Trump has lost the election already -- he should just resign

  • Thread starter Deleted member 73486
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The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!
Yeah, democrats rioting, looting, attacking women and murdering people is great way to get moderates to vote for democrats. Pfff, lol.
Moderates don’t like all the unrest that trump clearly can’t fix.

Unrest from dem cities and dem police forces and riled up by lib media.
Under trump watch and he clearly can’t fix it. Trump is over all them
cities. Those are Americans.

It is not Trump's job to run dem cities.
All the unrest is still here. He is the president over it all. Trump has fixed nothing, he’s only good at increasing debt:
Democrats are the ones rioting, burning, looting and murdering. What do you suggest Trump do about it? Would you like armed soldiers to put a stop to it? Im good with that.
The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!
Yeah, democrats rioting, looting, attacking women and murdering people is great way to get moderates to vote for democrats. Pfff, lol.
Moderates don’t like all the unrest that trump clearly can’t fix.

Unrest from dem cities and dem police forces and riled up by lib media.
Under trump watch and he clearly can’t fix it. Trump is over all them
cities. Those are Americans.

It is not Trump's job to run dem cities.
All the unrest is still here. He is the president over it all. Trump has fixed nothing, he’s only good at increasing debt:
Democrats are the ones rioting, burning, looting and murdering. What do you suggest Trump do about it? Would you like armed soldiers to put a stop to it? Im good with that.
Democrats need to be called out for being domestic terrorist. They fund aid abet and encourage rioters. If they can't beat trump, they will burn the country down trying. They don't care who they hurt.
We learned in 2016 that it is not over until it is over and you can’t underestimate Trump

But you cannot ignore that the public understands what they get with Trump and that the political landscape against Trump politics has changed in the last three years.

Not counting Trump out, but this could also be a political backlash against Trump and his party
Wait. What?

Now it's not over?

Earlier you were saying Trump lost, and Dimwingers were taking the Senate AND the House (despite the fact they already have the House).

Your crawfishing is cute. :abgg2q.jpg:
I didn’t say Trump has lost, I said he is in deep shit if he doesn’t get his act together

A series of polls in swing (and not-so-swing) states released Wednesday make this reality plain.
* A Fox News poll in Arizona shows Joe Biden leading Trump 46% to 42%
* A Fox News poll in Ohio put Biden at 45% to Trump's 43%
* A Fox News poll in Wisconsin had Biden at 49% and Trump at 40%.
* A Quinnipiac University poll in Texas had the race at Trump 44%, Biden 43%.
How bad are those numbers for Trump? To put a fine point on it: Really bad.

Republicans are well aware of Electoral Votes
Losing Arizona, Ohio, Wisconsin and dare we say Texas would be catastrophic

And before you say it........This is Fox
Take a poll after the mob rule, anarchy and criminal behavior on the streets of America. Independent voter's from middle-class will run toward Trump and law and order. Biden has sided with a violent criminal minority. Same thing Hillary did.
As an independent voter I’ve had more than enough of trump failed policy. Only you crazy trumpers could be enjoying this.
So you will vote for Biden and mob rule. Real smart. President Trump's policies have been a success. Liberals love the COVID 19 because it hurt Trum's booming economy.
As Joe Biden showed this week, he is better able to deal with protests of this type....with compassion, understanding and firmness.

You won’t see Joe Biden hiding in a bunker
We learned in 2016 that it is not over until it is over and you can’t underestimate Trump

But you cannot ignore that the public understands what they get with Trump and that the political landscape against Trump politics has changed in the last three years.

Not counting Trump out, but this could also be a political backlash against Trump and his party
Wait. What?

Now it's not over?

Earlier you were saying Trump lost, and Dimwingers were taking the Senate AND the House (despite the fact they already have the House).

Your crawfishing is cute. :abgg2q.jpg:
I didn’t say Trump has lost, I said he is in deep shit if he doesn’t get his act together
Biden is much weaker then Hillary was.

Trump is much stronger then he was in 2016.

Democrats need a miracle but unfortunately they don't believe in God

A series of polls in swing (and not-so-swing) states released Wednesday make this reality plain.
* A Fox News poll in Arizona shows Joe Biden leading Trump 46% to 42%
* A Fox News poll in Ohio put Biden at 45% to Trump's 43%
* A Fox News poll in Wisconsin had Biden at 49% and Trump at 40%.
* A Quinnipiac University poll in Texas had the race at Trump 44%, Biden 43%.
How bad are those numbers for Trump? To put a fine point on it: Really bad.

Republicans are well aware of Electoral Votes
Losing Arizona, Ohio, Wisconsin and dare we say Texas would be catastrophic

And before you say it........This is Fox
Take a poll after the mob rule, anarchy and criminal behavior on the streets of America. Independent voter's from middle-class will run toward Trump and law and order. Biden has sided with a violent criminal minority. Same thing Hillary did.
This poll is from yesterday.

It reflects the reaction to Trump thuggery and indifference.

A series of polls in swing (and not-so-swing) states released Wednesday make this reality plain.
* A Fox News poll in Arizona shows Joe Biden leading Trump 46% to 42%
* A Fox News poll in Ohio put Biden at 45% to Trump's 43%
* A Fox News poll in Wisconsin had Biden at 49% and Trump at 40%.
* A Quinnipiac University poll in Texas had the race at Trump 44%, Biden 43%.
How bad are those numbers for Trump? To put a fine point on it: Really bad.

Republicans are well aware of Electoral Votes
Losing Arizona, Ohio, Wisconsin and dare we say Texas would be catastrophic

And before you say it........This is Fox
Take a poll after the mob rule, anarchy and criminal behavior on the streets of America. Independent voter's from middle-class will run toward Trump and law and order. Biden has sided with a violent criminal minority. Same thing Hillary did.
As an independent voter I’ve had more than enough of trump failed policy. Only you crazy trumpers could be enjoying this.
So you will vote for Biden and mob rule. Real smart. President Trump's policies have been a success. Liberals love the COVID 19 because it hurt Trum's booming economy.
As Joe Biden showed this week, he is better able to deal with protests of this type....with compassion, understanding and firmness.

You won’t see Joe Biden hiding in a bunker
That's because nobody cares about him

Biden is a joke.

You people probably won't even make him the nominee

A series of polls in swing (and not-so-swing) states released Wednesday make this reality plain.
* A Fox News poll in Arizona shows Joe Biden leading Trump 46% to 42%
* A Fox News poll in Ohio put Biden at 45% to Trump's 43%
* A Fox News poll in Wisconsin had Biden at 49% and Trump at 40%.
* A Quinnipiac University poll in Texas had the race at Trump 44%, Biden 43%.
How bad are those numbers for Trump? To put a fine point on it: Really bad.

Republicans are well aware of Electoral Votes
Losing Arizona, Ohio, Wisconsin and dare we say Texas would be catastrophic

And before you say it........This is Fox

Texas is in play

Can you believe Texas? No matter how bad things got, Republicans always had Texas

Trump is on the verge of turning Texas BLUE

A series of polls in swing (and not-so-swing) states released Wednesday make this reality plain.
* A Fox News poll in Arizona shows Joe Biden leading Trump 46% to 42%
* A Fox News poll in Ohio put Biden at 45% to Trump's 43%
* A Fox News poll in Wisconsin had Biden at 49% and Trump at 40%.
* A Quinnipiac University poll in Texas had the race at Trump 44%, Biden 43%.
How bad are those numbers for Trump? To put a fine point on it: Really bad.

Republicans are well aware of Electoral Votes
Losing Arizona, Ohio, Wisconsin and dare we say Texas would be catastrophic

And before you say it........This is Fox
Take a poll after the mob rule, anarchy and criminal behavior on the streets of America. Independent voter's from middle-class will run toward Trump and law and order. Biden has sided with a violent criminal minority. Same thing Hillary did.
As an independent voter I’ve had more than enough of trump failed policy. Only you crazy trumpers could be enjoying this.
So you will vote for Biden and mob rule. Real smart. President Trump's policies have been a success. Liberals love the COVID 19 because it hurt Trum's booming economy.
As Joe Biden showed this week, he is better able to deal with protests of this type....with compassion, understanding and firmness.

You won’t see Joe Biden hiding in a bunker
That's because nobody cares about him

Biden is a joke.

You people probably won't even make him the nominee
With Biden kicking Trumps ass, that is unlikely

A series of polls in swing (and not-so-swing) states released Wednesday make this reality plain.
* A Fox News poll in Arizona shows Joe Biden leading Trump 46% to 42%
* A Fox News poll in Ohio put Biden at 45% to Trump's 43%
* A Fox News poll in Wisconsin had Biden at 49% and Trump at 40%.
* A Quinnipiac University poll in Texas had the race at Trump 44%, Biden 43%.
How bad are those numbers for Trump? To put a fine point on it: Really bad.

Republicans are well aware of Electoral Votes
Losing Arizona, Ohio, Wisconsin and dare we say Texas would be catastrophic

And before you say it........This is Fox
Take a poll after the mob rule, anarchy and criminal behavior on the streets of America. Independent voter's from middle-class will run toward Trump and law and order. Biden has sided with a violent criminal minority. Same thing Hillary did.
As an independent voter I’ve had more than enough of trump failed policy. Only you crazy trumpers could be enjoying this.
So you will vote for Biden and mob rule. Real smart. President Trump's policies have been a success. Liberals love the COVID 19 because it hurt Trum's booming economy.
As Joe Biden showed this week, he is better able to deal with protests of this type....with compassion, understanding and firmness.

You won’t see Joe Biden hiding in a bunker

Joe knows how to keep Corn Pop in his place.
This has been a horrible week for Trump

It may be the point that derails his presidency
The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!
The soul of the nation lusts after 13-year-old girls?
No, only you and dOnald.

Donald and Jeffrey Epstein with THEIR little girl, Ivanka.

That post is problematic for you because if Epstein had ever done anything innapropriate to Ivanka you and MSM would have taken Epsteins side over Ivanka. -busted!
View attachment 345591
Ok, for the second time in five minutes:

WTF are you babbling about?

Over the past 24 hours, the White House has confronted a public split between the president and Defense Secretary Mark Esper, a blistering denunciation by his former top Pentagon official James Mattis, a new jobs report documenting an additional 1.9 million Americans filed initial unemployment claims and lingering questions about the decision to clear a park of peaceful protesters Monday for a presidential photo op.
The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!

During these riots, Biden has shown how a competent President would respond.

Rather than show the least bit of compassion, Trump just wants to beat heads
But his speach was compassionate and supportive, the problem was you never got to hear it, because your news source censored it (refused to carry it), because it contradicted their demonization of him and their narrative that you helped sell.
So your post only proves gow problemative MSM and censorship is in that it shapes what you think you know or feel. MSM not just incites, but it creates ignorance by only showing what it wants to show to appease an audience not give them reality in what they need to hear. In a polite way I called your post ignorant, because it lacked knowledge of what exists if you would stop being a puppet and explore other news sources like cspan.

Liberals don't care what Trump actually says or does. THey know he is evul, in his heart. They judge him, on what they imagine him to be thinking.

And then they judge you, as though you know what they are imagining AND AGREE with that, and will hold you accountable for their made up shit.
I judge him by all his failed policy. There is no question I and the country were better off 4 years ago.
Yet you name not one policy.
By the way it took "A Pandemic" to TEMPORARILY bring us to the Obama Biden era ECONOMY.
It took a stay at home order to bring us to Their unemployment numbers.
BIDEN will be liken to a world pandemic full time.
Get that through your skull.
The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!
You are out of touch. The "soul" of the nation is with President Trump and law and order.
The truth is more than half the country wouldn't piss on Trump if he was on fire ,,,Soul of the KKK nation is with trump

The Klan is less that 8k people. You are smearing good people because you are a cock sucking asshole. FUCK YOU.
8000 that admit it maybe but a lot more revealed when you assholes came out to vote for the racist You're one of those ""good people ""too I bet

You are a delusional asshole, using your delusions as an excuse for what a fucking asshole you are.

Fuck you.
Where you breathe you ass kissing traitor

YOu are the fucktard pretending the Klan is a major force, to support your asshole behavior, you fucking piece of filth.
You're known by the friends you keep You and the racists are on the same side Says lots about you

The Klan, and it's various ilk have no place in the GOP or mainstream conservativism, and you know it, you filthy cock sucking piece of shit.

That you lie, shows that you know you are in the wrong.
The Klan and all white supremacists enthusiastically support Trump

Trump would not have been elected without them
Bullshit. Unadulterated bullshit.
Trump built his presidential run on hatred of Mexicans, Muslims and gays

Yes, he did. And aimed that message at redneck white people who are afraid of them.
I'm not afraid of any of you vermin.

Over the past 24 hours, the White House has confronted a public split between the president and Defense Secretary Mark Esper, a blistering denunciation by his former top Pentagon official James Mattis, a new jobs report documenting an additional 1.9 million Americans filed initial unemployment claims and lingering questions about the decision to clear a park of peaceful protesters Monday for a presidential photo op.
Fake news
...Taking bets?
New Great Depression... Stock Market Crash... 401(k) devaluations... 20% unemployment... pandemic... 100K+ dead... nationwide race-riots...

Total failure of leadership and communications skills and empathy...

Your Orange Baboon-God is in deep $hit...
There is no question that Trump is struggling.

The last six months have destroyed his once promising chances of re-election

His economy is in ashes, 100,000 have died of virus, people are in isolation. Trumps leadership has been found wanting
“President Trump is not always polite”

Good God, their campaign strategy is........Trump is an asshole

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