Trump has the worst negatives of just about any candidate in modern history.

That would be a worse result than if They went for Trump.

People dislike Trump very intently. They hate hate hate the establishment
Toro, query: How would you feel if the evil Establishment gets its brokered convention and the choice is NOT Cruz?

Depends who it is.

I'd almost certainly vote for the Republican candidate if it's neither Cruz nor Trump.

I'll vote for Hillary if it's Trump and probably vote Libertarian if it's Cruz, though I might vote for Cruz. Cruz is an asshole but at least he has the temperament, unlike Trump.

I'm not riven with hatred for the Establishment like so many Republicans.
lets just have the vote and move on. Hillary is a terrible candidate and may be under indictment by the time of the election.

Her negatives are huge and growing, once the FBI releases its findings her negatives will go through the roof. So, bring it on. Trump vs. Clinton. Do it!

Hillary will NOT be under indictment. There is nothing to indict her for. It's just Republicans trying to make her unelectable. It's not working. Cruz is even scarier than Trump, in some regards, not because he's a buffoon, but because he's not. He's a theocrat.

Hillary is the best qualified candidate out there, but 30+ years of Republicans lying about her have tarnished her image among the Republican faithful who accept without question, the Republican lies.
Redfish, the GOP minority has said flatly and loudly it will not vote for Trump.

There is absolutely no indication of even a 1/10th of a groundswell against HRC. You are delusional if you think that can happen.

We will not let Trump be president.
Like Rance Preibus, Redfish is out there somewhere deep in LaLa Land.

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You have trouble with reality and truth as evidenced by your posts above, Correll.

Many of your fellow far right conservatives are in the same boat.

Trump is the worst mistake the TPM made in hitching their star to his campaign.

Standard lib tactic when called on their bullshit.

Simple ignore the fact that their position has been challenged and restate it as though it was a new day.

This the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

In this case, it is being used as a form of Propaganda.

Proof by assertion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Proof by assertion, sometimes informally referred to as proof by repeated assertion, is an informal fallacy in which a proposition is repeatedly restated regardless of contradiction.[1] Sometimes, this may be repeated until challenges dry up, at which point it is asserted as fact due to its not being contradicted (argumentum ad nauseam).[2] In other cases, its repetition may be cited as evidence of its truth, in a variant of the appeal to authority or appeal to belieffallacies.[citation needed]

This fallacy is sometimes used as a form of rhetoric by politicians, or during a debate as a filibuster. In its extreme form, it can also be a form of brainwashing.[1]Modern politics contains many examples of proof by assertions. This practice can be observed in the use of political slogans, and the distribution of "talking points", which are collections of short phrases that are issued to members of modern political parties for recitation to achieve maximum message repetition."

You are a dishonest propagandist.
"Bush kept us safe." is the biggest proposition fallacy in the last 100 years.

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What is "Far Right" about his campaign?
Really? You actually need this explained to you? :eek-52:

Just because the media tells you something, doesn't make it true.

My previous points, which you cut, still stands.

What is "Far Right" about his campaign?

Deporting Illegals?

Wanting to bring back manufacturing jobs?

Are these really issues that moderate Americans are against?

notice how he ran from the thread rather than answer a real question? liberals are the most disingenuous creatures on earth.
Ban all Muslims.

Punish women for abortions.

Mexican immigrants are rapists, "and some, I assume, are good people".

Endorsed by KKK. They clearly understand Trump better than you chumps.

Jean-Marie Le Pen endorses Donald Trump -

Trump has expressed such xenophobia and bigotry that even some far right European politicians have had to disavow him.

Europe’s far right can’t decide whether to love Donald Trump or loathe him

SAVAGE: The reason you’re popular is because of borders, because of immigration, because of the flood of Muslims coming into the country. I would almost say, Donald, please don’t let the moderate influences in your campaign take you off-point, it’s what got you where you are. Are you going to modify your campaign and move a little bit more to the center now?

TRUMP: You know, you just said it better than anybody could. It's what got me here and I'm leading by a lot.

Starting at 4:49:

ok, one at a time.

he never said "ban all muslims" what he said is that we need to stop muslim immigration until we can determine who we are letting in. Anyone with a functioning brain agrees with that

punish women for abortions: it was a set up and he fell for it. a mistake. they all make them. Hillary said that we didn't lose a single person in Libya.

a candidate is not responsible for everyone who endorses him/her, nice try though.

Europe is overrun with "refugees" who are raping and murdering Europeans. Their opinion isn't worth shit.

the majority of americans are worried about our open borders and the flood of illegals, they agree with Trump and disagree with you libtards.

Are "most Americans" ready to punish businesses for hiring illegals?

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Toro, query: How would you feel if the evil Establishment gets its brokered convention and the choice is NOT Cruz?

Depends who it is.

I'd almost certainly vote for the Republican candidate if it's neither Cruz nor Trump.

I'll vote for Hillary if it's Trump and probably vote Libertarian if it's Cruz, though I might vote for Cruz. Cruz is an asshole but at least he has the temperament, unlike Trump.

I'm not riven with hatred for the Establishment like so many Republicans.

I wasn't either, until they demonstrated that they consider me their enemy more than they do Hillary.
lets just have the vote and move on. Hillary is a terrible candidate and may be under indictment by the time of the election.

Her negatives are huge and growing, once the FBI releases its findings her negatives will go through the roof. So, bring it on. Trump vs. Clinton. Do it!

Hillary will NOT be under indictment. There is nothing to indict her for. It's just Republicans trying to make her unelectable. It's not working. Cruz is even scarier than Trump, in some regards, not because he's a buffoon, but because he's not. He's a theocrat.

Hillary is the best qualified candidate out there, but 30+ years of Republicans lying about her have tarnished her image among the Republican faithful who accept without question, the Republican lies.

He is not a "Theocrat".

By calling him "Theocrat" you are panic mongering.

This is an attempt to appeal to irrational impulses, and thus it is demagoguery.

Much like you libs whine about Trump supposedly doing.
You have trouble with reality and truth as evidenced by your posts above, Correll.

Many of your fellow far right conservatives are in the same boat.

Trump is the worst mistake the TPM made in hitching their star to his campaign.

Standard lib tactic when called on their bullshit.

Simple ignore the fact that their position has been challenged and restate it as though it was a new day.

This the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

In this case, it is being used as a form of Propaganda.

Proof by assertion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Proof by assertion, sometimes informally referred to as proof by repeated assertion, is an informal fallacy in which a proposition is repeatedly restated regardless of contradiction.[1] Sometimes, this may be repeated until challenges dry up, at which point it is asserted as fact due to its not being contradicted (argumentum ad nauseam).[2] In other cases, its repetition may be cited as evidence of its truth, in a variant of the appeal to authority or appeal to belieffallacies.[citation needed]

This fallacy is sometimes used as a form of rhetoric by politicians, or during a debate as a filibuster. In its extreme form, it can also be a form of brainwashing.[1]Modern politics contains many examples of proof by assertions. This practice can be observed in the use of political slogans, and the distribution of "talking points", which are collections of short phrases that are issued to members of modern political parties for recitation to achieve maximum message repetition."

You are a dishonest propagandist.
"Bush kept us safe." is the biggest proposition fallacy in the last 100 years.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

As that has nothing to do with this thread, that would be a non sequitur fallacy.
"and a significant minority of democrats will not vote for Hillary" has no substantive evidence, whereas those who will vote against Trump are loud and proud and in great numbers.

"democrats are ambivalent about Hillary, or they hate her" is a fool's message. The Dems will support her en masse.

less than "half of the GOP is excited about Trump, democrats will [not] cross over and vote for him, independents [do not] favor Trump over Clinton." There is absolutely no credible evidence to support the contrary.

the fantasy world is the world of the TPM.
Redlfish's posts show the imaginary world of the TPM.

The more he posts, the more sane Republicans realize that Trump politically is the devil incarnate.
[Cruz] 'He's a theocrat' is pretty close to his melding of ideology and Christian dominion theology and anti-constitutionalism.
"and a significant minority of democrats will not vote for Hillary" has no substantive evidence, whereas those who will vote against Trump are loud and proud and in great numbers.

"democrats are ambivalent about Hillary, or they hate her" is a fool's message. The Dems will support her en masse.

less than "half of the GOP is excited about Trump, democrats will [not] cross over and vote for him, independents [do not] favor Trump over Clinton." There is absolutely no credible evidence to support the contrary.

the fantasy world is the world of the TPM.

So, have one of your moderates win the Primary and he can be the candidate.

Did I ever mention to you that I voted for McCain?

IMO, he only won because Hucklebee was an ass and stayed in long after he was viable, thus splitting the conservative vote.

But, regardless, McCain won fair and square and I voted for him.

In that, I am a better person than you "moderates".
[Cruz] 'He's a theocrat' is pretty close to his melding of ideology and Christian dominion theology and anti-constitutionalism.

This must be more of the adult debate that Mac wants.

Good thing you mods aren't panic mongers, or appealing to emotion...
lets just have the vote and move on. Hillary is a terrible candidate and may be under indictment by the time of the election.

Her negatives are huge and growing, once the FBI releases its findings her negatives will go through the roof. So, bring it on. Trump vs. Clinton. Do it!

Hillary will NOT be under indictment. There is nothing to indict her for. It's just Republicans trying to make her unelectable. It's not working. Cruz is even scarier than Trump, in some regards, not because he's a buffoon, but because he's not. He's a theocrat.

Hillary is the best qualified candidate out there, but 30+ years of Republicans lying about her have tarnished her image among the Republican faithful who accept without question, the Republican lies.

He is not a "Theocrat".

By calling him "Theocrat" you are panic mongering.

This is an attempt to appeal to irrational impulses, and thus it is demagoguery.

Much like you libs whine about Trump supposedly doing.
lets just have the vote and move on. Hillary is a terrible candidate and may be under indictment by the time of the election.

Her negatives are huge and growing, once the FBI releases its findings her negatives will go through the roof. So, bring it on. Trump vs. Clinton. Do it!

Hillary will NOT be under indictment. There is nothing to indict her for. It's just Republicans trying to make her unelectable. It's not working. Cruz is even scarier than Trump, in some regards, not because he's a buffoon, but because he's not. He's a theocrat.

Hillary is the best qualified candidate out there, but 30+ years of Republicans lying about her have tarnished her image among the Republican faithful who accept without question, the Republican lies.

He is not a "Theocrat".

By calling him "Theocrat" you are panic mongering.

This is an attempt to appeal to irrational impulses, and thus it is demagoguery.

Much like you libs whine about Trump supposedly doing.

Cruz is most definitely a theocrat. Look at the people who he is surrounding himself with.
lets just have the vote and move on. Hillary is a terrible candidate and may be under indictment by the time of the election.

Her negatives are huge and growing, once the FBI releases its findings her negatives will go through the roof. So, bring it on. Trump vs. Clinton. Do it!

Hillary will NOT be under indictment. There is nothing to indict her for. It's just Republicans trying to make her unelectable. It's not working. Cruz is even scarier than Trump, in some regards, not because he's a buffoon, but because he's not. He's a theocrat.

Hillary is the best qualified candidate out there, but 30+ years of Republicans lying about her have tarnished her image among the Republican faithful who accept without question, the Republican lies.

He is not a "Theocrat".

By calling him "Theocrat" you are panic mongering.

This is an attempt to appeal to irrational impulses, and thus it is demagoguery.

Much like you libs whine about Trump supposedly doing.
lets just have the vote and move on. Hillary is a terrible candidate and may be under indictment by the time of the election.

Her negatives are huge and growing, once the FBI releases its findings her negatives will go through the roof. So, bring it on. Trump vs. Clinton. Do it!

Hillary will NOT be under indictment. There is nothing to indict her for. It's just Republicans trying to make her unelectable. It's not working. Cruz is even scarier than Trump, in some regards, not because he's a buffoon, but because he's not. He's a theocrat.

Hillary is the best qualified candidate out there, but 30+ years of Republicans lying about her have tarnished her image among the Republican faithful who accept without question, the Republican lies.

He is not a "Theocrat".

By calling him "Theocrat" you are panic mongering.

This is an attempt to appeal to irrational impulses, and thus it is demagoguery.

Much like you libs whine about Trump supposedly doing.

Cruz is most definitely a theocrat. Look at the people who he is surrounding himself with.

What? Christians? OMG!!!
Redlfish's posts show the imaginary world of the TPM.

The more he posts, the more sane Republicans realize that Trump politically is the devil incarnate.

wrong, the devil incarnate is the hildebeast. Liar, criminal, corrupt, fraud, shrill, angry, and very white. or you can have the old white, angry, lying socialist.

party of diversity?????? not even close.
Correll, you supported McCain, because it was the right thing to do. He had been and is a loyal Republican for many decades. Trump is a johnny come lately and deserves nothing. And, yes, you can’t answer to the truth of this - [Cruz] 'He's a theocrat' is pretty close to his melding of ideology and Christian dominion theology and anti-constitutionalism.
Redlfish's posts show the imaginary world of the TPM.

The more he posts, the more sane Republicans realize that Trump politically is the devil incarnate.

wrong, the devil incarnate is the hildebeast. Liar, criminal, corrupt, fraud, shrill, angry, and very white. or you can have the old white, angry, lying socialist.

party of diversity?????? not even close.
Yep, keep showing off your imaginary world.
Redlfish's posts show the imaginary world of the TPM.

The more he posts, the more sane Republicans realize that Trump politically is the devil incarnate.

wrong, the devil incarnate is the hildebeast. Liar, criminal, corrupt, fraud, shrill, angry, and very white. or you can have the old white, angry, lying socialist.

party of diversity?????? not even close.
Yep, keep showing off your imaginary world.

Hmm, are Hillary and Bernie not old and white? nothing imaginary about telling it like it is.

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