Trump has the worst negatives of just about any candidate in modern history.

The GOP has a massive bankroll for the general election. BUT your hatred for the constitution is your problem, not the GOP's or anyone elses. There is nothing, nor should there be, in the Constitution to prevent people from pooling their resources for a cause. The unions pad the pockets of the Democrats but I never hear libbabies complain about it, they just can't stand the private sector (those who feed the public sector) having a say.
Money isn't speech. The argument it is speech, and therefore protected is one of the stupidest arguments in the history of politics. Saying money is speech outright argues that corruption is free speech. It's not even a slippery slope argument.

I'd have been fine with limits on Union money that are in line with limits on corporations or individual giving. That'd be all fine and dandy. There's too much money in politics as is. The irony is that the folks most in favor of Citizens United are the ones reaping the whirlwind right now. Trump largely is running his campaign on the cheap using free TV coverage, but Rubio, Kasich, Cruz, Jeb, and others lasted as long as they did because of Citizens United. That's pretty much screwed up the GOP right now to the point they're looking at a catastrophe in the general. Good job guys.
Reagan had big negatives. In fact, most predicted he would lose badly to Jimmy Carter. And of course he went on to win by way of the biggest Landslide in history.
Reagan was also well on his way to leading in the general election polls at this point. Trump continues to slide.
The Dems will hold together, regardless of who gets the nomination. To think any democrat is going to sit down when they can get up to three SCOTUS appointments is senseless thinking. That's what pisses me off about the GOP. Too many are ready to throw all of that away in a hissy fit if they don't get Donald.
I never said the Dems would NOT 'hold together; however, the bigger question is 'will they show'. In 2014 a drastically reduced turn-out led to the historical, record-setting liberal defeat. So far, in the primaries, Liberal voter turn-out is reportedly 40% FEWER than in 2014.

I don't care who you are, that statistic should have Liberals a little concern.

Hillary’s Woman Problem: Most Women Don’t Like Her, by John McLaughlin, Jim McLaughlin, National Review

"Our just-released poll shows that Donald Trump has a 68 percent unfavorable rating among women. But 58 percent of women say they view Hillary Clinton unfavorably. In fact, Hillary’s unfavorable rating was two points higher among women than it was among men.

There are, in fact, very few segments of the female electorate who have an overall favorable view of Clinton, and she still has significant negatives in her narrow base"

Yes, Trump's 'Unfavorable' rating is higher among women than Hillary's, but her unfavorable rating among women is more important / impactful than Trump's. In most elections women favor Democrats more. Women loved Slick Willy (and he loved them and/or tried to love them back, too, which sometimes got him in trouble). They loved Barry. Hillary? Not so much.

Couple that with another historically LOW Liberal turn-out rate so far, reportedly 40% lower than in 2014 - when Dems were handed an historic record-setting ass-kicking - and Hillary's potentially in BIG trouble.
Trumps poling among women is at record lows

Who do you think those votes go to?
Did you get that from the TV? :lol:

Gotta love talking points and polls that poll 178 women. Exit polls from several primaries show Trump doing better with women than any other GOP candidate, but that don't let get in the way of you swallowing the propaganda
All I know is what I read on USMB

:lol: well played. I love a good sense of humor :thup:

We are going to get Hillary because people distrust folks like Trump and Redfish even more than her.

Hillary is having trouble beating Sanders dude and when the SD's take the nomination away from him all, if not most, of his supporters will bail on the election. Well at least thats what they are threatening. They may change their mind when they see that if they bail Trump will step into the WH without even breaking a sweat.

Hillary has a lot of problems and all one needs to do is look at whats happening. Sanders is embarrassing her in these primaries. For him to be doing as well as he is says a lot. He's a 74 year old bum who is giving her a run for her money. Thats fucked up :lol: :lol:
The Dems will hold together, regardless of who gets the nomination. To think any democrat is going to sit down when they can get up to three SCOTUS appointments is senseless thinking. That's what pisses me off about the GOP. Too many are ready to throw all of that away in a hissy fit if they don't get Donald.

In effect the Establishment is telling us Trump supporters that they hold us in as much contempt as you do Jakey.

You don't get to do that and then ask for our support.
I hear ya, but i truly believe the man cares about the American People. I don't trust the same ole same ole career Globalist Politicians. I'm ready for change.
See, the irony here is that from the point of view of a lot of Trump supporters, the Founders were globalists.

They knew they were living in a larger world. They lived daily with the danger that screwing up international diplomacy could bring the European powers down on their heads in a heartbeat. It's not until well after the Civil War that the rest of the world even factored in the USA as a world power. It's not until after WWI that the US was even in a position to influence the direction of world politics. It's not until after WWII that the USA ascended to the position of world leader.

There's a reason that Treaty negotiations are done entirely by the Executive, that ratification requires the Senate and NOT the House, that Ambassadorships are approved by the Senate and NOT the House, and that the Supreme Court holds direct Constitutional authority over maritime law and elevates Treaties to the level of the Constitution. For the majority of US history the rise of a populist US first President would have immediately ended the USA.

There's a tendency here in the USA to think we are so powerful that we can literally tell the rest of the world to screw off. I assure you we can not. Russia still holds enough nukes for MAD. China holds enough financial power to wage the same results on the economic front. OPEC could plunge the US economy right off the cliff tomorrow (look how they outright neutered the US oil industry!).

I say this as someone who very much believes in US exceptionalism. Who very much believes I live in the outright best nation on this Earth. But you still have to be wary and aware of the world and the implications of what we do and say on an international stage. That's why Trump scares the hell out of me.
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The Dems will hold together, regardless of who gets the nomination. To think any democrat is going to sit down when they can get up to three SCOTUS appointments is senseless thinking. That's what pisses me off about the GOP. Too many are ready to throw all of that away in a hissy fit if they don't get Donald.
I never said the Dems would NOT 'hold together; however, the bigger question is 'will they show'. In 2014 a drastically reduced turn-out led to the historical, record-setting liberal defeat. So far, in the primaries, Liberal voter turn-out is reportedly 40% FEWER than in 2014. I don't care who you are, that statistic should have Liberals a little concern.
She has 2mm more votes than Donald, and Bern has 1mm votes more than Donald. Ted is going to wack Donald tomorrow in WI and in CA. The GOP mainstream dislikes Cruz almost as much as Donald. If you think Dems won't turn out for the SCOTUS implications, you are thinking wrongly.
Trumps poling among women is at record lows

Who do you think those votes go to?
Did you get that from the TV? :lol:

Gotta love talking points and polls that poll 178 women. Exit polls from several primaries show Trump doing better with women than any other GOP candidate, but that don't let get in the way of you swallowing the propaganda
All I know is what I read on USMB

:lol: well played. I love a good sense of humor :thup:

We are going to get Hillary because people distrust folks like Trump and Redfish even more than her.

Hillary is having trouble beating Sanders dude and when the SD's take the nomination away from him all, if not most, of his supporters will bail on the election. Well at least thats what they are threatening. They may change their mind when they see that if they bail Trump will step into the WH without even breaking a sweat.

Hillary has a lot of problems and all one needs to do is look at whats happening. Sanders is embarrassing her in these primaries. For him to be doing as well as he is says a lot. He's a 74 year old bum who is giving her a run for her money. Thats fucked up :lol: :lol:
The Dems will hold together, regardless of who gets the nomination. To think any democrat is going to sit down when they can get up to three SCOTUS appointments is senseless thinking. That's what pisses me off about the GOP. Too many are ready to throw all of that away in a hissy fit if they don't get Donald.

In effect the Establishment is telling us Trump supporters that they hold us in as much contempt as you do Jakey.

You don't get to do that and then ask for our support.
The GOP wants your support sensibly. If not, the GOP mainstream wants you gone. We will take the defeat if we have to in order to run you off. Then we get to blame you folks for the SCOTUS picks HRC is going to ram down our throats.
I hear ya, but i truly believe the man cares about the American People. I don't trust the same ole same ole career Globalist Politicians. I'm ready for change.
See, the irony here is that from the point of view of a lot of Trump supporters, the Founders were globalists.

They knew they were living in a larger world. They lived daily with the danger that screwing up international diplomacy could bring the European powers down on their heads in a heartbeat. It's not until well after the Civil War that the rest of the world even factored in the USA as a world power. It's not until after WWI that the US was even in a position to influence the direction of world politics. It's not until after WWII that the USA to the position as world leader.

There's a reason that Treaty negotiations are done entirely by the Executive, that ratification requires the Senate and NOT the House, that Ambassadorships are approved by the Senate and NOT the House, and that the Supreme Court holds direct Constitutional authority over maritime law and elevates Treaties to the level of the Constitution. For the majority of US history the rise of a populist US first President would have immediately ended the USA.

There's a tendency here in the USA to think we are so powerful that we can literally tell the rest of the world to screw off. I assure you we can not. Russia still holds enough nukes for MAD. China holds enough financial power to wage the same results on the economic front. OPEC could plunge the US economy right off the cliff tomorrow (look how they outright neutered the US oil industry!).

I say this as someone who very much believes in US exceptionalism. Who very much believes I live in the outright best nation on this Earth. But you still have to be wary and aware of the world and the implications of what we do and say on an international stage. That's why Trump scares the hell out of me.

The Founders were NOT globalist.

For most of our history, our Presidents DID put US interests first. And the rest of the world did not freak out, because that is the norm.

Leaders of nations have the moral and professional responsibility to put the interests of their nation first, and to do what they can to advance them.

A Trump presidency would REDUCE tensions with Russia.

Our political class is stuck in the Cold War to the extent that they see Russia as the enemy, but reckless enough to KEEP screwing with them.

YOu should be scared that if anyone BUT Trump becomes President.
The GOP wants your support sensibly. If not, the GOP mainstream wants you gone. We will take the defeat if we have to in order to run you off. Then we get to blame you folks for the SCOTUS picks HRC is going to ram down our throats.
A power-hungry/defending party openly scheming to nullify their base's votes / choice knows nothing about 'sensible support'. They are determined to impose their will on others. OBEDIENCE is what they want.
Did you get that from the TV? :lol:

Gotta love talking points and polls that poll 178 women. Exit polls from several primaries show Trump doing better with women than any other GOP candidate, but that don't let get in the way of you swallowing the propaganda
All I know is what I read on USMB

:lol: well played. I love a good sense of humor :thup:

We are going to get Hillary because people distrust folks like Trump and Redfish even more than her.

Hillary is having trouble beating Sanders dude and when the SD's take the nomination away from him all, if not most, of his supporters will bail on the election. Well at least thats what they are threatening. They may change their mind when they see that if they bail Trump will step into the WH without even breaking a sweat.

Hillary has a lot of problems and all one needs to do is look at whats happening. Sanders is embarrassing her in these primaries. For him to be doing as well as he is says a lot. He's a 74 year old bum who is giving her a run for her money. Thats fucked up :lol: :lol:
The Dems will hold together, regardless of who gets the nomination. To think any democrat is going to sit down when they can get up to three SCOTUS appointments is senseless thinking. That's what pisses me off about the GOP. Too many are ready to throw all of that away in a hissy fit if they don't get Donald.

In effect the Establishment is telling us Trump supporters that they hold us in as much contempt as you do Jakey.

You don't get to do that and then ask for our support.
The GOP wants your support sensibly. If not, the GOP mainstream wants you gone. We will take the defeat if we have to in order to run you off. Then we get to blame you folks for the SCOTUS picks HRC is going to ram down our throats.

It is not sensible for a political party to attack it's own front runner and to join in the marginalization of a significant portion of it's own base.

If you get your way and sideline Trump, you will take this defeat and every one that comes after it.

Hillary will keep the borders open and by the time she is out of office, the GOP will be done as a national party.

This is on you and yours.
The GOP has a massive bankroll for the general election. BUT your hatred for the constitution is your problem, not the GOP's or anyone elses. There is nothing, nor should there be, in the Constitution to prevent people from pooling their resources for a cause. The unions pad the pockets of the Democrats but I never hear libbabies complain about it, they just can't stand the private sector (those who feed the public sector) having a say.
Money isn't speech. The argument it is speech, and therefore protected is one of the stupidest arguments in the history of politics. Saying money is speech outright argues that corruption is free speech. It's not even a slippery slope argument.
To you it's the money, you defined the argument the way you wanted. The point is that people can pool their resources to get their message out. It has nothing to do with how much money, money goes where or how it's collected.

I'd have been fine with limits on Union money that are in line with limits on corporations or individual giving. That'd be all fine and dandy. There's too much money in politics as is. The irony is that the folks most in favor of Citizens United are the ones reaping the whirlwind right now. Trump largely is running his campaign on the cheap using free TV coverage, but Rubio, Kasich, Cruz, Jeb, and others lasted as long as they did because of Citizens United. That's pretty much screwed up the GOP right now to the point they're looking at a catastrophe in the general. Good job guys.
Apparently you are blind to the Democrat offerings. The party is being hijacked by socialists, Bernie is on a roll. Your union limit argument doesn't add up because the union members have their dues taken and the union heads funnel it into Democrat elections whether the union member wants to or not. CU is a voluntary effort.
Reagan had big negatives. In fact, most predicted he would lose badly to Jimmy Carter. And of course he went on to win by way of the biggest Landslide in history.
Reagan was also well on his way to leading in the general election polls at this point. Trump continues to slide.
Reagan was losing the primaries at this point. But you put more stock in polling than I do.
Leaders of nations have the moral and professional responsibility to put the interests of their nation first, and to do what they can to advance them.
Leaders in government have the responsibility to ensure the continued survival of the nation. You do that by knowing when you have to stand up for the national interest and knowing when you have to acquiesce in the interest of peace and stability. Through out US History we have been fortunate to have leaders that understood that and acted on that. That understanding is something most Trump followers would call being "globalist" and it is exactly that understanding that permeates so much of the Constitution.

Trump appears to not grasp that at all. He's said stupid and arrogant stuff that will poison the well of international politics for years to come. As powerful as we are (and we are mighty), acting that way can absolutely undermine our agenda overseas and our industry at home.
All I know is what I read on USMB

:lol: well played. I love a good sense of humor :thup:

We are going to get Hillary because people distrust folks like Trump and Redfish even more than her.

Hillary is having trouble beating Sanders dude and when the SD's take the nomination away from him all, if not most, of his supporters will bail on the election. Well at least thats what they are threatening. They may change their mind when they see that if they bail Trump will step into the WH without even breaking a sweat.

Hillary has a lot of problems and all one needs to do is look at whats happening. Sanders is embarrassing her in these primaries. For him to be doing as well as he is says a lot. He's a 74 year old bum who is giving her a run for her money. Thats fucked up :lol: :lol:
The Dems will hold together, regardless of who gets the nomination. To think any democrat is going to sit down when they can get up to three SCOTUS appointments is senseless thinking. That's what pisses me off about the GOP. Too many are ready to throw all of that away in a hissy fit if they don't get Donald.

In effect the Establishment is telling us Trump supporters that they hold us in as much contempt as you do Jakey.

You don't get to do that and then ask for our support.
The GOP wants your support sensibly. If not, the GOP mainstream wants you gone. We will take the defeat if we have to in order to run you off. Then we get to blame you folks for the SCOTUS picks HRC is going to ram down our throats.

It is not sensible for a political party to attack it's own front runner and to join in the marginalization of a significant portion of it's own base.

If you get your way and sideline Trump, you will take this defeat and every one that comes after it.

Hillary will keep the borders open and by the time she is out of office, the GOP will be done as a national party.

This is on you and yours.

The reason why there is so much hostility towards Trump from within the GOP is because many believe Trump will lead the party to a historic defeat, and damage the party amongst the fastest growing segments of the population.

Trump isn't unpopular with wide swaths of the population because the party is attacking him. The party is attacking him because he is unpopular with wide swaths of the population.
Reagan had big negatives. In fact, most predicted he would lose badly to Jimmy Carter. And of course he went on to win by way of the biggest Landslide in history.
Reagan was also well on his way to leading in the general election polls at this point. Trump continues to slide.
Reagan was losing the primaries at this point. But you put more stock in polling than I do.

Donald Trump Is No Ronald Reagan

You should read the above. The reality is you can't compare Trump to Reagan. If you attempt to, you'll see Trump is a heck of a lot more screwed than Reagan was at any point in the process. Trump is absolutely not following in Reagan's lead in the polling process.
All I know is what I read on USMB

:lol: well played. I love a good sense of humor :thup:

We are going to get Hillary because people distrust folks like Trump and Redfish even more than her.

Hillary is having trouble beating Sanders dude and when the SD's take the nomination away from him all, if not most, of his supporters will bail on the election. Well at least thats what they are threatening. They may change their mind when they see that if they bail Trump will step into the WH without even breaking a sweat.

Hillary has a lot of problems and all one needs to do is look at whats happening. Sanders is embarrassing her in these primaries. For him to be doing as well as he is says a lot. He's a 74 year old bum who is giving her a run for her money. Thats fucked up :lol: :lol:
The Dems will hold together, regardless of who gets the nomination. To think any democrat is going to sit down when they can get up to three SCOTUS appointments is senseless thinking. That's what pisses me off about the GOP. Too many are ready to throw all of that away in a hissy fit if they don't get Donald.

In effect the Establishment is telling us Trump supporters that they hold us in as much contempt as you do Jakey.

You don't get to do that and then ask for our support.
The GOP wants your support sensibly. If not, the GOP mainstream wants you gone. We will take the defeat if we have to in order to run you off. Then we get to blame you folks for the SCOTUS picks HRC is going to ram down our throats.

It is not sensible for a political party to attack it's own front runner and to join in the marginalization of a significant portion of it's own base.

If you get your way and sideline Trump, you will take this defeat and every one that comes after it.

Hillary will keep the borders open and by the time she is out of office, the GOP will be done as a national party.

This is on you and yours.

Or don't sideline Trump....and take this defeat and every one that comes after it.

The GOP is basically picking between flavors of dog shit.
So you are saying that Trump's spouse is WORSE than a pathologically lying, psychotic / habitual sexual deviant who has sexually harassed, sexually assaulted, raped, and had adulterous affairs, and is a pedophile?

Who knew.... :p
Leaders of nations have the moral and professional responsibility to put the interests of their nation first, and to do what they can to advance them.
Leaders in government have the responsibility to ensure the continued survival of the nation. You do that by knowing when you have to stand up for the national interest and knowing when you have to acquiesce in the interest of peace and stability. Through out US History we have been fortunate to have leaders that understood that and acted on that. That understanding is something most Trump followers would call being "globalist" and it is exactly that understanding that permeates so much of the Constitution.

Trump appears to not grasp that at all. He's said stupid and arrogant stuff that will poison the well of international politics for years to come. As powerful as we are (and we are mighty), acting that way can absolutely undermine our agenda overseas and our industry at home.

Your claim that Trump doesn't understand that is nonsense.

YOur first stated concern was Russia. Trump wants to STOP our screwing around with Russia.

China? China is screwing around with US. We have tremendous leverage on them as they are dependent on the 300 billion a year trade surplus they get from US. They are the ones who need to know when to acquiesce.

Mexico? Mexico has been an insanely unfriendly neighbor, violating our sovereignty massively for decades. And again, we have the leverage and THEY need to be the ones to acquiesce.
To you it's the money, you defined the argument the way you wanted. The point is that people can pool their resources to get their message out. It has nothing to do with how much money, money goes where or how it's collected.

Yipee! I'll just pool my money with a bunch of other rich folks and buy the votes to get my corporation government contracts! Since that's free speech, it's roughly the same as a bunch of us calling our Congressman. Right?

Citizen's is an incredibly stupid court ruling. Incredibly. I'm just enjoying watching it blow up in the GOP's face.

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