Trump has the worst negatives of just about any candidate in modern history.

A significant minority of the Trumpeters are loud racists. We have some on the Board, as you well know.

37% of 21% of the GOP is a mandate for Trump to step down.

Crying, whining, yelling, etc., is not going to do it for the likes of the Corrells and the Redfishes.

They are in delusional land, which means when the inevitable happens, they will need to go on heavy meds.

In the meantime, we will have HRC and a blue Congress, thanks to the Trumpeters.

YOu see racism where you want to see racism.

It is not racist to want to deport illegals.

It is the law.

It is the responsibility of the President to DO THAT.
Only you are equating deportation with racism, not me. But, yes, many do think that Trump is racist for demonizing Hispanics.

first: Hispanic is not a race

second: he did not demonize all Hispanics, only the murderers, rapists, and drug pushers.

third: muslim is not a race, arab is not a race, jewish is not a race. you idiots scream racism and you don't even know what the word 'race' means.
But let's help you out. What Trump says does not help you, Redfish.

A significant minority of the Party will not vote for Trump as president.

Back in 2008 when Indiana went Blue for the first time in at least 2 decades, I remember going home to Indiana and asking what the heck happened. Nearly every person I talked to pointed out just how much Sarah Palin scared the hell out of them. Folks that had never once pulled the lever for a Democrat did so in 2008 because of Palin.

I admit that the evidence there is anecdotal, but I guarantee that the folks who pulled the lever for Obama rather than vote for Palin as a VP pick will once again pull the lever for Hillary rather than vote Trump. Trump absolutely will put more states in play, the problem is that those states will be formerly Red states.

The surprising thing for me is that Hillary is a horrible candidate. If you'd asked me a year ago who'd win in '16 I'd have marked down "Anyone but Hillary." Rubio, Jeb, Kasich, Christie, Walker, etc all had a decent shot at beating her. The GOP has somehow, some way, managed to find itself with the only two Republicans that lose to Hillary as its front runners. That's.... impressive.

As for Trump winning GOP primaries, that's had more to do with Citizen's United letting candidates stay in long past their expiration date. Trump has yet to win any states with a majority. Unfortunately for Trump that means he isn't the majority choice of even his own party. Should he be stopped at Convention, a majority of GOP voters are going to breathe a sigh of relief.

That is REpublican moderates foolishly trusting the Media presentation of Republican Candidates as anything more than vile dishonest smears.

There was nothing scary about Palin.

There is nothing scary about Trump.

Other than the lies that the media, and now the GOP establishment tell about him.

Actually with his policy of NOT screwing around with Russia, as opposed to every other candidate, THEY are the scary ones.
A significant minority of the Trumpeters are loud racists. We have some on the Board, as you well know.

37% of 21% of the GOP is a mandate for Trump to step down.

Crying, whining, yelling, etc., is not going to do it for the likes of the Corrells and the Redfishes.

They are in delusional land, which means when the inevitable happens, they will need to go on heavy meds.

In the meantime, we will have HRC and a blue Congress, thanks to the Trumpeters.

YOu see racism where you want to see racism.

It is not racist to want to deport illegals.

It is the law.

It is the responsibility of the President to DO THAT.
Only you are equating deportation with racism, not me. But, yes, many do think that Trump is racist for demonizing Hispanics.

first: Hispanic is not a race

second: he did not demonize all Hispanics, only the murderers, rapists, and drug pushers.

third: muslim is not a race, arab is not a race, jewish is not a race. you idiots scream racism and you don't even know what the word 'race' means.

They are assholes like that.
Redfish, the GOP minority has said flatly and loudly it will not vote for Trump.

There is absolutely no indication of even a 1/10th of a groundswell against HRC. You are delusional if you think that can happen.

We will not let Trump be president.

you are a victim of media propaganda. and who the fuck is "we" in your last sentence?
You are being hysterical again. The media is fairly reporting the campaigns for the most part. Your man has almost no chance to be president. The GOP members who oppose him will ensure he is not president. That is who "we" are.

we will see in the next few weeks. If Trump takes the next few primaries its over.

how about a Trump/Kasich ticket? would that work for you?
That would work for long as Trump dropped dead on January 21, 2017.

He is very old. And pushing himself very hard. And has a hot and much younger wife...

Just saying...
But let's help you out. What Trump says does not help you, Redfish.

A significant minority of the Party will not vote for Trump as president.

and a significant minority of democrats will not vote for Hillary. What point exactly are you trying to make?

democrats are ambivalent about Hillary, or they hate her. Zero republicans will vote for her.

half of the GOP is excited about Trump, democrats will cross over and vote for him, independents favor Trump over Clinton.

I get it that you hate Trump, that's fine. But you are living in a fantasy world if you think there will be any enthusiasm to vote for the hildebeast.
Polling data shows a vast vast majority of Democrats are ok with the idea of Hillary as the nominee. They won't stay home out of spite for her. If anything, a Trump GOP candidacy will motivate them to show up and vote for Hillary more than Hillary will.

The reverse is not true for the GOP. Many many many polls show GOP voters are absolutely NOT ok with Trump and will stay home if he is the nominee. Don't try to draw false equivalencies here. The GOP race and DNC race are in vastly different places.

The Conventional Wisdom is that wanting to deport illegals is racist.

That is the Level of Propaganda that we are dealing with.
A significant minority of the Trumpeters are loud racists. We have some on the Board, as you well know.

37% of 21% of the GOP is a mandate for Trump to step down.

Crying, whining, yelling, etc., is not going to do it for the likes of the Corrells and the Redfishes.

They are in delusional land, which means when the inevitable happens, they will need to go on heavy meds.

In the meantime, we will have HRC and a blue Congress, thanks to the Trumpeters.

YOu see racism where you want to see racism.

It is not racist to want to deport illegals.

It is the law.

It is the responsibility of the President to DO THAT.
Only you are equating deportation with racism, not me. But, yes, many do think that Trump is racist for demonizing Hispanics.

And you repeat the lib media lie.

Do that enough and it becomes accepted as reality.

As we see happening now.

But the fact remains, that Trump did not do what you say he did.

And you are a liar.
You have trouble with reality and truth as evidenced by your posts above, Correll.

Many of your fellow far right conservatives are in the same boat.

Trump is the worst mistake the TPM made in hitching their star to his campaign.
KING: Why would you leave the Republican Party?

TRUMP: I think that nobody is really hitting it right. The Democrats are too far left. I mean, Bill Bradley, this is seriously left; he's trying to come a little more center, but he's seriously left. The Republicans are too far right. And I don't think anybody's hitting the cord, not the cord that I want hear, and not the cord that other people want to hear, and I've seen it.

Transcript: Donald Trump announces plans to form presidential exploratory committee - October 8, 1999
You have trouble with reality and truth as evidenced by your posts above, Correll.

Many of your fellow far right conservatives are in the same boat.

Trump is the worst mistake the TPM made in hitching their star to his campaign.

the primary votes say otherwise. you are a tool of the dem/lib propaganda machine, everyone here knows what you are. you are a joke, no one takes anything you post seriously.
You have trouble with reality and truth as evidenced by your posts above, Correll.

Many of your fellow far right conservatives are in the same boat.

Trump is the worst mistake the TPM made in hitching their star to his campaign.

Standard lib tactic when called on their bullshit.

Simple ignore the fact that their position has been challenged and restate it as though it was a new day.

This the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

In this case, it is being used as a form of Propaganda.

Proof by assertion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Proof by assertion, sometimes informally referred to as proof by repeated assertion, is an informal fallacy in which a proposition is repeatedly restated regardless of contradiction.[1] Sometimes, this may be repeated until challenges dry up, at which point it is asserted as fact due to its not being contradicted (argumentum ad nauseam).[2] In other cases, its repetition may be cited as evidence of its truth, in a variant of the appeal to authority or appeal to belieffallacies.[citation needed]

This fallacy is sometimes used as a form of rhetoric by politicians, or during a debate as a filibuster. In its extreme form, it can also be a form of brainwashing.[1]Modern politics contains many examples of proof by assertions. This practice can be observed in the use of political slogans, and the distribution of "talking points", which are collections of short phrases that are issued to members of modern political parties for recitation to achieve maximum message repetition."

You are a dishonest propagandist.
KING: Why would you leave the Republican Party?

TRUMP: I think that nobody is really hitting it right. The Democrats are too far left. I mean, Bill Bradley, this is seriously left; he's trying to come a little more center, but he's seriously left. The Republicans are too far right. And I don't think anybody's hitting the cord, not the cord that I want hear, and not the cord that other people want to hear, and I've seen it.

Transcript: Donald Trump announces plans to form presidential exploratory committee - October 8, 1999

he was, and is, speaking the truth. most americans are in the middle, not far left or far right. he is describing the majority, and that majority will elect him.
KING: Why would you leave the Republican Party?

TRUMP: I think that nobody is really hitting it right. The Democrats are too far left. I mean, Bill Bradley, this is seriously left; he's trying to come a little more center, but he's seriously left. The Republicans are too far right. And I don't think anybody's hitting the cord, not the cord that I want hear, and not the cord that other people want to hear, and I've seen it.

Transcript: Donald Trump announces plans to form presidential exploratory committee - October 8, 1999

So? That fits with the fact he is not running a Far Right Campaign.
KING: Why would you leave the Republican Party?

TRUMP: I think that nobody is really hitting it right. The Democrats are too far left. I mean, Bill Bradley, this is seriously left; he's trying to come a little more center, but he's seriously left. The Republicans are too far right. And I don't think anybody's hitting the cord, not the cord that I want hear, and not the cord that other people want to hear, and I've seen it.

Transcript: Donald Trump announces plans to form presidential exploratory committee - October 8, 1999

So? That fits with the fact he is not running a Far Right Campaign.
Not running a far right campaign?


The delusion is strong in this one.
KING: Why would you leave the Republican Party?

TRUMP: I think that nobody is really hitting it right. The Democrats are too far left. I mean, Bill Bradley, this is seriously left; he's trying to come a little more center, but he's seriously left. The Republicans are too far right. And I don't think anybody's hitting the cord, not the cord that I want hear, and not the cord that other people want to hear, and I've seen it.

Transcript: Donald Trump announces plans to form presidential exploratory committee - October 8, 1999

So? That fits with the fact he is not running a Far Right Campaign.
Not running a far right campaign?


The delusion is strong in this one.

There have been plenty of conservatives on this site complaining that he is not conservative.

What is "Far Right" about his campaign?

Deporting Illegals?

Wanting to bring back manufacturing jobs?

Are these really issues that moderate Americans are against?
What is "Far Right" about his campaign?
Really? You actually need this explained to you? :eek-52:

Just because the media tells you something, doesn't make it true.

My previous points, which you cut, still stands.

What is "Far Right" about his campaign?

Deporting Illegals?

Wanting to bring back manufacturing jobs?

Are these really issues that moderate Americans are against?
There have been plenty of conservatives on this site complaining that he is not conservative.
What is "Far Right" about his campaign?

The country has been dragged so far to the left by Obama that what was once known as 'moderate' / the middle is now known as the 'right' or 'far right'.
What is "Far Right" about his campaign?
Really? You actually need this explained to you? :eek-52:

Just because the media tells you something, doesn't make it true.

My previous points, which you cut, still stands.

What is "Far Right" about his campaign?

Deporting Illegals?

Wanting to bring back manufacturing jobs?

Are these really issues that moderate Americans are against?

notice how he ran from the thread rather than answer a real question? liberals are the most disingenuous creatures on earth.
What is "Far Right" about his campaign?
Really? You actually need this explained to you? :eek-52:

Just because the media tells you something, doesn't make it true.

My previous points, which you cut, still stands.

What is "Far Right" about his campaign?

Deporting Illegals?

Wanting to bring back manufacturing jobs?

Are these really issues that moderate Americans are against?

notice how he ran from the thread rather than answer a real question? liberals are the most disingenuous creatures on earth.
Ban all Muslims.

Punish women for abortions.

Mexican immigrants are rapists, "and some, I assume, are good people".

Endorsed by KKK. They clearly understand Trump better than you chumps.

Jean-Marie Le Pen endorses Donald Trump -

Trump has expressed such xenophobia and bigotry that even some far right European politicians have had to disavow him.

Europe’s far right can’t decide whether to love Donald Trump or loathe him

SAVAGE: The reason you’re popular is because of borders, because of immigration, because of the flood of Muslims coming into the country. I would almost say, Donald, please don’t let the moderate influences in your campaign take you off-point, it’s what got you where you are. Are you going to modify your campaign and move a little bit more to the center now?

TRUMP: You know, you just said it better than anybody could. It's what got me here and I'm leading by a lot.

Starting at 4:49:

What is "Far Right" about his campaign?
Really? You actually need this explained to you? :eek-52:

Just because the media tells you something, doesn't make it true.

My previous points, which you cut, still stands.

What is "Far Right" about his campaign?

Deporting Illegals?

Wanting to bring back manufacturing jobs?

Are these really issues that moderate Americans are against?

notice how he ran from the thread rather than answer a real question? liberals are the most disingenuous creatures on earth.
Ban all Muslims.

Punish women for abortions.

Mexican immigrants are rapists, "and some, I assume, are good people".

Endorsed by KKK. They clearly understand Trump better than you chumps.

Jean-Marie Le Pen endorses Donald Trump -

Trump has expressed such xenophobia and bigotry that even some far right European politicians have had to disavow him.

Europe’s far right can’t decide whether to love Donald Trump or loathe him

SAVAGE: The reason you’re popular is because of borders, because of immigration, because of the flood of Muslims coming into the country. I would almost say, Donald, please don’t let the moderate influences in your campaign take you off-point, it’s what got you where you are. Are you going to modify your campaign and move a little bit more to the center now?

TRUMP: You know, you just said it better than anybody could. It's what got me here and I'm leading by a lot.

Starting at 4:49:

ok, one at a time.

he never said "ban all muslims" what he said is that we need to stop muslim immigration until we can determine who we are letting in. Anyone with a functioning brain agrees with that

punish women for abortions: it was a set up and he fell for it. a mistake. they all make them. Hillary said that we didn't lose a single person in Libya.

a candidate is not responsible for everyone who endorses him/her, nice try though.

Europe is overrun with "refugees" who are raping and murdering Europeans. Their opinion isn't worth shit.

the majority of americans are worried about our open borders and the flood of illegals, they agree with Trump and disagree with you libtards.

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