Trump has the worst negatives of just about any candidate in modern history.

85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?

Loads of people don't agree with your stats. In fact many, dems included, will be voting for Trump if he gets the nod.

Oh and just where did you stats come from?? Kinda sorta think they are bogus as hell.
It's up to the rule committee.

The fact is that Trump guarantees a historic Democratic sweep.
85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?

Loads of people don't agree with your stats. In fact many, dems included, will be voting for Trump if he gets the nod.

Oh and just where did you stats come from?? Kinda sorta think they are bogus as hell.
The stats have been posted over and over, so the only point matters here is that the stats don't agree with you.
See you in Cleveland, Chuckles. I'm looking forward to your impotent screams.
Steal the election and you elect Hillary...................Millions are saying the same..................whoever wins should be by the voters......if it gets stolen.............then the GOP is done this election..............

They will elect Hillary..................and they don't care because she will give them what they want in the establishment................and we will get 4 more years of Obama...............and a Stacked Supreme Court.

"Steal" the election? No matter how entitled you and your Orange Messiah think you are, the election doesn't belong to him, so there's no "stealing" about it.

You keep forgetting in your blind, drooling fanboy state, that you Trumpettes are not "the voters". You're just SOME voters. There are a hell of a lot more of us who DON'T want Donny Boy, so get over this whole idea that you get to stomp your little feet and wave Donny's tiny hands and demand your way.

Since I don't hear you saying, "Beating Hillary is THE most important thing" about YOUR vote, I'm even less inclined to give a fat rat's furry ass about your demands regarding MY vote than I was to start with, and God knows, I wouldn't piss on you and your opinion to put out a fire now.

All I want is a candidate who's not a national embarrassment. All YOU want is your own fucking way, so President Hillary is all yours to own. And don't think I won't be here for the entire four years, answering every bitch you have about her with, "Well, why did you waste everyone's time with Donald Trump and elect her, then?"
In a Republic with the elected officials being chosen by the people through VOTING.............those with the most votes win...........

I guess you think we live in something other than a Republic.................The establishment will steal the nominee from the matter how you RAVE about it...........

If this is how we decide who will be president......then the Republic no longer exists............I guess you are stupid to realize that........

If they do this......................No candidate put forward will's over............and I hope we burn the fucking GOP down if they do it.

We're not talking about an election, Twinkles. We're talking about a primary. That's first. We're not "deciding on a President" right now. We're deciding who a private entity, the Republican Party, is going to back as a nominee. And they owe you exactly two things: Jack and shit. And Jack just left town.

Second, feel free to get him "the most votes" . . . IF you can get him the nomination. You'll be doing it without a major chunk of the GOP voters, though.

I don't even have to guess that you don't give shit one about "republic", or "the will of the people", or any of the other shit you prattle about. I KNOW that all you give a damn about is getting your way like the spoiled, ignorant child that you and your candidate both are. Otherwise, we wouldn't be hearing this constant twaddle about how we "HAVE" to support him. We don't, and we won't.

You're fooling no one with "I hope we burn the GOP down for ignoring us". You were all about burning shit down in the first place, which is why you're supporting a political incendiary bomb with a bad combover.

your attitude will elect Hillary, the worst possible person to put in the whitehouse. Is that what you want?
There is no difference between Hillary and Donald that is why he gave her so much money over and over and over.
63% of Republicans have not voted for Trump. He has won a minority of the delegates.

If Trump loses because he can't win a majority of the delegates and nearly two-thirds voting against him, you can't say the election was stolen.
Look at Eagle.
Be happy in the current will be short hurt the magic number but this is a Political War and one battle doesn't win the War.............

Again, look at the scoreboard..............Cruz is still losing and going into states that don't favor him..............You got some mileage on the lies of Mathews over Abortion.........and that is exactly what they were.............LIES........

See you in Cleveland, Chuckles. I'm looking forward to your impotent screams.
Steal the election and you elect Hillary...................Millions are saying the same..................whoever wins should be by the voters......if it gets stolen.............then the GOP is done this election..............

They will elect Hillary..................and they don't care because she will give them what they want in the establishment................and we will get 4 more years of Obama...............and a Stacked Supreme Court.

"Steal" the election? No matter how entitled you and your Orange Messiah think you are, the election doesn't belong to him, so there's no "stealing" about it.

You keep forgetting in your blind, drooling fanboy state, that you Trumpettes are not "the voters". You're just SOME voters. There are a hell of a lot more of us who DON'T want Donny Boy, so get over this whole idea that you get to stomp your little feet and wave Donny's tiny hands and demand your way.

Since I don't hear you saying, "Beating Hillary is THE most important thing" about YOUR vote, I'm even less inclined to give a fat rat's furry ass about your demands regarding MY vote than I was to start with, and God knows, I wouldn't piss on you and your opinion to put out a fire now.

All I want is a candidate who's not a national embarrassment. All YOU want is your own fucking way, so President Hillary is all yours to own. And don't think I won't be here for the entire four years, answering every bitch you have about her with, "Well, why did you waste everyone's time with Donald Trump and elect her, then?"
In a Republic with the elected officials being chosen by the people through VOTING.............those with the most votes win...........

I guess you think we live in something other than a Republic.................The establishment will steal the nominee from the matter how you RAVE about it...........

If this is how we decide who will be president......then the Republic no longer exists............I guess you are stupid to realize that........

If they do this......................No candidate put forward will's over............and I hope we burn the fucking GOP down if they do it.

The Republican Party is not a Republic. It is a private organization and can set whatever rules it wants.
Correll and fool fish like true far right Alinskys smear others and claim the others are really smearing them.

Our Trumpeters are guaranteeing HRC as president and a Democratic senate and house.
It is Trump and his supporters who have been the target of one of the most egregious propaganda campaigns in modern times. Your denial of this fact does nothing but reveal that you are completely dishonest.
You far right alinskyism is continuing to fail. Trump did everything of which he is accused. Flat fact.

You and your ilk are guaranteeing a sweeping Dem victory.


Trump is the most spectacularly unqualified candidate I can ever remember. He lies about everything: his business record, what he can and cannot do as President, how much money he has, and which of his businesses have been successful.

His promises are both expensive and unrealistic. Some of his foreign policy suggestions, such as striking out at terrorists' families, are war crimes. Banning Muslim immigration is unconstitutional. You cannot just decide to tear up signed trade treaties, and expect that the nations involved will ever enter into any kind of deal with you in future.

It would be irresponsible of anyone to vote for him.

1. He certainly exaggerates his business record. HIs bluster and bragging is an well established part of his public persona. It is certainly NOT what we would consider traditionally Presidential behavior.

2. So, what is your plan for stopping Terrorism? Right now, it seems the plan is to accept terrorism as part of the new exciting and diverse future.

3. Banning Muslim immigration will make the US safer. It is the sane thing to do.

4. Yes, you can withdraw from bad Trade Deals. These nations will enter into new Trade deals with the largest market on the planet. We have tremendous leverage here and Trump is the only candidate that wants to use it for the benefit of America and Americans.

5. Voting for Trump is the ONLY responsible thing to do.

6. Thank you for actually including in your post actual real issues you have with him, instead of just calling him and his supporters names. In this you are a far better person than most of your ideological kin.
In a Republic with the elected officials being chosen by the people through VOTING.............those with the most votes win..........
I guess you think we live in something other than a Republic.................The establishment will steal the nominee from the matter how you RAVE about it...........
If this is how we decide who will be president......then the Republic no longer exists............I guess you are stupid to realize that........If they do this......................No candidate put forward will's over............and I hope we burn the fucking GOP down if they do it.
Now you want a democracy not a representative republican government. If you want to beat HRC, let Kasich be the candidate.

So, ignore the primary voters, let the RNC elites pick the candidate, right? That is exactly what the dems are doing. Why even bother with the primaries and the general election, lets just let the party bosses pick our leaders. Can you say USSR?

The RNC is going to pick the candidate no matter what you do, you know that, right? This is really in no way different from how any political party in the entire history of this country has done things. In the end, THE PARTY chooses who the party will submit as a candidate.

But, in fact, the Republican Party pays more attention to the voters than any other party currently running. And I expect that if Donald Trump can get the required number of delegates, they'll let him be the nominee, no matter how much they hate it, because those are their rules. I don't expect for a second that they're going to passively stand by without trying to stop him from getting them, though.

If they ignore the primary voters they will be screwing themselves, they may do that, after all they ran Dole and McCain.

If they give the nomination to Donald Trump without him earning it according to the rules, they WILL be ignoring the primary voters. His supporters always seem to forget that they're not everyone, and the world doesn't revolve solely around them.

Rule 40 states that the candidate picked in a brokered convention has to be one that won 8 states.

Expect a move by the Party to repeal that rule.

If that rule is kept it comes down to Trump or Cruz.

The two candidates with the most votes.
63% of Republicans have not voted for Trump. He has won a minority of the delegates.

If Trump loses because he can't win a majority of the delegates and nearly two-thirds voting against him, you can't say the election was stolen.

With the GOP establishment joining validating and supporting the lies of the Media and the LIbs?

Yes, I'm afraid that is the way it ALREADY looks.

They should have been taking steps to challenge the lies of the Press and the libs.

Even if they don't support TRUMP, it is madness to support the meme that the GOP is full of bigots.

Which is what they are doing.
Be happy in the current will be short hurt the magic number but this is a Political War and one battle doesn't win the War.............

Again, look at the scoreboard..............Cruz is still losing and going into states that don't favor him..............You got some mileage on the lies of Mathews over Abortion.........and that is exactly what they were.............LIES........

See you in Cleveland, Chuckles. I'm looking forward to your impotent screams.
Steal the election and you elect Hillary...................Millions are saying the same..................whoever wins should be by the voters......if it gets stolen.............then the GOP is done this election..............

They will elect Hillary..................and they don't care because she will give them what they want in the establishment................and we will get 4 more years of Obama...............and a Stacked Supreme Court.

"Steal" the election? No matter how entitled you and your Orange Messiah think you are, the election doesn't belong to him, so there's no "stealing" about it.

You keep forgetting in your blind, drooling fanboy state, that you Trumpettes are not "the voters". You're just SOME voters. There are a hell of a lot more of us who DON'T want Donny Boy, so get over this whole idea that you get to stomp your little feet and wave Donny's tiny hands and demand your way.

Since I don't hear you saying, "Beating Hillary is THE most important thing" about YOUR vote, I'm even less inclined to give a fat rat's furry ass about your demands regarding MY vote than I was to start with, and God knows, I wouldn't piss on you and your opinion to put out a fire now.

All I want is a candidate who's not a national embarrassment. All YOU want is your own fucking way, so President Hillary is all yours to own. And don't think I won't be here for the entire four years, answering every bitch you have about her with, "Well, why did you waste everyone's time with Donald Trump and elect her, then?"
In a Republic with the elected officials being chosen by the people through VOTING.............those with the most votes win...........

I guess you think we live in something other than a Republic.................The establishment will steal the nominee from the matter how you RAVE about it...........

If this is how we decide who will be president......then the Republic no longer exists............I guess you are stupid to realize that........

If they do this......................No candidate put forward will's over............and I hope we burn the fucking GOP down if they do it.

The Republican Party is not a Republic. It is a private organization and can set whatever rules it wants.

And Trump's supporters are all members of that organization and we have been winning by the rules of that organization.

The leadership has been working outside of the rules to attack their own front runner, instead of letting the primary process work as it is intended.

AND openly plotting ways to game the rules to subvert the process.

Expect a move to repeal Rule 40, with requires in the event of a brokered convention that the candidate to be picked has to have won 8 states.

That is changing the rules in the middle of the game.
See you in Cleveland, Chuckles. I'm looking forward to your impotent screams.
Steal the election and you elect Hillary...................Millions are saying the same..................whoever wins should be by the voters......if it gets stolen.............then the GOP is done this election..............

They will elect Hillary..................and they don't care because she will give them what they want in the establishment................and we will get 4 more years of Obama...............and a Stacked Supreme Court.

"Steal" the election? No matter how entitled you and your Orange Messiah think you are, the election doesn't belong to him, so there's no "stealing" about it.

You keep forgetting in your blind, drooling fanboy state, that you Trumpettes are not "the voters". You're just SOME voters. There are a hell of a lot more of us who DON'T want Donny Boy, so get over this whole idea that you get to stomp your little feet and wave Donny's tiny hands and demand your way.

Since I don't hear you saying, "Beating Hillary is THE most important thing" about YOUR vote, I'm even less inclined to give a fat rat's furry ass about your demands regarding MY vote than I was to start with, and God knows, I wouldn't piss on you and your opinion to put out a fire now.

All I want is a candidate who's not a national embarrassment. All YOU want is your own fucking way, so President Hillary is all yours to own. And don't think I won't be here for the entire four years, answering every bitch you have about her with, "Well, why did you waste everyone's time with Donald Trump and elect her, then?"
In a Republic with the elected officials being chosen by the people through VOTING.............those with the most votes win...........

I guess you think we live in something other than a Republic.................The establishment will steal the nominee from the matter how you RAVE about it...........

If this is how we decide who will be president......then the Republic no longer exists............I guess you are stupid to realize that........

If they do this......................No candidate put forward will's over............and I hope we burn the fucking GOP down if they do it.

The Republican Party is not a Republic. It is a private organization and can set whatever rules it wants.

And Trump's supporters are all members of that organization and we have been winning by the rules of that organization.

The leadership has been working outside of the rules to attack their own front runner, instead of letting the primary process work as it is intended.

AND openly plotting ways to game the rules to subvert the process.

Expect a move to repeal Rule 40, with requires in the event of a brokered convention that the candidate to be picked has to have won 8 states.

That is changing the rules in the middle of the game.

You have not won 1237 delegates. If Trump wins that, he should be the nominee. If he doesn't, then he should not. And he probably won't.

This system, or a variation of it, dates back to the 1830s. It is older than the Republican Party itself.

It shouldn't be changed simply because a candidate who didn't win the required delegates or a majority of the voters, and didn't know the process, thinks he should be the candidate.

Trump didn't even know some of the most basic facts of this system. That he didn't would astonish most people. Except, of course, Trump supporters, who seem immune to astonishment.
Steal the election and you elect Hillary...................Millions are saying the same..................whoever wins should be by the voters......if it gets stolen.............then the GOP is done this election..............

They will elect Hillary..................and they don't care because she will give them what they want in the establishment................and we will get 4 more years of Obama...............and a Stacked Supreme Court.

"Steal" the election? No matter how entitled you and your Orange Messiah think you are, the election doesn't belong to him, so there's no "stealing" about it.

You keep forgetting in your blind, drooling fanboy state, that you Trumpettes are not "the voters". You're just SOME voters. There are a hell of a lot more of us who DON'T want Donny Boy, so get over this whole idea that you get to stomp your little feet and wave Donny's tiny hands and demand your way.

Since I don't hear you saying, "Beating Hillary is THE most important thing" about YOUR vote, I'm even less inclined to give a fat rat's furry ass about your demands regarding MY vote than I was to start with, and God knows, I wouldn't piss on you and your opinion to put out a fire now.

All I want is a candidate who's not a national embarrassment. All YOU want is your own fucking way, so President Hillary is all yours to own. And don't think I won't be here for the entire four years, answering every bitch you have about her with, "Well, why did you waste everyone's time with Donald Trump and elect her, then?"
In a Republic with the elected officials being chosen by the people through VOTING.............those with the most votes win...........

I guess you think we live in something other than a Republic.................The establishment will steal the nominee from the matter how you RAVE about it...........

If this is how we decide who will be president......then the Republic no longer exists............I guess you are stupid to realize that........

If they do this......................No candidate put forward will's over............and I hope we burn the fucking GOP down if they do it.

The Republican Party is not a Republic. It is a private organization and can set whatever rules it wants.

And Trump's supporters are all members of that organization and we have been winning by the rules of that organization.

The leadership has been working outside of the rules to attack their own front runner, instead of letting the primary process work as it is intended.

AND openly plotting ways to game the rules to subvert the process.

Expect a move to repeal Rule 40, with requires in the event of a brokered convention that the candidate to be picked has to have won 8 states.

That is changing the rules in the middle of the game.

You have not won 1237 delegates. If Trump wins that, he should be the nominee. If he doesn't, then he should not. And he probably won't.

This system, or a variation of it, dates back to the 1830s. It is older than the Republican Party itself.

It shouldn't be changed simply because a candidate who didn't win the required delegates or a majority of the voters, and didn't know the process, thinks he should be the candidate.

Trump didn't even know some of the most basic facts of this system. That he didn't would astonish most people. Except, of course, Trump supporters, who seem immune to astonishment.

If Trump doesn't win 1237 delegates, it will be AT THE VERY LEAST IN PART, because the GOP leadership joined in the vile propaganda campaign the Left has been waging against him.

That is dirty pool. Don't pretend it isn't.

If the GOP throws out rule 40, that is changing the rules in the middle of the game.
Trump Negative Poll Numbers Raising GOP Fear Factor
3/9/2016 8:13AM
Campaign Calculus: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have the highest “very negative” scores of the remaining 2016 candidates, according to a new NBC News/ WSJ poll. What does voter discontent mean for the two frontrunners? WSJ’s Jason Bellini reports. Image: Getty. Trump Negative Poll Numbers Raising GOP Fear Factor

That was a month ago. Nothing has changed, only getting worse.

The Rules Committee has every right legally, ethically, and morally to change requirements for first round ballots.

Why? To prevent an undesirable demagogue from getting the nomination.
85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?

Loads of people don't agree with your stats. In fact many, dems included, will be voting for Trump if he gets the nod.

Oh and just where did you stats come from?? Kinda sorta think they are bogus as hell.
The stats have been posted over and over, so the only point matters here is that the stats don't agree with you.

Bullshit. Who say's I'm a Trump supporter?? You??

Nuff Said. LOL
85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?

Loads of people don't agree with your stats. In fact many, dems included, will be voting for Trump if he gets the nod.

Oh and just where did you stats come from?? Kinda sorta think they are bogus as hell.
The stats have been posted over and over, so the only point matters here is that the stats don't agree with you.

Bullshit. Who say's I'm a Trump supporter?? You??Nuff Said. LOL
Who said you were? The polls and stats are what they are. Does that make you sad?
85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?

Loads of people don't agree with your stats. In fact many, dems included, will be voting for Trump if he gets the nod.

Oh and just where did you stats come from?? Kinda sorta think they are bogus as hell.
The stats have been posted over and over, so the only point matters here is that the stats don't agree with you.

Bullshit. Who say's I'm a Trump supporter?? You??Nuff Said. LOL
Who said you were? The polls and stats are what they are. Does that make you sad?

Nope. Makes me laugh though because anyone with a brain knows polls prove nothing. It all depends on who you ask and who's doing the asking.
"Steal" the election? No matter how entitled you and your Orange Messiah think you are, the election doesn't belong to him, so there's no "stealing" about it.

You keep forgetting in your blind, drooling fanboy state, that you Trumpettes are not "the voters". You're just SOME voters. There are a hell of a lot more of us who DON'T want Donny Boy, so get over this whole idea that you get to stomp your little feet and wave Donny's tiny hands and demand your way.

Since I don't hear you saying, "Beating Hillary is THE most important thing" about YOUR vote, I'm even less inclined to give a fat rat's furry ass about your demands regarding MY vote than I was to start with, and God knows, I wouldn't piss on you and your opinion to put out a fire now.

All I want is a candidate who's not a national embarrassment. All YOU want is your own fucking way, so President Hillary is all yours to own. And don't think I won't be here for the entire four years, answering every bitch you have about her with, "Well, why did you waste everyone's time with Donald Trump and elect her, then?"
In a Republic with the elected officials being chosen by the people through VOTING.............those with the most votes win...........

I guess you think we live in something other than a Republic.................The establishment will steal the nominee from the matter how you RAVE about it...........

If this is how we decide who will be president......then the Republic no longer exists............I guess you are stupid to realize that........

If they do this......................No candidate put forward will's over............and I hope we burn the fucking GOP down if they do it.

The Republican Party is not a Republic. It is a private organization and can set whatever rules it wants.

And Trump's supporters are all members of that organization and we have been winning by the rules of that organization.

The leadership has been working outside of the rules to attack their own front runner, instead of letting the primary process work as it is intended.

AND openly plotting ways to game the rules to subvert the process.

Expect a move to repeal Rule 40, with requires in the event of a brokered convention that the candidate to be picked has to have won 8 states.

That is changing the rules in the middle of the game.

You have not won 1237 delegates. If Trump wins that, he should be the nominee. If he doesn't, then he should not. And he probably won't.

This system, or a variation of it, dates back to the 1830s. It is older than the Republican Party itself.

It shouldn't be changed simply because a candidate who didn't win the required delegates or a majority of the voters, and didn't know the process, thinks he should be the candidate.

Trump didn't even know some of the most basic facts of this system. That he didn't would astonish most people. Except, of course, Trump supporters, who seem immune to astonishment.

If Trump doesn't win 1237 delegates, it will be AT THE VERY LEAST IN PART, because the GOP leadership joined in the vile propaganda campaign the Left has been waging against him.

That is dirty pool. Don't pretend it isn't.

If the GOP throws out rule 40, that is changing the rules in the middle of the game.

Rule 40 was a temporary rule implemented in 2012 by Romney delegates on the rules committee. It was done to block Ron Paul.

Rules change at the convention all the time. None are hard and fast. They can be rewritten at any time. Rule 40 was rewritten in 2012.

As for the establishment being against Trump, of course they are. But that doesn't mean Trump should be the nominee if he hasn't won the required delegates.

It's sour grapes by people who didn't know the rules or understand how this works.
63% of Republicans have not voted for Trump. He has won a minority of the delegates.

If Trump loses because he can't win a majority of the delegates and nearly two-thirds voting against him, you can't say the election was stolen.
Well, if you are to be consistent then even a higher number have voted against each other candidate. It isn't Trump versus everybody else.
63% of Republicans have not voted for Trump. He has won a minority of the delegates.

If Trump loses because he can't win a majority of the delegates and nearly two-thirds voting against him, you can't say the election was stolen.
Well, if you are to be consistent then even a higher number have voted against each other candidate. It isn't Trump versus everybody else.
Yes, it is, said Sam I Am.

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