Trump has the worst negatives of just about any candidate in modern history.

If Trump is the nominee, the Dems sweep at least the WH and the Senate, push through every SCOTUS nomination on reconciliation, and turn this country upside down.


IF the leadership still puts the interests of their enemies ahead of the interests and wishes. of their party rank and file.
Easy I say put her in jail BUT only after that lying pos repub gwb gets the chair for as well as murdering so many of our soldiers in his bs war
Eddie, I hear you, but your anger is misplaced. A President only uses the authority given to him by Congress....ok, so Obama is the exception to the rule. Our 'enemy' in Iraq killed our troops after Bush sent troops to war with the full blessing of a Congress that not only voted to give that authority but who also argued for why we HAD to go to war.
In effect the Establishment is telling us Trump supporters that they hold us in as much contempt as you do Jakey.

You don't get to do that and then ask for our support.
The GOP wants your support sensibly. If not, the GOP mainstream wants you gone. We will take the defeat if we have to in order to run you off. Then we get to blame you folks for the SCOTUS picks HRC is going to ram down our throats.

It is not sensible for a political party to attack it's own front runner and to join in the marginalization of a significant portion of it's own base.

If you get your way and sideline Trump, you will take this defeat and every one that comes after it.

Hillary will keep the borders open and by the time she is out of office, the GOP will be done as a national party.

This is on you and yours.

The reason why there is so much hostility towards Trump from within the GOP is because many believe Trump will lead the party to a historic defeat, and damage the party amongst the fastest growing segments of the population.

Trump isn't unpopular with wide swaths of the population because the party is attacking him. The party is attacking him because he is unpopular with wide swaths of the population.

The GOP has been losing those segments of the population for decades before Trump.

Losing by slightly more is not reason enough to attack your own base.

The behavior of the GOP leadership, is either madness or a complete selling out to our political enemies.

The GOP doesn't have to win those groups. They have to be competitive.

W won 44% of the Hispanic vote and won. Romney won 27% and lost. Right now, Hillary is leading Trump 72%-16% amongst Hispanics.

That's a death knell.
So is the 70% negative rating of Women on Trump.

The overwhelming majority of Millennials think Trump is a frumpy old Trump.
If Trump is the nominee, the Dems sweep at least the WH and the Senate, push through every SCOTUS nomination on reconciliation, and turn this country upside down.


IF the leadership still puts the interests of their enemies ahead of the interests and wishes. of their party rank and file.
You the minority of the rank and file are not listening to the majority. We see you and Trump as the enemy of America and the sane GOP.
In effect the Establishment is telling us Trump supporters that they hold us in as much contempt as you do Jakey.

You don't get to do that and then ask for our support.
The GOP wants your support sensibly. If not, the GOP mainstream wants you gone. We will take the defeat if we have to in order to run you off. Then we get to blame you folks for the SCOTUS picks HRC is going to ram down our throats.

It is not sensible for a political party to attack it's own front runner and to join in the marginalization of a significant portion of it's own base.

If you get your way and sideline Trump, you will take this defeat and every one that comes after it.

Hillary will keep the borders open and by the time she is out of office, the GOP will be done as a national party.

This is on you and yours.

The reason why there is so much hostility towards Trump from within the GOP is because many believe Trump will lead the party to a historic defeat, and damage the party amongst the fastest growing segments of the population.

Trump isn't unpopular with wide swaths of the population because the party is attacking him. The party is attacking him because he is unpopular with wide swaths of the population.

The GOP has been losing those segments of the population for decades before Trump.

Losing by slightly more is not reason enough to attack your own base.

The behavior of the GOP leadership, is either madness or a complete selling out to our political enemies.

The GOP doesn't have to win those groups. They have to be competitive.

W won 44% of the Hispanic vote and won. Romney won 27% and lost. Right now, Hillary is leading Trump 72%-16% amongst Hispanics.

That's a death knell.

If we can counter the lies of the dems, those numbers can be changed.

Too bad the GOP leadership, and GOP establishment partisans are SUPPORTING those lies instead of challenging them.

YOu guys don't get to wage a massive campaign supporting the most vile lies about a man and then point to his negatives as a reason for attacking him.
I have listened to Trump carefully for nine months.

They are not lies, Correll, and America is aware of it even if you have drunk the tea.
If Trump is the nominee, the Dems sweep at least the WH and the Senate, push through every SCOTUS nomination on reconciliation, and turn this country upside down.


IF the leadership still puts the interests of their enemies ahead of the interests and wishes. of their party rank and file.
You the minority of the rank and file are not listening to the majority. We see you and Trump as the enemy of America and the sane GOP.

We hear you. We have heard your concerns.

We disagree, and we have been winning the primaries.

That is where it should stand.

Instead, now we hear you allying with our enemies and waging a propaganda campaign against our leader and ourselves.

YOur hysterical justifications for you vile actions are noted and cited as further evidence of your betrayal.
Trump has promised he'll "act presidential" once he's got the nomination. I assume that means he'll stop his crazy Twitter rants, name-calling, walking back statements day after day, and read some policy briefs to know what he's talking about. And anybody who believes a word of it is probably still trying to find some Trump steaks or attend Trump University. :lol:
or drank some of that miserable trump wine
I have listened to Trump carefully for nine months.

They are not lies, Correll, and America is aware of it even if you have drunk the tea.

YOu? You see what you want to see. You have demonstrated that time and time again.
Easy I say put her in jail BUT only after that lying pos repub gwb gets the chair for as well as murdering so many of our soldiers in his bs war
Eddie, I hear you, but your anger is misplaced. A President only uses the authority given to him by Congress....ok, so Obama is the exception to the rule. Our 'enemy' in Iraq killed our troops after Bush sent troops to war with the full blessing of a Congress that not only voted to give that authority but who also argued for why we HAD to go to war.
Please easy don't blame the minority of dems who voted to give bush the authority IF he thought it necessary,to go to war with iraq Bush said it was necessary and he and he alone pulled the trigger IMHO no bush no war and 1000's of lives would have been saved
talk to the party people about long as the person says they are from their party,its ok.....even if they dont like or agree with that person.....the reason the 2 parties are destroying this country,the sub-par people they go with and their members vote for,no matter what.......
I am GOP and it's not ok. Unfortunately I'm in the minority it seams.
Actually you are not. Trump is only winning because Kasich is in and Rubio stayed in far to long.
I predicted this about a month ago when I created a thread about people staying in the race too long & not joining forces. Everyone said I was wrong and that it was too early.

I was right. They all put their own ambition over the country. We will now reap the rewards, if you want to call them that.
Citizen's United.

There was simply too much money floating around the GOP race. Normally Rubio and Jeb would have been laughed right out of the race by the donor class after New Hampshire. The field would have ended up with Kasich, Trump and Cruz well prior to South Carolina, and then likely Trump and Cruz by Super Tuesday. Cruz would have the race locked now. There's a small chance Jeb would have lasted longer thanks to his hold on the donor class, but it isn't that likely.

And there's the irony: Citizen's United likely crippled the donor class of the GOP that usually forced the election to narrow early. More money ironically meant less ability to control the results and ended up putting us here, now, with the mess the GOP is currently facing.
The GOP has a massive bankroll for the general election. BUT your hatred for the constitution is your problem, not the GOP's or anyone elses. There is nothing, nor should there be, in the Constitution to prevent people from pooling their resources for a cause. The unions pad the pockets of the Democrats but I never hear libbabies complain about it, they just can't stand the private sector (those who feed the public sector) having a say.

The only way the "massive bankroll" coild possibly help would be if they paid Trump to leave. That is not possible, so they ate screwed.
easyt and Correll, your types are not the base. You are only a significant minority buttrying to act as if you have the weight and the pull of the majority of the party. You don't, you won't.

Obviously we are not the whole base. Thanks for stating the obvious.

My point stands. It is utter madness or complete corruption for the Leadership to join with the lib media in attacking their own front runner and A SIGNIFICANT PORTION of their base.

Do you have anything to offer relevant to my actual point?
Bolded words do not change that you are a minority of the party, and the majority of the party disagrees with you and Trump.
If Trump is the nominee, the Dems sweep at least the WH and the Senate, push through every SCOTUS nomination on reconciliation, and turn this country upside down.


IF the leadership still puts the interests of their enemies ahead of the interests and wishes. of their party rank and file.
You the minority of the rank and file are not listening to the majority. We see you and Trump as the enemy of America and the sane GOP.

We hear you. We have heard your concerns.

We disagree, and we have been winning the primaries.

That is where it should stand.

Instead, now we hear you allying with our enemies and waging a propaganda campaign against our leader and ourselves.

YOur hysterical justifications for you vile actions are noted and cited as further evidence of your betrayal.
You are the one acting hysterically vile, :lol: Correll, when you are reminded you are the minority, and Trump will not get the delegate majority before convention time. The majority of the party has voted against him and will continue to do so.
The GOP wants your support sensibly. If not, the GOP mainstream wants you gone. We will take the defeat if we have to in order to run you off. Then we get to blame you folks for the SCOTUS picks HRC is going to ram down our throats.

It is not sensible for a political party to attack it's own front runner and to join in the marginalization of a significant portion of it's own base.

If you get your way and sideline Trump, you will take this defeat and every one that comes after it.

Hillary will keep the borders open and by the time she is out of office, the GOP will be done as a national party.

This is on you and yours.

The reason why there is so much hostility towards Trump from within the GOP is because many believe Trump will lead the party to a historic defeat, and damage the party amongst the fastest growing segments of the population.

Trump isn't unpopular with wide swaths of the population because the party is attacking him. The party is attacking him because he is unpopular with wide swaths of the population.

The GOP has been losing those segments of the population for decades before Trump.

Losing by slightly more is not reason enough to attack your own base.

The behavior of the GOP leadership, is either madness or a complete selling out to our political enemies.

The GOP doesn't have to win those groups. They have to be competitive.

W won 44% of the Hispanic vote and won. Romney won 27% and lost. Right now, Hillary is leading Trump 72%-16% amongst Hispanics.

That's a death knell.

If we can counter the lies of the dems, those numbers can be changed.

Too bad the GOP leadership, and GOP establishment partisans are SUPPORTING those lies instead of challenging them.

YOu guys don't get to wage a massive campaign supporting the most vile lies about a man and then point to his negatives as a reason for attacking him.

What vile lies?

Trump's behavior has been vile. That's what has caused his sky high unpopularity.

If he is the nominee, all the Democrats have to do is play what he has said on a continuous loop. They don't have to do much else.
Do not accuse Trump's opponents of doing what he does: you act vile, Correll, when shown you are wrong.
Trump can overcome his negatives, Hillary cannot overcome hers. Therefore, Trump will be the next president.

Well, I support Cruz, but Democrats like ignoring that Hillary's negatives are right behind Trump and they are with everyone, not just certain groups

if Cruz get the GOP nomination I will fully support him. The most important thing any of us can do is keep Hillary Clinton out of power.
You should have thought of that before supporting Trump.

Why? defeating Hillary is the goal. I feel quite sure that she and the DNC fear Trump much more than Cruz.

I am 100 percent positive Clinton would rather run against Trump than any other Republican.

I am 100% positive that you are wrong. The dems are scared shitless of Trump because they know he wont pull any punches when bringing out Hillary's lies and corruption.
easyt and Correll, your types are not the base. You are only a significant minority buttrying to act as if you have the weight and the pull of the majority of the party. You don't, you won't.

Obviously we are not the whole base. Thanks for stating the obvious.

My point stands. It is utter madness or complete corruption for the Leadership to join with the lib media in attacking their own front runner and A SIGNIFICANT PORTION of their base.

Do you have anything to offer relevant to my actual point?
Bolded words do not change that you are a minority of the party, and the majority of the party disagrees with you and Trump.

uh, yeah, that's why he has won most of the primaries by wide margins. you need to put down the gonja pipe.
easyt and Correll, your types are not the base. You are only a significant minority buttrying to act as if you have the weight and the pull of the majority of the party. You don't, you won't.

Obviously we are not the whole base. Thanks for stating the obvious.

My point stands. It is utter madness or complete corruption for the Leadership to join with the lib media in attacking their own front runner and A SIGNIFICANT PORTION of their base.

Do you have anything to offer relevant to my actual point?
Bolded words do not change that you are a minority of the party, and the majority of the party disagrees with you and Trump.
uh, yeah, that's why he has won most of the primaries by wide margins. you need to put down the gonja pipe.
His victories do not add up to a majority of the voters. Get to the convention. You will find that out.

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