Trump has now been implicated in a federal crime

again, not factual or proven
is there evidence Trump said this? inferred this ?
please link

Of course there is. His actions spoke for him. He waited years to buy Stormy’s silence and never did so until weeks before his election. Clearly, it wasn’t to hide it from Melanie or he would have paid her off years earlier when Stormy first went public with their affair.
no--it's NOT so clear
in a court of law you need proof beyond reasonable doubt
you are just guessing/theorizing

That would be for a jury to decide if it would ever go to court, which it won’t.
Meanwhile, anyone with a functioning brain can see his motive when he didn’t pay for Storm’s silence when she first spoke up in 2006... never paid her during the next 10 years to keep it hidden from Melanie — but did pay her when his election was just 11 days away.


Anyway, it’s not going to court. It’s being investigated by the FEC and they will decide trump’s motive.

And if anything happens it will be a civil fine, nothing more.

It isn't a civil crime. It's a felony.

Bullshit you call it civil we call it a felony, it's who ever judge that day..who holds the cards like that piece of shit kneegro Eric holder who refused to indict felony crimes of Louis lerner.




Quoting from your opening...THE DEFENDENT FALSE STATEMENTS.....YES, A TRULY TRUSTWORTHY PERSON....tear him up on a witness stand will ALL HIS LIES!....Even a decent lawyer could do that!
It's not about a decent lawyer. At this point, any lawyer could tear Trump apart. This thug has exposed a tremendous amount of criminal activity already.
See above. You sir are full of usual!
So far, I have been proven right, and you have been proven wrong. Prosecutors, not me, have proven me right. Nothing about that is bs, unless you are totally retarded. We'll, it looks like we proved who is retarded as well. Thanks for playing there, "we know who". Lol!
Is this your I WIN post when you have NOTHING ELSE TO OFFER?.....Beaten again by common sense and logic, ABNORMALS are easy!
For days you've been sent out to the wood shed and I and others have been trying to beat the stupidity out of you. We failed miserably.
yes, Trump ATTORNEY

He 'reimbursed' Cohen?

How does that cover Trump paying Stormy?
Trump paid for it... then didn’t report it.

It was a personal expense paid with his own money, he didn't need to report it.

An expense used to hide an affair to help him get elected is looked upon as a campaign expenditure that was never reported according to prosecutors.
Like with Edwards, a jury would not believe that. POTUS did it to hide it from his wife, like all his other Clinton type payments

Oh? Then why did he wait so many years before paying off Daniels?
Save money, some of you ABNORMALS seem to think he's with that!
as REPORTED by the news
that isn't a court of law = NOT evidence

Trump attorney admitted he paid her off.

Giuliani: Trump reimbursed Cohen for $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels

Trump attorney admitted he paid her of

yes, Trump ATTORNEY

He 'reimbursed' Cohen?

How does that cover Trump paying Stormy?
Trump paid for it... then didn’t report it.

It was a personal expense paid with his own money, he didn't need to report it.


You moron. Go learn campaign finance laws.
The central legal question is whether Cohen paid Daniels to help Trump’s campaign, or to help Trump. Considering all the scandals that have surrounded Trump for many years and how he's used them to promote his image, it's hard to believe he would be paying off mistresses to protect his reputation and not his bid for election.
Quoting from your opening...THE DEFENDENT FALSE STATEMENTS.....YES, A TRULY TRUSTWORTHY PERSON....tear him up on a witness stand will ALL HIS LIES!....Even a decent lawyer could do that!
It's not about a decent lawyer. At this point, any lawyer could tear Trump apart. This thug has exposed a tremendous amount of criminal activity already.
See above. You sir are full of usual!
So far, I have been proven right, and you have been proven wrong. Prosecutors, not me, have proven me right. Nothing about that is bs, unless you are totally retarded. We'll, it looks like we proved who is retarded as well. Thanks for playing there, "we know who". Lol!
Is this your I WIN post when you have NOTHING ELSE TO OFFER?.....Beaten again by common sense and logic, ABNORMALS are easy!
For days you've been sent out to the wood shed and I and others have been trying to beat the stupidity out of you. We failed miserably.
ROTFLMFAO....As I said, his I WIN speech when all he has is a wet hand, and his zipper down!

Trump attorney admitted he paid her of

yes, Trump ATTORNEY

He 'reimbursed' Cohen?

How does that cover Trump paying Stormy?
Trump paid for it... then didn’t report it.

It was a personal expense paid with his own money, he didn't need to report it.


You moron. Go learn campaign finance laws.
The central legal question is whether Cohen paid Daniels to help Trump’s campaign, or to help Trump. Considering all the scandal that surrounded Trump for many years, it's hard to believe he would be paying off mistresses to protect his reputation and not his bid for election.
The FLIP FLOPPER with more supposition, and wishful guys are my entertainment!
Amen to that. Lock Drumpfs bitch ass up!

Why? Did he OK selling 20% of our uranium to Russia, or illegally destroy 33,000 emails that were under subpoena, or anyone of these crimes...?

He probably did but more importantly he has admitted to grabbing pussies which is sexual assault and he has lied to the FBI about his connection with the Ruskies.

I forgot to mention felonious oral gratification to the leader of a foreign hostile power and willfully playing the part of a kept woman..

Omitting what trump said about women is what crooks do

Trump told Billy bush on the bus that if you are a star you can do anything to women including grabbing them by their private parts Trump was upset at how women have been brainwashed to give to rock stars anything they want and not their husbands and hero vets

Trump is right as rain

Outrageously crooked minds that omits the part that shows what trump is trying to say

Trump has the men and the men will stop this outright crookedness by democrats and their brainwashed voters

In that video, Trump also confessed to attempting to commit adultery. That’s also “right as rain,” huh?

Got to love the regressives selective morality. LMAO What happened to the consensual adults thing? Hypocrite.


Where did I say it’s not consensual? And what cheater did I not call out for being a cheater?
People plea to lesser crimes all the time that they didn't commit.
Bullshit, that's an absurd standard you are clinging to as the trump cult dictates you do. And stating that trump directed him to commit the felony is not necessary to the plea anyway, so you are pissing in the wind.

Listen to yourself... guilty in court, but that doesn't mean he did it... this is what trump has done to your brain....

Yeah, Cohen said Trump directed him after he said Trump had no knowledge, sounds credible to me, NOT!

yes, Trump ATTORNEY

He 'reimbursed' Cohen?

How does that cover Trump paying Stormy?
Trump paid for it... then didn’t report it.

It was a personal expense paid with his own money, he didn't need to report it.

An expense used to hide an affair to help him get elected is looked upon as a campaign expenditure that was never reported according to prosecutors.
Like with Edwards, a jury would not believe that. POTUS did it to hide it from his wife, like all his other Clinton type payments

Oh? Then why did he wait so many years before paying off Daniels?

Maybe because...

up to his run for president, Melania didn't know about the affair, and he didn't want it coming out?

Of course there is. His actions spoke for him. He waited years to buy Stormy’s silence and never did so until weeks before his election. Clearly, it wasn’t to hide it from Melanie or he would have paid her off years earlier when Stormy first went public with their affair.
no--it's NOT so clear
in a court of law you need proof beyond reasonable doubt
you are just guessing/theorizing

That would be for a jury to decide if it would ever go to court, which it won’t.
Meanwhile, anyone with a functioning brain can see his motive when he didn’t pay for Storm’s silence when she first spoke up in 2006... never paid her during the next 10 years to keep it hidden from Melanie — but did pay her when his election was just 11 days away.


Anyway, it’s not going to court. It’s being investigated by the FEC and they will decide trump’s motive.

And if anything happens it will be a civil fine, nothing more.

It isn't a civil crime. It's a felony.

Bullshit you call it civil we call it a felony, it's who ever judge that day..who holds the cards like that piece of shit kneegro Eric holder who refused to indict felony crimes of Louis lerner.

That day is only one day, with a set of prosecutors. This isn't Bingo.

And by the way, as cowardly as it is, there was never anything to indict Lerner for you grotesquely ignorant person.
Trump paid for it... then didn’t report it.

It was a personal expense paid with his own money, he didn't need to report it.

An expense used to hide an affair to help him get elected is looked upon as a campaign expenditure that was never reported according to prosecutors.
Like with Edwards, a jury would not believe that. POTUS did it to hide it from his wife, like all his other Clinton type payments

Oh? Then why did he wait so many years before paying off Daniels?

Maybe because...

up to his run for president, Melania didn't know about the affair, and he didn't want it coming out?
He didn't want his voters finding out either.

Cohen paid her out of campaign funds?
Too late bub. Talk to the prosecutors. They are calling it a contribution due to the nature of the payment. IT was hidden and never reported, and Trump said he knew nothing about it, which he lied about. The prosecutors are calling it a felony.
Talk to the prosecutors. They are calling it a contribution due to the nature of the payment. IT was hidden and never reported, and Trump said he knew nothing about it, which he lied about. The prosecutors are calling it a felony.

The headline on the website Pravda
trumpeted President Vladimir V. Putin’s latest coup,...
"Russian Nuclear Energy Conquers the World"

The article, in January 2013, detailed how the Russian atomic energy agency, Rosatom, had taken over a Canadian company with uranium-mining stakes stretching from Central Asia to the American West.
The deal made Rosatom one of the world’s largest uranium producers
and brought Mr. Putin closer to his goal of controlling
much of the global uranium supply chain.

But the untold story behind that story is one that involves
not just the Russian president, but also a former American president
and a woman who would like to be the next one.

At the heart of the tale are several men, leaders of the Canadian mining industry, who have been major donors to the charitable endeavors of former President Bill Clinton and his family. Members of that group built, financed and eventually sold off to the Russians a company that would become known as Uranium One.

the sale gave the Russians control of
one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States.

Since uranium is considered a strategic asset,
with implications for national security,
the deal had to be approved by a committee composed of
representatives from a number of United States government agencies.
Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department, then headed by Mr. Clinton’s wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show,
a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation.

Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation
to make four donations totaling $2.35 million.
Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons,
despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck
with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors.
Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.

And shortly after the Russians announced their intention
to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One,
Mr. Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech
from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin
that was promoting Uranium One stock.

September 2005:

Frank Giustra, a Canadian mining financier,
wins a major uranium deal in Kazakhstan for his company, UrAsia,
days after visiting the country with former President Bill Clinton.


Mr. Giustra donates $31.3 million to the Clinton Foundation

February 2007:

UrAsia merges with a South African mining company
and assumes the name Uranium One.
In the next two months, the company expands into the United States.

June 2008:

Negotations begin for an investment in Uranium One
by the Russian atomic energy agency, Rosatom


Uranium One and former UrAsia investors
make $8.65 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation.
Uranium One investors stand to profit on a Rosatom deal

June 2009:

Rosatom subsidiary ARMZ
takes a 17 percent ownership stake in Uranium One


Investors give millions more in donations to the Clinton Foundation

June 2010:

Rosatom seeks majority ownership of Uranium One,
pending approval by the Committee on Foreign Investment
in the United States, of which the State Department is a member.

Rosatom says it does not plan to increase its stake in Uranium One
or to take the company private.

June 29, 2010:

Bill Clinton is paid $500,000 for a speech in Moscow
by a Russian investment bank with ties to the Kremlin
that assigned a buy rating to Uranium One stock

October 2010:

Rosatom’s majority ownership approved by
Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States.

January 2013:

Rosatom takes full control of Uranium One and takes it private

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation

Now...I didn't even mention the millions of dollars
from Russian investors and government agencies,
given to a small, off shore company,
which Podesta sat on the Executive Board

Podesta failed to disclose, not only the money but,
his involvement in this company, which had a stake in the sale

Now...unless you and your ilk
are capable of pulling your heads out of your asses
and admitting whose REALLY guilty of criminal conduct....


What does any of this have to do with Trump and his illegal election?

What does any of this have to do with Trump and his illegal election?

What illegal election?

The election when he beat the corrupt old sot?
Quoting from your opening...THE DEFENDENT FALSE STATEMENTS.....YES, A TRULY TRUSTWORTHY PERSON....tear him up on a witness stand will ALL HIS LIES!....Even a decent lawyer could do that!
It's not about a decent lawyer. At this point, any lawyer could tear Trump apart. This thug has exposed a tremendous amount of criminal activity already.
See above. You sir are full of usual!
So far, I have been proven right, and you have been proven wrong. Prosecutors, not me, have proven me right. Nothing about that is bs, unless you are totally retarded. We'll, it looks like we proved who is retarded as well. Thanks for playing there, "we know who". Lol!
Is this your I WIN post when you have NOTHING ELSE TO OFFER?.....Beaten again by common sense and logic, ABNORMALS are easy!
For days you've been sent out to the wood shed and I and others have been trying to beat the stupidity out of you. We failed miserably.

What you failed, was hiding your own stupidity
Hell, if Trump wanted her not to talk, why not just have Vinny the Knife do her in, or like the Clinton's did, kill the womans cat and leave it as a warning?....too easy
If it was for Melanie, he would have paid Daniels off years earlier.
again, not factual or proven
is there evidence Trump said this? inferred this ?
please link

Of course there is. His actions spoke for him. He waited years to buy Stormy’s silence and never did so until weeks before his election. Clearly, it wasn’t to hide it from Melanie or he would have paid her off years earlier when Stormy first went public with their affair.
no--it's NOT so clear
in a court of law you need proof beyond reasonable doubt
you are just guessing/theorizing

That would be for a jury to decide if it would ever go to court, which it won’t.
Meanwhile, anyone with a functioning brain can see his motive when he didn’t pay for Storm’s silence when she first spoke up in 2006... never paid her during the next 10 years to keep it hidden from Melanie — but did pay her when his election was just 11 days away.


Anyway, it’s not going to court. It’s being investigated by the FEC and they will decide trump’s motive.

And if anything happens it will be a civil fine, nothing more.

From the FEC, probably. From the Democrat-led House? That would be grounds for impeachment.
It was a personal expense paid with his own money, he didn't need to report it.

An expense used to hide an affair to help him get elected is looked upon as a campaign expenditure that was never reported according to prosecutors.
Like with Edwards, a jury would not believe that. POTUS did it to hide it from his wife, like all his other Clinton type payments

Oh? Then why did he wait so many years before paying off Daniels?

Maybe because...

up to his run for president, Melania didn't know about the affair, and he didn't want it coming out?
He didn't want his voters finding out either.

Oddly, I believe he was more worried about Melania.

and considering her reaction to the news, he had reason
People plea to lesser crimes all the time that they didn't commit.
Bullshit, that's an absurd standard you are clinging to as the trump cult dictates you do. And stating that trump directed him to commit the felony is not necessary to the plea anyway, so you are pissing in the wind.

Listen to yourself... guilty in court, but that doesn't mean he did it... this is what trump has done to your brain....

Yeah, Cohen said Trump directed him after he said Trump had no knowledge, sounds credible to me, NOT!

Of course it did. Especially after investigators took Cohen out to the woodshed and schooled him on the truth, after Cohen lied about it to begin with. That's how they are nailing Cohen and Trump.
An expense used to hide an affair to help him get elected is looked upon as a campaign expenditure that was never reported according to prosecutors.
Like with Edwards, a jury would not believe that. POTUS did it to hide it from his wife, like all his other Clinton type payments

Oh? Then why did he wait so many years before paying off Daniels?

Maybe because...

up to his run for president, Melania didn't know about the affair, and he didn't want it coming out?
He didn't want his voters finding out either.

Oddly, I believe he was more worried about Melania.

and considering her reaction to the news, he had reason
We'll, seeing that Melania was pregnant with his fifth child, that's just another reason.
It clearly wasn’t to keep Melanie from finding out or he would have paid for their silence years earlier.

Doing it in the weeks before the election reveals his motive.
Why would they say something years before for a consensual relation? ZThey saw the opportunity to EXTORT money from him with his rise in popularity. BUT it is pure speculation that he did it for campaign reasons, instead of personal reasons....but scum like you can believe what you want, after all you probably believed Blow zjob Clinton even after 8 women came forward and he paid one $850K in an out of court sexual abuse case....Easy to put you down, baby deer!
Stormy Daniels did speak up about it years earlier. Tiny didn’t pay for her silence then, so clearly, he didn’t silence her weeks before his election out of concerns that Melanie would find out.
Unfortunately you can't prove it. Just a coincidence, and as far as his lawyer goes, we have an indicted felon on taxi and IRS problems PLEADING IN FRONT OF A JUDGE,no less for a light sentence....and after making himself look like a rat bastard, Mulehead, STILL throws the book at him....or was he going to s pend 20 years behind bars as the various MSM's stated

Again, it’s up to the FEC to decide. Their evidence? That trump didn’t pay Stormy to stay silent for 10 years until his election was just 11 days away. Clearly not to hide it from Melanie.

And if the FEC finds he violated campaign finance laws, then the House can impeach him based on the same evidence that he didn’t pay her off for 10 years.

Maobama was fined 370,000 by the FEC, where was your impeachment talk then? Hypocrite.

Obama was fined for inadvertently not reporting campaign finances. We’ll see if the FEC finds the same for trump, who secretively paid off a porn star to keep her mouth shut.
Like with Edwards, a jury would not believe that. POTUS did it to hide it from his wife, like all his other Clinton type payments

Oh? Then why did he wait so many years before paying off Daniels?

Maybe because...

up to his run for president, Melania didn't know about the affair, and he didn't want it coming out?
He didn't want his voters finding out either.

Oddly, I believe he was more worried about Melania.

and considering her reaction to the news, he had reason
We'll, seeing that Melania was pregnant with his fifth child, that's just another reason.

no, she had just given birth to Baron, and that was 10 years before any financial dealings were made.

(Your stupidity is showing itself again)

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