Trump has the worst negatives of just about any candidate in modern history.

85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?

Who would have guessed anyone would have ever beat Jimmy Carter? I imagine the election results will be about the same between Reagan/Carter too-LOL
There you go with a fallacy of a false derivative analogy.
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The only saving grace could be Hillarys negatives are high as well.

Which begs the question. Why are the two biggest losers winning?

That's what is so frustrating.

Hillary is a weak candidate.

But because the Republican base has decided to go Full Retard and is throwing a temper tantrum at its leaders, it is throwing away a golden opportunity to win the Presidency and shape the SCOTUS for years to come.
Says the poster who has vowed to vote Hillary in the election............Look in the mirror when you see who will cause it.

Millions of moderate suburbanite Republicans will come to the conclusion that the criminal is better than the unstable, thin-skinned, vain narcissist.

Better to have the liar with the nuclear codes than the uninformed ignoramus.

Congratulations on your temper tantrum.
Did your imaginary friend say I was having a temper tantrum.............You have stated you will vote for Hillary........and I just saw you say if Cruz wins you would vote Libertarian................

Face need to go get that Hillary bumper sticker......................Mr. we need the TPP to save us all...............BS.
if Cruz get the GOP nomination I will fully support him. The most important thing any of us can do is keep Hillary Clinton out of power.
If Cruz or Kasich or Rubio get the nomination, I will vote for any one of them.

If Trump gets the nomination, I am not voting for President.

I'll vote for Hillary if Trump is the candidate. I'll probably vote Libertarian if Cruz is the candidate, though I might support Cruz. I'll vote for almost any other Republican if another emerges from the convention.
Do you have your Hillary Bumper Sticker yet.

Ha.Ha. they might as well put one on now.
if Cruz get the GOP nomination I will fully support him. The most important thing any of us can do is keep Hillary Clinton out of power.
If Cruz or Kasich or Rubio get the nomination, I will vote for any one of them.

If Trump gets the nomination, I am not voting for President.

I'll vote for Hillary if Trump is the candidate. I'll probably vote Libertarian if Cruz is the candidate, though I might support Cruz. I'll vote for almost any other Republican if another emerges from the convention.
Do you have your Hillary Bumper Sticker yet.

Ha.Ha. they might as well put one on now.
Why? Since you support Trump the man who consistently gave Hillary money for YEARS it is more likely you who needs the bumper sticker. You and the morons like you are pathetic with your hypocrisy. You dont get to call all who are against Trump liberal since the largest progressive liberal in the republican race IS trump.
Mailman? Are you batshit crazy??

Kasich is far superior to Trump as a human being and far more likely to be elected.

Kasich has opened almost every speech with "my father was a mailman". Where have you been?

Kasich is a politician, he is beholden to special interests just like the rest of them. I would certainly take him over the hildebeast or Bernie, but he is not what we need right now. We need someone who will shake up the establishment and actually do something to fix the mess we are in.

Sure, Trump is arrogant and very un PC. He is also successful and knows how to get things done, how to negotiate, and how to win.

But having said that, I will vote against Hillary or whoever the dems run. Keeping her out of power is more important than which republican gets the nomination.
Obviously we are not the whole base. Thanks for stating the obvious.

My point stands. It is utter madness or complete corruption for the Leadership to join with the lib media in attacking their own front runner and A SIGNIFICANT PORTION of their base.

Do you have anything to offer relevant to my actual point?
Bolded words do not change that you are a minority of the party, and the majority of the party disagrees with you and Trump.
uh, yeah, that's why he has won most of the primaries by wide margins. you need to put down the gonja pipe.
His victories do not add up to a majority of the voters. Get to the convention. You will find that out.

Look dude, we all know that you don't like Trump, but you are not going to change anyone's mind who does. Attacking him only helps him, his numbers go up after each new attack. So keep it up.

If the RNC decides to screw itself again, then so be it. if they choose to ignore the votes of the people in the primaries then they will get the worst possible president, HRC.

His numbers have been going down after his horrible week in Wisconsin.

What is more important to you, bashing Trump or keeping Hillary out of office?

your priorities are really fucked up.
You are bat shit crazy to be concerned that his dad was a mailman or that he notes his working class background.

You folks are being told you don't determine who the candidate will be with a minority of the vote, and some of that racist, nativist, anti-woman, and so forth.

If it takes electing HRC because good GOP don't vote or vote for Gary Johnson to make that point to you, we will. Your priorities are fucked up.
The only saving grace could be Hillarys negatives are high as well.

Which begs the question. Why are the two biggest losers winning?

That's what is so frustrating.

Hillary is a weak candidate.

But because the Republican base has decided to go Full Retard and is throwing a temper tantrum at its leaders, it is throwing away a golden opportunity to win the Presidency and shape the SCOTUS for years to come.
Says the poster who has vowed to vote Hillary in the election............Look in the mirror when you see who will cause it.

Millions of moderate suburbanite Republicans will come to the conclusion that the criminal is better than the unstable, thin-skinned, vain narcissist.

Better to have the liar with the nuclear codes than the uninformed ignoramus.

Congratulations on your temper tantrum.

We have a winner in the STUPID POST OF THE DAY CONTEST. The prise goes to Toro and its only 7:30 am.

Congratulations, stupid.
The only saving grace could be Hillarys negatives are high as well.

Which begs the question. Why are the two biggest losers winning?

That's what is so frustrating.

Hillary is a weak candidate.

But because the Republican base has decided to go Full Retard and is throwing a temper tantrum at its leaders, it is throwing away a golden opportunity to win the Presidency and shape the SCOTUS for years to come.
Says the poster who has vowed to vote Hillary in the election............Look in the mirror when you see who will cause it.

Millions of moderate suburbanite Republicans will come to the conclusion that the criminal is better than the unstable, thin-skinned, vain narcissist.

Better to have the liar with the nuclear codes than the uninformed ignoramus.

Congratulations on your temper tantrum.
We have a winner in the STUPID POST OF THE DAY CONTEST. The prise goes to Toro and its only 7:30 am.

Congratulations, stupid.
Toro is of course correct, as your ongoing temper tantrum reveals the silliness of your situation. The majority of the party rejects Trump.
You are bat shit crazy to be concerned that his dad was a mailman or that he notes his working class background.

You folks are being told you don't determine who the candidate will be with a minority of the vote, and some of that racist, nativist, anti-woman, and so forth.

If it takes electing HRC because good GOP don't vote or vote for Gary Johnson to make that point to you, we will. Your priorities are fucked up.

I am not the one who brought up the mailman thing, Kasich did. I understand why and that's great, but to keep repeating it every speech is kinda dumb.

You want to repeat the disasters of Dole and McCain rather than back someone who could win and has the support of real americans of all parties, sexes, incomes, races, and locations.

elect Hillary to "make a point" ? WTF is wrong with you?
The only saving grace could be Hillarys negatives are high as well.

Which begs the question. Why are the two biggest losers winning?

That's what is so frustrating.

Hillary is a weak candidate.

But because the Republican base has decided to go Full Retard and is throwing a temper tantrum at its leaders, it is throwing away a golden opportunity to win the Presidency and shape the SCOTUS for years to come.
Says the poster who has vowed to vote Hillary in the election............Look in the mirror when you see who will cause it.

Millions of moderate suburbanite Republicans will come to the conclusion that the criminal is better than the unstable, thin-skinned, vain narcissist.

Better to have the liar with the nuclear codes than the uninformed ignoramus.

Congratulations on your temper tantrum.
We have a winner in the STUPID POST OF THE DAY CONTEST. The prise goes to Toro and its only 7:30 am.

Congratulations, stupid.
Toro is of course correct, as your ongoing temper tantrum reveals the silliness of your situation. The majority of the party rejects Trump.

the next few primaries will confirm or deny that allegation. Hang around.
I hear ya, but i truly believe the man cares about the American People. I don't trust the same ole same ole career Globalist Politicians. I'm ready for change.
See, the irony here is that from the point of view of a lot of Trump supporters, the Founders were globalists.

They knew they were living in a larger world. They lived daily with the danger that screwing up international diplomacy could bring the European powers down on their heads in a heartbeat. It's not until well after the Civil War that the rest of the world even factored in the USA as a world power. It's not until after WWI that the US was even in a position to influence the direction of world politics. It's not until after WWII that the USA ascended to the position of world leader.

There's a reason that Treaty negotiations are done entirely by the Executive, that ratification requires the Senate and NOT the House, that Ambassadorships are approved by the Senate and NOT the House, and that the Supreme Court holds direct Constitutional authority over maritime law and elevates Treaties to the level of the Constitution. For the majority of US history the rise of a populist US first President would have immediately ended the USA.

There's a tendency here in the USA to think we are so powerful that we can literally tell the rest of the world to screw off. I assure you we can not. Russia still holds enough nukes for MAD. China holds enough financial power to wage the same results on the economic front. OPEC could plunge the US economy right off the cliff tomorrow (look how they outright neutered the US oil industry!).

I say this as someone who very much believes in US exceptionalism. Who very much believes I live in the outright best nation on this Earth. But you still have to be wary and aware of the world and the implications of what we do and say on an international stage. That's why Trump scares the hell out of me.

Our Founding Fathers put Americans first. Today's career Globalist Politicians don't. All you have to do is take a look at all the awful Trade Deals and Trade Deficits for proof.
easyt and Correll, your types are not the base. You are only a significant minority buttrying to act as if you have the weight and the pull of the majority of the party. You don't, you won't.

Obviously we are not the whole base. Thanks for stating the obvious.

My point stands. It is utter madness or complete corruption for the Leadership to join with the lib media in attacking their own front runner and A SIGNIFICANT PORTION of their base.

Do you have anything to offer relevant to my actual point?
Bolded words do not change that you are a minority of the party, and the majority of the party disagrees with you and Trump.

uh, yeah, that's why he has won most of the primaries by wide margins. you need to put down the gonja pipe.

Do you know what they say to Trump supporters?

Trump Is the Ignorant Candidate Ignorant Americans Deserve
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easyt and Correll, your types are not the base. You are only a significant minority buttrying to act as if you have the weight and the pull of the majority of the party. You don't, you won't.

Obviously we are not the whole base. Thanks for stating the obvious.

My point stands. It is utter madness or complete corruption for the Leadership to join with the lib media in attacking their own front runner and A SIGNIFICANT PORTION of their base.

Do you have anything to offer relevant to my actual point?
Bolded words do not change that you are a minority of the party, and the majority of the party disagrees with you and Trump.

uh, yeah, that's why he has won most of the primaries by wide margins. you need to put down the gonja pipe.

You what they say to Trump supporters?

Trump Is the Ignorant Candidate Ignorant Americans Deserve

can you post in English please.
I hear ya, but i truly believe the man cares about the American People. I don't trust the same ole same ole career Globalist Politicians. I'm ready for change.
See, the irony here is that from the point of view of a lot of Trump supporters, the Founders were globalists.

They knew they were living in a larger world. They lived daily with the danger that screwing up international diplomacy could bring the European powers down on their heads in a heartbeat. It's not until well after the Civil War that the rest of the world even factored in the USA as a world power. It's not until after WWI that the US was even in a position to influence the direction of world politics. It's not until after WWII that the USA to the position as world leader.

There's a reason that Treaty negotiations are done entirely by the Executive, that ratification requires the Senate and NOT the House, that Ambassadorships are approved by the Senate and NOT the House, and that the Supreme Court holds direct Constitutional authority over maritime law and elevates Treaties to the level of the Constitution. For the majority of US history the rise of a populist US first President would have immediately ended the USA.

There's a tendency here in the USA to think we are so powerful that we can literally tell the rest of the world to screw off. I assure you we can not. Russia still holds enough nukes for MAD. China holds enough financial power to wage the same results on the economic front. OPEC could plunge the US economy right off the cliff tomorrow (look how they outright neutered the US oil industry!).

I say this as someone who very much believes in US exceptionalism. Who very much believes I live in the outright best nation on this Earth. But you still have to be wary and aware of the world and the implications of what we do and say on an international stage. That's why Trump scares the hell out of me.

The Founders were NOT globalist.

For most of our history, our Presidents DID put US interests first. And the rest of the world did not freak out, because that is the norm.

Leaders of nations have the moral and professional responsibility to put the interests of their nation first, and to do what they can to advance them.

A Trump presidency would REDUCE tensions with Russia.

Our political class is stuck in the Cold War to the extent that they see Russia as the enemy, but reckless enough to KEEP screwing with them.

YOu should be scared that if anyone BUT Trump becomes President.

Spot On. Trump knows what's going on with the corrupt Globalists. He knows they don't put American Citizens' interests first. He isn't going along with the NWO. And that's clearly getting him in some serious trouble. It's certainly no coincidence he's being attacked so savagely.

Trump wouldn't be beholden to any special interests as President. And that scares the hell out of the NWO Globalists. I'm really rootin for the guy. But it's gonna be a Mt. Everest-sized uphill struggle for him.
I hear ya, but i truly believe the man cares about the American People. I don't trust the same ole same ole career Globalist Politicians. I'm ready for change.
See, the irony here is that from the point of view of a lot of Trump supporters, the Founders were globalists.

They knew they were living in a larger world. They lived daily with the danger that screwing up international diplomacy could bring the European powers down on their heads in a heartbeat. It's not until well after the Civil War that the rest of the world even factored in the USA as a world power. It's not until after WWI that the US was even in a position to influence the direction of world politics. It's not until after WWII that the USA to the position as world leader.

There's a reason that Treaty negotiations are done entirely by the Executive, that ratification requires the Senate and NOT the House, that Ambassadorships are approved by the Senate and NOT the House, and that the Supreme Court holds direct Constitutional authority over maritime law and elevates Treaties to the level of the Constitution. For the majority of US history the rise of a populist US first President would have immediately ended the USA.

There's a tendency here in the USA to think we are so powerful that we can literally tell the rest of the world to screw off. I assure you we can not. Russia still holds enough nukes for MAD. China holds enough financial power to wage the same results on the economic front. OPEC could plunge the US economy right off the cliff tomorrow (look how they outright neutered the US oil industry!).

I say this as someone who very much believes in US exceptionalism. Who very much believes I live in the outright best nation on this Earth. But you still have to be wary and aware of the world and the implications of what we do and say on an international stage. That's why Trump scares the hell out of me.

The Founders were NOT globalist.

For most of our history, our Presidents DID put US interests first. And the rest of the world did not freak out, because that is the norm.

Leaders of nations have the moral and professional responsibility to put the interests of their nation first, and to do what they can to advance them.

A Trump presidency would REDUCE tensions with Russia.

Our political class is stuck in the Cold War to the extent that they see Russia as the enemy, but reckless enough to KEEP screwing with them.

YOu should be scared that if anyone BUT Trump becomes President.

Spot On. Trump knows what's going on with the corrupt Globalists. He knows they don't put American Citizens' interests first. He isn't going along with the NWO. And that's clearly getting him in some serious trouble. It's certainly no coincidence he's being attacked so savagely.

Trump wouldn't be beholden to any special interests as President. And that scares the hell out of the NWO Globalists. I'm really rootin for the guy. But it's gonna be a Mt. Everest-sized uphill struggle for him.

as I said earlier, this election boils down to the people vs the establishment/media coalition. The people must win if the country is to survive.
easyt and Correll, your types are not the base. You are only a significant minority buttrying to act as if you have the weight and the pull of the majority of the party. You don't, you won't.

Obviously we are not the whole base. Thanks for stating the obvious.

My point stands. It is utter madness or complete corruption for the Leadership to join with the lib media in attacking their own front runner and A SIGNIFICANT PORTION of their base.

Do you have anything to offer relevant to my actual point?
Bolded words do not change that you are a minority of the party, and the majority of the party disagrees with you and Trump.

uh, yeah, that's why he has won most of the primaries by wide margins. you need to put down the gonja pipe.

You what they say to Trump supporters?

Trump Is the Ignorant Candidate Ignorant Americans Deserve

can you post in English please.

I just did.

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