Trump has the worst negatives of just about any candidate in modern history.

Here is your boy saying anything just like what the far right accused Romney of doing

Donald Trump: Don’t Change Abortion Laws, “The Laws are Set, We Have to Leave it That Way”

shall I post a list of Hillary quotes? I'll only post the lies but it will be a very long list.

Just wondering who is stopping you. But do you know who is the liar of the year?

PolitiFact awards Donald Trump its 'Lie of the Year'

"we landed under sniper fire"
"it was caused by a video"
"our foundation never takes bribes"
"I always try to be truthful"
"I have no ties to wallstreet"
"I never sent classified data on my personal server"
"I care about the little people"
"I owe no favors to special interests"
"I never took money from fossil fuel companies"

65% of americans use the word "liar" as the first choice of a word to describe her.

She is a terrible person and a very flawed candidate, Trump will destroy her in a debate.
Obviously we are not the whole base. Thanks for stating the obvious.

My point stands. It is utter madness or complete corruption for the Leadership to join with the lib media in attacking their own front runner and A SIGNIFICANT PORTION of their base.

Do you have anything to offer relevant to my actual point?
Bolded words do not change that you are a minority of the party, and the majority of the party disagrees with you and Trump.

uh, yeah, that's why he has won most of the primaries by wide margins. you need to put down the gonja pipe.

You what they say to Trump supporters?

Trump Is the Ignorant Candidate Ignorant Americans Deserve

can you post in English please.

I just did.

"you what they say to Trump supporters" ? huh
It doesn't help when you mess with my writing, which is a rules violation, Redfish.

Here is the search string.

Search Results for Query: you what they say to Trump
  1. The following words were not included in your search because they are too short, too long, or too common: they, to
Search Again
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12=19&c[user][0]=20412']Next >

  1. Post
    Trump loses Utah... In the general
    Sarahgop, you are so very very wrong and misinformed. They hate Trump in that state. If Romney and those like him say to not vote or vote third...
    Post by: JakeStarkey, Mar 21, 2016 in forum: Politics

  2. Post
    25% of republican voters say they would vote for Hillary over Trump
    Kasich is the only Republican who regularly out polls HRC, yet he loses to Sanders regularly.
    Post by: JakeStarkey, Mar 22, 2016 in forum: Politics

  3. Post
    BUSTED ! – Republican State of Union Response Carried Amnesty Pledge in Spanish Version…
    You have no idea what is socialism, do you? Bernie is liberal not a socialist any more than Trump is a conservative.
    Post by: JakeStarkey, Jan 13, 2016 in forum: Politics

  4. Post
    Not at all. It is what it is: Rubio was taking Jeb's strength. They will go to Cruz or Trump before Rubio. Your head hurts when you try to...
    Post by: JakeStarkey, Feb 24, 2016 in forum: Politics

  5. Post
    Senior GOP Official: 'Voters Don't Pick Nominee, We Do'...
    I will vote Johnson it the alternative is Trump.
    Post by: JakeStarkey, Mar 16, 2016 in forum: Politics

  6. Post
    Cruz worse than Trump
    Jere, the Hispanics are playing a joke on you.
    Post by: JakeStarkey, Feb 25, 2016 in forum: Politics
85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?

Who would have guessed anyone would have ever beat Jimmy Carter? I imagine the election results will be about the same between Reagan/Carter too-LOL

Posted it in this thread once already, but again, let me say, Trump is no Reagan and this is not 1980. Even trying to compare Trump to Reagan in 1980 fails. Trump is in far worse shape than Reagan was at this point in the 1980 race.
But let's help you out. What Trump says does not help you, Redfish.

A significant minority of the Party will not vote for Trump as president.

Back in 2008 when Indiana went Blue for the first time in at least 2 decades, I remember going home to Indiana and asking what the heck happened. Nearly every person I talked to pointed out just how much Sarah Palin scared the hell out of them. Folks that had never once pulled the lever for a Democrat did so in 2008 because of Palin.

I admit that the evidence there is anecdotal, but I guarantee that the folks who pulled the lever for Obama rather than vote for Palin as a VP pick will once again pull the lever for Hillary rather than vote Trump. Trump absolutely will put more states in play, the problem is that those states will be formerly Red states.

The surprising thing for me is that Hillary is a horrible candidate. If you'd asked me a year ago who'd win in '16 I'd have marked down "Anyone but Hillary." Rubio, Jeb, Kasich, Christie, Walker, etc all had a decent shot at beating her. The GOP has somehow, some way, managed to find itself with the only two Republicans that lose to Hillary as its front runners. That's.... impressive.

As for Trump winning GOP primaries, that's had more to do with Citizen's United letting candidates stay in long past their expiration date. Trump has yet to win any states with a majority. Unfortunately for Trump that means he isn't the majority choice of even his own party. Should he be stopped at Convention, a majority of GOP voters are going to breathe a sigh of relief.
But let's help you out. What Trump says does not help you, Redfish.

A significant minority of the Party will not vote for Trump as president.

and a significant minority of democrats will not vote for Hillary. What point exactly are you trying to make?

democrats are ambivalent about Hillary, or they hate her. Zero republicans will vote for her.

half of the GOP is excited about Trump, democrats will cross over and vote for him, independents favor Trump over Clinton.

I get it that you hate Trump, that's fine. But you are living in a fantasy world if you think there will be any enthusiasm to vote for the hildebeast.
But let's help you out. What Trump says does not help you, Redfish.

A significant minority of the Party will not vote for Trump as president.

Back in 2008 when Indiana went Blue for the first time in at least 2 decades, I remember going home to Indiana and asking what the heck happened. Nearly every person I talked to pointed out just how much Sarah Palin scared the hell out of them. Folks that had never once pulled the lever for a Democrat did so in 2008 because of Palin.

I admit that the evidence there is anecdotal, but I guarantee that the folks who pulled the lever for Obama rather than vote for Palin as a VP pick will once again pull the lever for Hillary rather than vote Trump. Trump absolutely will put more states in play, the problem is that those states will be formerly Red states.

The surprising thing for me is that Hillary is a horrible candidate. If you'd asked me a year ago who'd win in '16 I'd have marked down "Anyone but Hillary." Rubio, Jeb, Kasich, Christie, Walker, etc all had a decent shot at beating her. The GOP has somehow, some way, managed to find itself with the only two Republicans that lose to Hillary as its front runners. That's.... impressive.

As for Trump winning GOP primaries, that's had more to do with Citizen's United letting candidates stay in long past their expiration date. Trump has yet to win any states with a majority. Unfortunately for Trump that means he isn't the majority choice of even his own party. Should he be stopped at Convention, a majority of GOP voters are going to breathe a sigh of relief.

If the RNC overrides with will of the GOP primary voters, a Hillary win will be guaranteed. '

The people are pissed, wake up RNC
It doesn't help when you mess with my writing, which is a rules violation, Redfish.

Here is the search string.

Search Results for Query: you what they say to Trump
  1. The following words were not included in your search because they are too short, too long, or too common: they, to
Search Again
Page 1 of 2
12=19&c[user][0]=20412']Next >

  1. Post
    Trump loses Utah... In the general
    Sarahgop, you are so very very wrong and misinformed. They hate Trump in that state. If Romney and those like him say to not vote or vote third...
    Post by: JakeStarkey, Mar 21, 2016 in forum: Politics

  2. Post
    25% of republican voters say they would vote for Hillary over Trump
    Kasich is the only Republican who regularly out polls HRC, yet he loses to Sanders regularly.
    Post by: JakeStarkey, Mar 22, 2016 in forum: Politics

  3. Post
    BUSTED ! – Republican State of Union Response Carried Amnesty Pledge in Spanish Version…
    You have no idea what is socialism, do you? Bernie is liberal not a socialist any more than Trump is a conservative.
    Post by: JakeStarkey, Jan 13, 2016 in forum: Politics

  4. Post
    Not at all. It is what it is: Rubio was taking Jeb's strength. They will go to Cruz or Trump before Rubio. Your head hurts when you try to...
    Post by: JakeStarkey, Feb 24, 2016 in forum: Politics

  5. Post
    Senior GOP Official: 'Voters Don't Pick Nominee, We Do'...
    I will vote Johnson it the alternative is Trump.
    Post by: JakeStarkey, Mar 16, 2016 in forum: Politics

  6. Post
    Cruz worse than Trump
    Jere, the Hispanics are playing a joke on you.
    Post by: JakeStarkey, Feb 25, 2016 in forum: Politics

I was not responding to anything you posted, idiot. Try to pay attention.
Redfish, the GOP minority has said flatly and loudly it will not vote for Trump.

There is absolutely no indication of even a 1/10th of a groundswell against HRC. You are delusional if you think that can happen.

We will not let Trump be president.
But let's help you out. What Trump says does not help you, Redfish.

A significant minority of the Party will not vote for Trump as president.

Back in 2008 when Indiana went Blue for the first time in at least 2 decades, I remember going home to Indiana and asking what the heck happened. Nearly every person I talked to pointed out just how much Sarah Palin scared the hell out of them. Folks that had never once pulled the lever for a Democrat did so in 2008 because of Palin.

I admit that the evidence there is anecdotal, but I guarantee that the folks who pulled the lever for Obama rather than vote for Palin as a VP pick will once again pull the lever for Hillary rather than vote Trump. Trump absolutely will put more states in play, the problem is that those states will be formerly Red states.

The surprising thing for me is that Hillary is a horrible candidate. If you'd asked me a year ago who'd win in '16 I'd have marked down "Anyone but Hillary." Rubio, Jeb, Kasich, Christie, Walker, etc all had a decent shot at beating her. The GOP has somehow, some way, managed to find itself with the only two Republicans that lose to Hillary as its front runners. That's.... impressive.

As for Trump winning GOP primaries, that's had more to do with Citizen's United letting candidates stay in long past their expiration date. Trump has yet to win any states with a majority. Unfortunately for Trump that means he isn't the majority choice of even his own party. Should he be stopped at Convention, a majority of GOP voters are going to breathe a sigh of relief.

If the RNC overrides with will of the GOP primary voters, a Hillary win will be guaranteed. '

The people are pissed, wake up RNC
37% of 21% is not "the will of the GOP" party, Redfish. You primary voters do not have a majority even in the primaries. You will not be allowed your adolescent fantasies.
Mailman? Are you batshit crazy??

Kasich is far superior to Trump as a human being and far more likely to be elected.

Kasich has opened almost every speech with "my father was a mailman". Where have you been?

Kasich is a politician, he is beholden to special interests just like the rest of them. I would certainly take him over the hildebeast or Bernie, but he is not what we need right now. We need someone who will shake up the establishment and actually do something to fix the mess we are in.
The biggest mess we are in is a $19 trillion debt, and Kasich is the only candidate who has actually balanced the federal budget, even leaving us with a surplus which the pseudo-cons pissed away.

THAT is who we need more than anyone else.

There isn't any daylight between Trump and Clinton, so it really doesn't matter which one you vote for if that is the choice you have in November.

No matter which one wins, you will be getting the same person. They both want universal health care, support an assault weapons ban, are very pro-choice, thought we should have cut-and-run from Iraq, wanted George Bush impeached, and thinks Bill Clinton was a great President, and that Hillary would make a great President.

The only difference is that Trump is the one who will be in court during the campaign, instead of Hillary.
Redfish, the GOP minority has said flatly and loudly it will not vote for Trump.

There is absolutely no indication of even a 1/10th of a groundswell against HRC. You are delusional if you think that can happen.

We will not let Trump be president.

you are a victim of media propaganda. and who the fuck is "we" in your last sentence?
But let's help you out. What Trump says does not help you, Redfish.

A significant minority of the Party will not vote for Trump as president.

Back in 2008 when Indiana went Blue for the first time in at least 2 decades, I remember going home to Indiana and asking what the heck happened. Nearly every person I talked to pointed out just how much Sarah Palin scared the hell out of them. Folks that had never once pulled the lever for a Democrat did so in 2008 because of Palin.

I admit that the evidence there is anecdotal, but I guarantee that the folks who pulled the lever for Obama rather than vote for Palin as a VP pick will once again pull the lever for Hillary rather than vote Trump. Trump absolutely will put more states in play, the problem is that those states will be formerly Red states.

The surprising thing for me is that Hillary is a horrible candidate. If you'd asked me a year ago who'd win in '16 I'd have marked down "Anyone but Hillary." Rubio, Jeb, Kasich, Christie, Walker, etc all had a decent shot at beating her. The GOP has somehow, some way, managed to find itself with the only two Republicans that lose to Hillary as its front runners. That's.... impressive.

As for Trump winning GOP primaries, that's had more to do with Citizen's United letting candidates stay in long past their expiration date. Trump has yet to win any states with a majority. Unfortunately for Trump that means he isn't the majority choice of even his own party. Should he be stopped at Convention, a majority of GOP voters are going to breathe a sigh of relief.

If the RNC overrides with will of the GOP primary voters, a Hillary win will be guaranteed. '

The people are pissed, wake up RNC
37% of 21% is not "the will of the GOP" party, Redfish. You primary voters do not have a majority even in the primaries. You will not be allowed your adolescent fantasies.

there were 17 candidates. now there are 3. under those circumstances a majority is virtually impossible. Trump will either get the 1237 delegates or the RNC will self destruct at a fiasco of a convention in their effort to circumvent the will of the people.
Redfish, the GOP minority has said flatly and loudly it will not vote for Trump.

There is absolutely no indication of even a 1/10th of a groundswell against HRC. You are delusional if you think that can happen.

We will not let Trump be president.

you are a victim of media propaganda. and who the fuck is "we" in your last sentence?
You are being hysterical again. The media is fairly reporting the campaigns for the most part. Your man has almost no chance to be president. The GOP members who oppose him will ensure he is not president. That is who "we" are.
If Trump is the nominee, the Dems sweep at least the WH and the Senate, push through every SCOTUS nomination on reconciliation, and turn this country upside down.


IF the leadership still puts the interests of their enemies ahead of the interests and wishes. of their party rank and file.
You the minority of the rank and file are not listening to the majority. We see you and Trump as the enemy of America and the sane GOP.

We hear you. We have heard your concerns.

We disagree, and we have been winning the primaries.

That is where it should stand.

Instead, now we hear you allying with our enemies and waging a propaganda campaign against our leader and ourselves.

YOur hysterical justifications for you vile actions are noted and cited as further evidence of your betrayal.
You are the one acting hysterically vile, :lol: Correll, when you are reminded you are the minority, and Trump will not get the delegate majority before convention time. The majority of the party has voted against him and will continue to do so.

Stating that the "majority" of the party has voted against him is dishonest.

He has by far the most delegates. That you have to compare him to ELEVEN other people to exceed his support shows how he is not just the Front Runner but completely dominating the Primaries.
Redfish, the GOP minority has said flatly and loudly it will not vote for Trump.

There is absolutely no indication of even a 1/10th of a groundswell against HRC. You are delusional if you think that can happen.

We will not let Trump be president.

you are a victim of media propaganda. and who the fuck is "we" in your last sentence?
You are being hysterical again. The media is fairly reporting the campaigns for the most part. Your man has almost no chance to be president. The GOP members who oppose him will ensure he is not president. That is who "we" are.

we will see in the next few weeks. If Trump takes the next few primaries its over.

how about a Trump/Kasich ticket? would that work for you?
Call the right people and you can poll all the negatives you need but the polls seem to clash with reality as usual. Actually the democrat Icons Harry Truman and LBJ probably had more negatives than any politician in modern history. Truman couldn't even get enough support in his own party after Korea to run for a second full term and retired from politics. The liberal media propped up his sorry legacy and democrats still pretend he is "give 'em hell Harry". LBJ quit just when America needed leadership in the freaking war he started in Vietnam and democrats conveniently forget he ever existed.
Redfish, the GOP minority has said flatly and loudly it will not vote for Trump.

There is absolutely no indication of even a 1/10th of a groundswell against HRC. You are delusional if you think that can happen.

We will not let Trump be president.

you are a victim of media propaganda. and who the fuck is "we" in your last sentence?
You are being hysterical again. The media is fairly reporting the campaigns for the most part. Your man has almost no chance to be president. The GOP members who oppose him will ensure he is not president. That is who "we" are.

we will see in the next few weeks. If Trump takes the next few primaries its over.

how about a Trump/Kasich ticket? would that work for you?
That would work for long as Trump dropped dead on January 21, 2017.
If Trump is the nominee, the Dems sweep at least the WH and the Senate, push through every SCOTUS nomination on reconciliation, and turn this country upside down.


IF the leadership still puts the interests of their enemies ahead of the interests and wishes. of their party rank and file.
You the minority of the rank and file are not listening to the majority. We see you and Trump as the enemy of America and the sane GOP.

We hear you. We have heard your concerns.

We disagree, and we have been winning the primaries.

That is where it should stand.

Instead, now we hear you allying with our enemies and waging a propaganda campaign against our leader and ourselves.

YOur hysterical justifications for you vile actions are noted and cited as further evidence of your betrayal.
You are the one acting hysterically vile, :lol: Correll, when you are reminded you are the minority, and Trump will not get the delegate majority before convention time. The majority of the party has voted against him and will continue to do so.

Stating that the "majority" of the party has voted against him is dishonest.

He has by far the most delegates. That you have to compare him to ELEVEN other people to exceed his support shows how he is not just the Front Runner but completely dominating the Primaries.

dishonesty is the primary characteristic of jakey boy. He is nothing but a parrot for the dem/lib talking point generators. do not take him seriously, he is a joke.

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