Trump has the worst negatives of just about any candidate in modern history.

easyt and Correll, your types are not the base. You are only a significant minority buttrying to act as if you have the weight and the pull of the majority of the party. You don't, you won't.

Obviously we are not the whole base. Thanks for stating the obvious.

My point stands. It is utter madness or complete corruption for the Leadership to join with the lib media in attacking their own front runner and A SIGNIFICANT PORTION of their base.

Do you have anything to offer relevant to my actual point?
Bolded words do not change that you are a minority of the party, and the majority of the party disagrees with you and Trump.
uh, yeah, that's why he has won most of the primaries by wide margins. you need to put down the gonja pipe.
His victories do not add up to a majority of the voters. Get to the convention. You will find that out.

Look dude, we all know that you don't like Trump, but you are not going to change anyone's mind who does. Attacking him only helps him, his numbers go up after each new attack. So keep it up.

If the RNC decides to screw itself again, then so be it. if they choose to ignore the votes of the people in the primaries then they will get the worst possible president, HRC.
Here is your boy saying anything just like what the far right accused Romney of doing

Donald Trump: Don’t Change Abortion Laws, “The Laws are Set, We Have to Leave it That Way”
shall I post a list of Hillary quotes? I'll only post the lies but it will be a very long list.
Why the deflection? We know they are both trashy. Let's go with a real American, Kasich.

early on I liked Kasich, but he has made an ass of himself recently. He is as much a narcissist as Obama. Did you know that his father was a mailman?
Mailman? Are you batshit crazy??

Kasich is far superior to Trump as a human being and far more likely to be elected.
Trump is between 38 and 43% of the total and that is not a majority. If you force Trump on the majority, HRC walks away with the election and three SCOTUS nominations.
Well, I support Cruz, but Democrats like ignoring that Hillary's negatives are right behind Trump and they are with everyone, not just certain groups

if Cruz get the GOP nomination I will fully support him. The most important thing any of us can do is keep Hillary Clinton out of power.
You should have thought of that before supporting Trump.

Why? defeating Hillary is the goal. I feel quite sure that she and the DNC fear Trump much more than Cruz.

I am 100 percent positive Clinton would rather run against Trump than any other Republican.

I am 100% positive that you are wrong. The dems are scared shitless of Trump because they know he wont pull any punches when bringing out Hillary's lies and corruption.
Well, I support Cruz, but Democrats like ignoring that Hillary's negatives are right behind Trump and they are with everyone, not just certain groups

if Cruz get the GOP nomination I will fully support him. The most important thing any of us can do is keep Hillary Clinton out of power.
You should have thought of that before supporting Trump.

Why? defeating Hillary is the goal. I feel quite sure that she and the DNC fear Trump much more than Cruz.

I am 100 percent positive Clinton would rather run against Trump than any other Republican.

I am 100% positive that you are wrong. The dems are scared shitless of Trump because they know he wont pull any punches when bringing out Hillary's lies and corruption.

Sure they are....:banana:

Biden on Trump and Cruz: ‘Gift From the Lord’ for 2016
easyt and Correll, your types are not the base. You are only a significant minority buttrying to act as if you have the weight and the pull of the majority of the party. You don't, you won't.

Obviously we are not the whole base. Thanks for stating the obvious.

My point stands. It is utter madness or complete corruption for the Leadership to join with the lib media in attacking their own front runner and A SIGNIFICANT PORTION of their base.

Do you have anything to offer relevant to my actual point?
Bolded words do not change that you are a minority of the party, and the majority of the party disagrees with you and Trump.
uh, yeah, that's why he has won most of the primaries by wide margins. you need to put down the gonja pipe.
His victories do not add up to a majority of the voters. Get to the convention. You will find that out.

Look dude, we all know that you don't like Trump, but you are not going to change anyone's mind who does. Attacking him only helps him, his numbers go up after each new attack. So keep it up.

If the RNC decides to screw itself again, then so be it. if they choose to ignore the votes of the people in the primaries then they will get the worst possible president, HRC.

His numbers have been going down after his horrible week in Wisconsin.
And this, folks, ^^^ are part of my GOP. Sigh. We are going to get are heads handed to us. The GOP may lose the House. It surely will the Senate.
Show your ownership papers saying you own it............Show me the deed..........
Here is your boy saying anything just like what the far right accused Romney of doing

Donald Trump: Don’t Change Abortion Laws, “The Laws are Set, We Have to Leave it That Way”
shall I post a list of Hillary quotes? I'll only post the lies but it will be a very long list.
Why the deflection? We know they are both trashy. Let's go with a real American, Kasich.

early on I liked Kasich, but he has made an ass of himself recently. He is as much a narcissist as Obama. Did you know that his father was a mailman?

It's amusing that you think Kasich is an ass but Trump is not.

And Trump is a bigger narcissist than Obama x10.

Trump supporters have a YUGE messiah complex.
The only saving grace could be Hillarys negatives are high as well.

Which begs the question. Why are the two biggest losers winning?

That's what is so frustrating.

Hillary is a weak candidate.

But because the Republican base has decided to go Full Retard and is throwing a temper tantrum at its leaders, it is throwing away a golden opportunity to win the Presidency and shape the SCOTUS for years to come.
Says the poster who has vowed to vote Hillary in the election............Look in the mirror when you see who will cause it.
You still have to wait till the general election to start fine-tuning your message.....and that doesn't begin for a few months. You act like he should be doing it now. To be honest.....Ted Cruz has zero chance of convincing anyone he's anything but a strict conservative asshole. He can't bring any Democrat voters under his tent because he's portrayed himself as too far right to appeal to them.

Make sure you post in really big letters. And bold, too! Bold really works! In the meantime, Trump has jumped the shark, and is plummeting in the polls. Why? Because he's an incompetent loser!

View attachment 70018
He dropped because of the Heidi response and the Mathews Hack Attack.............How they are presenting it is complete BS.......He walked into the Trap with a Hypothetical question and then slamming him for shit Mathews said.
Here is your boy saying anything just like what the far right accused Romney of doing

Donald Trump: Don’t Change Abortion Laws, “The Laws are Set, We Have to Leave it That Way”
shall I post a list of Hillary quotes? I'll only post the lies but it will be a very long list.
Why the deflection? We know they are both trashy. Let's go with a real American, Kasich.

early on I liked Kasich, but he has made an ass of himself recently. He is as much a narcissist as Obama. Did you know that his father was a mailman?

It's amusing that you think Kasich is an ass but Trump is not.

And Trump is a bigger narcissist than Obama x10.

Trump supporters have a YUGE messiah complex.
Kasich was never an ass to me until he stayed in the race with no chance to win................he is doing it to go brokered......Thus he is trying to help the establishment steal the election from the voters.........

That makes him an ass to the establishment......he should have dropped out already and let Trump and Cruz go head to head......but since neither he or Cruz is gonna make the magic number they are playing lets steal the election....

Losers have to cheat to win...............So he is a loser in my book as well.
The only saving grace could be Hillarys negatives are high as well.

Which begs the question. Why are the two biggest losers winning?

That's what is so frustrating.

Hillary is a weak candidate.

But because the Republican base has decided to go Full Retard and is throwing a temper tantrum at its leaders, it is throwing away a golden opportunity to win the Presidency and shape the SCOTUS for years to come.
Says the poster who has vowed to vote Hillary in the election............Look in the mirror when you see who will cause it.

Millions of moderate suburbanite Republicans will come to the conclusion that the criminal is better than the unstable, thin-skinned, vain narcissist.

Better to have the liar with the nuclear codes than the uninformed ignoramus.

Congratulations on your temper tantrum.
That's what is so frustrating.

Hillary is a weak candidate.

But because the Republican base has decided to go Full Retard and is throwing a temper tantrum at its leaders, it is throwing away a golden opportunity to win the Presidency and shape the SCOTUS for years to come.

Yeah, some things are WORTH LOSING over! We patriot's will sit back and watch as the country is dragged further and further into debt, and recession, and will pick up all the piece in 4 or 8 years, depending upon just how stupid the American people are!
You write two falsehoods.

You are not a patriot.

You will not pick up any 'pieces'.

And when you have subversive left wing cock sucker like RightWing agreeing with you, YOU are NO REPUBLICAN!

Yet Trump is liberal....

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Not on the important things, like border security, muslim terrorists, bringing back jobs, TAXES, etc. Many of us true conservatives have parked our social conservatism until Trump is elected, and then we will work on expanding those values. BUT must Socialists and RINO'S just can't fathom that agenda!
Oh you mean you actually believe what he said last week totally changing years of supporting the opposite? but we all know you will ignore it when he flips back because you trump supporters have no values you see are worth sticking by.

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Kasich is a decent human being, Trump is the opposite.

Trump is the No Values Candidate.
Fakey he can't win. He is only there to fuck over the voter

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85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?

Who would have guessed anyone would have ever beat Jimmy Carter? I imagine the election results will be about the same between Reagan/Carter too-LOL
if Cruz get the GOP nomination I will fully support him. The most important thing any of us can do is keep Hillary Clinton out of power.
If Cruz or Kasich or Rubio get the nomination, I will vote for any one of them.

If Trump gets the nomination, I am not voting for President.

I'll vote for Hillary if Trump is the candidate. I'll probably vote Libertarian if Cruz is the candidate, though I might support Cruz. I'll vote for almost any other Republican if another emerges from the convention.
Do you have your Hillary Bumper Sticker yet.

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