
o paraphrase Shakespeare's Mark Anthony, I come to understand Caesar, not to attack him.” Attacking Trump is a popular blood sport. But in all
that vitriol, something is getting missed. There has
always been something missing in the psychologically-based critiques of Trump that focus on his very
evident personality disorder. There is no doubt that
he fits the diagnostic criteria for narcissistic personality with antisocial features perfectly. But there is
something more.
This morning I was reading the transcript of one
of his recent speeches, at the Ford plant in Michigan. Here is a brief excerpt, “The company founded
by a man named Henry Ford. Good bloodlines, good
bloodlines. If you believe in that stuff, you get good
blood. They teamed up with the company founded by
Thomas Edison. That’s General Electric. That’s good
stuff. That’s good stuff. And you put it all together.
That they’re all looking down right now.” Now, Edison and Ford were indeed friends, but they never
worked together. But the point is not Trump’s misinformation. It is his use of vocabulary and syntax.
His vocabulary is primitive, and when he discovers a clever phrase or a polysyllabic word it often
appears again and again over a short period of time.
His thought process is jerky, with what we call track
switching, jumping from topic to topic with no clear
line of connection. His speeches have been analyzed by learning experts and he speaks at an 8- to
10-year-old level.
We measure cognitive impairment with, among
other tests, the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale,
what most folks know as the IQ test. Although clinicians don’t like to admit it, (we love to complexify)
generally the most accurate subtest in that battery
for measuring overall IQ is the vocabulary subtest.
Our vocabulary tends to remain stable with aging. Trump’s language problems have nothing to do
with his age. An adult with an 8-year-old’s vocabulary used to be considered very mildly retarded, before that term went into disuse. Now we call it cognitive impairment. Combining that understanding
with his personality disorder begins to give a context
to some of his actions.
He hates expert s reports because he cannot understand them, and he needs to cover that up so others do not see his cognitive deficits.
He attacks his critics because he fears they will expose him. He lacks the cognitive capacity to understand the complexity of situations, so he resorts to simplistic explanations and conclusions. He lacks the cognitive capacity to reality-test information, so he resorts to his own, unanalyzed opinions, or borrows the opinions of commentators on Fox News, so that he can appear informed and thoughtful. I imagine that, if someone tried to give him an IQ test, he would walk out, because he has known about this deficit his whole life. The whole arrogant, bombastic façade he constructed was to hide the shameful truth that he cannot understand what so many others seem to have no problem understanding. This is the man we put in charge of our country. What have we done? A London epidemiologist estimates that over 200,000 Americans will die before we have a vaccine. I invite you to blend in a tiny touch of the compassion that you would feel towards any disabled person, with the rest of our reactions towards this man, our anger and horror engendered by his uninformed, arrogant, abhorrent, and sometimes criminal acts.
The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!

During these riots, Biden has shown how a competent President would respond.

Rather than show the least bit of compassion, Trump just wants to beat heads
But his speach was compassionate and supportive, the problem was you never got to hear it, because your news source censored it (refused to carry it), because it contradicted their demonization of him and their narrative that you helped sell.
So your post only proves gow problemative MSM and censorship is in that it shapes what you think you know or feel. MSM not just incites, but it creates ignorance by only showing what it wants to show to appease an audience not give them reality in what they need to hear. In a polite way I called your post ignorant, because it lacked knowledge of what exists if you would stop being a puppet and explore other news sources like cspan.

Liberals don't care what Trump actually says or does. THey know he is evul, in his heart. They judge him, on what they imagine him to be thinking.

And then they judge you, as though you know what they are imagining AND AGREE with that, and will hold you accountable for their made up shit.
I judge him by all his failed policy. There is no question I and the country were better off 4 years ago.

A series of polls in swing (and not-so-swing) states released Wednesday make this reality plain.
* A Fox News poll in Arizona shows Joe Biden leading Trump 46% to 42%
* A Fox News poll in Ohio put Biden at 45% to Trump's 43%
* A Fox News poll in Wisconsin had Biden at 49% and Trump at 40%.
* A Quinnipiac University poll in Texas had the race at Trump 44%, Biden 43%.
How bad are those numbers for Trump? To put a fine point on it: Really bad.

Republicans are well aware of Electoral Votes
Losing Arizona, Ohio, Wisconsin and dare we say Texas would be catastrophic

And before you say it........This is Fox
Take a poll after the mob rule, anarchy and criminal behavior on the streets of America. Independent voter's from middle-class will run toward Trump and law and order. Biden has sided with a violent criminal minority. Same thing Hillary did.
As an independent voter I’ve had more than enough of trump failed policy. Only you crazy trumpers could be enjoying this.

A series of polls in swing (and not-so-swing) states released Wednesday make this reality plain.
* A Fox News poll in Arizona shows Joe Biden leading Trump 46% to 42%
* A Fox News poll in Ohio put Biden at 45% to Trump's 43%
* A Fox News poll in Wisconsin had Biden at 49% and Trump at 40%.
* A Quinnipiac University poll in Texas had the race at Trump 44%, Biden 43%.
How bad are those numbers for Trump? To put a fine point on it: Really bad.

Republicans are well aware of Electoral Votes
Losing Arizona, Ohio, Wisconsin and dare we say Texas would be catastrophic

And before you say it........This is Fox
Take a poll after the mob rule, anarchy and criminal behavior on the streets of America. Independent voter's from middle-class will run toward Trump and law and order. Biden has sided with a violent criminal minority. Same thing Hillary did.
As an independent voter I’ve had more than enough of trump failed policy. Only you crazy trumpers could be enjoying this.
So you will vote for Biden and mob rule. Real smart. President Trump's policies have been a success. Liberals love the COVID 19 because it hurt Trum's booming economy.

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