Trump has the worst negatives of just about any candidate in modern history.

if Cruz get the GOP nomination I will fully support him. The most important thing any of us can do is keep Hillary Clinton out of power.
You should have thought of that before supporting Trump.

Why? defeating Hillary is the goal. I feel quite sure that she and the DNC fear Trump much more than Cruz.

With Cruz they can use his Canadian birth, his alleged affairs, and the fact that he is not well liked in congress. With Trump all they have is that he is not PC, BFD.
As a Dem

The only one who can beat Hillary is Kasich.

If Kasich had any brains he would make a deal to be Trump's VP. Trump will only serve one term then Kasich would be a lock for the next two.

If he continues on his current path, he will never be anything but the gov of Ohio.
And Trump will never be anything but a reality tv star with bad hair

time will tell which of us is right.
Your comments, Redfish, demonstrate you understand very little.

Trump has negatives among even GOP leaning voters, for heaven's sake.

yes, and Hillary has equal negatives among even dem leaning voters. what's your point for heaven's sake?
Check that poll again. She is ahead in all of the key demographics, and Trump's negatives will vote for her.
Your comments, Redfish, demonstrate you understand very little.

Trump has negatives among even GOP leaning voters, for heaven's sake.

yes, and Hillary has equal negatives among even dem leaning voters. what's your point for heaven's sake?
Check that poll again. She is ahead in all of the key demographics, and Trump's negatives will vote for her.

So her negatives mean nothing, her history of lying means nothing, her possible indictment means nothing, her incompetence as SecState means nothing, her husbands serial abuse of women means nothing, and finally, her being a lesbian means nothing (a former lover is about to come out on that).
Your comments, Redfish, demonstrate you understand very little.

Trump has negatives among even GOP leaning voters, for heaven's sake.

yes, and Hillary has equal negatives among even dem leaning voters. what's your point for heaven's sake?
Check that poll again. She is ahead in all of the key demographics, and Trump's negatives will vote for her.

So, the Wash Post and ABC got 1000 people polled out of 330,000,000 and this is their conclusion? are you really that naïve?
Your comments, Redfish, demonstrate you understand very little.

Trump has negatives among even GOP leaning voters, for heaven's sake.

yes, and Hillary has equal negatives among even dem leaning voters. what's your point for heaven's sake?

Hillary's negatives aren't as high as Trump's.

maybe at the moment, but hers are much more significant and are based on actual events and actions, not media hype.
Your comments, Redfish, demonstrate you understand very little.

Trump has negatives among even GOP leaning voters, for heaven's sake.

yes, and Hillary has equal negatives among even dem leaning voters. what's your point for heaven's sake?
Check that poll again. She is ahead in all of the key demographics, and Trump's negatives will vote for her.

So her negatives mean nothing, her history of lying means nothing, her possible indictment means nothing, her incompetence as SecState means nothing, her husbands serial abuse of women means nothing, and finally, her being a lesbian means nothing (a former lover is about to come out on that).

Of course they mean something (apart from that last bizarre claim). That's why the Republican base has gone Full Retard, choosing to back a man that is virtually unelectable. The GOP could win this but they are shooting themselves in the head with this Trump shitshow.
Your comments, Redfish, demonstrate you understand very little.

Trump has negatives among even GOP leaning voters, for heaven's sake.

yes, and Hillary has equal negatives among even dem leaning voters. what's your point for heaven's sake?

Hillary's negatives aren't as high as Trump's.

maybe at the moment, but hers are much more significant and are based on actual events and actions, not media hype.

Trump has jumped the shark.

If the GOP wants to have any hope, Trump has to get less than 1237.

Otherwise, they're going to get wiped out.
Look, I understand that some of you love Hillary and hate Donald, I get that. That is your right. You are free in this country to believe whatever you want to believe and vote for whoever you want to vote for.

But there exists a majority of americans who actually seek the facts before voting, and most of them will not vote for Hillary Clinton.

They may vote for Trump or they may stay home or waste their vote on a 3rd party.

If you think this is in the bag for Hillary, you are in dreamland.
Your comments, Redfish, demonstrate you understand very little.

Trump has negatives among even GOP leaning voters, for heaven's sake.

yes, and Hillary has equal negatives among even dem leaning voters. what's your point for heaven's sake?
Check that poll again. She is ahead in all of the key demographics, and Trump's negatives will vote for her.

So her negatives mean nothing, her history of lying means nothing, her possible indictment means nothing, her incompetence as SecState means nothing, her husbands serial abuse of women means nothing, and finally, her being a lesbian means nothing (a former lover is about to come out on that).

Of course they mean something (apart from that last bizarre claim). That's why the Republican base has gone Full Retard, choosing to back a man that is virtually unelectable. The GOP could win this but they are shooting themselves in the head with this Trump shitshow.

your opinion, nothing more.
70% of women have a negative view of Trump. Can't get more negative than that


Hillary’s Woman Problem: Most Women Don’t Like Her, by John McLaughlin, Jim McLaughlin, National Review

"Our just-released poll shows that Donald Trump has a 68 percent unfavorable rating among women. But 58 percent of women say they view Hillary Clinton unfavorably. In fact, Hillary’s unfavorable rating was two points higher among women than it was among men.

There are, in fact, very few segments of the female electorate who have an overall favorable view of Clinton, and she still has significant negatives in her narrow base"

Yes, Trump's 'Unfavorable' rating is higher among women than Hillary's, but her unfavorable rating among women is more important / impactful than Trump's. In most elections women favor Democrats more. Women loved Slick Willy (and he loved them and/or tried to love them back, too, which sometimes got him in trouble). They loved Barry. Hillary? Not so much.

Couple that with another historically LOW Liberal turn-out rate so far, reportedly 40% lower than in 2014 - when Dems were handed an historic record-setting ass-kicking - and Hillary's potentially in BIG trouble.
Trumps poling among women is at record lows

Who do you think those votes go to?
Did you get that from the TV? :lol:

Gotta love talking points and polls that poll 178 women. Exit polls from several primaries show Trump doing better with women than any other GOP candidate, but that don't let get in the way of you swallowing the propaganda
All I know is what I read on USMB

:lol: well played. I love a good sense of humor :thup:

We are going to get Hillary because people distrust folks like Trump and Redfish even more than her.

Hillary is having trouble beating Sanders dude and when the SD's take the nomination away from him all, if not most, of his supporters will bail on the election. Well at least thats what they are threatening. They may change their mind when they see that if they bail Trump will step into the WH without even breaking a sweat.

Hillary has a lot of problems and all one needs to do is look at whats happening. Sanders is embarrassing her in these primaries. For him to be doing as well as he is says a lot. He's a 74 year old bum who is giving her a run for her money. Thats fucked up :lol: :lol:
Your comments, Redfish, demonstrate you understand very little.

Trump has negatives among even GOP leaning voters, for heaven's sake.

yes, and Hillary has equal negatives among even dem leaning voters. what's your point for heaven's sake?

Hillary's negatives aren't as high as Trump's.

maybe at the moment, but hers are much more significant and are based on actual events and actions, not media hype.

Trump has jumped the shark.

If the GOP wants to have any hope, Trump has to get less than 1237.

Otherwise, they're going to get wiped out.

more opinion,
Your comments, Redfish, demonstrate you understand very little.

Trump has negatives among even GOP leaning voters, for heaven's sake.

yes, and Hillary has equal negatives among even dem leaning voters. what's your point for heaven's sake?
Check that poll again. She is ahead in all of the key demographics, and Trump's negatives will vote for her.

So her negatives mean nothing, her history of lying means nothing, her possible indictment means nothing, her incompetence as SecState means nothing, her husbands serial abuse of women means nothing, and finally, her being a lesbian means nothing (a former lover is about to come out on that).

Of course they mean something (apart from that last bizarre claim). That's why the Republican base has gone Full Retard, choosing to back a man that is virtually unelectable. The GOP could win this but they are shooting themselves in the head with this Trump shitshow.

the lesbian thing has been around a long time, back to when bubba was in office. Don't be surprised when it comes back up.
I love the smell of crumbling party desperation in the morning. With a Turumph./Hillary race to the bottom, Gary Johnson just might make 15% this time.. :banana: Or 22% -- when folks consider this elections from ONLY the "negative" side..
Hope he does

It will come out of Trumps hide

The wonderful thing about failing parties offering 2 power whore farts is ---- It's gonna hurt BOTH of them if people realize there is a legitimate 3rd choice on 50 state ballots. Bringing folks together is what CHOICES and TOLERANCE are all about..

Trumps support is 10 miles long and 2 inches deep.. It's BASED on hatred of the media and of party political control of the Congress. Only 4 people RUN the House/Senate. The rest are irrelevant and subservient to the likes of Reid and Ryan.. People are tired of the parties and their restraining of democracy. And they are livid about the press being lazy and complicit in the mud wrestling..
We know where the libertarian vote comes from and it ain't the dems

Not a topic of this thread -- but that's a false misconception.. The Libertarians support 40 to 50% of what Bernie Sanders says. He just doesn't know how to get it done.

And BERNIE is the one discussing a lot of "common" issues. Like govt/corporate collusion, prison reform, and WISER foreign policy.. Trump/Hillary isn't gonna change any of that.. In fact Turumph "deals" will make him look a lot like this..


It's not the money stupid.. It's the power to pick winners/losers... And the influence can bought OFF the election cycle as well.. Favors are favors. Friends are friends. And enemies get the full wrath of the bureaucracy cast upon them....
THIS circus --- the one this thread is about -- is ALL ABOUT feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings. That's what negative polls are all about -- dumbass..

then why not vote for someone who is not part of the establishment that has created this mess? Why not at least TRY to fix it? Why vote for more of the same?

Again -- I'm telling you're not thinking about your assertions. What is 3rd party support if it is NOT "outside the establishment" and "NO more of the same"???

You aint begun to SEE the negatives on Trump./Hillary until one of those power whores is in the WH and operating for 8 months... EITHER ONE will LOVE the full power of the bureaucratic MINIONS under their control and will USE that power to make the nebulous deals that you THINK they are promising you.. .

If we hate them now --- imagine how much MORE we're gonna hate them with all that power that they crave !!!!
Trump can overcome his negatives, Hillary cannot overcome hers. Therefore, Trump will be the next president.

Well, I support Cruz, but Democrats like ignoring that Hillary's negatives are right behind Trump and they are with everyone, not just certain groups

if Cruz get the GOP nomination I will fully support him. The most important thing any of us can do is keep Hillary Clinton out of power.
You should have thought of that before supporting Trump.

Why? defeating Hillary is the goal. I feel quite sure that she and the DNC fear Trump much more than Cruz.

I am 100 percent positive Clinton would rather run against Trump than any other Republican.
if Cruz get the GOP nomination I will fully support him. The most important thing any of us can do is keep Hillary Clinton out of power.
If Cruz or Kasich or Rubio get the nomination, I will vote for any one of them.

If Trump gets the nomination, I am not voting for President.
70% of women have a negative view of Trump. Can't get more negative than that


Hillary’s Woman Problem: Most Women Don’t Like Her, by John McLaughlin, Jim McLaughlin, National Review

"Our just-released poll shows that Donald Trump has a 68 percent unfavorable rating among women. But 58 percent of women say they view Hillary Clinton unfavorably. In fact, Hillary’s unfavorable rating was two points higher among women than it was among men.

There are, in fact, very few segments of the female electorate who have an overall favorable view of Clinton, and she still has significant negatives in her narrow base"

Yes, Trump's 'Unfavorable' rating is higher among women than Hillary's, but her unfavorable rating among women is more important / impactful than Trump's. In most elections women favor Democrats more. Women loved Slick Willy (and he loved them and/or tried to love them back, too, which sometimes got him in trouble). They loved Barry. Hillary? Not so much.

Couple that with another historically LOW Liberal turn-out rate so far, reportedly 40% lower than in 2014 - when Dems were handed an historic record-setting ass-kicking - and Hillary's potentially in BIG trouble.
Trumps poling among women is at record lows

Who do you think those votes go to?
Did you get that from the TV? :lol:

Gotta love talking points and polls that poll 178 women. Exit polls from several primaries show Trump doing better with women than any other GOP candidate, but that don't let get in the way of you swallowing the propaganda
All I know is what I read on USMB

:lol: well played. I love a good sense of humor :thup:

We are going to get Hillary because people distrust folks like Trump and Redfish even more than her.

Hillary is having trouble beating Sanders dude and when the SD's take the nomination away from him all, if not most, of his supporters will bail on the election. Well at least thats what they are threatening. They may change their mind when they see that if they bail Trump will step into the WH without even breaking a sweat.

Hillary has a lot of problems and all one needs to do is look at whats happening. Sanders is embarrassing her in these primaries. For him to be doing as well as he is says a lot. He's a 74 year old bum who is giving her a run for her money. Thats fucked up :lol: :lol:
The Dems will hold together, regardless of who gets the nomination. To think any democrat is going to sit down when they can get up to three SCOTUS appointments is senseless thinking. That's what pisses me off about the GOP. Too many are ready to throw all of that away in a hissy fit if they don't get Donald.
if Cruz get the GOP nomination I will fully support him. The most important thing any of us can do is keep Hillary Clinton out of power.
If Cruz or Kasich or Rubio get the nomination, I will vote for any one of them.

If Trump gets the nomination, I am not voting for President.

I'll vote for Hillary if Trump is the candidate. I'll probably vote Libertarian if Cruz is the candidate, though I might support Cruz. I'll vote for almost any other Republican if another emerges from the convention.

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