Trump has the worst negatives of just about any candidate in modern history.

You, Correll, above, have just described yourself, hypocrite.

You are the proof by assertion queen, Vigilante being the king, and Redfish the joker.

You keep saying that something is so with no evidence.

Fact: about slightly less than 40% of Pubs (21% of the electorate), want Trump.

Fact: no documented evidence exists that there is any ground swell for Trump from Dems, centrists, progressives, liberals, or Martians.

Fact: you know that a majority of GOP have not voted for Trump.

Fact: many, including some on this Board, self-identified Republicans from mainstream to leadership say they will not vote for Trump; they have said so repeatedly.

Fact: overwhelming majorities of women, Hispanics, blacks, millennials, etc., have a negative image of Trump.

Conclusion: Trump will sweep all before him. Now there is a proof of assertion without any demonstrable evidence other than about 8% of the total electorate have voted for Trump.

Second Conclusion: You are laughable.
You, Correll, above, have just described yourself, hypocrite.

You are the proof by assertion queen, Vigilante being the king, and Redfish the joker.

You keep saying that something is so with no evidence.

Fact: about slightly less than 40% of Pubs (21% of the electorate), want Trump.

Fact: no documented evidence exists that there is any ground swell for Trump from Dems, centrists, progressives, liberals, or Martians.

Fact: you know that a majority of GOP have not voted for Trump.

Fact: many, including some on this Board, self-identified Republicans from mainstream to leadership say they will not vote for Trump; they have said so repeatedly.

Fact: overwhelming majorities of women, Hispanics, blacks, millennials, etc., have a negative image of Trump.

Conclusion: Trump will sweep all before him. Now there is a proof of assertion without any demonstrable evidence other than about 8% of the total electorate have voted for Trump.

Second Conclusion: You are laughable.

so the primary votes so far mean nothing? you are a joke.
You, Correll, above, have just described yourself, hypocrite.

You are the proof by assertion queen, Vigilante being the king, and Redfish the joker.

You keep saying that something is so with no evidence.

Fact: about slightly less than 40% of Pubs (21% of the electorate), want Trump.

Fact: no documented evidence exists that there is any ground swell for Trump from Dems, centrists, progressives, liberals, or Martians.

Fact: you know that a majority of GOP have not voted for Trump.

Fact: many, including some on this Board, self-identified Republicans from mainstream to leadership say they will not vote for Trump; they have said so repeatedly.

Fact: overwhelming majorities of women, Hispanics, blacks, millennials, etc., have a negative image of Trump.

Conclusion: Trump will sweep all before him. Now there is a proof of assertion without any demonstrable evidence other than about 8% of the total electorate have voted for Trump.

Second Conclusion: You are laughable.

so the primary votes so far mean nothing? you are a joke.
Redfish is the Proof of False Statement Fallacy queen. I never said such a thing.
What is "Far Right" about his campaign?
Really? You actually need this explained to you? :eek-52:

Just because the media tells you something, doesn't make it true.

My previous points, which you cut, still stands.

What is "Far Right" about his campaign?

Deporting Illegals?

Wanting to bring back manufacturing jobs?

Are these really issues that moderate Americans are against?

notice how he ran from the thread rather than answer a real question? liberals are the most disingenuous creatures on earth.
Ban all Muslims.

Punish women for abortions.

Mexican immigrants are rapists, "and some, I assume, are good people".

Endorsed by KKK. They clearly understand Trump better than you chumps.

Jean-Marie Le Pen endorses Donald Trump -

Trump has expressed such xenophobia and bigotry that even some far right European politicians have had to disavow him.

Europe’s far right can’t decide whether to love Donald Trump or loathe him

SAVAGE: The reason you’re popular is because of borders, because of immigration, because of the flood of Muslims coming into the country. I would almost say, Donald, please don’t let the moderate influences in your campaign take you off-point, it’s what got you where you are. Are you going to modify your campaign and move a little bit more to the center now?

TRUMP: You know, you just said it better than anybody could. It's what got me here and I'm leading by a lot.

Starting at 4:49:

ok, one at a time.

he never said "ban all muslims" what he said is that we need to stop muslim immigration until we can determine who we are letting in. Anyone with a functioning brain agrees with that

No, only bigots agree with that.

punish women for abortions: it was a set up and he fell for it.

A setup? "Should women be punished?" is a setup? BWA-HA-HA-HA! All he had to say was "No!". Done!

If Donald Trump can be tripped up by a tard like Matthews, he shouldn't be President.

The only reason it was a "setup" is because even Matthews can tell Trump has never been a conservative, which is why Trump trips over himself when asked policy questions which should be second nature to a real conservative. Matthews asked Trump a question which every real conservative would have handled with ease. Matthews busted Trump as someone who has NEVER been a conservative.

Too bad you chumps can't see that.

a candidate is not responsible for everyone who endorses him/her, nice try though.

You can tell a lot about a candidate by who likes him. And right wing extremists loooooove Trump.

Europe is overrun with "refugees" who are raping and murdering Europeans. Their opinion isn't worth shit.

And yet they are still taking in refugees, because they have bigger balls than you do.

the majority of americans are worried about our open borders and the flood of illegals, they agree with Trump and disagree with you libtards.

Savage asked Trump to stay far right and not move toward the center, and Trump acknowledged Savage as being correct about his political orientation. You have Trump himself admitting he is far right, dumbass. No ifs, ands, or buts.

The hilarious part is that Trump is a poser. He's never been right wing in his life, but he has you rubes completely fooled. He knows all he has to do is say the right words and you chumps will follow him anywhere.


most of the polls have been wrong about every aspect of this election.

the big unknown on the dem side is what happens when the FBI goes public with its findings that Hillary violated federal security laws multiple times.

But if you put stock in the opinions of 1000 "carefully selected random sample people" out of 330,000,000, then go for it. But remember the pollsters are being paid by someone with a vested interest in the outcome. Polls today are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it.
The polls have done pretty well. There were a few surprises, like Michigan, but for the most part they've done ok.

As far as the Hillary indictment goes, we will see. I suspect strongly she won't be indicted. I'm not a Hillary fan though, so if she is indicted c'est la vie.
so the primary votes so far mean nothing? you are a joke.
They mean Trump has a very high floor in terms of support. That's not the same as a high ceiling. It's not the same as a Majority. It's not the same as "he will win in the general". None of those are implied by his victories so far. He's made his case for being President by appealing to about the narrowest plurality possible to win. That won't work in the general. It likely isn't going to work in the rest of the primary season.
Trump can overcome his negatives, Hillary cannot overcome hers. Therefore, Trump will be the next president.

How do you figure Trump can overcome his negatives? His biggest negative is himself.

Furthermore, his second biggest negative is that the GOP would rather run Donald Duck than Donald Trump. How's he planning to overcome THAT? So far, he's doing a craptastic job of it.
Here is your boy saying anything just like what the far right accused Romney of doing

Donald Trump: Don’t Change Abortion Laws, “The Laws are Set, We Have to Leave it That Way”

shall I post a list of Hillary quotes? I'll only post the lies but it will be a very long list.

Just wondering who is stopping you. But do you know who is the liar of the year?

PolitiFact awards Donald Trump its 'Lie of the Year'

"we landed under sniper fire"
"it was caused by a video"
"our foundation never takes bribes"
"I always try to be truthful"
"I have no ties to wallstreet"
"I never sent classified data on my personal server"
"I care about the little people"
"I owe no favors to special interests"
"I never took money from fossil fuel companies"

65% of americans use the word "liar" as the first choice of a word to describe her.

She is a terrible person and a very flawed candidate, Trump will destroy her in a debate.

That's a joke. Hillary will trash this ignorant candidate.

Trump Is the Ignorant Candidate Ignorant Americans Deserve
Trumps poling among women is at record lows

Who do you think those votes go to?
Did you get that from the TV? :lol:

Gotta love talking points and polls that poll 178 women. Exit polls from several primaries show Trump doing better with women than any other GOP candidate, but that don't let get in the way of you swallowing the propaganda
Trump supporting women are a very small portion of all American women, ck.
women don't tend to support Republicans as it is because as you know.....Republicans hate women.
As my Chief of Statt used to say, 'personal feelings have nothing to with it. What does intel tell us the other guy has got.' Donald seems determined to piss everyone in America off except 35% of the GOP. If that is his goal, he is succeeding.

At the moment he is competing against Cruz, Kasich, Hillary, Bernie, the DNC, the establishment GOP, and most of the media-----------and still winning.

Once it comes down to Trump vs. hildebeast, things will change. Her negatives are very strong and ingrained, his are being created by the media wonks and the Cruz and Kasich campaigns.

Fear not, this will not last. The American people are not as stupid as the dems and the media think they are.

The fact that he's been competing with multiple opponents in the primaries is the only reason he IS winning.
Recent comments are laughable.

Between Trump and Cruz they have 80% of the vote and delegates.
Trump has a clear path to the magic number.
Cruz can do it only if Trump Royally fucks up.

If the Magic number is not reached then by the current rules of convention.....Rule 40.......the only 2 candidates that delegates can vote for is Trump and Cruz because you must win 8 states for nomination. Kasich or another candidate can only be in the nomination unless they change the rules mid course..............Which would be CORRUPT to HELL AND BACK...............and it can only be done if the Delegates themselves change the rules................These delegates are delegates for Trump and it's not that great a chance they will change between the 2 candidates with the votes.

To the Trump can't win...........The pundits and Monday Morning quarterbacks have been wrong time and time again............and you just don't listen to those who are wrong all the time.............Because that will be plain stupid.

Trump is picking up disgruntled Blue Dog Voters across the country who can't stand Hillary.............Which is why the primary numbers are up in this race......................Yet Cruz supporters are talking about JUMPING SHIP by not voting at all, or voting for Hillary.................I don't see a crystal ball with that exact number on which offset number would be greater......

So the people making these accusations are simply desperate people who are LOSING this election in the sense they have Butt Hurt that they are not getting their way..........Cry me a River.
Did you get that from the TV? :lol:

Gotta love talking points and polls that poll 178 women. Exit polls from several primaries show Trump doing better with women than any other GOP candidate, but that don't let get in the way of you swallowing the propaganda
Trump supporting women are a very small portion of all American women, ck.
women don't tend to support Republicans as it is because as you know.....Republicans hate women.
As my Chief of Statt used to say, 'personal feelings have nothing to with it. What does intel tell us the other guy has got.' Donald seems determined to piss everyone in America off except 35% of the GOP. If that is his goal, he is succeeding.

At the moment he is competing against Cruz, Kasich, Hillary, Bernie, the DNC, the establishment GOP, and most of the media-----------and still winning.

Once it comes down to Trump vs. hildebeast, things will change. Her negatives are very strong and ingrained, his are being created by the media wonks and the Cruz and Kasich campaigns.

Fear not, this will not last. The American people are not as stupid as the dems and the media think they are.

The fact that he's been competing with multiple opponents in the primaries is the only reason he IS winning.
And yet in Northern states that have not yet voted he is beating Cruz....................Cruz can't take many of those states, and Kasich is trying to stop the magic number by staying in the race............he has more pull up there than Cruz..........without Kasich in these states there would be little doubt Trump would get to 1237
Redfish, the GOP minority has said flatly and loudly it will not vote for Trump.

There is absolutely no indication of even a 1/10th of a groundswell against HRC. You are delusional if you think that can happen.

We will not let Trump be president.

you are a victim of media propaganda. and who the fuck is "we" in your last sentence?
You are being hysterical again. The media is fairly reporting the campaigns for the most part. Your man has almost no chance to be president. The GOP members who oppose him will ensure he is not president. That is who "we" are.

we will see in the next few weeks. If Trump takes the next few primaries its over.

how about a Trump/Kasich ticket? would that work for you?

Kasich Promises Open Convention: 'It Will Be So Cool'

Kasich is staying in the race in hopes of preventing either Donald Trump or Ted Cruz from achieving the 1,237 delegates needed secure the nomination on the first vote at the convention.

Though delegates are bound on the first vote, most can change them in subsequent voting, and Kasich told host George Stephanopoulos that they will realize they are being held responsible for picking someone who can be commander-in-chief, leader of the free world and beat Clinton.

"And I'm the only one that consistently does it," he said.

How many delegates do you have now Kasich......................Rubio had more than you.............But no matter how many times you hit the canvas you keep getting this time you'll knock the others out...............LOL

Trumps poling among women is at record lows

Who do you think those votes go to?
Did you get that from the TV? :lol:

Gotta love talking points and polls that poll 178 women. Exit polls from several primaries show Trump doing better with women than any other GOP candidate, but that don't let get in the way of you swallowing the propaganda
All I know is what I read on USMB

:lol: well played. I love a good sense of humor :thup:

We are going to get Hillary because people distrust folks like Trump and Redfish even more than her.

Hillary is having trouble beating Sanders dude and when the SD's take the nomination away from him all, if not most, of his supporters will bail on the election. Well at least thats what they are threatening. They may change their mind when they see that if they bail Trump will step into the WH without even breaking a sweat.

Hillary has a lot of problems and all one needs to do is look at whats happening. Sanders is embarrassing her in these primaries. For him to be doing as well as he is says a lot. He's a 74 year old bum who is giving her a run for her money. Thats fucked up :lol: :lol:
The Dems will hold together, regardless of who gets the nomination. To think any democrat is going to sit down when they can get up to three SCOTUS appointments is senseless thinking. That's what pisses me off about the GOP. Too many are ready to throw all of that away in a hissy fit if they don't get Donald.

In effect the Establishment is telling us Trump supporters that they hold us in as much contempt as you do Jakey.

You don't get to do that and then ask for our support.

Trump's supporters are reciprocating by telling all the Republican voters who DON'T support Trump that they hold us in contempt, and just want to bully and bullshit us the same way the GOPe has done.

Keep the need to ask for support later in mind.
The GOP wants your support sensibly. If not, the GOP mainstream wants you gone. We will take the defeat if we have to in order to run you off. Then we get to blame you folks for the SCOTUS picks HRC is going to ram down our throats.
A power-hungry/defending party openly scheming to nullify their base's votes / choice knows nothing about 'sensible support'. They are determined to impose their will on others. OBEDIENCE is what they want.

No one's trying to "nullify" anything. The rules are the rules, same for Donald Trump as for everyone. Seems to me that Donny's supporters are the ones trying to "nullify" the votes of everyone else by demanding special rules to validate their "entitlement".
All I know is what I read on USMB

:lol: well played. I love a good sense of humor :thup:

We are going to get Hillary because people distrust folks like Trump and Redfish even more than her.

Hillary is having trouble beating Sanders dude and when the SD's take the nomination away from him all, if not most, of his supporters will bail on the election. Well at least thats what they are threatening. They may change their mind when they see that if they bail Trump will step into the WH without even breaking a sweat.

Hillary has a lot of problems and all one needs to do is look at whats happening. Sanders is embarrassing her in these primaries. For him to be doing as well as he is says a lot. He's a 74 year old bum who is giving her a run for her money. Thats fucked up :lol: :lol:
The Dems will hold together, regardless of who gets the nomination. To think any democrat is going to sit down when they can get up to three SCOTUS appointments is senseless thinking. That's what pisses me off about the GOP. Too many are ready to throw all of that away in a hissy fit if they don't get Donald.

In effect the Establishment is telling us Trump supporters that they hold us in as much contempt as you do Jakey.

You don't get to do that and then ask for our support.
The GOP wants your support sensibly. If not, the GOP mainstream wants you gone. We will take the defeat if we have to in order to run you off. Then we get to blame you folks for the SCOTUS picks HRC is going to ram down our throats.

It is not sensible for a political party to attack it's own front runner and to join in the marginalization of a significant portion of it's own base.

If you get your way and sideline Trump, you will take this defeat and every one that comes after it.

Hillary will keep the borders open and by the time she is out of office, the GOP will be done as a national party.

This is on you and yours.

It's perfectly sensible when 1) the frontrunner is hardly "their own", 2) the majority of their voters actively dislike the frontrunner, and 3) he stands very little chance of actually winning a general election. I know Trump supporters love to ignore and lie away that fact, but the GOP doesn't have that luxury.

So if Hillary Clinton wins, the Trumpettes still own a big, hefty share of it.
Did you get that from the TV? :lol:

Gotta love talking points and polls that poll 178 women. Exit polls from several primaries show Trump doing better with women than any other GOP candidate, but that don't let get in the way of you swallowing the propaganda
All I know is what I read on USMB

:lol: well played. I love a good sense of humor :thup:

We are going to get Hillary because people distrust folks like Trump and Redfish even more than her.

Hillary is having trouble beating Sanders dude and when the SD's take the nomination away from him all, if not most, of his supporters will bail on the election. Well at least thats what they are threatening. They may change their mind when they see that if they bail Trump will step into the WH without even breaking a sweat.

Hillary has a lot of problems and all one needs to do is look at whats happening. Sanders is embarrassing her in these primaries. For him to be doing as well as he is says a lot. He's a 74 year old bum who is giving her a run for her money. Thats fucked up :lol: :lol:
The Dems will hold together, regardless of who gets the nomination. To think any democrat is going to sit down when they can get up to three SCOTUS appointments is senseless thinking. That's what pisses me off about the GOP. Too many are ready to throw all of that away in a hissy fit if they don't get Donald.

In effect the Establishment is telling us Trump supporters that they hold us in as much contempt as you do Jakey.

You don't get to do that and then ask for our support.

Trump's supporters are reciprocating by telling all the Republican voters who DON'T support Trump that they hold us in contempt, and just want to bully and bullshit us the same way the GOPe has done.

Keep the need to ask for support later in mind.
You vote how you will.........and so will I...............if you don't vote for the winner and hand Hillary then you own it..........and a Stacked Supreme Court..................You remember that when Judicial Activism of the left wing hits historic levels in this country..........I'll remind you.
The GOP wants your support sensibly. If not, the GOP mainstream wants you gone. We will take the defeat if we have to in order to run you off. Then we get to blame you folks for the SCOTUS picks HRC is going to ram down our throats.

It is not sensible for a political party to attack it's own front runner and to join in the marginalization of a significant portion of it's own base.

If you get your way and sideline Trump, you will take this defeat and every one that comes after it.

Hillary will keep the borders open and by the time she is out of office, the GOP will be done as a national party.

This is on you and yours.

Or don't sideline Trump....and take this defeat and every one that comes after it.

The GOP is basically picking between flavors of dog shit.

Siding with Trump would mean NOT attacking a significant portion of their base.

True enough. But it would mean that a significant portion of the GOP base that can't stand trump would either sit out the election or vote for Hillary. Which is about 1 in 4 GOP voters.

Plus, Trump is ludicrously unpopular with the general electorate. With about 55% of those polled indicating they would never vote Trump. And Trump pulling down some of the highest unfavorable ratings in polling history.

So......go with Trump, and the GOP is fucked.

Don't go with Trump, and the GOP is fucked.

Its just one big bucket of dogshit for the Grand Ol' Party.

If the GOP leadership had taken steps to denounce the absurd propaganda about Trump, instead of supporting it at every opportunity, the negatives, at least among Republicans would not be as bad as they are now.

Ditto among Independents who don't always vote dem.

Instead they joined in on the Dog pile against their own front runner and their own base.

This is inexcusable and unforgivable behavior.

Absurd propaganda like what? Quoting his actual words?

Speaking as a long-time conservative Republican who is a staunch member of the #NeverTrump movement, I can assure you that there's nothing the GOPe could have done to make me hate him less, let alone support him.

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