Trump has now been implicated in a federal crime

Where is the word TRUMP in that paragraph you quoted?


by the way I am Independent, you assumed wrong.
I said “conservative,” not Republican.

And dumbfuck, trump is referred to as “Individual-1” in that document.

Which leads to one of only two possibilities here.

Either 1), you’re as dumb as can be to not know Individual-1 is trump. Shit, even searching your conservative treehouse link for “trump” turns up, “Individual-1” is Trump; or 2)

You’re so dumb, you thought you could dishonestly fool the forum into believing trump isn’t mentioned at all in that document.

Either way, it doesn’t bode well for you.

Wow, you are a nasty person, which means a leftist democrat is what you are.

I didn't realize the word Trump is spelled Individual-1, what grade school did you graduate from?

Meanwhile you have NOT once showed that the MEMO claims Trump did anything illegal, how come that reality zooms over your head?
It looms over your head because you do not understand the difference between legal and illegal. Do you think it is legal to pay a porn star with stolen money to keep her quiet, so you can get elected?

It is obvious you didn't read the MEMO.

You are a childish Trump hater, that you will torture anything to convict him.

It's obvious you can't answer the question. Meaning, "the childish Trump hater" card isn't going to help you. And Trump's conviction will come as a result of the rule of law. "Torture" doesn't factor into written law.

It is obvious you didn't read the MEMO.

"hush" money are NOT campaign donations.

Here it is ONCE AGAIN the MEMO you never read:

Michael Cohen Sentencing Memo

Meanwhile the leftist hypocrisy in vivid color:

US news

Obama Campaign Fined Big for Hiding Donors, Keeping Illegal Donations

"Barack Obama's presidential campaign has been fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for violating federal disclosure laws, Politico reports.

An FEC audit of Obama for America's 2008 records found the committee failed to disclose millions of dollars in contributions and dragged its feet in refunding millions more in excess contributions.

The resulting fine, one of the largest ever handed down by the FEC, is the result of a failure to disclose or improperly disclosing thousands of contributions to Obama for America during the then-senator's 2008 presidential run, documents show."

Leftists were very quiet about it......
Wrong again. It does not have to be paid with campaign funds to be a crime. I don’t know where you yahoos get your information from?
Yawn..............this is the great Russia conspiracy............a porn star trying to get him on a FEC violation......He didn't report a Non Disclosure Agreement from a one night stand many years before he even thought about running.

It doesn't matter to you that the whore was trying to make a buck by basically blackmailing him.....LOL

As you ignore all the money spent by the DNC on places like Fusion GPS to dig up dirt that actually used Russian Officials to dig up BS...........used for Wire taps to weaponize our agencies for political reasons and to win an election......LOL

Shit or get off the pot Mr. Mueller.
Well that’s a lie too. There’s no evidence she sought to blackmail him. He heard she was looking to sell her story and paid her not to.
Yawn.........all in your crystal ball.............If you can make assumptions and guesses so can we..........Doesn't take a rocket scientist to know she was trying to profit from a one night stand.................doesn't take much more to think she was using it to blackmail him for profit.
I never denied she was seeking to profit from her purported affair with trump. Indeed she was as she was fishing for a buyer to her story. What I said was that it wasn’t blackmail since it was trump who approached her to buy her silence.
Your crystal ball told you so.........LOL
As always you say absolutely nothing that isn't worth a thing.
It would seem that the reason for the payments is important.

Cohen’s reason was to influence the election.

President Trump’s reason could have been strictly personal.

They don’t have to have the same reason.

This also seems like something the President could make go away by simply repaying the money to those who coughed up the money.

Reimbursement effectively means he made the payments himself.

Whatever the specific truth is, it’s all just bullshit nonsense by the sore loser left.

How the hell can hush money to mistresses influence an election when everyone already knew he was an adulterer?
You can't make influencing an election go away after the election is over with reimbursements. Lol! How stupid is that? He influenced the election by hiding the affair through hush money that wasn't his.

Hiding an affair isn’t influencing an election.
Says who, you? Lol!
We already knew that he’s an adulterer and it’s none of your damn business anyway.
It is when it becomes an illegal payment with stolen money to hide an affair and that person is running for president. You bet your sweet ass it's my business. He's using stolen money and not reporting it. That is my business because it's stealing from me. What the hell ails you man?

The public doesn’t have an inherent right to know what someone does in his or her personal life, especially if laws aren’t being broken.
They are being broken with unreported stolen money. I HAVE AN INHERENT RIGHT BEING A TAX PAYER. What is wrong with you ignoramuses?

The only thing that matters in this case is intent.

We know what Cohen’s intent was.

It will be next to impossible to prove 2 President Trump’s intention was anything other than personal.
Lol! You are so lost to the world. The intent was to hide an affair from the voters. My business. The intent was to use stolen money, which he did. My business. The intent was to not report the money. My business. There are no excuses or counter arguments that can be logically and intelligently made to rebut those facts.

Speechless, or still dont' know how to post?

Odd that Clintons affairs were none of our business, but Trumps are.

and it STILL doesn't make the election 'illegal'.
Yawn..............this is the great Russia conspiracy............a porn star trying to get him on a FEC violation......He didn't report a Non Disclosure Agreement from a one night stand many years before he even thought about running.

It doesn't matter to you that the whore was trying to make a buck by basically blackmailing him.....LOL

As you ignore all the money spent by the DNC on places like Fusion GPS to dig up dirt that actually used Russian Officials to dig up BS...........used for Wire taps to weaponize our agencies for political reasons and to win an election......LOL

Shit or get off the pot Mr. Mueller.
Well that’s a lie too. There’s no evidence she sought to blackmail him. He heard she was looking to sell her story and paid her not to.
Yawn.........all in your crystal ball.............If you can make assumptions and guesses so can we..........Doesn't take a rocket scientist to know she was trying to profit from a one night stand.................doesn't take much more to think she was using it to blackmail him for profit.
I never denied she was seeking to profit from her purported affair with trump. Indeed she was as she was fishing for a buyer to her story. What I said was that it wasn’t blackmail since it was trump who approached her to buy her silence.
Your crystal ball told you so.........LOL
As always you say absolutely nothing that isn't worth a thing.

As always you say absolutely nothing that isn't worth a thing.

post doesn't make a lick of sense
Money can’t be stolen if it’s willingly given.

There was no stolen money involved.

Good luck proving President Trump’s intent. Your assumptions mean nothing.
I said “conservative,” not Republican.

And dumbfuck, trump is referred to as “Individual-1” in that document.

Which leads to one of only two possibilities here.

Either 1), you’re as dumb as can be to not know Individual-1 is trump. Shit, even searching your conservative treehouse link for “trump” turns up, “Individual-1” is Trump; or 2)

You’re so dumb, you thought you could dishonestly fool the forum into believing trump isn’t mentioned at all in that document.

Either way, it doesn’t bode well for you.

Wow, you are a nasty person, which means a leftist democrat is what you are.

I didn't realize the word Trump is spelled Individual-1, what grade school did you graduate from?

Meanwhile you have NOT once showed that the MEMO claims Trump did anything illegal, how come that reality zooms over your head?
It looms over your head because you do not understand the difference between legal and illegal. Do you think it is legal to pay a porn star with stolen money to keep her quiet, so you can get elected?

It is obvious you didn't read the MEMO.

You are a childish Trump hater, that you will torture anything to convict him.

It's obvious you can't answer the question. Meaning, "the childish Trump hater" card isn't going to help you. And Trump's conviction will come as a result of the rule of law. "Torture" doesn't factor into written law.

It is obvious you didn't read the MEMO.

"hush" money are NOT campaign donations.

Here it is ONCE AGAIN the MEMO you never read:

Michael Cohen Sentencing Memo

Meanwhile the leftist hypocrisy in vivid color:

US news

Obama Campaign Fined Big for Hiding Donors, Keeping Illegal Donations

"Barack Obama's presidential campaign has been fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for violating federal disclosure laws, Politico reports.

An FEC audit of Obama for America's 2008 records found the committee failed to disclose millions of dollars in contributions and dragged its feet in refunding millions more in excess contributions.

The resulting fine, one of the largest ever handed down by the FEC, is the result of a failure to disclose or improperly disclosing thousands of contributions to Obama for America during the then-senator's 2008 presidential run, documents show."

Leftists were very quiet about it......
I have read it and it is totally irre
I said “conservative,” not Republican.

And dumbfuck, trump is referred to as “Individual-1” in that document.

Which leads to one of only two possibilities here.

Either 1), you’re as dumb as can be to not know Individual-1 is trump. Shit, even searching your conservative treehouse link for “trump” turns up, “Individual-1” is Trump; or 2)

You’re so dumb, you thought you could dishonestly fool the forum into believing trump isn’t mentioned at all in that document.

Either way, it doesn’t bode well for you.

Wow, you are a nasty person, which means a leftist democrat is what you are.

I didn't realize the word Trump is spelled Individual-1, what grade school did you graduate from?

Meanwhile you have NOT once showed that the MEMO claims Trump did anything illegal, how come that reality zooms over your head?
It looms over your head because you do not understand the difference between legal and illegal. Do you think it is legal to pay a porn star with stolen money to keep her quiet, so you can get elected?

It is obvious you didn't read the MEMO.

You are a childish Trump hater, that you will torture anything to convict him.

It's obvious you can't answer the question. Meaning, "the childish Trump hater" card isn't going to help you. And Trump's conviction will come as a result of the rule of law. "Torture" doesn't factor into written law.

It is obvious you didn't read the MEMO.

"hush" money are NOT campaign donations.

Here it is ONCE AGAIN the MEMO you never read:

Michael Cohen Sentencing Memo

Meanwhile the leftist hypocrisy in vivid color:

US news

Obama Campaign Fined Big for Hiding Donors, Keeping Illegal Donations

"Barack Obama's presidential campaign has been fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for violating federal disclosure laws, Politico reports.

An FEC audit of Obama for America's 2008 records found the committee failed to disclose millions of dollars in contributions and dragged its feet in refunding millions more in excess contributions.

The resulting fine, one of the largest ever handed down by the FEC, is the result of a failure to disclose or improperly disclosing thousands of contributions to Obama for America during the then-senator's 2008 presidential run, documents show."

Leftists were very quiet about it......
I have read it. The memo is irrelevant. It isn't about the donation. It's about how it was paid that matters. Are you still in the dark about how it was paid? I have been posting it non-stop on this thread, but the Sheep keep ignoring the facts about how it was paid. Why do you think they made criminal filings about Trump and his part in this? It's about how he paid the money. People, get your head out of your asses.
Money can’t be stolen if it’s willingly given.

There was no stolen money involved.

Good luck proving President Trump’s intent. Your assumptions mean nothing.

At the time Trump was just getting started, paying his own way wit
Wow, you are a nasty person, which means a leftist democrat is what you are.

I didn't realize the word Trump is spelled Individual-1, what grade school did you graduate from?

Meanwhile you have NOT once showed that the MEMO claims Trump did anything illegal, how come that reality zooms over your head?
It looms over your head because you do not understand the difference between legal and illegal. Do you think it is legal to pay a porn star with stolen money to keep her quiet, so you can get elected?

It is obvious you didn't read the MEMO.

You are a childish Trump hater, that you will torture anything to convict him.

It's obvious you can't answer the question. Meaning, "the childish Trump hater" card isn't going to help you. And Trump's conviction will come as a result of the rule of law. "Torture" doesn't factor into written law.

It is obvious you didn't read the MEMO.

"hush" money are NOT campaign donations.

Here it is ONCE AGAIN the MEMO you never read:

Michael Cohen Sentencing Memo

Meanwhile the leftist hypocrisy in vivid color:

US news

Obama Campaign Fined Big for Hiding Donors, Keeping Illegal Donations

"Barack Obama's presidential campaign has been fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for violating federal disclosure laws, Politico reports.

An FEC audit of Obama for America's 2008 records found the committee failed to disclose millions of dollars in contributions and dragged its feet in refunding millions more in excess contributions.

The resulting fine, one of the largest ever handed down by the FEC, is the result of a failure to disclose or improperly disclosing thousands of contributions to Obama for America during the then-senator's 2008 presidential run, documents show."

Leftists were very quiet about it......
I have read it and it is totally irre
Wow, you are a nasty person, which means a leftist democrat is what you are.

I didn't realize the word Trump is spelled Individual-1, what grade school did you graduate from?

Meanwhile you have NOT once showed that the MEMO claims Trump did anything illegal, how come that reality zooms over your head?
It looms over your head because you do not understand the difference between legal and illegal. Do you think it is legal to pay a porn star with stolen money to keep her quiet, so you can get elected?

It is obvious you didn't read the MEMO.

You are a childish Trump hater, that you will torture anything to convict him.

It's obvious you can't answer the question. Meaning, "the childish Trump hater" card isn't going to help you. And Trump's conviction will come as a result of the rule of law. "Torture" doesn't factor into written law.

It is obvious you didn't read the MEMO.

"hush" money are NOT campaign donations.

Here it is ONCE AGAIN the MEMO you never read:

Michael Cohen Sentencing Memo

Meanwhile the leftist hypocrisy in vivid color:

US news

Obama Campaign Fined Big for Hiding Donors, Keeping Illegal Donations

"Barack Obama's presidential campaign has been fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for violating federal disclosure laws, Politico reports.

An FEC audit of Obama for America's 2008 records found the committee failed to disclose millions of dollars in contributions and dragged its feet in refunding millions more in excess contributions.

The resulting fine, one of the largest ever handed down by the FEC, is the result of a failure to disclose or improperly disclosing thousands of contributions to Obama for America during the then-senator's 2008 presidential run, documents show."

Leftists were very quiet about it......
I have read it. The memo is irrelevant. It isn't about the donation. It's about how it was paid that matters. Are you still in the dark about how it was paid? I have been posting it non-stop on this thread, but the Sheep keep ignoring the facts about how it was paid. Why do you think they made filings about Trump and his part in this? It's about how he paid the money. People, get your head out of your asses.

Your reply shows you to be a liar since the relevant passages make clear that paying women to keep their mouth shut about claimed sex affairs are NOT Campaign donations at all, it is normally called "HUSH" money.

The money was his own, not campaign donations at all since he was at the time running on his own money.

You are really going to support this lunacy?
Money can’t be stolen if it’s willingly given.

There was no stolen money involved.

Good luck proving President Trump’s intent. Your assumptions mean nothing.
The money wasn't his to give. It's already been revealed that Trump stole money from his own charity to take care of these payments.
Trump wasn't concerned about adulterous affairs swaying the religious right in the election. The hush money was to protect his personal spotless reputation.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Trump wasn't concerned about adulterous affairs swaying the religious right in the election.

Doesn't matter, it wasn't a campaign expense.
How do you know that? Did you talk to Trump?

And by the way, prosecutors will charge it as a campaign finance crime/felony/expense because of the obvious. He needed to hide an affair weeks before the election, the money was not reported, it exceeded $2700 dollars, and it was reported to have come from stolen money out of his charity. Under federal law, an individual could not donate more than $2,700 directly to Trump’s primary or general election campaign in 2016. A $130,000 payment would far exceed that limit. Remember, Trump already lied about where the money came from. So for you to say it is not a campaign expense, is the joke of the day. Since Trump was lying, how in the hell do you know if it was an expense or not? Lol!
how is it obvious?
Can you read? He needed to hide an affair weeks before the election, the money was not reported, it exceeded $2700 dollars, and it was reported to have come from stolen money out of his charity. Under federal law, an individual could not donate more than $2,700 directly to Trump’s primary or general election campaign in 2016. A $130,000 payment would far exceed that limit. Remember, Trump already lied about where the money came from. So for you to say it is not a campaign expense, is the joke of the day. Since Trump was lying, how in the hell do you know if it was an expense or not? Lol! Learn to read the obvious fool.
He needed to hide an affair weeks before the election,

So what? Rich guys do that all the time.

the money was not reported

Rich guys don't need to report payoffs to keep people quiet.
Now if he would have paid her off during the campaign or election in order to keep her quite, THENNNNnnnnnnnnnn there might have been a problem, but he tied up all the loose ends prior to the campaign and him being elected, and this was so that no one could attempt to blackmail our President during or after being elected. Good job Mr. President on protecting the office of the Presidency from the evil that is attempting to destroy it for self and global interest.

Smart man Trump is to have understood such things, and to understand just what kind of evil would come searching for the president of these United States of America.

Good job not allowing the office of our presidency to fall under attack by blackmailing demons who want to take this nation apart piece by piece.
Money can’t be stolen if it’s willingly given.

There was no stolen money involved.

Good luck proving President Trump’s intent. Your assumptions mean nothing.

At the time Trump was just getting started, paying his own way wit
It looms over your head because you do not understand the difference between legal and illegal. Do you think it is legal to pay a porn star with stolen money to keep her quiet, so you can get elected?

It is obvious you didn't read the MEMO.

You are a childish Trump hater, that you will torture anything to convict him.

It's obvious you can't answer the question. Meaning, "the childish Trump hater" card isn't going to help you. And Trump's conviction will come as a result of the rule of law. "Torture" doesn't factor into written law.

It is obvious you didn't read the MEMO.

"hush" money are NOT campaign donations.

Here it is ONCE AGAIN the MEMO you never read:

Michael Cohen Sentencing Memo

Meanwhile the leftist hypocrisy in vivid color:

US news

Obama Campaign Fined Big for Hiding Donors, Keeping Illegal Donations

"Barack Obama's presidential campaign has been fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for violating federal disclosure laws, Politico reports.

An FEC audit of Obama for America's 2008 records found the committee failed to disclose millions of dollars in contributions and dragged its feet in refunding millions more in excess contributions.

The resulting fine, one of the largest ever handed down by the FEC, is the result of a failure to disclose or improperly disclosing thousands of contributions to Obama for America during the then-senator's 2008 presidential run, documents show."

Leftists were very quiet about it......
I have read it and it is totally irre
It looms over your head because you do not understand the difference between legal and illegal. Do you think it is legal to pay a porn star with stolen money to keep her quiet, so you can get elected?

It is obvious you didn't read the MEMO.

You are a childish Trump hater, that you will torture anything to convict him.

It's obvious you can't answer the question. Meaning, "the childish Trump hater" card isn't going to help you. And Trump's conviction will come as a result of the rule of law. "Torture" doesn't factor into written law.

It is obvious you didn't read the MEMO.

"hush" money are NOT campaign donations.

Here it is ONCE AGAIN the MEMO you never read:

Michael Cohen Sentencing Memo

Meanwhile the leftist hypocrisy in vivid color:

US news

Obama Campaign Fined Big for Hiding Donors, Keeping Illegal Donations

"Barack Obama's presidential campaign has been fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for violating federal disclosure laws, Politico reports.

An FEC audit of Obama for America's 2008 records found the committee failed to disclose millions of dollars in contributions and dragged its feet in refunding millions more in excess contributions.

The resulting fine, one of the largest ever handed down by the FEC, is the result of a failure to disclose or improperly disclosing thousands of contributions to Obama for America during the then-senator's 2008 presidential run, documents show."

Leftists were very quiet about it......
I have read it. The memo is irrelevant. It isn't about the donation. It's about how it was paid that matters. Are you still in the dark about how it was paid? I have been posting it non-stop on this thread, but the Sheep keep ignoring the facts about how it was paid. Why do you think they made filings about Trump and his part in this? It's about how he paid the money. People, get your head out of your asses.

Your reply shows you to be a liar since the relevant passages make clear that paying women to keep their mouth shut about claimed sex affairs are NOT Campaign donations at all, it is normally called "HUSH" money.

The money was his own, not campaign donations at all since he was at the time running on his own money.

You are really going to support this lunacy?
No, I am not a liar. You are just ignorant of the facts. Trump used stolen money from his charity to take care of these payments. The money wasn't his. It's already been revealed. Why do you think prosecutors have already filed felony complaints on Trump? ttps:// Still waiting on the rebuttal?
Last edited:
Trump wasn't concerned about adulterous affairs swaying the religious right in the election.

Doesn't matter, it wasn't a campaign expense.
How do you know that? Did you talk to Trump?

And by the way, prosecutors will charge it as a campaign finance crime/felony/expense because of the obvious. He needed to hide an affair weeks before the election, the money was not reported, it exceeded $2700 dollars, and it was reported to have come from stolen money out of his charity. Under federal law, an individual could not donate more than $2,700 directly to Trump’s primary or general election campaign in 2016. A $130,000 payment would far exceed that limit. Remember, Trump already lied about where the money came from. So for you to say it is not a campaign expense, is the joke of the day. Since Trump was lying, how in the hell do you know if it was an expense or not? Lol!
how is it obvious?
Can you read? He needed to hide an affair weeks before the election, the money was not reported, it exceeded $2700 dollars, and it was reported to have come from stolen money out of his charity. Under federal law, an individual could not donate more than $2,700 directly to Trump’s primary or general election campaign in 2016. A $130,000 payment would far exceed that limit. Remember, Trump already lied about where the money came from. So for you to say it is not a campaign expense, is the joke of the day. Since Trump was lying, how in the hell do you know if it was an expense or not? Lol! Learn to read the obvious fool.
He needed to hide an affair weeks before the election,

So what? Rich guys do that all the time.

the money was not reported

Rich guys don't need to report payoffs to keep people quiet.
Now if he would have paid her off during the campaign or election in order to keep her quite, THENNNNnnnnnnnnnn there might have been a problem, but he tied up all the loose ends prior to the campaign and him being elected, and this was so that no one could attempt to blackmail our President during or after being elected. Good job Mr. President on protecting the office of the Presidency from the evil that is attempting to destroy it for self and global interest.

Smart man Trump is to have understood such things, and to understand just what kind of evil would come searching for the president of these United States of America.

Good job not allowing the office of our presidency to fall under attack by blackmailing demons who want to take this nation apart piece by piece.
:21::21::21: "Good job Mr. President". Trump used money from his own charity to pay off porn stars. :21::21::21: "Good job Mr. President" He also didn't report the money, ripping off us the taxpayer. "Good job Mr. President" :21::21::21:
Money can’t be stolen if it’s willingly given.

There was no stolen money involved.

Good luck proving President Trump’s intent. Your assumptions mean nothing.
The money wasn't his to give. It's already been revealed that Trump stole money from his own charity to take care of these payments.

and all this time, people have been saying Cohen paid them....

Who to believe?
Money can’t be stolen if it’s willingly given.

There was no stolen money involved.

Good luck proving President Trump’s intent. Your assumptions mean nothing.
The money wasn't his to give. It's already been revealed that Trump stole money from his own charity to take care of these payments.

and all this time, people have been saying Cohen paid them....

Who to believe?
Prosecutors! That's who.
Last edited:

The parties spend some time debating whether Mr. Trump acted with "actual malice" or "reckless disregard for the truth" in issuing the tweet in question. Assuming that Plaintiff is a "public figure," Plaintiff would have to show that Defendant acted with "actual malice" or "reckless disregard for the truth" to prevail on a cause of action for defamation. See Bentley, 94 S.W.3d at 580. Plaintiff's focus on the actual malice argument comes as no surprise because Plaintiff stands on thin ice in asserting that Mr. Trump's tweet is an actionable statement. Instead, Plaintiff seeks to use her defamation action to engage in a "fishing expedition" concerning the conclusory allegations in the Complaint. The Court will not permit Plaintiff to exploit the legal process in this way. Specifically, Plaintiff contends that she needs to conduct discovery to determine if Mr. Trump was involved in the 2011 threat against her or if he purposefully avoided learning about the 2011 threat. See Opposition at 11. Plaintiff believes that discovery pertaining to these issues will help her to establish that Mr. Trump acted with actual malice or reckless disregard for the truth (i.e. if Ms. Clifford can provide evidence showing that Mr. Trump knew of the 2011 threat, then he tweeted a lie when he challenged Plaintiff's reporting of the 2011 threat). (See Transcript of Proceedings

at 29:23-30:4.) However, Plaintiff's reasoning is entirely circular. She assumes that Mr. Trump knew of the 2011 threat, argues in her Complaint and her briefing that Mr. Trump knew of the 2011 threat, and then asks this Court for discovery to prove that Mr. Trump knew of the 2011 threat. In doing so, Plaintiff does not allege facts establishing how Mr. Trump knew or did not know about the 2011 threat in the first place. Plaintiff must do this to sustain a cause of action for defamation.

Not the same but this is where Stormy lost the case in court already..............I find it funny that in that case the OPENLY STATED that he would NOT ALLOW A "FISHING EXPEDITION"...........too funny.

Oh by the way..........Stormy owed Trump legal fees as a result of this case.......LOL
Like I said...

for a year or so, they've been saying Cohen paid those women....

now, a couple of 'prosecutors', trying to strengthen their case, are claiming Trump paid them.

All you have to do is follow the trail of money to answer your own question.
Like I said...

for a year or so, they've been saying Cohen paid those women....

now, a couple of 'prosecutors', trying to strengthen their case, are claiming Trump paid them.

All you have to do is follow the trail of money to answer your own question.

Did YOU?

Cohen paid off the girls.

not Trump.

What part of that do you NOT understand?
blob: The one's you can believe are the one's who are already sentencing Michael Cohen for campaign contribution violations at the direction of Trump. Trump is definitely today an unindicted co-conspirator, who will be charged later on for being the king pin in this crime.

Dead link
No it isn't; tps://

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