Trump has the worst negatives of just about any candidate in modern history.

63% of Republicans have not voted for Trump. He has won a minority of the delegates.

If Trump loses because he can't win a majority of the delegates and nearly two-thirds voting against him, you can't say the election was stolen.
Well, if you are to be consistent then even a higher number have voted against each other candidate. It isn't Trump versus everybody else.

No one else is claiming that the election is being stolen.
Well Cruz would be the only other possibility and we know he's the establishments reluctant pick.

Yeah, and if Trump manages to get the required delegates, the GOPe is going to support him. Will that make TRUMP establishment? Are we just going to hate on anyone the GOPe coalesces behind? Or is it "look, he's ESTABLISHMENT!" for everyone else, and "He's such a persuasive winner" for Trump? More double standard?
If the establishment goons pick for us what do you think they will do, pick someone they have no leverage over? It's clear to me they want Kasich, why else would he still be in it? The only question is if Trump will then run as a third party guy.
85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?
The reason i know this negative stuff is phony is because the candidates who are supposedly loved by the public cant get any votes.
The Senate?

If Trump is the nominee - and it's looking more every day that he won't be - the Senate will be long gone.

But if he is, Republicans will have to worry about the House.

The house?

Don't quit your day job because you sure don't know politics.


If trump isnt the nominee the senate and house will certainly be lost. my guess is Trump will get many more votes than cruz in these last primaries and will most likely lead him by at least 4 million after CA. Lets say Trump ends up with 1175 delegates and Cruz 650. If Trump isnt the nominee most of his voters will leave. I sure as hell will vote straight dem for all offices if he isnt the nominee. Cruz has 1 chance to be in the white house and thats for him to be Trumps VP.
In a Republic with the elected officials being chosen by the people through VOTING.............those with the most votes win...........

I guess you think we live in something other than a Republic.................The establishment will steal the nominee from the matter how you RAVE about it...........

If this is how we decide who will be president......then the Republic no longer exists............I guess you are stupid to realize that........

If they do this......................No candidate put forward will's over............and I hope we burn the fucking GOP down if they do it.

The Republican Party is not a Republic. It is a private organization and can set whatever rules it wants.

And Trump's supporters are all members of that organization and we have been winning by the rules of that organization.

The leadership has been working outside of the rules to attack their own front runner, instead of letting the primary process work as it is intended.

AND openly plotting ways to game the rules to subvert the process.

Expect a move to repeal Rule 40, with requires in the event of a brokered convention that the candidate to be picked has to have won 8 states.

That is changing the rules in the middle of the game.

You have not won 1237 delegates. If Trump wins that, he should be the nominee. If he doesn't, then he should not. And he probably won't.

This system, or a variation of it, dates back to the 1830s. It is older than the Republican Party itself.

It shouldn't be changed simply because a candidate who didn't win the required delegates or a majority of the voters, and didn't know the process, thinks he should be the candidate.

Trump didn't even know some of the most basic facts of this system. That he didn't would astonish most people. Except, of course, Trump supporters, who seem immune to astonishment.

If Trump doesn't win 1237 delegates, it will be AT THE VERY LEAST IN PART, because the GOP leadership joined in the vile propaganda campaign the Left has been waging against him.

That is dirty pool. Don't pretend it isn't.

If the GOP throws out rule 40, that is changing the rules in the middle of the game.

Since when is expressing a political preference and supporting a candidate "dirty pool"? Particularly when that's the whole point of forming a political party in the first place.

If that was all they were doing then you would have a point.

Instead they have joined in the vile propaganda campaign the Left has been waging against him.

As I pointed out in the post you used the reply button on.
Oh, and if others on here say they will vote dem if trump is the nominee, that doesnt bother me in the least. My first priority is to get Trump elected, but if that doesnt happen the utter destruction of the putrid rep party, rife with talk radio payola scandals is fine with me. 8 years of hillary and open border policy similar to ryans will make it impossible for a republican to win nationally.
63% of Republicans have not voted for Trump. He has won a minority of the delegates.

If Trump loses because he can't win a majority of the delegates and nearly two-thirds voting against him, you can't say the election was stolen.
Well, if you are to be consistent then even a higher number have voted against each other candidate. It isn't Trump versus everybody else.

No one else is claiming that the election is being stolen.
Well Cruz would be the only other possibility and we know he's the establishments reluctant pick.

Yeah, and if Trump manages to get the required delegates, the GOPe is going to support him. Will that make TRUMP establishment? Are we just going to hate on anyone the GOPe coalesces behind? Or is it "look, he's ESTABLISHMENT!" for everyone else, and "He's such a persuasive winner" for Trump? More double standard?
If the establishment goons pick for us what do you think they will do, pick someone they have no leverage over? It's clear to me they want Kasich, why else would he still be in it? The only question is if Trump will then run as a third party guy.

He can't. More of those damned rules he thinks should never apply to him. If he goes all the way to the convention, he'll have passed the deadline by which he needs to register to run third party, in which case all he could do is run a write-in campaign, which would be a miserable failure.
The Republican Party is not a Republic. It is a private organization and can set whatever rules it wants.

And Trump's supporters are all members of that organization and we have been winning by the rules of that organization.

The leadership has been working outside of the rules to attack their own front runner, instead of letting the primary process work as it is intended.

AND openly plotting ways to game the rules to subvert the process.

Expect a move to repeal Rule 40, with requires in the event of a brokered convention that the candidate to be picked has to have won 8 states.

That is changing the rules in the middle of the game.

You have not won 1237 delegates. If Trump wins that, he should be the nominee. If he doesn't, then he should not. And he probably won't.

This system, or a variation of it, dates back to the 1830s. It is older than the Republican Party itself.

It shouldn't be changed simply because a candidate who didn't win the required delegates or a majority of the voters, and didn't know the process, thinks he should be the candidate.

Trump didn't even know some of the most basic facts of this system. That he didn't would astonish most people. Except, of course, Trump supporters, who seem immune to astonishment.

If Trump doesn't win 1237 delegates, it will be AT THE VERY LEAST IN PART, because the GOP leadership joined in the vile propaganda campaign the Left has been waging against him.

That is dirty pool. Don't pretend it isn't.

If the GOP throws out rule 40, that is changing the rules in the middle of the game.

Since when is expressing a political preference and supporting a candidate "dirty pool"? Particularly when that's the whole point of forming a political party in the first place.

If that was all they were doing then you would have a point.

Instead they have joined in the vile propaganda campaign the Left has been waging against him.

As I pointed out in the post you used the reply button on.

I saw it. Same answer. There's no "dirty pool" about expressing support for a candidate against another candidate. It's why they exist. You and Donny Boy both need to butch up and stop whining about, "Ehrmagerd, they're saying NEGATIVE THINGS about me! It's so mean and unfair!" Yeah, but they're also true, and frankly, this is politics, not a quilting bee. Grow a pair.
Well, if you are to be consistent then even a higher number have voted against each other candidate. It isn't Trump versus everybody else.

No one else is claiming that the election is being stolen.
Well Cruz would be the only other possibility and we know he's the establishments reluctant pick.

Yeah, and if Trump manages to get the required delegates, the GOPe is going to support him. Will that make TRUMP establishment? Are we just going to hate on anyone the GOPe coalesces behind? Or is it "look, he's ESTABLISHMENT!" for everyone else, and "He's such a persuasive winner" for Trump? More double standard?
If the establishment goons pick for us what do you think they will do, pick someone they have no leverage over? It's clear to me they want Kasich, why else would he still be in it? The only question is if Trump will then run as a third party guy.

He can't. More of those damned rules he thinks should never apply to him. If he goes all the way to the convention, he'll have passed the deadline by which he needs to register to run third party, in which case all he could do is run a write-in campaign, which would be a miserable failure.
any vote taken from paul ryan isnt a failure.
Well, if you are to be consistent then even a higher number have voted against each other candidate. It isn't Trump versus everybody else.

No one else is claiming that the election is being stolen.
Well Cruz would be the only other possibility and we know he's the establishments reluctant pick.

Yeah, and if Trump manages to get the required delegates, the GOPe is going to support him. Will that make TRUMP establishment? Are we just going to hate on anyone the GOPe coalesces behind? Or is it "look, he's ESTABLISHMENT!" for everyone else, and "He's such a persuasive winner" for Trump? More double standard?
If the establishment goons pick for us what do you think they will do, pick someone they have no leverage over? It's clear to me they want Kasich, why else would he still be in it? The only question is if Trump will then run as a third party guy.

He can't. More of those damned rules he thinks should never apply to him. If he goes all the way to the convention, he'll have passed the deadline by which he needs to register to run third party, in which case all he could do is run a write-in campaign, which would be a miserable failure.
I don't know when the cut off is vs. the last state's primary. It might be obvious by that time if he doesn't have the numbers. I haven't heard him say he'll go third party or that he'll break any rules. For me, anybody still standing after the left and right clobbers then relentlessly has something going.
The GOP is a coalition party of wealthy oligarchs,

and what do you call the rich/wealthy demorats ?

oooooh!! BTW.., is this you???


scary..., very SCARY!!!!
63% of Republicans have not voted for Trump. He has won a minority of the delegates.

If Trump loses because he can't win a majority of the delegates and nearly two-thirds voting against him, you can't say the election was stolen.
Well, if you are to be consistent then even a higher number have voted against each other candidate. It isn't Trump versus everybody else.

No one else is claiming that the election is being stolen.
Well Cruz would be the only other possibility and we know he's the establishments reluctant pick.

Yeah, and if Trump manages to get the required delegates, the GOPe is going to support him. Will that make TRUMP establishment? Are we just going to hate on anyone the GOPe coalesces behind? Or is it "look, he's ESTABLISHMENT!" for everyone else, and "He's such a persuasive winner" for Trump? More double standard?
If the establishment goons pick for us what do you think they will do, pick someone they have no leverage over? It's clear to me they want Kasich, why else would he still be in it? The only question is if Trump will then run as a third party guy.

If Kasich and the GOP establishment had any brains they would run a Trump/Kasich ticket. The GOP gets Ohio and Kasich gets to be president in 2020. Trump will not opt for a second term.
Well, if you are to be consistent then even a higher number have voted against each other candidate. It isn't Trump versus everybody else.

No one else is claiming that the election is being stolen.
Well Cruz would be the only other possibility and we know he's the establishments reluctant pick.

Yeah, and if Trump manages to get the required delegates, the GOPe is going to support him. Will that make TRUMP establishment? Are we just going to hate on anyone the GOPe coalesces behind? Or is it "look, he's ESTABLISHMENT!" for everyone else, and "He's such a persuasive winner" for Trump? More double standard?
If the establishment goons pick for us what do you think they will do, pick someone they have no leverage over? It's clear to me they want Kasich, why else would he still be in it? The only question is if Trump will then run as a third party guy.

If Kasich and the GOP establishment had any brains they would run a Trump/Kasich ticket. The GOP gets Ohio and Kasich gets to be president in 2020. Trump will not opt for a second term.

Will be interesting to see what happens. Only chance reps have of winning in Nov is with Trump at the top of the ticket.
And Trump's supporters are all members of that organization and we have been winning by the rules of that organization.

The leadership has been working outside of the rules to attack their own front runner, instead of letting the primary process work as it is intended.

AND openly plotting ways to game the rules to subvert the process.

Expect a move to repeal Rule 40, with requires in the event of a brokered convention that the candidate to be picked has to have won 8 states.

That is changing the rules in the middle of the game.

You have not won 1237 delegates. If Trump wins that, he should be the nominee. If he doesn't, then he should not. And he probably won't.

This system, or a variation of it, dates back to the 1830s. It is older than the Republican Party itself.

It shouldn't be changed simply because a candidate who didn't win the required delegates or a majority of the voters, and didn't know the process, thinks he should be the candidate.

Trump didn't even know some of the most basic facts of this system. That he didn't would astonish most people. Except, of course, Trump supporters, who seem immune to astonishment.

If Trump doesn't win 1237 delegates, it will be AT THE VERY LEAST IN PART, because the GOP leadership joined in the vile propaganda campaign the Left has been waging against him.

That is dirty pool. Don't pretend it isn't.

If the GOP throws out rule 40, that is changing the rules in the middle of the game.

Since when is expressing a political preference and supporting a candidate "dirty pool"? Particularly when that's the whole point of forming a political party in the first place.

If that was all they were doing then you would have a point.

Instead they have joined in the vile propaganda campaign the Left has been waging against him.

As I pointed out in the post you used the reply button on.

I saw it. Same answer. There's no "dirty pool" about expressing support for a candidate against another candidate. It's why they exist. You and Donny Boy both need to butch up and stop whining about, "Ehrmagerd, they're saying NEGATIVE THINGS about me! It's so mean and unfair!" Yeah, but they're also true, and frankly, this is politics, not a quilting bee. Grow a pair.

fairly standard modern use of the challenge to manhood.

These days it seems to never be used in appropriate situations, but purely to dismiss opposing ideas when they are valid and cannot be honestly rebutted.

A party's leadership joining it's partisan enemies in marginalizing not only their front runner, but a significant portion of their base is NOT normal politics.
Well, if you are to be consistent then even a higher number have voted against each other candidate. It isn't Trump versus everybody else.

No one else is claiming that the election is being stolen.
Well Cruz would be the only other possibility and we know he's the establishments reluctant pick.

Yeah, and if Trump manages to get the required delegates, the GOPe is going to support him. Will that make TRUMP establishment? Are we just going to hate on anyone the GOPe coalesces behind? Or is it "look, he's ESTABLISHMENT!" for everyone else, and "He's such a persuasive winner" for Trump? More double standard?
If the establishment goons pick for us what do you think they will do, pick someone they have no leverage over? It's clear to me they want Kasich, why else would he still be in it? The only question is if Trump will then run as a third party guy.

If Kasich and the GOP establishment had any brains they would run a Trump/Kasich ticket. The GOP gets Ohio and Kasich gets to be president in 2020. Trump will not opt for a second term.

That would make a lot more sense than what they are doing now.
The Senate?

If Trump is the nominee - and it's looking more every day that he won't be - the Senate will be long gone.

But if he is, Republicans will have to worry about the House.

The house?

Don't quit your day job because you sure don't know politics.


If trump isnt the nominee the senate and house will certainly be lost. my guess is Trump will get many more votes than cruz in these last primaries and will most likely lead him by at least 4 million after CA. Lets say Trump ends up with 1175 delegates and Cruz 650. If Trump isnt the nominee most of his voters will leave. I sure as hell will vote straight dem for all offices if he isnt the nominee. Cruz has 1 chance to be in the white house and thats for him to be Trumps VP.

Dude you are just being plain stupid, look how many seats the republicans have to defend in the what redstates..

You do know not all house seats are being voted on this year correct?
The Senate?

If Trump is the nominee - and it's looking more every day that he won't be - the Senate will be long gone.

But if he is, Republicans will have to worry about the House.

The house?

Don't quit your day job because you sure don't know politics.


A very unpopular Republican candidate could cause the GOP to lose the House. It's not likely, but it certainly could happen.

The reason is because of how the districts have been gerrymandered.

The majorities in the gerrymandered Republican districts in Republican states are significantly less than the gerrymandered Democrat districts. This is why if the two parties split the House vote 50/50 across the country, the Republicans would almost certainly retain control. But because the majorities are smaller in the Republican districts, there's less of a cushion if there is a Democratic wave across the country. I don't know what the exact numbers are, but the majorities in the Republican districts are something like 55/45 whereas the majorities in those Democratic districts are 65/35. So in an election that is 53/47 for the Democrats, the Republicans would almost certainly retain control of the House. But if it is 60/40, the Republicans could get crushed in the House.

That's the risk of nominating Trump. He is extraordinarily unpopular outside of his base.

Trump v Clinton.png
The Senate?

If Trump is the nominee - and it's looking more every day that he won't be - the Senate will be long gone.

But if he is, Republicans will have to worry about the House.

The house?

Don't quit your day job because you sure don't know politics.


A very unpopular Republican candidate could cause the GOP to lose the House. It's not likely, but it certainly could happen.

The reason is because of how the districts have been gerrymandered.

The majorities in the gerrymandered Republican districts in Republican states are significantly less than the gerrymandered Democrat districts. This is why if the two parties split the House vote 50/50 across the country, the Republicans would almost certainly retain control. But because the majorities are smaller in the Republican districts, there's less of a cushion if there is a Democratic wave across the country. I don't know what the exact numbers are, but the majorities in the Republican districts are something like 55/45 whereas the majorities in those Democratic districts are 65/35. So in an election that is 53/47 for the Democrats, the Republicans would almost certainly retain control of the House. But if it is 60/40, the Republicans could get crushed in the House.

That's the risk of nominating Trump. He is extraordinarily unpopular outside of his base.

View attachment 70761

lets just have the vote and move on. Hillary is a terrible candidate and may be under indictment by the time of the election.

Her negatives are huge and growing, once the FBI releases its findings her negatives will go through the roof. So, bring it on. Trump vs. Clinton. Do it!
The Senate?

If Trump is the nominee - and it's looking more every day that he won't be - the Senate will be long gone.

But if he is, Republicans will have to worry about the House.

The house?

Don't quit your day job because you sure don't know politics.


A very unpopular Republican candidate could cause the GOP to lose the House. It's not likely, but it certainly could happen.

The reason is because of how the districts have been gerrymandered.

The majorities in the gerrymandered Republican districts in Republican states are significantly less than the gerrymandered Democrat districts. This is why if the two parties split the House vote 50/50 across the country, the Republicans would almost certainly retain control. But because the majorities are smaller in the Republican districts, there's less of a cushion if there is a Democratic wave across the country. I don't know what the exact numbers are, but the majorities in the Republican districts are something like 55/45 whereas the majorities in those Democratic districts are 65/35. So in an election that is 53/47 for the Democrats, the Republicans would almost certainly retain control of the House. But if it is 60/40, the Republicans could get crushed in the House.

That's the risk of nominating Trump. He is extraordinarily unpopular outside of his base.

View attachment 70761

In your dreams, their is no way in hell the democrats can with take the house this year...

United States Congress elections, 2016 - Ballotpedia

There is significantly less at stake in theU.S. House in 2016, as control of the chamber is very unlikely to be in question. In order to flip the chamber, the Democratic Party would need to pick up 30 seats, a nearly impossible task. While it would be very difficult for the Democratic Party to gain control of the chamber in this election cycle, Democrats can still hope to reduce the majority that the Republican Partyholds. Republicans currently hold their largest majority in the U.S. House since 1928.[5]...

District Ballotpedia Cook[11] Sabato[12] Rothenberg[13]
Alaska's At-Large Safe R Safe R Safe R Safe R
Arizona's 1st Battleground Toss-up Toss-up Pure Toss-up
Arizona's 2nd Battleground Lean R Lean R R Favored
Arizona's 9th Competitive D Likely D Likely D Safe D
California's 7th Battleground Lean D Lean D D Favored
California's 10th Competitive R Lean R Likely R Safe R
California's 16th Safe D Safe D Safe D Safe D
California's 21st Safe R Lean R Likely R R Favored
California's 24th Safe D Likely D Lean D Safe D
California's 25th Battleground Lean R Likely R R Favored
California's 26th Safe D Safe D Likely D Safe D
California's 31st Safe D Safe D Likely D Safe D
California's 36th Safe D Safe D Likely D Safe D
California's 52nd Competitive D Likely D Lean D Safe D
Colorado's 6th Battleground Toss-up Toss-up Lean R
Connecticut's 5th Safe D Safe D Safe D Safe D
Florida's 2nd[14] Safe R Likely R Safe R R Favored
Florida's 7th Safe R Lean R Likely R R Favored
Florida's 10th[14] Safe D Likely D Safe D Safe D
Florida's 13th Battleground Lean D Likely D Lean D
Florida's 18th Battleground Toss-up Toss-up Pure Toss-up
Florida's 26th Battleground Toss-up Toss-up Pure Toss-up
Illinois' 10th Battleground Toss-up Toss-up Pure Toss-up
Illinois' 12th Competitive R Likely R Safe R Safe R
Illinois' 13th Safe R Likely R Safe R Safe R
Iowa's 1st Battleground Toss-up Lean D Toss-up/Tilt D
Iowa's 2nd Safe D Safe D Likely D Safe D
Iowa's 3rd Competitive R Toss-up Lean R Pure Toss-up
Maine's 2nd Battleground Toss-up Toss-up Pure Toss-up
Maryland's 6th Safe D Likely D Likely D Safe D
Michigan's 1st Battleground Lean R Toss-up Lean R
Michigan's 7th Competitive R Lean R Lean R Toss-up/Tilt R
Michigan's 8th Safe R Likely R Likely R Safe R
Minnesota's 1st Safe D Safe D Likely D Safe D
Minnesota's 2nd Battleground Toss-up Toss-up Pure Toss-up
Minnesota's 3rd Safe R Likely R Likely R Safe R
Minnesota's 7th Safe D Likely D Likely D Safe D
Minnesota's 8th Competitive D Lean D Lean D D Favored
Nebraska's 2nd Battleground Lean D Toss-up Toss-up/Tilt D
Nevada's 3rd Battleground Toss-up Lean R Pure Toss-up
Nevada's 4th Battleground Lean D Lean D Toss-up/Tilt D
New Hampshire's 1st Battleground Toss-up Toss-up Pure Toss-up
New Hampshire's 2nd Safe D Safe D Likely D Safe D
New Jersey's 3rd Competitive R Likely R Safe R Safe R
New Jersey's 5th Competitive R Lean R Lean R R Favored
New Mexico's 2nd Safe R Safe R Safe R Safe R
New York's 1st Battleground Lean R Toss-up Toss-up/Tilt R
New York's 3rd Battleground Toss-up Toss-up Toss-up/Tilt D
New York's 11th Safe R Safe R Safe R Safe R
New York's 18th Battleground Likely D Likely D Safe D
New York's 19th Battleground Toss-up Toss-up Lean R
New York's 21st Competitive R Likely R Likely R Safe R
New York's 22nd Battleground Toss-up Toss-up Pure Toss-up
New York's 23rd Safe R Lean R Likely R Safe R
New York's 24th Competitive R Toss-up Toss-up Pure Toss-up
New York's 25th Safe D Likely D Safe D Safe D
North Carolina's 9th Safe R Likely R Safe R Safe R
Ohio's 14th Safe R Safe R Likely R Safe R
Pennsylvania's 6th Safe R Likely R Likely R Safe R
Pennsylvania's 7th Safe R Likely R Likely R Safe R
Pennsylvania's 8th Battleground Toss-up Toss-up Toss-up/Tilt R
Pennsylvania's 16th Safe R Safe R Likely R Safe R
Texas' 23rd Battleground Toss-up Toss-up Pure Toss-up
Utah's 4th Safe R Lean R Lean R Safe R
Virginia's 2nd Safe R Likely R Lean R Lean R
Virginia's 4th[14] Safe D Likely D Safe D Safe D
Virginia's 5th Safe R Safe R Likely R Safe R
Virginia's 10th Safe R Lean R Likely R Lean R
West Virginia's 2nd Safe R Likely R Safe R Safe R
Wisconsin's 8th Competitive R Lean R Toss-up R Favored
In your dreams, their is no way in hell the democrats can with take the house this year...

Not in my dreams. That would be a disaster. If the Democrats win the House, that means they'll have a veto-proof majority in the Senate and Hillary in the White House. I can't think of a worse outcome.

That's why Trump is an absolutely terrible choice. He is an awful candidate. He'd get blown out, and he'd imperil the House. At least with Cruz, he probably wouldn't win, but the Republicans most likely would still hold at least one chamber.

The biggest myth in politics is that there are all these bullet-proof districts. That assumption is based on normal voting patterns. It doesn't hold if the election is a rout.
In your dreams, their is no way in hell the democrats can with take the house this year...

Not in my dreams. That would be a disaster. If the Democrats win the House, that means they'll have a veto-proof majority in the Senate and Hillary in the White House. I can't think of a worse outcome.

That's why Trump is an absolutely terrible choice. He is an awful candidate. He'd get blown out, and he'd imperil the House. At least with Cruz, he probably wouldn't win, but the Republicans most likely would still hold at least one chamber.

The biggest myth in politics is that there are all these bullet-proof districts. That assumption is based on normal voting patterns. It doesn't hold if the election is a rout.

Toro, query: How would you feel if the evil Establishment gets its brokered convention and the choice is NOT Cruz?

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