Trump has the worst negatives of just about any candidate in modern history.

All I know is what I read on USMB

:lol: well played. I love a good sense of humor :thup:

We are going to get Hillary because people distrust folks like Trump and Redfish even more than her.

Hillary is having trouble beating Sanders dude and when the SD's take the nomination away from him all, if not most, of his supporters will bail on the election. Well at least thats what they are threatening. They may change their mind when they see that if they bail Trump will step into the WH without even breaking a sweat.

Hillary has a lot of problems and all one needs to do is look at whats happening. Sanders is embarrassing her in these primaries. For him to be doing as well as he is says a lot. He's a 74 year old bum who is giving her a run for her money. Thats fucked up :lol: :lol:
The Dems will hold together, regardless of who gets the nomination. To think any democrat is going to sit down when they can get up to three SCOTUS appointments is senseless thinking. That's what pisses me off about the GOP. Too many are ready to throw all of that away in a hissy fit if they don't get Donald.

In effect the Establishment is telling us Trump supporters that they hold us in as much contempt as you do Jakey.

You don't get to do that and then ask for our support.

Trump's supporters are reciprocating by telling all the Republican voters who DON'T support Trump that they hold us in contempt, and just want to bully and bullshit us the same way the GOPe has done.

Keep the need to ask for support later in mind.
You vote how you will.........and so will I...............if you don't vote for the winner and hand Hillary then you own it..........and a Stacked Supreme Court..................You remember that when Judicial Activism of the left wing hits historic levels in this country..........I'll remind you.

You insist on nominating a dog of a candidate while ignoring the masses of people telling you they won't support him, you can tell yourself until your blue in the face that it's THEIR fault he lost, they OWED you their votes, and it still won't be true.

You want to defeat Hillary Clinton? Nominate a candidate who isn't hated. You want to get your way and show everyone how you're "powerful" and not a big loser in life after all? Then YOU own President Hillary Clinton.

There are no number of times you're going to try to foist it off on me that will make it work.
All I know is what I read on USMB

:lol: well played. I love a good sense of humor :thup:

We are going to get Hillary because people distrust folks like Trump and Redfish even more than her.

Hillary is having trouble beating Sanders dude and when the SD's take the nomination away from him all, if not most, of his supporters will bail on the election. Well at least thats what they are threatening. They may change their mind when they see that if they bail Trump will step into the WH without even breaking a sweat.

Hillary has a lot of problems and all one needs to do is look at whats happening. Sanders is embarrassing her in these primaries. For him to be doing as well as he is says a lot. He's a 74 year old bum who is giving her a run for her money. Thats fucked up :lol: :lol:
The Dems will hold together, regardless of who gets the nomination. To think any democrat is going to sit down when they can get up to three SCOTUS appointments is senseless thinking. That's what pisses me off about the GOP. Too many are ready to throw all of that away in a hissy fit if they don't get Donald.

In effect the Establishment is telling us Trump supporters that they hold us in as much contempt as you do Jakey.

You don't get to do that and then ask for our support.

Trump's supporters are reciprocating by telling all the Republican voters who DON'T support Trump that they hold us in contempt, and just want to bully and bullshit us the same way the GOPe has done.

Keep the need to ask for support later in mind.
You vote how you will.........and so will I...............if you don't vote for the winner and hand Hillary then you own it..........and a Stacked Supreme Court..................You remember that when Judicial Activism of the left wing hits historic levels in this country..........I'll remind you.
It would be worse under Trump.

HRC is a slight left of center progressive.

Trump is a megalomaniac, and he is honestly a wild eyed populist.

So this is the lesser of two evils.
:lol: well played. I love a good sense of humor :thup:

Hillary is having trouble beating Sanders dude and when the SD's take the nomination away from him all, if not most, of his supporters will bail on the election. Well at least thats what they are threatening. They may change their mind when they see that if they bail Trump will step into the WH without even breaking a sweat.

Hillary has a lot of problems and all one needs to do is look at whats happening. Sanders is embarrassing her in these primaries. For him to be doing as well as he is says a lot. He's a 74 year old bum who is giving her a run for her money. Thats fucked up :lol: :lol:
The Dems will hold together, regardless of who gets the nomination. To think any democrat is going to sit down when they can get up to three SCOTUS appointments is senseless thinking. That's what pisses me off about the GOP. Too many are ready to throw all of that away in a hissy fit if they don't get Donald.

In effect the Establishment is telling us Trump supporters that they hold us in as much contempt as you do Jakey.

You don't get to do that and then ask for our support.

Trump's supporters are reciprocating by telling all the Republican voters who DON'T support Trump that they hold us in contempt, and just want to bully and bullshit us the same way the GOPe has done.

Keep the need to ask for support later in mind.
You vote how you will.........and so will I...............if you don't vote for the winner and hand Hillary then you own it..........and a Stacked Supreme Court..................You remember that when Judicial Activism of the left wing hits historic levels in this country..........I'll remind you.

You insist on nominating a dog of a candidate while ignoring the masses of people telling you they won't support him, you can tell yourself until your blue in the face that it's THEIR fault he lost, they OWED you their votes, and it still won't be true.

You want to defeat Hillary Clinton? Nominate a candidate who isn't hated. You want to get your way and show everyone how you're "powerful" and not a big loser in life after all? Then YOU own President Hillary Clinton.

There are no number of times you're going to try to foist it off on me that will make it work.
Opinions are like assholes........everybody has one and they all stink...........

Your the one MAKING me...........Not I.............If Cruz wins I'll vote for him against Hillary.......If Trump wins then you will take your toys and go home..............

I'll vote how I Please...........if you don't like it.....then so be it...................If you come in here later and GO SEE I TOLD you I would stay home or vote for Hillary if you didn't DO AS I COMMANDED YOU TO...........then it is your fault she won.......

pfft.................You will have elected her not me................I will not agree to your DEMANDS.
:lol: well played. I love a good sense of humor :thup:

Hillary is having trouble beating Sanders dude and when the SD's take the nomination away from him all, if not most, of his supporters will bail on the election. Well at least thats what they are threatening. They may change their mind when they see that if they bail Trump will step into the WH without even breaking a sweat.

Hillary has a lot of problems and all one needs to do is look at whats happening. Sanders is embarrassing her in these primaries. For him to be doing as well as he is says a lot. He's a 74 year old bum who is giving her a run for her money. Thats fucked up :lol: :lol:
The Dems will hold together, regardless of who gets the nomination. To think any democrat is going to sit down when they can get up to three SCOTUS appointments is senseless thinking. That's what pisses me off about the GOP. Too many are ready to throw all of that away in a hissy fit if they don't get Donald.

In effect the Establishment is telling us Trump supporters that they hold us in as much contempt as you do Jakey.

You don't get to do that and then ask for our support.

Trump's supporters are reciprocating by telling all the Republican voters who DON'T support Trump that they hold us in contempt, and just want to bully and bullshit us the same way the GOPe has done.

Keep the need to ask for support later in mind.
You vote how you will.........and so will I...............if you don't vote for the winner and hand Hillary then you own it..........and a Stacked Supreme Court..................You remember that when Judicial Activism of the left wing hits historic levels in this country..........I'll remind you.
It would be worse under Trump.

HRC is a slight left of center progressive.

Trump is a megalomaniac, and he is honestly a wild eyed populist.

So this is the lesser of two evils.
You are a liberal paid poster more than likely and no one really listens to you anyway Fakey.
Only in the heads of the delusional, eagle.

I am the straightest shooter on the Board, and as a Ford Republican I will always tell it as I see it.

You listen to me, for starters,shakey.
Only in the heads of the delusional, eagle.

I am the straightest shooter on the Board, and as a Ford Republican I will always tell it as I see it.

You listen to me, for starters,shakey.
Losers always say they are winners.............Look at the score are losing...........that is all that counts for the time being now.........

Can't help it that losers try to buy off the refs to win the game..........You are a loser...........and the score board..........well talks for itself.
:lol: well played. I love a good sense of humor :thup:

Hillary is having trouble beating Sanders dude and when the SD's take the nomination away from him all, if not most, of his supporters will bail on the election. Well at least thats what they are threatening. They may change their mind when they see that if they bail Trump will step into the WH without even breaking a sweat.

Hillary has a lot of problems and all one needs to do is look at whats happening. Sanders is embarrassing her in these primaries. For him to be doing as well as he is says a lot. He's a 74 year old bum who is giving her a run for her money. Thats fucked up :lol: :lol:
The Dems will hold together, regardless of who gets the nomination. To think any democrat is going to sit down when they can get up to three SCOTUS appointments is senseless thinking. That's what pisses me off about the GOP. Too many are ready to throw all of that away in a hissy fit if they don't get Donald.

In effect the Establishment is telling us Trump supporters that they hold us in as much contempt as you do Jakey.

You don't get to do that and then ask for our support.

Trump's supporters are reciprocating by telling all the Republican voters who DON'T support Trump that they hold us in contempt, and just want to bully and bullshit us the same way the GOPe has done.

Keep the need to ask for support later in mind.
You vote how you will.........and so will I...............if you don't vote for the winner and hand Hillary then you own it..........and a Stacked Supreme Court..................You remember that when Judicial Activism of the left wing hits historic levels in this country..........I'll remind you.

You insist on nominating a dog of a candidate while ignoring the masses of people telling you they won't support him, you can tell yourself until your blue in the face that it's THEIR fault he lost, they OWED you their votes, and it still won't be true.

You want to defeat Hillary Clinton? Nominate a candidate who isn't hated. You want to get your way and show everyone how you're "powerful" and not a big loser in life after all? Then YOU own President Hillary Clinton.

There are no number of times you're going to try to foist it off on me that will make it work.

Hillary is a weak candidate. She should be easy to beat. The problem is.....the GOP is fucked either way. If they nominate Trump, Hillary goes up against pretty much the only candidate she could easily beat with the general electorate.

If they don't nominate Trump, his supporters walk away. And they could role the descicated corpse of Reagan himself as their candidate...but Hillary would still win with a 13,000,000 vote head start.

This election is Hillary's to lose. The GOP's only plausible path to victory is an unforced error by the DNC.
Only in the heads of the delusional, eagle.

I am the straightest shooter on the Board, and as a Ford Republican I will always tell it as I see it.

You listen to me, for starters,shakey.
Losers always say they are winners.............Look at the score are losing...........that is all that counts for the time being now.........

Hillary beats Trump by an average of 9 points in recent polling.With her lead slowly growing.

1 in 4 republican voter indicate they will defect to Hillary if Trump is the nominee.

Trump has a 65% disapproval rating, one of the highest ever recorded for a candidate.

About 55% people indicate they would never vote for Trump.

You ignore it all. Good luck with that.
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Only in the heads of the delusional, eagle.

I am the straightest shooter on the Board, and as a Ford Republican I will always tell it as I see it.

You listen to me, for starters,shakey.
Losers always say they are winners.............Look at the score are losing...........that is all that counts for the time being now.........

Can't help it that losers try to buy off the refs to win the game..........You are a loser...........and the score board..........well talks for itself.
Yep, Trump can't get the majority of delegates. You are right, he is a loser.
Trump could not be as popular as he is if the OP were anywhere close to true. Someone is delusional.
Bolded words do not change that you are a minority of the party, and the majority of the party disagrees with you and Trump.
uh, yeah, that's why he has won most of the primaries by wide margins. you need to put down the gonja pipe.
His victories do not add up to a majority of the voters. Get to the convention. You will find that out.

Look dude, we all know that you don't like Trump, but you are not going to change anyone's mind who does. Attacking him only helps him, his numbers go up after each new attack. So keep it up.

If the RNC decides to screw itself again, then so be it. if they choose to ignore the votes of the people in the primaries then they will get the worst possible president, HRC.

His numbers have been going down after his horrible week in Wisconsin.

What is more important to you, bashing Trump or keeping Hillary out of office?

your priorities are really fucked up.

I'd rather have the criminal with the nuclear codes than the thin-skinned, unstable, narcissistic, undisciplined, divisive, handicap-mocking, punching-in-the-face blowhard.

And so would most other Americans.

Hillary is a weak candidate, but the Republican base has gone Full Retard, backing the most unqualified and unprepared man to run for office in my lifetime.
I think I saw where Reagan was in the same spot as Trump, and we all know what happened then. the Reagan Revolution :banana:
Hillary beats Trump by an average of 9 points in recent polling.With her lead slowly growing.

1 in 4 republican voter indicate they will defect to Hillary if Trump is the nominee.

Trump has a 65% disapproval rating, one of the highest ever recorded for a candidate.

About 55% people indicate they would never vote for Trump.

You ignore it all. Good luck with that.

Trump and trumps chumps have us EXACTLY where they want us.

Its the Grand Elusion. Or should that be Grand Delusion?
I think I saw where Reagan was in the same spot as Trump, and we all know what happened then. the Reagan Revolution :banana:

No he wasn't. Trump is trailing much more than Reagan ever did.

Only Slick Willie was further behind at this time and won.

The other seven Presidential candidates since Reagan who were also trailing? They all lost.
you republicans have ONE chance at the presidency ,,, and not any of the 3 ah's you name come to mind
Paul Ryan is your only hope,,,,,,,,,,
Trump can overcome his negatives, Hillary cannot overcome hers. Therefore, Trump will be the next president.

How do you figure Trump can overcome his negatives? His biggest negative is himself.

Furthermore, his second biggest negative is that the GOP would rather run Donald Duck than Donald Trump. How's he planning to overcome THAT? So far, he's doing a craptastic job of it.

if the RNC ignores the votes of the people in the primaries, they will ensure the worst possible outcome---HRC as president, and they will destroy the GOP. They may actually be that stupid. We shall see.
uh, yeah, that's why he has won most of the primaries by wide margins. you need to put down the gonja pipe.
His victories do not add up to a majority of the voters. Get to the convention. You will find that out.

Look dude, we all know that you don't like Trump, but you are not going to change anyone's mind who does. Attacking him only helps him, his numbers go up after each new attack. So keep it up.

If the RNC decides to screw itself again, then so be it. if they choose to ignore the votes of the people in the primaries then they will get the worst possible president, HRC.

His numbers have been going down after his horrible week in Wisconsin.

What is more important to you, bashing Trump or keeping Hillary out of office?

your priorities are really fucked up.

I'd rather have the criminal with the nuclear codes than the thin-skinned, unstable, narcissistic, undisciplined, divisive, handicap-mocking, punching-in-the-face blowhard.

And so would most other Americans.

Hillary is a weak candidate, but the Republican base has gone Full Retard, backing the most unqualified and unprepared man to run for office in my lifetime.

wrong, that was Obama.
You, Correll, above, have just described yourself, hypocrite.

You are the proof by assertion queen, Vigilante being the king, and Redfish the joker.

You keep saying that something is so with no evidence.

Fact: about slightly less than 40% of Pubs (21% of the electorate), want Trump.

Fact: no documented evidence exists that there is any ground swell for Trump from Dems, centrists, progressives, liberals, or Martians.

Fact: you know that a majority of GOP have not voted for Trump.

Fact: many, including some on this Board, self-identified Republicans from mainstream to leadership say they will not vote for Trump; they have said so repeatedly.

Fact: overwhelming majorities of women, Hispanics, blacks, millennials, etc., have a negative image of Trump.

Conclusion: Trump will sweep all before him. Now there is a proof of assertion without any demonstrable evidence other than about 8% of the total electorate have voted for Trump.

Second Conclusion: You are laughable.

so the primary votes so far mean nothing? you are a joke.
Redfish is the Proof of False Statement Fallacy queen. I never said such a thing.

that was clearly your implication, dipshit. The dems are already dumping on their voters via the super delegate fiasco.

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