Trump has now been implicated in a federal crime

Trump and Cohen said/swore under oath:
''their'' instead of ''there''
its instead of it's
by instead of buy
Where is the proof Corsi contacted Assange? Muller has Corsi's email, phone everything

I am sure everything will eventually be spelled out in terms of who did what
Look, if Mueller had that smoking gun it would be out already.


If they had anyhting on Trump, it would have come out before he got elected. Derp!

Uh-Oh! :eek:
Not if you do not have all the evidence. That argument of yours is retarded.
It would have been leaked at a minimum

There is no 'there.... there...

BTW, you working on getting me that link?

About half of the leaks contain only a grain of truth or they are complete fabrications.
No trial --- no proof.
That makes zero sense. Of course there is proof, or Cohen would not have pled guilty. Of course there is proof, or federal prosecutors would not have declared it as fact in court. And spare me the goofy 'spiracy nonsense.
2 WORDS ...PLEA DEAL....Or go broke like Mike Flynne did on court costs!
Because he was guilty. Sorry nutlball, this is where we diverge. Enjoy fantasyland.
"Don't have men of law in the right position?" :21::21::21: Damn you Trump goons are ignorant and stupid. Trump nominated his own law enforcement. :21::21::21:

And by the way "men of law in the right position?" There's only one "position" there retard. The one that follows the law. :21::21::21:
Follows the law? Was that why McCabe was indicted and so far NOTHING done about it!

Inspector general referred findings on McCabe to U.S. attorney for consideration of criminal charges
Washington Post

View attachment 233757
Apr 19, 2018 · It is possible the FBI's former No. 2 official could be charged with a federal crime.

New leak indictment spells disaster for McCabe
The Hill

View attachment 233758
Jun 9, 2018 · The indictment of James Wolfe, 58, former security director of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI), has sent .

The firing of Comey and current investigation, which has been stonewalled, knowing a DemonRAT house will KILL any further is where the SENATE COMMITTEES BZNEED TO PIVK UP THE SLSCK, AND GO AFTER Strzkevand Page, The Ohrs, and so many others including the Obomanation and Hildebitch!
Changing the subject is for retards and cowards. You are both. The Trump appointments are of Trump's making.
your case/argument is very, very thin
If it were, you would have personally dissected what was thin about it. You didn't You are another loser. Next loser please.
that's what we've been doing for YEARS on USMB--DUMBASS!!!
and on this exact thread!!!!!
and hhahahahhahahahha
"Losing?" I know.
Mueller will get many counter charges

Blackmail because of a witch hunt to cover up democrat crimes

And treason

Trump has the men and the military to make the charges stick
Trump has been implicated in a filing to be considered as a felon, who will need to answer for and defend himself against. The Congress would step in to put a check on the nonsense you are pedaling.


The real charges are against the deep state for treason and trump has the men to enforce it

Mulehead totally lost it where rigging the investigation with nearly all democrat investigators

The media was caught rigging the debate against the voters fair election by giving the questions to Hillary

And then guy caught again the DNC rigged the election against democrat voters against sanders

This stuff is high treason and then the deep state uses black mail crime to cover up and try to make trump not go after the criminals

Black mail and high treason will be the charges that will stick because trump has the men
There are no men that can enforce something that doesn't exist. Trump has been officially implicated in federal crimes. The non-existent "deep state" has not. Trump will have to deal with his own criminal liability before he thinks he can go out and deal with some make believe fantasy that you and he have.

Feel free to detail the conversation where Trump instructed his lawyer to do anything illegal. If what he asked was illegal wouldn't his lawyer have a duty to tell him he couldn't do things that way?

Mueller's report makes that claim, not me. You idiot, how would I detail the conversation? You folks ask stupid questions as a distraction, and think it is magically going to help your argument. Spoiler alert; it's not. Try and keep it real people. You can't go anywhere with stupid arguments.

I do admit it's so cute how hard you try to make a nothing burger.

Follows the law? Was that why McCabe was indicted and so far NOTHING done about it!

Inspector general referred findings on McCabe to U.S. attorney for consideration of criminal charges
Washington Post

View attachment 233757
Apr 19, 2018 · It is possible the FBI's former No. 2 official could be charged with a federal crime.

New leak indictment spells disaster for McCabe
The Hill

View attachment 233758
Jun 9, 2018 · The indictment of James Wolfe, 58, former security director of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI), has sent .

The firing of Comey and current investigation, which has been stonewalled, knowing a DemonRAT house will KILL any further is where the SENATE COMMITTEES BZNEED TO PIVK UP THE SLSCK, AND GO AFTER Strzkevand Page, The Ohrs, and so many others including the Obomanation and Hildebitch!
Changing the subject is for retards and cowards. You are both. The Trump appointments are of Trump's making.
your case/argument is very, very thin
If it were, you would have personally dissected what was thin about it. You didn't You are another loser. Next loser please.
that's what we've been doing for YEARS on USMB--DUMBASS!!!
and on this exact thread!!!!!
and hhahahahhahahahha
"Losing?" I know.
....I usually win all of my arguments--especially ones where the facts are known--because I research
..No facts are known about Trump in this case
sorry COMMUNIST/DemonRATS could care less about ESTABLISHED LAW AND LEGAL PRECEDENTS.....SAME SHIT that ALL COMMUNIST DICTATORS do, walk all over a person's rights and privelages
Ha, knock yourself out on your own ignorance and stupidity. So far, the law has taken the Republican Sheep out to the wood shed, and there is nothing you can do about it. There is no attorney client privilege when the two have been implicated in concocting the same crime. There are no rights when the two of them are committing the same crime dumb ass.
The law is nothing when it has ignored the obvious clown show in which snubbed the law during the Obama error, and corrupted the law during that error. Now all of a sudden the law means something again eh ??? Cherry picking the laws in order to make them apply sometimes or during some instances found in political situation's is a disgrace and deplorable usage of our laws.
The Great Obama had a scandal free administration for eight years. If Republicans had anything they would have held investigations

They had endless investigations that managed to find nothing
Investigations go no place when you have a free pass based upon the nation's fear of investigating a black president and his administration who could do no wrong in the EYESIGHT of the people, and this of course being based upon his skin color and not being based upon his character or his administration's actions for 8 years.

Then we have liberal Demon-crat whites riding the wave of protections found in the situation, otherwise hiding their bullcrap and corruption behind the black president who can't be touched no matter what (as based upon the nations mindset), and it being based upon the nation's past.

What a set up eh ??
Republicans had no problem investigating the first black president

What they had a problem with was finding actual facts to support their conspiracy theories

Eric holder . Loretta Lynch..

All obozo did was fuck up.
if Trump committed a crime--fine
but, I'll say it again--this looks iffy-iffy/maybe-maybe not/he said she said/etc
I'll say it again--this looks iffy-iffy/maybe-maybe not/he said she said/etc
It's one thing for Cohen to claim that Trump directed him to commit a felony. It's quite another for federal prosecutors to claim it in court. Thats a big leap that requires evidence.
Why? Did he OK selling 20% of our uranium to Russia, or illegally destroy 33,000 emails that were under subpoena, or anyone of these crimes...?

He probably did but more importantly he has admitted to grabbing pussies which is sexual assault and he has lied to the FBI about his connection with the Ruskies.

I forgot to mention felonious oral gratification to the leader of a foreign hostile power and willfully playing the part of a kept woman..

Omitting what trump said about women is what crooks do

Trump told Billy bush on the bus that if you are a star you can do anything to women including grabbing them by their private parts Trump was upset at how women have been brainwashed to give to rock stars anything they want and not their husbands and hero vets

Trump is right as rain

Outrageously crooked minds that omits the part that shows what trump is trying to say

Trump has the men and the men will stop this outright crookedness by democrats and their brainwashed voters

In that video, Trump also confessed to attempting to commit adultery. That’s also “right as rain,” huh?

Got to love the regressives selective morality. LMAO What happened to the consensual adults thing? Hypocrite.


One can only guess what you are talking about?

LMAO, no, you only need to read and understand what's been said in the string.

Look, if Mueller had that smoking gun it would be out already.


If they had anything on Trump, it would have come out before he got elected. Derp!

Uh-Oh! :eek: How 'bout dat!

Like they wouldn't have used it to tank his campaign. :1peleas::rolleyes-41:
Comey failed to reveal that he had Trump under investigation before the election

He had no problem dropping a bombshell on HIllary weeks before the election

Where's Comey now?

Not in the FBI building, that's for sure. Swamp Rat purged. Strzok, too.

Others are coming. They reek of desperation.

Last I heard he is being subpoenaed on another HIllary email hunt
Did you hear Comey's comments on his questioning before the committee yesterday? He basically shook his head and said it was about Hillary's emails; he couldn't quite believe they were in such ways wasting everyone's time.
This will be the House's last chance for at least two years to investigate Hillary. The old lady will be dead and 6 feet under and republicans will still be investigating her.
No trial --- no proof.
That makes zero sense. Of course there is proof, or Cohen would not have pled guilty. Of course there is proof, or federal prosecutors would not have declared it as fact in court. And spare me the goofy 'spiracy nonsense.

People plea to lesser crimes all the time that they didn't commit. That's not proof they actually did it. The charge was nothing but a way to try to connect Trump to wrong doing. It's no where close to proof that Trump did anything improper.

People plea to lesser crimes all the time that they didn't commit.
Bullshit, that's an absurd standard you are clinging to as the trump cult dictates you do. And stating that trump directed him to commit the felony is not necessary to the plea anyway, so you are pissing in the wind.

Listen to yourself... guilty in court, but that doesn't mean he did it... this is what trump has done to your brain....
It clearly wasn’t to keep Melanie from finding out or he would have paid for their silence years earlier.

Doing it in the weeks before the election reveals his motive.
Why would they say something years before for a consensual relation? ZThey saw the opportunity to EXTORT money from him with his rise in popularity. BUT it is pure speculation that he did it for campaign reasons, instead of personal reasons....but scum like you can believe what you want, after all you probably believed Blow zjob Clinton even after 8 women came forward and he paid one $850K in an out of court sexual abuse case....Easy to put you down, baby deer!
Stormy Daniels did speak up about it years earlier. Tiny didn’t pay for her silence then, so clearly, he didn’t silence her weeks before his election out of concerns that Melanie would find out.
Unfortunately you can't prove it. Just a coincidence, and as far as his lawyer goes, we have an indicted felon on taxi and IRS problems PLEADING IN FRONT OF A JUDGE,no less for a light sentence....and after making himself look like a rat bastard, Mulehead, STILL throws the book at him....or was he going to s pend 20 years behind bars as the various MSM's stated

Again, it’s up to the FEC to decide. Their evidence? That trump didn’t pay Stormy to stay silent for 10 years until his election was just 11 days away. Clearly not to hide it from Melanie.

And if the FEC finds he violated campaign finance laws, then the House can impeach him based on the same evidence that he didn’t pay her off for 10 years.
The De!monRAT HOUSE can Impesch a ham sandwich.As with Clinton it is THE REPUBLICAN Senate that would have to convict to remove. And after Trump helping all those Senators to get reelected, and elected, there is NO WAY to remove him! the Senate needs ,67 votes to impeach....just another exercise in WASTING TAXPAYER MONEY!....ROTFLMFAO!
So what? He can still be impeached. Impeachment did wonders for Republicans when they did it. Imagine how well it will do for Democrats.

Stormy Daniels did speak up about it years earlier. Tiny didn’t pay for her silence then, so clearly, he didn’t silence her weeks before his election out of concerns that Melanie would find out.
Unfortunately you can't prove it. Just a coincidence, and as far as his lawyer goes, we have an indicted felon on taxi and IRS problems PLEADING IN FRONT OF A JUDGE,no less for a light sentence....and after making himself look like a rat bastard, Mulehead, STILL throws the book at him....or was he going to s pend 20 years behind bars as the various MSM's stated

Again, it’s up to the FEC to decide. Their evidence? That trump didn’t pay Stormy to stay silent for 10 years until his election was just 11 days away. Clearly not to hide it from Melanie.

And if the FEC finds he violated campaign finance laws, then the House can impeach him based on the same evidence that he didn’t pay her off for 10 years.
The De!monRAT HOUSE can Impesch a ham sandwich.As with Clinton it is THE REPUBLICAN Senate that would have to convict to remove. And after Trump helping all those Senators to get reelected, and elected, there is NO WAY to remove him! the Senate needs ,67 votes to impeach....just another exercise in WASTING TAXPAYER MONEY!....ROTFLMFAO!

When the evidence shows he broke the law by paying off a porn star, stole money from the government, colluded with the NRA & Russia, sent Kushner to avoid MBS on how to lie about his killing? His name will be shit outside of Trump world.

Lets start naming which Republicans will lead the charge: Romney, Grahm,
You just make it up as you go, and use DNC bullshit talking points....ROTFLMFAO!!!

WHen it was discovered that Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign was guilty of violations involving nearly $2 million – an amount that dwarfs the $280,000 in Cohen’s case – the Obama Justice Department decided not to prosecute. Instead, the matter was quietly disposed of by a $375,000 fine by the Federal Election Commission.

A new head of the DOJ, will simply refuse to prosecute. As they did with the the ABNORMALS Heads explode then....full RETARD....LOLOLOL!
Dumbfuck, the DoJ can’t touch a sitting president. You really are dumber than shit.
Amen to that. Lock Drumpfs bitch ass up!

Why? Did he OK selling 20% of our uranium to Russia, or illegally destroy 33,000 emails that were under subpoena, or anyone of these crimes...?

He probably did but more importantly he has admitted to grabbing pussies which is sexual assault and he has lied to the FBI about his connection with the Ruskies.

I forgot to mention felonious oral gratification to the leader of a foreign hostile power and willfully playing the part of a kept woman..

How about you provide Trumps quote, you're lying about what he said. Bragging you can/could do something isn't saying you actually did it. Of course reality isn't something you regressives are familiar with, you prefer the propaganda, doesn't matter if it has any basis in reality.


Transcript: Donald Trump’s Taped Comments About Women

I've read it, and is says exactly what I said it says. "You can" does not equal "I did".


I'm providing the transcript of what he said, not what he did.
It clearly wasn’t to keep Melanie from finding out or he would have paid for their silence years earlier.

Doing it in the weeks before the election reveals his motive.
Why would they say something years before for a consensual relation? ZThey saw the opportunity to EXTORT money from him with his rise in popularity. BUT it is pure speculation that he did it for campaign reasons, instead of personal reasons....but scum like you can believe what you want, after all you probably believed Blow zjob Clinton even after 8 women came forward and he paid one $850K in an out of court sexual abuse case....Easy to put you down, baby deer!
Stormy Daniels did speak up about it years earlier. Tiny didn’t pay for her silence then, so clearly, he didn’t silence her weeks before his election out of concerns that Melanie would find out.
Unfortunately you can't prove it. Just a coincidence, and as far as his lawyer goes, we have an indicted felon on taxi and IRS problems PLEADING IN FRONT OF A JUDGE,no less for a light sentence....and after making himself look like a rat bastard, Mulehead, STILL throws the book at him....or was he going to s pend 20 years behind bars as the various MSM's stated

Again, it’s up to the FEC to decide. Their evidence? That trump didn’t pay Stormy to stay silent for 10 years until his election was just 11 days away. Clearly not to hide it from Melanie.

And if the FEC finds he violated campaign finance laws, then the House can impeach him based on the same evidence that he didn’t pay her off for 10 years.

Maobama was fined 370,000 by the FEC, where was your impeachment talk then? Hypocrite.

What is the impeachment offense?
While it is true that President Obama’s 2008 campaign was fined a significant amount of money by the FEC, those fines covered civil violations that were different than the criminal infractions admitted to by Cohen.

In late 2012, President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign was fined $375,000 by the FEC for reporting violations. The major issue concerned the timely documentation of donations made in the 20 days prior to the election, a window of time during which the FEC requires official notice of contributions exceeding $1,000 to be submitted no more than 48 hours after receipt of those donations:
No trial --- no proof.
That makes zero sense. Of course there is proof, or Cohen would not have pled guilty. Of course there is proof, or federal prosecutors would not have declared it as fact in court. And spare me the goofy 'spiracy nonsense.
2 WORDS ...PLEA DEAL....Or go broke like Mike Flynne did on court costs!
Because he was guilty. Sorry nutlball, this is where we diverge. Enjoy fantasyland.
Yes, of tax fraud he pleaded to the payoff as Mulehead forced him to for a lesser sentence. As shown by him pleading with THE JUDGE...but you believe your conspiracy ABNORMAL!
If it was for Melanie, he would have paid Daniels off years earlier.
again, not factual or proven
is there evidence Trump said this? inferred this ?
please link

Of course there is. His actions spoke for him. He waited years to buy Stormy’s silence and never did so until weeks before his election. Clearly, it wasn’t to hide it from Melanie or he would have paid her off years earlier when Stormy first went public with their affair.
no--it's NOT so clear
in a court of law you need proof beyond reasonable doubt
you are just guessing/theorizing

That would be for a jury to decide if it would ever go to court, which it won’t.
Meanwhile, anyone with a functioning brain can see his motive when he didn’t pay for Storm’s silence when she first spoke up in 2006... never paid her during the next 10 years to keep it hidden from Melanie — but did pay her when his election was just 11 days away.


Anyway, it’s not going to court. It’s being investigated by the FEC and they will decide trump’s motive.

And if anything happens it will be a civil fine, nothing more.

It isn't a civil crime. It's a felony.

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