Trump has no Mojo


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
I am a God on this message board.
Even Republicans are ignoring him. Sad!

A historically bad night for Trump’s candidates

Three of them lost, which is unprecedented. Here’s how this compares to previous primary results.

Tuesday’s primaries were a historically bad one for Trump’s candidates.

Three lost, including two by wide margins.

In South Carolina, 2016 Republican National Convention speaker and pro-Trump pastor Mark Burns narrowly lost a primary runoff to nurse practitioner Sheri Biggs.

In Colorado, state Republican Party chairman Dave Williams lost by more than 30 points to conservative activist Jeff Crank.

And perhaps most stinging for Trump, his favored candidate in Utah to replace retiring Trump-antagonist Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) — Riverton Mayor Trent Staggs — lost to more-moderate Rep. John Curtis (R-Utah). Staggs currently trails by more than 20 points.

The three defeats for Trump-backed candidates in one night is unprecedented, according to Ballotpedia’s extensive compilation of Trump endorsees.

Some other key data points, via Ballotpedia:

  • Before Tuesday, only eight Trump-backed candidates had lost primaries for the House or Senate since 2018. And none had lost in 2024. If you include governor’s races, 12 Trump-backed candidates have lost primaries.
  • Eight of those 12 primary losses did come in 2022, as the Republican Party flirted with charting a new course after Trump’s 2020 loss and the Jan. 6 insurrection. They included three losses in gubernatorial primaries and three losses in Georgia, which bucked Trump in the primaries more than any other state did.
  • The three 2022 losses in Georgia were spaced out between the primary and a later primary runoff, meaning the trio of losses Trump experienced Tuesday has never happened before.
  • The Tuesday losses are more than occurred in all of 2018 or 2020.


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