Trump has the worst negatives of just about any candidate in modern history.

In effect the Establishment is telling us Trump supporters that they hold us in as much contempt as you do Jakey.

You don't get to do that and then ask for our support.

Trump's supporters are reciprocating by telling all the Republican voters who DON'T support Trump that they hold us in contempt, and just want to bully and bullshit us the same way the GOPe has done.

Keep the need to ask for support later in mind.
You vote how you will.........and so will I...............if you don't vote for the winner and hand Hillary then you own it..........and a Stacked Supreme Court..................You remember that when Judicial Activism of the left wing hits historic levels in this country..........I'll remind you.

You insist on nominating a dog of a candidate while ignoring the masses of people telling you they won't support him, you can tell yourself until your blue in the face that it's THEIR fault he lost, they OWED you their votes, and it still won't be true.

You want to defeat Hillary Clinton? Nominate a candidate who isn't hated. You want to get your way and show everyone how you're "powerful" and not a big loser in life after all? Then YOU own President Hillary Clinton.

There are no number of times you're going to try to foist it off on me that will make it work.
Opinions are like assholes........everybody has one and they all stink...........

Your the one MAKING me...........Not I.............If Cruz wins I'll vote for him against Hillary.......If Trump wins then you will take your toys and go home..............

I'll vote how I Please...........if you don't like it.....then so be it...................If you come in here later and GO SEE I TOLD you I would stay home or vote for Hillary if you didn't DO AS I COMMANDED YOU TO...........then it is your fault she won.......

pfft.................You will have elected her not me................I will not agree to your DEMANDS.

I am demanding nothing from you, not even sanity (I realized months ago how impossible that would be for any Trumpette). I'm simply stating facts: if you want my support, you can only have it by presenting a candidate worthy of support, and that is a position that is being stated by many more voters than just me.

YOU are the one making demands: support my candidate OR ELSE. And this is my response: piss off, you two-bit schoolyard bully, and take your over-testosteroned Orange Messiah and the dead cat on his head with you.

Any presidency Hillary gets is on YOU and your slavish Donald worship. No one else.
You have stated over and over again that if it's Not Cruz then you will jump ship...........WELL JUMP THEN..............You are the one making demands................I refuse.........Don't care how you take it........Get your Hillary Bumper Sticker because it will be on you.
Trump can overcome his negatives, Hillary cannot overcome hers. Therefore, Trump will be the next president.

How do you figure Trump can overcome his negatives? His biggest negative is himself.

Furthermore, his second biggest negative is that the GOP would rather run Donald Duck than Donald Trump. How's he planning to overcome THAT? So far, he's doing a craptastic job of it.

if the RNC ignores the votes of the people in the primaries, they will ensure the worst possible outcome---HRC as president, and they will destroy the GOP. They may actually be that stupid. We shall see.

For the RNC to ignore the votes of the people in the primaries, they'd have to come up with a candidate who is not currently running. Otherwise, it's more a matter of which voters they're listening to, and why.
Only in the heads of the delusional, eagle.

I am the straightest shooter on the Board, and as a Ford Republican I will always tell it as I see it.

You listen to me, for starters,shakey.
Losers always say they are winners.............Look at the score are losing...........that is all that counts for the time being now.........

Can't help it that losers try to buy off the refs to win the game..........You are a loser...........and the score board..........well talks for itself.

You're right. Losers DO always say they're winners . . . just look at Donald Trump.
Look at Eagle.
Be happy in the current will be short hurt the magic number but this is a Political War and one battle doesn't win the War.............

Again, look at the scoreboard..............Cruz is still losing and going into states that don't favor him..............You got some mileage on the lies of Mathews over Abortion.........and that is exactly what they were.............LIES........
Trump's supporters are reciprocating by telling all the Republican voters who DON'T support Trump that they hold us in contempt, and just want to bully and bullshit us the same way the GOPe has done.

Keep the need to ask for support later in mind.
You vote how you will.........and so will I...............if you don't vote for the winner and hand Hillary then you own it..........and a Stacked Supreme Court..................You remember that when Judicial Activism of the left wing hits historic levels in this country..........I'll remind you.

You insist on nominating a dog of a candidate while ignoring the masses of people telling you they won't support him, you can tell yourself until your blue in the face that it's THEIR fault he lost, they OWED you their votes, and it still won't be true.

You want to defeat Hillary Clinton? Nominate a candidate who isn't hated. You want to get your way and show everyone how you're "powerful" and not a big loser in life after all? Then YOU own President Hillary Clinton.

There are no number of times you're going to try to foist it off on me that will make it work.
Opinions are like assholes........everybody has one and they all stink...........

Your the one MAKING me...........Not I.............If Cruz wins I'll vote for him against Hillary.......If Trump wins then you will take your toys and go home..............

I'll vote how I Please...........if you don't like it.....then so be it...................If you come in here later and GO SEE I TOLD you I would stay home or vote for Hillary if you didn't DO AS I COMMANDED YOU TO...........then it is your fault she won.......

pfft.................You will have elected her not me................I will not agree to your DEMANDS.

I am demanding nothing from you, not even sanity (I realized months ago how impossible that would be for any Trumpette). I'm simply stating facts: if you want my support, you can only have it by presenting a candidate worthy of support, and that is a position that is being stated by many more voters than just me.

YOU are the one making demands: support my candidate OR ELSE. And this is my response: piss off, you two-bit schoolyard bully, and take your over-testosteroned Orange Messiah and the dead cat on his head with you.

Any presidency Hillary gets is on YOU and your slavish Donald worship. No one else.
You have stated over and over again that if it's Not Cruz then you will jump ship...........WELL JUMP THEN..............You are the one making demands................I refuse.........Don't care how you take it........Get your Hillary Bumper Sticker because it will be on you.

No, YOU HEARD that over and over. I didn't say it. What I've actually said over and over is that I'm not voting for Donald Trump. No way, no how. I initially said I would be among the first to revolt if the RNC tried to anoint a candidate who is not currently running for office. After watching Trump a bit longer, I then said that I would happily vote for ANY Republican who was not Donald Trump.

I demand nothing but a viable candidate from the RNC. From you . . . you have nothing that I want, and that includes your shit candidate.

YOU are electing Hillary by thinking you're going to pick up the same games that the GOPe has always played. You aren't them, and your candidate isn't worthy of support. Take your bullying and shove it where Donny's spray tan don't reach.
Only in the heads of the delusional, eagle.

I am the straightest shooter on the Board, and as a Ford Republican I will always tell it as I see it.

You listen to me, for starters,shakey.
Losers always say they are winners.............Look at the score are losing...........that is all that counts for the time being now.........

Can't help it that losers try to buy off the refs to win the game..........You are a loser...........and the score board..........well talks for itself.

You're right. Losers DO always say they're winners . . . just look at Donald Trump.
Look at Eagle.
Be happy in the current will be short hurt the magic number but this is a Political War and one battle doesn't win the War.............

Again, look at the scoreboard..............Cruz is still losing and going into states that don't favor him..............You got some mileage on the lies of Mathews over Abortion.........and that is exactly what they were.............LIES........

See you in Cleveland, Chuckles. I'm looking forward to your impotent screams.
You vote how you will.........and so will I...............if you don't vote for the winner and hand Hillary then you own it..........and a Stacked Supreme Court..................You remember that when Judicial Activism of the left wing hits historic levels in this country..........I'll remind you.

You insist on nominating a dog of a candidate while ignoring the masses of people telling you they won't support him, you can tell yourself until your blue in the face that it's THEIR fault he lost, they OWED you their votes, and it still won't be true.

You want to defeat Hillary Clinton? Nominate a candidate who isn't hated. You want to get your way and show everyone how you're "powerful" and not a big loser in life after all? Then YOU own President Hillary Clinton.

There are no number of times you're going to try to foist it off on me that will make it work.
Opinions are like assholes........everybody has one and they all stink...........

Your the one MAKING me...........Not I.............If Cruz wins I'll vote for him against Hillary.......If Trump wins then you will take your toys and go home..............

I'll vote how I Please...........if you don't like it.....then so be it...................If you come in here later and GO SEE I TOLD you I would stay home or vote for Hillary if you didn't DO AS I COMMANDED YOU TO...........then it is your fault she won.......

pfft.................You will have elected her not me................I will not agree to your DEMANDS.

I am demanding nothing from you, not even sanity (I realized months ago how impossible that would be for any Trumpette). I'm simply stating facts: if you want my support, you can only have it by presenting a candidate worthy of support, and that is a position that is being stated by many more voters than just me.

YOU are the one making demands: support my candidate OR ELSE. And this is my response: piss off, you two-bit schoolyard bully, and take your over-testosteroned Orange Messiah and the dead cat on his head with you.

Any presidency Hillary gets is on YOU and your slavish Donald worship. No one else.
You have stated over and over again that if it's Not Cruz then you will jump ship...........WELL JUMP THEN..............You are the one making demands................I refuse.........Don't care how you take it........Get your Hillary Bumper Sticker because it will be on you.

No, YOU HEARD that over and over. I didn't say it. What I've actually said over and over is that I'm not voting for Donald Trump. No way, no how. I initially said I would be among the first to revolt if the RNC tried to anoint a candidate who is not currently running for office. After watching Trump a bit longer, I then said that I would happily vote for ANY Republican who was not Donald Trump.

I demand nothing but a viable candidate from the RNC. From you . . . you have nothing that I want, and that includes your shit candidate.

YOU are electing Hillary by thinking you're going to pick up the same games that the GOPe has always played. You aren't them, and your candidate isn't worthy of support. Take your bullying and shove it where Donny's spray tan don't reach.

Nice are saying my way or the highway............the on ramp is to the left with Hillary.
Only in the heads of the delusional, eagle.

I am the straightest shooter on the Board, and as a Ford Republican I will always tell it as I see it.

You listen to me, for starters,shakey.
Losers always say they are winners.............Look at the score are losing...........that is all that counts for the time being now.........

Can't help it that losers try to buy off the refs to win the game..........You are a loser...........and the score board..........well talks for itself.

You're right. Losers DO always say they're winners . . . just look at Donald Trump.
Look at Eagle.
Be happy in the current will be short hurt the magic number but this is a Political War and one battle doesn't win the War.............

Again, look at the scoreboard..............Cruz is still losing and going into states that don't favor him..............You got some mileage on the lies of Mathews over Abortion.........and that is exactly what they were.............LIES........

See you in Cleveland, Chuckles. I'm looking forward to your impotent screams.
Steal the election and you elect Hillary...................Millions are saying the same..................whoever wins should be by the voters......if it gets stolen.............then the GOP is done this election..............

They will elect Hillary..................and they don't care because she will give them what they want in the establishment................and we will get 4 more years of Obama...............and a Stacked Supreme Court.
Losers always say they are winners.............Look at the score are losing...........that is all that counts for the time being now.........

Can't help it that losers try to buy off the refs to win the game..........You are a loser...........and the score board..........well talks for itself.

You're right. Losers DO always say they're winners . . . just look at Donald Trump.
Look at Eagle.
Be happy in the current will be short hurt the magic number but this is a Political War and one battle doesn't win the War.............

Again, look at the scoreboard..............Cruz is still losing and going into states that don't favor him..............You got some mileage on the lies of Mathews over Abortion.........and that is exactly what they were.............LIES........

See you in Cleveland, Chuckles. I'm looking forward to your impotent screams.
Steal the election and you elect Hillary...................Millions are saying the same..................whoever wins should be by the voters......if it gets stolen.............then the GOP is done this election..............

They will elect Hillary..................and they don't care because she will give them what they want in the establishment................and we will get 4 more years of Obama...............and a Stacked Supreme Court.

"Steal" the election? No matter how entitled you and your Orange Messiah think you are, the election doesn't belong to him, so there's no "stealing" about it.

You keep forgetting in your blind, drooling fanboy state, that you Trumpettes are not "the voters". You're just SOME voters. There are a hell of a lot more of us who DON'T want Donny Boy, so get over this whole idea that you get to stomp your little feet and wave Donny's tiny hands and demand your way.

Since I don't hear you saying, "Beating Hillary is THE most important thing" about YOUR vote, I'm even less inclined to give a fat rat's furry ass about your demands regarding MY vote than I was to start with, and God knows, I wouldn't piss on you and your opinion to put out a fire now.

All I want is a candidate who's not a national embarrassment. All YOU want is your own fucking way, so President Hillary is all yours to own. And don't think I won't be here for the entire four years, answering every bitch you have about her with, "Well, why did you waste everyone's time with Donald Trump and elect her, then?"
You're right. Losers DO always say they're winners . . . just look at Donald Trump.
Look at Eagle.
Be happy in the current will be short hurt the magic number but this is a Political War and one battle doesn't win the War.............

Again, look at the scoreboard..............Cruz is still losing and going into states that don't favor him..............You got some mileage on the lies of Mathews over Abortion.........and that is exactly what they were.............LIES........

See you in Cleveland, Chuckles. I'm looking forward to your impotent screams.
Steal the election and you elect Hillary...................Millions are saying the same..................whoever wins should be by the voters......if it gets stolen.............then the GOP is done this election..............

They will elect Hillary..................and they don't care because she will give them what they want in the establishment................and we will get 4 more years of Obama...............and a Stacked Supreme Court.

"Steal" the election? No matter how entitled you and your Orange Messiah think you are, the election doesn't belong to him, so there's no "stealing" about it.

You keep forgetting in your blind, drooling fanboy state, that you Trumpettes are not "the voters". You're just SOME voters. There are a hell of a lot more of us who DON'T want Donny Boy, so get over this whole idea that you get to stomp your little feet and wave Donny's tiny hands and demand your way.

Since I don't hear you saying, "Beating Hillary is THE most important thing" about YOUR vote, I'm even less inclined to give a fat rat's furry ass about your demands regarding MY vote than I was to start with, and God knows, I wouldn't piss on you and your opinion to put out a fire now.

All I want is a candidate who's not a national embarrassment. All YOU want is your own fucking way, so President Hillary is all yours to own. And don't think I won't be here for the entire four years, answering every bitch you have about her with, "Well, why did you waste everyone's time with Donald Trump and elect her, then?"
In a Republic with the elected officials being chosen by the people through VOTING.............those with the most votes win...........

I guess you think we live in something other than a Republic.................The establishment will steal the nominee from the matter how you RAVE about it...........

If this is how we decide who will be president......then the Republic no longer exists............I guess you are stupid to realize that........

If they do this......................No candidate put forward will's over............and I hope we burn the fucking GOP down if they do it.
Look at Eagle.
Be happy in the current will be short hurt the magic number but this is a Political War and one battle doesn't win the War.............

Again, look at the scoreboard..............Cruz is still losing and going into states that don't favor him..............You got some mileage on the lies of Mathews over Abortion.........and that is exactly what they were.............LIES........

See you in Cleveland, Chuckles. I'm looking forward to your impotent screams.
Steal the election and you elect Hillary...................Millions are saying the same..................whoever wins should be by the voters......if it gets stolen.............then the GOP is done this election..............

They will elect Hillary..................and they don't care because she will give them what they want in the establishment................and we will get 4 more years of Obama...............and a Stacked Supreme Court.

"Steal" the election? No matter how entitled you and your Orange Messiah think you are, the election doesn't belong to him, so there's no "stealing" about it.

You keep forgetting in your blind, drooling fanboy state, that you Trumpettes are not "the voters". You're just SOME voters. There are a hell of a lot more of us who DON'T want Donny Boy, so get over this whole idea that you get to stomp your little feet and wave Donny's tiny hands and demand your way.

Since I don't hear you saying, "Beating Hillary is THE most important thing" about YOUR vote, I'm even less inclined to give a fat rat's furry ass about your demands regarding MY vote than I was to start with, and God knows, I wouldn't piss on you and your opinion to put out a fire now.

All I want is a candidate who's not a national embarrassment. All YOU want is your own fucking way, so President Hillary is all yours to own. And don't think I won't be here for the entire four years, answering every bitch you have about her with, "Well, why did you waste everyone's time with Donald Trump and elect her, then?"
In a Republic with the elected officials being chosen by the people through VOTING.............those with the most votes win...........

I guess you think we live in something other than a Republic.................The establishment will steal the nominee from the matter how you RAVE about it...........

If this is how we decide who will be president......then the Republic no longer exists............I guess you are stupid to realize that........

If they do this......................No candidate put forward will's over............and I hope we burn the fucking GOP down if they do it.

We're not talking about an election, Twinkles. We're talking about a primary. That's first. We're not "deciding on a President" right now. We're deciding who a private entity, the Republican Party, is going to back as a nominee. And they owe you exactly two things: Jack and shit. And Jack just left town.

Second, feel free to get him "the most votes" . . . IF you can get him the nomination. You'll be doing it without a major chunk of the GOP voters, though.

I don't even have to guess that you don't give shit one about "republic", or "the will of the people", or any of the other shit you prattle about. I KNOW that all you give a damn about is getting your way like the spoiled, ignorant child that you and your candidate both are. Otherwise, we wouldn't be hearing this constant twaddle about how we "HAVE" to support him. We don't, and we won't.

You're fooling no one with "I hope we burn the GOP down for ignoring us". You were all about burning shit down in the first place, which is why you're supporting a political incendiary bomb with a bad combover.
Look at Eagle.
Be happy in the current will be short hurt the magic number but this is a Political War and one battle doesn't win the War.............

Again, look at the scoreboard..............Cruz is still losing and going into states that don't favor him..............You got some mileage on the lies of Mathews over Abortion.........and that is exactly what they were.............LIES........

See you in Cleveland, Chuckles. I'm looking forward to your impotent screams.
Steal the election and you elect Hillary...................Millions are saying the same..................whoever wins should be by the voters......if it gets stolen.............then the GOP is done this election..............

They will elect Hillary..................and they don't care because she will give them what they want in the establishment................and we will get 4 more years of Obama...............and a Stacked Supreme Court.

"Steal" the election? No matter how entitled you and your Orange Messiah think you are, the election doesn't belong to him, so there's no "stealing" about it.

You keep forgetting in your blind, drooling fanboy state, that you Trumpettes are not "the voters". You're just SOME voters. There are a hell of a lot more of us who DON'T want Donny Boy, so get over this whole idea that you get to stomp your little feet and wave Donny's tiny hands and demand your way.

Since I don't hear you saying, "Beating Hillary is THE most important thing" about YOUR vote, I'm even less inclined to give a fat rat's furry ass about your demands regarding MY vote than I was to start with, and God knows, I wouldn't piss on you and your opinion to put out a fire now.

All I want is a candidate who's not a national embarrassment. All YOU want is your own fucking way, so President Hillary is all yours to own. And don't think I won't be here for the entire four years, answering every bitch you have about her with, "Well, why did you waste everyone's time with Donald Trump and elect her, then?"
In a Republic with the elected officials being chosen by the people through VOTING.............those with the most votes win..........
I guess you think we live in something other than a Republic.................The establishment will steal the nominee from the matter how you RAVE about it...........
If this is how we decide who will be president......then the Republic no longer exists............I guess you are stupid to realize that........If they do this......................No candidate put forward will's over............and I hope we burn the fucking GOP down if they do it.
Now you want a democracy not a representative republican government. If you want to beat HRC, let Kasich be the candidate.
Be happy in the current will be short hurt the magic number but this is a Political War and one battle doesn't win the War.............

Again, look at the scoreboard..............Cruz is still losing and going into states that don't favor him..............You got some mileage on the lies of Mathews over Abortion.........and that is exactly what they were.............LIES........

See you in Cleveland, Chuckles. I'm looking forward to your impotent screams.
Steal the election and you elect Hillary...................Millions are saying the same..................whoever wins should be by the voters......if it gets stolen.............then the GOP is done this election..............

They will elect Hillary..................and they don't care because she will give them what they want in the establishment................and we will get 4 more years of Obama...............and a Stacked Supreme Court.

"Steal" the election? No matter how entitled you and your Orange Messiah think you are, the election doesn't belong to him, so there's no "stealing" about it.

You keep forgetting in your blind, drooling fanboy state, that you Trumpettes are not "the voters". You're just SOME voters. There are a hell of a lot more of us who DON'T want Donny Boy, so get over this whole idea that you get to stomp your little feet and wave Donny's tiny hands and demand your way.

Since I don't hear you saying, "Beating Hillary is THE most important thing" about YOUR vote, I'm even less inclined to give a fat rat's furry ass about your demands regarding MY vote than I was to start with, and God knows, I wouldn't piss on you and your opinion to put out a fire now.

All I want is a candidate who's not a national embarrassment. All YOU want is your own fucking way, so President Hillary is all yours to own. And don't think I won't be here for the entire four years, answering every bitch you have about her with, "Well, why did you waste everyone's time with Donald Trump and elect her, then?"
In a Republic with the elected officials being chosen by the people through VOTING.............those with the most votes win...........

I guess you think we live in something other than a Republic.................The establishment will steal the nominee from the matter how you RAVE about it...........

If this is how we decide who will be president......then the Republic no longer exists............I guess you are stupid to realize that........

If they do this......................No candidate put forward will's over............and I hope we burn the fucking GOP down if they do it.

We're not talking about an election, Twinkles. We're talking about a primary. That's first. We're not "deciding on a President" right now. We're deciding who a private entity, the Republican Party, is going to back as a nominee. And they owe you exactly two things: Jack and shit. And Jack just left town.

Second, feel free to get him "the most votes" . . . IF you can get him the nomination. You'll be doing it without a major chunk of the GOP voters, though.

I don't even have to guess that you don't give shit one about "republic", or "the will of the people", or any of the other shit you prattle about. I KNOW that all you give a damn about is getting your way like the spoiled, ignorant child that you and your candidate both are. Otherwise, we wouldn't be hearing this constant twaddle about how we "HAVE" to support him. We don't, and we won't.

You're fooling no one with "I hope we burn the GOP down for ignoring us". You were all about burning shit down in the first place, which is why you're supporting a political incendiary bomb with a bad combover.

your attitude will elect Hillary, the worst possible person to put in the whitehouse. Is that what you want?
so the primary votes so far mean nothing? you are a joke.
They mean Trump has a very high floor in terms of support. That's not the same as a high ceiling. It's not the same as a Majority. It's not the same as "he will win in the general". None of those are implied by his victories so far. He's made his case for being President by appealing to about the narrowest plurality possible to win. That won't work in the general. It likely isn't going to work in the rest of the primary season.

His policies are designed to appeal to Working Class and Middle Class Americans.

Deport Illegals and secure the border? That is the law and common sense, and in the interests of everyone affected by the Wage Stagnation of the last couple decades.

Renegotiate bad trade deals and bring back manufacturing jobs? Ditto, above.

The Working Class and the Middle Class are hardly narrow demographics.
Be happy in the current will be short hurt the magic number but this is a Political War and one battle doesn't win the War.............

Again, look at the scoreboard..............Cruz is still losing and going into states that don't favor him..............You got some mileage on the lies of Mathews over Abortion.........and that is exactly what they were.............LIES........

See you in Cleveland, Chuckles. I'm looking forward to your impotent screams.
Steal the election and you elect Hillary...................Millions are saying the same..................whoever wins should be by the voters......if it gets stolen.............then the GOP is done this election..............

They will elect Hillary..................and they don't care because she will give them what they want in the establishment................and we will get 4 more years of Obama...............and a Stacked Supreme Court.

"Steal" the election? No matter how entitled you and your Orange Messiah think you are, the election doesn't belong to him, so there's no "stealing" about it.

You keep forgetting in your blind, drooling fanboy state, that you Trumpettes are not "the voters". You're just SOME voters. There are a hell of a lot more of us who DON'T want Donny Boy, so get over this whole idea that you get to stomp your little feet and wave Donny's tiny hands and demand your way.

Since I don't hear you saying, "Beating Hillary is THE most important thing" about YOUR vote, I'm even less inclined to give a fat rat's furry ass about your demands regarding MY vote than I was to start with, and God knows, I wouldn't piss on you and your opinion to put out a fire now.

All I want is a candidate who's not a national embarrassment. All YOU want is your own fucking way, so President Hillary is all yours to own. And don't think I won't be here for the entire four years, answering every bitch you have about her with, "Well, why did you waste everyone's time with Donald Trump and elect her, then?"
In a Republic with the elected officials being chosen by the people through VOTING.............those with the most votes win..........
I guess you think we live in something other than a Republic.................The establishment will steal the nominee from the matter how you RAVE about it...........
If this is how we decide who will be president......then the Republic no longer exists............I guess you are stupid to realize that........If they do this......................No candidate put forward will's over............and I hope we burn the fucking GOP down if they do it.
Now you want a democracy not a representative republican government. If you want to beat HRC, let Kasich be the candidate.

So, ignore the primary voters, let the RNC elites pick the candidate, right? That is exactly what the dems are doing. Why even bother with the primaries and the general election, lets just let the party bosses pick our leaders. Can you say USSR?
Did you get that from the TV? :lol:

Gotta love talking points and polls that poll 178 women. Exit polls from several primaries show Trump doing better with women than any other GOP candidate, but that don't let get in the way of you swallowing the propaganda
All I know is what I read on USMB

:lol: well played. I love a good sense of humor :thup:

We are going to get Hillary because people distrust folks like Trump and Redfish even more than her.

Hillary is having trouble beating Sanders dude and when the SD's take the nomination away from him all, if not most, of his supporters will bail on the election. Well at least thats what they are threatening. They may change their mind when they see that if they bail Trump will step into the WH without even breaking a sweat.

Hillary has a lot of problems and all one needs to do is look at whats happening. Sanders is embarrassing her in these primaries. For him to be doing as well as he is says a lot. He's a 74 year old bum who is giving her a run for her money. Thats fucked up :lol: :lol:
The Dems will hold together, regardless of who gets the nomination. To think any democrat is going to sit down when they can get up to three SCOTUS appointments is senseless thinking. That's what pisses me off about the GOP. Too many are ready to throw all of that away in a hissy fit if they don't get Donald.

In effect the Establishment is telling us Trump supporters that they hold us in as much contempt as you do Jakey.

You don't get to do that and then ask for our support.

Trump's supporters are reciprocating by telling all the Republican voters who DON'T support Trump that they hold us in contempt, and just want to bully and bullshit us the same way the GOPe has done.

Keep the need to ask for support later in mind.

Err, Being held in contempt and smeared is not the same as having it truthfully pointed out that you are smearing someone.

We are not trying to "bully" the rest of the Party. We are trying to win the Primary.

It is the Establishment and their partisans that are trying to derail the normal primary process.
Correll and fool fish like true far right Alinskys smear others and claim the others are really smearing them.

Our Trumpeters are guaranteeing HRC as president and a Democratic senate and house.
Correll and fool fish like true far right Alinskys smear others and claim the others are really smearing them.

Our Trumpeters are guaranteeing HRC as president and a Democratic senate and house.

If anyone is guaranteeing HRC a win, its the RNC if it ignores the votes of the people in the primaries.

Hillary is a terrible candidate, the GOP can beat her easily with either Trump or Cruz, they will lose with Kasich, Ryan, or anyone else that the people have rejected.

But, the DNC has the same problem as it uses its super delegates or eliminate the Sanders voters from having their voices heard.

Its a mess, both parties are pissing into the wind and wondering why their shoes are getting wet.
Reading the thread title again, I could NOT possibly AGREE more"

"....of just about any candidate in modern history."

Who, in modern history surpasses him?

- Sired by an anti-American anti-colonialist who, like Obama has apparently become, wanted to see the US eliminated as a world power and world influence

- Admittedly tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis

- Admittedly studied and has quoted during his inaugural speech Socialist Saul Alynski

- Admittedly mentored for decades by a racist hate-spewing anti-American 'pastor'

- Buddies with an un-repentant domestic terrorist who bombed his own country, killed cops, and said he wished he had done more of the same

- 'Community Organizer' - no business experience; never ran a business, never hired / fired anyone in a business

- 1/2 a term US Senator

- Immediately sealed all of his personal records from public viewing In an attempt to hide his 'identity' / background from those whose votes he sought while ridiculously promising to run the most transparent Presidential administration in history
-- That's called 'fore-shadowing' and shows exactly why backgrounds for people actually matter: Since taking over as President Obama and his administration, instead of being the 'Most Transparent' administration has set the record for and won the title as 'Most Secretive / FOIA-Violating' administration in our country's history, sporting a whopping 70% Illegal Non-Compliance record.

Obama is the 'poster child' for 'Not Qualified' to become President.

The evidence of this is in his performance:
- Repeated violations of Constitution and Law
- Refusal to enforce existing US Law
- Engaging in illegal activities (Human trafficking, violating judges' orders, etc...)
- Aiding, abetting, and arming Mexican Drug cartels and terrorist organizations
- Refusal to provide for the nation's national security by refusing to secure our borders
The discredited ideology of the far right wingers blinds them.

The polls are very clear: neither Cruz nor Trump can beat HRC. Only Kasich has done that repeatedly in the polls.

Listen up, Trumpeters and Cruzers: your guys ain't gonna be the chosen one.

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