Trump has the worst negatives of just about any candidate in modern history.

Redfish, the GOP minority has said flatly and loudly it will not vote for Trump.

There is absolutely no indication of even a 1/10th of a groundswell against HRC. You are delusional if you think that can happen.

We will not let Trump be president.

you are a victim of media propaganda. and who the fuck is "we" in your last sentence?
You are being hysterical again. The media is fairly reporting the campaigns for the most part. Your man has almost no chance to be president. The GOP members who oppose him will ensure he is not president. That is who "we" are.

we will see in the next few weeks. If Trump takes the next few primaries its over.

how about a Trump/Kasich ticket? would that work for you?
That would work for long as Trump dropped dead on January 21, 2017.

Hillary is much more likely to drop dead. She has major brain health issues. Who would you like to see as her VP?
It is not sensible for a political party to attack it's own front runner and to join in the marginalization of a significant portion of it's own base.

If you get your way and sideline Trump, you will take this defeat and every one that comes after it.

Hillary will keep the borders open and by the time she is out of office, the GOP will be done as a national party.

This is on you and yours.

The reason why there is so much hostility towards Trump from within the GOP is because many believe Trump will lead the party to a historic defeat, and damage the party amongst the fastest growing segments of the population.

Trump isn't unpopular with wide swaths of the population because the party is attacking him. The party is attacking him because he is unpopular with wide swaths of the population.

The GOP has been losing those segments of the population for decades before Trump.

Losing by slightly more is not reason enough to attack your own base.

The behavior of the GOP leadership, is either madness or a complete selling out to our political enemies.

The GOP doesn't have to win those groups. They have to be competitive.

W won 44% of the Hispanic vote and won. Romney won 27% and lost. Right now, Hillary is leading Trump 72%-16% amongst Hispanics.

That's a death knell.

If we can counter the lies of the dems, those numbers can be changed.

Too bad the GOP leadership, and GOP establishment partisans are SUPPORTING those lies instead of challenging them.

YOu guys don't get to wage a massive campaign supporting the most vile lies about a man and then point to his negatives as a reason for attacking him.

What vile lies?

Trump's behavior has been vile. That's what has caused his sky high unpopularity.

If he is the nominee, all the Democrats have to do is play what he has said on a continuous loop. They don't have to do much else.

What lies?

Such as the fact that he wants to deport illegals makes him fucking Hitler.

YOu do realize that by supporting the idea that Trump and thus a large percentage of the GOP voters are racist, that you guys are supporting and strengthening the meme that that GOP is racist?

That damage won't go away after this election. YOu talk about wanting to compete with minorities but you and yours are supporting the Myth of Republican Racism in the pursuit of your goals.

SMooth move there.
The reason why there is so much hostility towards Trump from within the GOP is because many believe Trump will lead the party to a historic defeat, and damage the party amongst the fastest growing segments of the population.

Trump isn't unpopular with wide swaths of the population because the party is attacking him. The party is attacking him because he is unpopular with wide swaths of the population.

The GOP has been losing those segments of the population for decades before Trump.

Losing by slightly more is not reason enough to attack your own base.

The behavior of the GOP leadership, is either madness or a complete selling out to our political enemies.

The GOP doesn't have to win those groups. They have to be competitive.

W won 44% of the Hispanic vote and won. Romney won 27% and lost. Right now, Hillary is leading Trump 72%-16% amongst Hispanics.

That's a death knell.

If we can counter the lies of the dems, those numbers can be changed.

Too bad the GOP leadership, and GOP establishment partisans are SUPPORTING those lies instead of challenging them.

YOu guys don't get to wage a massive campaign supporting the most vile lies about a man and then point to his negatives as a reason for attacking him.

What vile lies?

Trump's behavior has been vile. That's what has caused his sky high unpopularity.

If he is the nominee, all the Democrats have to do is play what he has said on a continuous loop. They don't have to do much else.

What lies?

Such as the fact that he wants to deport illegals makes him fucking Hitler.

YOu do realize that by supporting the idea that Trump and thus a large percentage of the GOP voters are racist, that you guys are supporting and strengthening the meme that that GOP is racist?

That damage won't go away after this election. YOu talk about wanting to compete with minorities but you and yours are supporting the Myth of Republican Racism in the pursuit of your goals.

SMooth move there.

many on USMB are not what they claim to be. many are plants posting propaganda. take it for what it is.

IF the leadership still puts the interests of their enemies ahead of the interests and wishes. of their party rank and file.
You the minority of the rank and file are not listening to the majority. We see you and Trump as the enemy of America and the sane GOP.

We hear you. We have heard your concerns.

We disagree, and we have been winning the primaries.

That is where it should stand.

Instead, now we hear you allying with our enemies and waging a propaganda campaign against our leader and ourselves.

YOur hysterical justifications for you vile actions are noted and cited as further evidence of your betrayal.
You are the one acting hysterically vile, :lol: Correll, when you are reminded you are the minority, and Trump will not get the delegate majority before convention time. The majority of the party has voted against him and will continue to do so.

Stating that the "majority" of the party has voted against him is dishonest.

He has by far the most delegates. That you have to compare him to ELEVEN other people to exceed his support shows how he is not just the Front Runner but completely dominating the Primaries.

dishonesty is the primary characteristic of jakey boy. He is nothing but a parrot for the dem/lib talking point generators. do not take him seriously, he is a joke.

More of an asshole, but yes.
The GOP has been losing those segments of the population for decades before Trump.

Losing by slightly more is not reason enough to attack your own base.

The behavior of the GOP leadership, is either madness or a complete selling out to our political enemies.

The GOP doesn't have to win those groups. They have to be competitive.

W won 44% of the Hispanic vote and won. Romney won 27% and lost. Right now, Hillary is leading Trump 72%-16% amongst Hispanics.

That's a death knell.

If we can counter the lies of the dems, those numbers can be changed.

Too bad the GOP leadership, and GOP establishment partisans are SUPPORTING those lies instead of challenging them.

YOu guys don't get to wage a massive campaign supporting the most vile lies about a man and then point to his negatives as a reason for attacking him.

What vile lies?

Trump's behavior has been vile. That's what has caused his sky high unpopularity.

If he is the nominee, all the Democrats have to do is play what he has said on a continuous loop. They don't have to do much else.

What lies?

Such as the fact that he wants to deport illegals makes him fucking Hitler.

YOu do realize that by supporting the idea that Trump and thus a large percentage of the GOP voters are racist, that you guys are supporting and strengthening the meme that that GOP is racist?

That damage won't go away after this election. YOu talk about wanting to compete with minorities but you and yours are supporting the Myth of Republican Racism in the pursuit of your goals.

SMooth move there.

many on USMB are not what they claim to be. many are plants posting propaganda. take it for what it is.

I believe that Toro is a republican.

I just think that he is wrong to consider Trump to be the problem and insanely wrong to ally with the lib media in trying to destroy the Republican Front Runner.
Redfish, the GOP minority has said flatly and loudly it will not vote for Trump.

There is absolutely no indication of even a 1/10th of a groundswell against HRC. You are delusional if you think that can happen.

We will not let Trump be president.

you are a victim of media propaganda. and who the fuck is "we" in your last sentence?
You are being hysterical again. The media is fairly reporting the campaigns for the most part. Your man has almost no chance to be president. The GOP members who oppose him will ensure he is not president. That is who "we" are.

has Hillary been asked any questions harder than "whats your favorite color" ?
The GOP doesn't have to win those groups. They have to be competitive.

W won 44% of the Hispanic vote and won. Romney won 27% and lost. Right now, Hillary is leading Trump 72%-16% amongst Hispanics.

That's a death knell.

If we can counter the lies of the dems, those numbers can be changed.

Too bad the GOP leadership, and GOP establishment partisans are SUPPORTING those lies instead of challenging them.

YOu guys don't get to wage a massive campaign supporting the most vile lies about a man and then point to his negatives as a reason for attacking him.

What vile lies?

Trump's behavior has been vile. That's what has caused his sky high unpopularity.

If he is the nominee, all the Democrats have to do is play what he has said on a continuous loop. They don't have to do much else.

What lies?

Such as the fact that he wants to deport illegals makes him fucking Hitler.

YOu do realize that by supporting the idea that Trump and thus a large percentage of the GOP voters are racist, that you guys are supporting and strengthening the meme that that GOP is racist?

That damage won't go away after this election. YOu talk about wanting to compete with minorities but you and yours are supporting the Myth of Republican Racism in the pursuit of your goals.

SMooth move there.

many on USMB are not what they claim to be. many are plants posting propaganda. take it for what it is.

I believe that Toro is a republican.

I just think that he is wrong to consider Trump to be the problem and insanely wrong to ally with the lib media in trying to destroy the Republican Front Runner.

you are being kind.
But let's help you out. What Trump says does not help you, Redfish.

A significant minority of the Party will not vote for Trump as president.

and a significant minority of democrats will not vote for Hillary. What point exactly are you trying to make?

democrats are ambivalent about Hillary, or they hate her. Zero republicans will vote for her.

half of the GOP is excited about Trump, democrats will cross over and vote for him, independents favor Trump over Clinton.

I get it that you hate Trump, that's fine. But you are living in a fantasy world if you think there will be any enthusiasm to vote for the hildebeast.
Polling data shows a vast vast majority of Democrats are ok with the idea of Hillary as the nominee. They won't stay home out of spite for her. If anything, a Trump GOP candidacy will motivate them to show up and vote for Hillary more than Hillary will.

The reverse is not true for the GOP. Many many many polls show GOP voters are absolutely NOT ok with Trump and will stay home if he is the nominee. Don't try to draw false equivalencies here. The GOP race and DNC race are in vastly different places.
Trump is between 38 and 43% of the total and that is not a majority. If you force Trump on the majority, HRC walks away with the election and three SCOTUS nominations.

If the GOP leadership manages to fix the game and put forth some toady of their choosing, it will not only lose this election, but damage the party permanently.
Obviously we are not the whole base. Thanks for stating the obvious.

My point stands. It is utter madness or complete corruption for the Leadership to join with the lib media in attacking their own front runner and A SIGNIFICANT PORTION of their base.

Do you have anything to offer relevant to my actual point?
Bolded words do not change that you are a minority of the party, and the majority of the party disagrees with you and Trump.
uh, yeah, that's why he has won most of the primaries by wide margins. you need to put down the gonja pipe.
His victories do not add up to a majority of the voters. Get to the convention. You will find that out.

Look dude, we all know that you don't like Trump, but you are not going to change anyone's mind who does. Attacking him only helps him, his numbers go up after each new attack. So keep it up.

If the RNC decides to screw itself again, then so be it. if they choose to ignore the votes of the people in the primaries then they will get the worst possible president, HRC.

His numbers have been going down after his horrible week in Wisconsin.

Proving that no one is immune to constant and relentless personal attacks.

YOu and your lefty allies should be proud.

Are you?
A significant minority of the Trumpeters are loud racists. We have some on the Board, as you well know.

37% of 21% of the GOP is a mandate for Trump to step down.

Crying, whining, yelling, etc., is not going to do it for the likes of the Corrells and the Redfishes.

They are in delusional land, which means when the inevitable happens, they will need to go on heavy meds.

In the meantime, we will have HRC and a blue Congress, thanks to the Trumpeters.
Here is your boy saying anything just like what the far right accused Romney of doing

Donald Trump: Don’t Change Abortion Laws, “The Laws are Set, We Have to Leave it That Way”
shall I post a list of Hillary quotes? I'll only post the lies but it will be a very long list.
Why the deflection? We know they are both trashy. Let's go with a real American, Kasich.

early on I liked Kasich, but he has made an ass of himself recently. He is as much a narcissist as Obama. Did you know that his father was a mailman?

It's amusing that you think Kasich is an ass but Trump is not.

And Trump is a bigger narcissist than Obama x10.

Trump supporters have a YUGE messiah complex.

No, we really don't. Who told you that lie?
A significant minority of the Trumpeters are loud racists. We have some on the Board, as you well know.

37% of 21% of the GOP is a mandate for Trump to step down.

Crying, whining, yelling, etc., is not going to do it for the likes of the Corrells and the Redfishes.

They are in delusional land, which means when the inevitable happens, they will need to go on heavy meds.

In the meantime, we will have HRC and a blue Congress, thanks to the Trumpeters.

YOu see racism where you want to see racism.

It is not racist to want to deport illegals.

It is the law.

It is the responsibility of the President to DO THAT.
A significant minority of the Trumpeters are loud racists. We have some on the Board, as you well know.

37% of 21% of the GOP is a mandate for Trump to step down.

Crying, whining, yelling, etc., is not going to do it for the likes of the Corrells and the Redfishes.

They are in delusional land, which means when the inevitable happens, they will need to go on heavy meds.

In the meantime, we will have HRC and a blue Congress, thanks to the Trumpeters.

YOu see racism where you want to see racism.

It is not racist to want to deport illegals.

It is the law.

It is the responsibility of the President to DO THAT.
Only you are equating deportation with racism, not me. But, yes, many do think that Trump is racist for demonizing Hispanics.
Take your best shot, Trumpeters, because the numbers only get increasingly worse for you each year in the future.
Call the right people and you can poll all the negatives you need but the polls seem to clash with reality as usual.
Polls generally don't clash with reality. The people that generally say that are the people who don't like what the polls are showing.
The only saving grace could be Hillarys negatives are high as well.

Which begs the question. Why are the two biggest losers winning?

That's what is so frustrating.

Hillary is a weak candidate.

But because the Republican base has decided to go Full Retard and is throwing a temper tantrum at its leaders, it is throwing away a golden opportunity to win the Presidency and shape the SCOTUS for years to come.
Says the poster who has vowed to vote Hillary in the election............Look in the mirror when you see who will cause it.

Millions of moderate suburbanite Republicans will come to the conclusion that the criminal is better than the unstable, thin-skinned, vain narcissist.

Better to have the liar with the nuclear codes than the uninformed ignoramus.

Congratulations on your temper tantrum.

Trump is not unstable or a narcissist. Those are propaganda talking points that you have been lied into believing.

HIs "thin skin" is a persuasion technique and part of his negotiation and debating style.

Vain? EVERYONE who runs for the Presidency thinks they are the right person to be the most powerful man in the world.

God luck finding a non-vain presidential candidate.
Take your best shot, Trumpeters, because the numbers only get increasingly worse for you each year in the future.

Those numbers are bad for you too, jakey.

Or do you think your new Democrat Overlords are going to give you a pass because you aren't "Racist"? LOL!!
But let's help you out. What Trump says does not help you, Redfish.

A significant minority of the Party will not vote for Trump as president.

and a significant minority of democrats will not vote for Hillary. What point exactly are you trying to make?

democrats are ambivalent about Hillary, or they hate her. Zero republicans will vote for her.

half of the GOP is excited about Trump, democrats will cross over and vote for him, independents favor Trump over Clinton.

I get it that you hate Trump, that's fine. But you are living in a fantasy world if you think there will be any enthusiasm to vote for the hildebeast.
Polling data shows a vast vast majority of Democrats are ok with the idea of Hillary as the nominee. They won't stay home out of spite for her. If anything, a Trump GOP candidacy will motivate them to show up and vote for Hillary more than Hillary will.

The reverse is not true for the GOP. Many many many polls show GOP voters are absolutely NOT ok with Trump and will stay home if he is the nominee. Don't try to draw false equivalencies here. The GOP race and DNC race are in vastly different places.

most of the polls have been wrong about every aspect of this election.

the big unknown on the dem side is what happens when the FBI goes public with its findings that Hillary violated federal security laws multiple times.

But if you put stock in the opinions of 1000 "carefully selected random sample people" out of 330,000,000, then go for it. But remember the pollsters are being paid by someone with a vested interest in the outcome. Polls today are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it.

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