Trump has the worst negatives of just about any candidate in modern history.

See you in Cleveland, Chuckles. I'm looking forward to your impotent screams.
Steal the election and you elect Hillary...................Millions are saying the same..................whoever wins should be by the voters......if it gets stolen.............then the GOP is done this election..............

They will elect Hillary..................and they don't care because she will give them what they want in the establishment................and we will get 4 more years of Obama...............and a Stacked Supreme Court.

"Steal" the election? No matter how entitled you and your Orange Messiah think you are, the election doesn't belong to him, so there's no "stealing" about it.

You keep forgetting in your blind, drooling fanboy state, that you Trumpettes are not "the voters". You're just SOME voters. There are a hell of a lot more of us who DON'T want Donny Boy, so get over this whole idea that you get to stomp your little feet and wave Donny's tiny hands and demand your way.

Since I don't hear you saying, "Beating Hillary is THE most important thing" about YOUR vote, I'm even less inclined to give a fat rat's furry ass about your demands regarding MY vote than I was to start with, and God knows, I wouldn't piss on you and your opinion to put out a fire now.

All I want is a candidate who's not a national embarrassment. All YOU want is your own fucking way, so President Hillary is all yours to own. And don't think I won't be here for the entire four years, answering every bitch you have about her with, "Well, why did you waste everyone's time with Donald Trump and elect her, then?"
In a Republic with the elected officials being chosen by the people through VOTING.............those with the most votes win...........

I guess you think we live in something other than a Republic.................The establishment will steal the nominee from the matter how you RAVE about it...........

If this is how we decide who will be president......then the Republic no longer exists............I guess you are stupid to realize that........

If they do this......................No candidate put forward will's over............and I hope we burn the fucking GOP down if they do it.

We're not talking about an election, Twinkles. We're talking about a primary. That's first. We're not "deciding on a President" right now. We're deciding who a private entity, the Republican Party, is going to back as a nominee. And they owe you exactly two things: Jack and shit. And Jack just left town.

Second, feel free to get him "the most votes" . . . IF you can get him the nomination. You'll be doing it without a major chunk of the GOP voters, though.

I don't even have to guess that you don't give shit one about "republic", or "the will of the people", or any of the other shit you prattle about. I KNOW that all you give a damn about is getting your way like the spoiled, ignorant child that you and your candidate both are. Otherwise, we wouldn't be hearing this constant twaddle about how we "HAVE" to support him. We don't, and we won't.

You're fooling no one with "I hope we burn the GOP down for ignoring us". You were all about burning shit down in the first place, which is why you're supporting a political incendiary bomb with a bad combover.

your attitude will elect Hillary, the worst possible person to put in the whitehouse. Is that what you want?

That Hillary is "the worst possible person" is YOUR opinion, and has no impact on my vote whatsoever. As far as I'm concerned, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders are EQUALLY bad in their own, unique ways.

It's my conscience, and only I can vote it. If it comes down to Donald Trump versus either of the two Democrats, then from my point of view, we're completely screwed no matter what happens. At that point, well, I refer you to a quote by Joss Whedon: When nothing you do matters, all that matters is what you do.
See you in Cleveland, Chuckles. I'm looking forward to your impotent screams.
Steal the election and you elect Hillary...................Millions are saying the same..................whoever wins should be by the voters......if it gets stolen.............then the GOP is done this election..............

They will elect Hillary..................and they don't care because she will give them what they want in the establishment................and we will get 4 more years of Obama...............and a Stacked Supreme Court.

"Steal" the election? No matter how entitled you and your Orange Messiah think you are, the election doesn't belong to him, so there's no "stealing" about it.

You keep forgetting in your blind, drooling fanboy state, that you Trumpettes are not "the voters". You're just SOME voters. There are a hell of a lot more of us who DON'T want Donny Boy, so get over this whole idea that you get to stomp your little feet and wave Donny's tiny hands and demand your way.

Since I don't hear you saying, "Beating Hillary is THE most important thing" about YOUR vote, I'm even less inclined to give a fat rat's furry ass about your demands regarding MY vote than I was to start with, and God knows, I wouldn't piss on you and your opinion to put out a fire now.

All I want is a candidate who's not a national embarrassment. All YOU want is your own fucking way, so President Hillary is all yours to own. And don't think I won't be here for the entire four years, answering every bitch you have about her with, "Well, why did you waste everyone's time with Donald Trump and elect her, then?"
In a Republic with the elected officials being chosen by the people through VOTING.............those with the most votes win..........
I guess you think we live in something other than a Republic.................The establishment will steal the nominee from the matter how you RAVE about it...........
If this is how we decide who will be president......then the Republic no longer exists............I guess you are stupid to realize that........If they do this......................No candidate put forward will's over............and I hope we burn the fucking GOP down if they do it.
Now you want a democracy not a representative republican government. If you want to beat HRC, let Kasich be the candidate.

So, ignore the primary voters, let the RNC elites pick the candidate, right? That is exactly what the dems are doing. Why even bother with the primaries and the general election, lets just let the party bosses pick our leaders. Can you say USSR?

The RNC is going to pick the candidate no matter what you do, you know that, right? This is really in no way different from how any political party in the entire history of this country has done things. In the end, THE PARTY chooses who the party will submit as a candidate.

But, in fact, the Republican Party pays more attention to the voters than any other party currently running. And I expect that if Donald Trump can get the required number of delegates, they'll let him be the nominee, no matter how much they hate it, because those are their rules. I don't expect for a second that they're going to passively stand by without trying to stop him from getting them, though.
Steal the election and you elect Hillary...................Millions are saying the same..................whoever wins should be by the voters......if it gets stolen.............then the GOP is done this election..............

They will elect Hillary..................and they don't care because she will give them what they want in the establishment................and we will get 4 more years of Obama...............and a Stacked Supreme Court.

"Steal" the election? No matter how entitled you and your Orange Messiah think you are, the election doesn't belong to him, so there's no "stealing" about it.

You keep forgetting in your blind, drooling fanboy state, that you Trumpettes are not "the voters". You're just SOME voters. There are a hell of a lot more of us who DON'T want Donny Boy, so get over this whole idea that you get to stomp your little feet and wave Donny's tiny hands and demand your way.

Since I don't hear you saying, "Beating Hillary is THE most important thing" about YOUR vote, I'm even less inclined to give a fat rat's furry ass about your demands regarding MY vote than I was to start with, and God knows, I wouldn't piss on you and your opinion to put out a fire now.

All I want is a candidate who's not a national embarrassment. All YOU want is your own fucking way, so President Hillary is all yours to own. And don't think I won't be here for the entire four years, answering every bitch you have about her with, "Well, why did you waste everyone's time with Donald Trump and elect her, then?"
In a Republic with the elected officials being chosen by the people through VOTING.............those with the most votes win...........

I guess you think we live in something other than a Republic.................The establishment will steal the nominee from the matter how you RAVE about it...........

If this is how we decide who will be president......then the Republic no longer exists............I guess you are stupid to realize that........

If they do this......................No candidate put forward will's over............and I hope we burn the fucking GOP down if they do it.

We're not talking about an election, Twinkles. We're talking about a primary. That's first. We're not "deciding on a President" right now. We're deciding who a private entity, the Republican Party, is going to back as a nominee. And they owe you exactly two things: Jack and shit. And Jack just left town.

Second, feel free to get him "the most votes" . . . IF you can get him the nomination. You'll be doing it without a major chunk of the GOP voters, though.

I don't even have to guess that you don't give shit one about "republic", or "the will of the people", or any of the other shit you prattle about. I KNOW that all you give a damn about is getting your way like the spoiled, ignorant child that you and your candidate both are. Otherwise, we wouldn't be hearing this constant twaddle about how we "HAVE" to support him. We don't, and we won't.

You're fooling no one with "I hope we burn the GOP down for ignoring us". You were all about burning shit down in the first place, which is why you're supporting a political incendiary bomb with a bad combover.

your attitude will elect Hillary, the worst possible person to put in the whitehouse. Is that what you want?

That Hillary is "the worst possible person" is YOUR opinion, and has no impact on my vote whatsoever. As far as I'm concerned, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders are EQUALLY bad in their own, unique ways.

It's my conscience, and only I can vote it. If it comes down to Donald Trump versus either of the two Democrats, then from my point of view, we're completely screwed no matter what happens. At that point, well, I refer you to a quote by Joss Whedon: When nothing you do matters, all that matters is what you do.

everything posted on this board is someone's opinion. I have no desire to change your opinions, but am free to post mine and to explain why I hold them.

I will be voting against whoever the dems run. no matter who the GOP runs. That is my OPINION and I intend to act on it.

you can do whatever you want. I really don't care
Steal the election and you elect Hillary...................Millions are saying the same..................whoever wins should be by the voters......if it gets stolen.............then the GOP is done this election..............

They will elect Hillary..................and they don't care because she will give them what they want in the establishment................and we will get 4 more years of Obama...............and a Stacked Supreme Court.

"Steal" the election? No matter how entitled you and your Orange Messiah think you are, the election doesn't belong to him, so there's no "stealing" about it.

You keep forgetting in your blind, drooling fanboy state, that you Trumpettes are not "the voters". You're just SOME voters. There are a hell of a lot more of us who DON'T want Donny Boy, so get over this whole idea that you get to stomp your little feet and wave Donny's tiny hands and demand your way.

Since I don't hear you saying, "Beating Hillary is THE most important thing" about YOUR vote, I'm even less inclined to give a fat rat's furry ass about your demands regarding MY vote than I was to start with, and God knows, I wouldn't piss on you and your opinion to put out a fire now.

All I want is a candidate who's not a national embarrassment. All YOU want is your own fucking way, so President Hillary is all yours to own. And don't think I won't be here for the entire four years, answering every bitch you have about her with, "Well, why did you waste everyone's time with Donald Trump and elect her, then?"
In a Republic with the elected officials being chosen by the people through VOTING.............those with the most votes win..........
I guess you think we live in something other than a Republic.................The establishment will steal the nominee from the matter how you RAVE about it...........
If this is how we decide who will be president......then the Republic no longer exists............I guess you are stupid to realize that........If they do this......................No candidate put forward will's over............and I hope we burn the fucking GOP down if they do it.
Now you want a democracy not a representative republican government. If you want to beat HRC, let Kasich be the candidate.

So, ignore the primary voters, let the RNC elites pick the candidate, right? That is exactly what the dems are doing. Why even bother with the primaries and the general election, lets just let the party bosses pick our leaders. Can you say USSR?

The RNC is going to pick the candidate no matter what you do, you know that, right? This is really in no way different from how any political party in the entire history of this country has done things. In the end, THE PARTY chooses who the party will submit as a candidate.

But, in fact, the Republican Party pays more attention to the voters than any other party currently running. And I expect that if Donald Trump can get the required number of delegates, they'll let him be the nominee, no matter how much they hate it, because those are their rules. I don't expect for a second that they're going to passively stand by without trying to stop him from getting them, though.

If they ignore the primary voters they will be screwing themselves, they may do that, after all they ran Dole and McCain.
Correll and fool fish like true far right Alinskys smear others and claim the others are really smearing them.

Our Trumpeters are guaranteeing HRC as president and a Democratic senate and house.

It is Trump and his supporters who have been the target of one of the most egregious propaganda campaigns in modern times.

Your denial of this fact does nothing but reveal that you are completely dishonest.
Correll and fool fish like true far right Alinskys smear others and claim the others are really smearing them.

Our Trumpeters are guaranteeing HRC as president and a Democratic senate and house.
It is Trump and his supporters who have been the target of one of the most egregious propaganda campaigns in modern times. Your denial of this fact does nothing but reveal that you are completely dishonest.
You far right alinskyism is continuing to fail. Trump did everything of which he is accused. Flat fact.

You and your ilk are guaranteeing a sweeping Dem victory.
Redfish writes, "If they ignore the primary voters they will be screwing themselves," without acknowledging that 60% of the GOP voters do not want Trump.

Let him get 1237 delegates, and we will talk again.
Correll and fool fish like true far right Alinskys smear others and claim the others are really smearing them.

Our Trumpeters are guaranteeing HRC as president and a Democratic senate and house.
It is Trump and his supporters who have been the target of one of the most egregious propaganda campaigns in modern times. Your denial of this fact does nothing but reveal that you are completely dishonest.
You far right alinskyism is continuing to fail. Trump did everything of which he is accused. Flat fact.

You and your ilk are guaranteeing a sweeping Dem victory.

Redfish writes, "If they ignore the primary voters they will be screwing themselves," without acknowledging that 60% of the GOP voters do not want Trump.

Let him get 1237 delegates, and we will talk again.

If rule 40 is not thrown out, it will have to be Trump or Cruz.

And why should it be the person that won LESS delegates?
Redfish writes, "If they ignore the primary voters they will be screwing themselves," without acknowledging that 60% of the GOP voters do not want Trump.

Let him get 1237 delegates, and we will talk again.

If rule 40 is not thrown out, it will have to be Trump or Cruz.

And why should it be the person that won LESS delegates?

I don't see how Republicans can justify a candidate who won 30 percent of the primary delegates over someone who won 45 percent

Cruz would have no credibility
Redfish writes, "If they ignore the primary voters they will be screwing themselves," without acknowledging that 60% of the GOP voters do not want Trump.

Let him get 1237 delegates, and we will talk again.

If rule 40 is not thrown out, it will have to be Trump or Cruz.

And why should it be the person that won LESS delegates?

I don't see how Republicans can justify a candidate who won 30 percent of the primary delegates over someone who won 45 percent

Cruz would have no credibility


Cruz is a Middle Aged man. He will have another chance.
Be happy in the current will be short hurt the magic number but this is a Political War and one battle doesn't win the War.............

Again, look at the scoreboard..............Cruz is still losing and going into states that don't favor him..............You got some mileage on the lies of Mathews over Abortion.........and that is exactly what they were.............LIES........

See you in Cleveland, Chuckles. I'm looking forward to your impotent screams.
Steal the election and you elect Hillary...................Millions are saying the same..................whoever wins should be by the voters......if it gets stolen.............then the GOP is done this election..............

They will elect Hillary..................and they don't care because she will give them what they want in the establishment................and we will get 4 more years of Obama...............and a Stacked Supreme Court.

"Steal" the election? No matter how entitled you and your Orange Messiah think you are, the election doesn't belong to him, so there's no "stealing" about it.

You keep forgetting in your blind, drooling fanboy state, that you Trumpettes are not "the voters". You're just SOME voters. There are a hell of a lot more of us who DON'T want Donny Boy, so get over this whole idea that you get to stomp your little feet and wave Donny's tiny hands and demand your way.

Since I don't hear you saying, "Beating Hillary is THE most important thing" about YOUR vote, I'm even less inclined to give a fat rat's furry ass about your demands regarding MY vote than I was to start with, and God knows, I wouldn't piss on you and your opinion to put out a fire now.

All I want is a candidate who's not a national embarrassment. All YOU want is your own fucking way, so President Hillary is all yours to own. And don't think I won't be here for the entire four years, answering every bitch you have about her with, "Well, why did you waste everyone's time with Donald Trump and elect her, then?"
In a Republic with the elected officials being chosen by the people through VOTING.............those with the most votes win...........

I guess you think we live in something other than a Republic.................The establishment will steal the nominee from the matter how you RAVE about it...........

If this is how we decide who will be president......then the Republic no longer exists............I guess you are stupid to realize that........

If they do this......................No candidate put forward will's over............and I hope we burn the fucking GOP down if they do it.

We're not talking about an election, Twinkles. We're talking about a primary. That's first. We're not "deciding on a President" right now. We're deciding who a private entity, the Republican Party, is going to back as a nominee. And they owe you exactly two things: Jack and shit. And Jack just left town.

Second, feel free to get him "the most votes" . . . IF you can get him the nomination. You'll be doing it without a major chunk of the GOP voters, though.

I don't even have to guess that you don't give shit one about "republic", or "the will of the people", or any of the other shit you prattle about. I KNOW that all you give a damn about is getting your way like the spoiled, ignorant child that you and your candidate both are. Otherwise, we wouldn't be hearing this constant twaddle about how we "HAVE" to support him. We don't, and we won't.

You're fooling no one with "I hope we burn the GOP down for ignoring us". You were all about burning shit down in the first place, which is why you're supporting a political incendiary bomb with a bad combover.
Private entity.............LOL

Who will go against the votes............and say it's for your own good......

Fuck them............It is one thing if it was just's Millions of voters who have voted........and more than any other candidate...........but these Millions voices should be ignored for our own good...........

So why the Hell should we even vote anymore............You.......Fakey.......and all those whiners who are losing by the votes say our vote and our opinion don't matter..............

If that is the GOP............and it's useless to vote anymore because it's THEIR PARTY...........Then the GOP can go to hell with you...............

That's the deal............You can cry and bitch all you want about HOW FAIR IT IS...............Fair to ignore the voters in this primary...........Then fair is fair...................the GOP is no longer worth being a part of........hope another party or two show up and make both of these CORRUPT Parties be insignificant.............

Millions are just as adamant about what I'm saying, Just as you are adamant about Stealing the election........If you do so......I suggest you are the one with a problem as well............because you will have to replace the Millions of voters you just lost as well......

Ain't life a bitch........
Correll and fool fish like true far right Alinskys smear others and claim the others are really smearing them.

Our Trumpeters are guaranteeing HRC as president and a Democratic senate and house.
It is Trump and his supporters who have been the target of one of the most egregious propaganda campaigns in modern times. Your denial of this fact does nothing but reveal that you are completely dishonest.
You far right alinskyism is continuing to fail. Trump did everything of which he is accused. Flat fact.

You and your ilk are guaranteeing a sweeping Dem victory.


Trump is the most spectacularly unqualified candidate I can ever remember. He lies about everything: his business record, what he can and cannot do as President, how much money he has, and which of his businesses have been successful.

His promises are both expensive and unrealistic. Some of his foreign policy suggestions, such as striking out at terrorists' families, are war crimes. Banning Muslim immigration is unconstitutional. You cannot just decide to tear up signed trade treaties, and expect that the nations involved will ever enter into any kind of deal with you in future.

It would be irresponsible of anyone to vote for him.
Correll and fool fish like true far right Alinskys smear others and claim the others are really smearing them.

Our Trumpeters are guaranteeing HRC as president and a Democratic senate and house.
It is Trump and his supporters who have been the target of one of the most egregious propaganda campaigns in modern times. Your denial of this fact does nothing but reveal that you are completely dishonest.
You far right alinskyism is continuing to fail. Trump did everything of which he is accused. Flat fact.

You and your ilk are guaranteeing a sweeping Dem victory.


Trump is the most spectacularly unqualified candidate I can ever remember. He lies about everything: his business record, what he can and cannot do as President, how much money he has, and which of his businesses have been successful.

His promises are both expensive and unrealistic. Some of his foreign policy suggestions, such as striking out at terrorists' families, are war crimes. Banning Muslim immigration is unconstitutional. You cannot just decide to tear up signed trade treaties, and expect that the nations involved will ever enter into any kind of deal with you in future.

It would be irresponsible of anyone to vote for him.

But everyone loves Trump. Trump said so. So it has to be true.
"Steal" the election? No matter how entitled you and your Orange Messiah think you are, the election doesn't belong to him, so there's no "stealing" about it.

You keep forgetting in your blind, drooling fanboy state, that you Trumpettes are not "the voters". You're just SOME voters. There are a hell of a lot more of us who DON'T want Donny Boy, so get over this whole idea that you get to stomp your little feet and wave Donny's tiny hands and demand your way.

Since I don't hear you saying, "Beating Hillary is THE most important thing" about YOUR vote, I'm even less inclined to give a fat rat's furry ass about your demands regarding MY vote than I was to start with, and God knows, I wouldn't piss on you and your opinion to put out a fire now.

All I want is a candidate who's not a national embarrassment. All YOU want is your own fucking way, so President Hillary is all yours to own. And don't think I won't be here for the entire four years, answering every bitch you have about her with, "Well, why did you waste everyone's time with Donald Trump and elect her, then?"
In a Republic with the elected officials being chosen by the people through VOTING.............those with the most votes win...........

I guess you think we live in something other than a Republic.................The establishment will steal the nominee from the matter how you RAVE about it...........

If this is how we decide who will be president......then the Republic no longer exists............I guess you are stupid to realize that........

If they do this......................No candidate put forward will's over............and I hope we burn the fucking GOP down if they do it.

We're not talking about an election, Twinkles. We're talking about a primary. That's first. We're not "deciding on a President" right now. We're deciding who a private entity, the Republican Party, is going to back as a nominee. And they owe you exactly two things: Jack and shit. And Jack just left town.

Second, feel free to get him "the most votes" . . . IF you can get him the nomination. You'll be doing it without a major chunk of the GOP voters, though.

I don't even have to guess that you don't give shit one about "republic", or "the will of the people", or any of the other shit you prattle about. I KNOW that all you give a damn about is getting your way like the spoiled, ignorant child that you and your candidate both are. Otherwise, we wouldn't be hearing this constant twaddle about how we "HAVE" to support him. We don't, and we won't.

You're fooling no one with "I hope we burn the GOP down for ignoring us". You were all about burning shit down in the first place, which is why you're supporting a political incendiary bomb with a bad combover.

your attitude will elect Hillary, the worst possible person to put in the whitehouse. Is that what you want?

That Hillary is "the worst possible person" is YOUR opinion, and has no impact on my vote whatsoever. As far as I'm concerned, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders are EQUALLY bad in their own, unique ways.

It's my conscience, and only I can vote it. If it comes down to Donald Trump versus either of the two Democrats, then from my point of view, we're completely screwed no matter what happens. At that point, well, I refer you to a quote by Joss Whedon: When nothing you do matters, all that matters is what you do.

everything posted on this board is someone's opinion. I have no desire to change your opinions, but am free to post mine and to explain why I hold them.

I will be voting against whoever the dems run. no matter who the GOP runs. That is my OPINION and I intend to act on it.

you can do whatever you want. I really don't care

No one said you couldn't post your opinions. I said you don't get to declare them as settled fact that everyone else must acknowledge and act on.

If you want to vote "against" people, rather than voting FOR someone, that's your prerogative. I personally see it as what got us into this mess in the first place, and a lesson long since needing to be learned from. No good has ever come from, "He's a shit candidate, but he's OUR shit candidate, and anyone but [fill in the blank]!" All it has done is led us to a place where the likes of Donald Trump now thinks he gets to use the same bullying demands and scare tactics.
"Steal" the election? No matter how entitled you and your Orange Messiah think you are, the election doesn't belong to him, so there's no "stealing" about it.

You keep forgetting in your blind, drooling fanboy state, that you Trumpettes are not "the voters". You're just SOME voters. There are a hell of a lot more of us who DON'T want Donny Boy, so get over this whole idea that you get to stomp your little feet and wave Donny's tiny hands and demand your way.

Since I don't hear you saying, "Beating Hillary is THE most important thing" about YOUR vote, I'm even less inclined to give a fat rat's furry ass about your demands regarding MY vote than I was to start with, and God knows, I wouldn't piss on you and your opinion to put out a fire now.

All I want is a candidate who's not a national embarrassment. All YOU want is your own fucking way, so President Hillary is all yours to own. And don't think I won't be here for the entire four years, answering every bitch you have about her with, "Well, why did you waste everyone's time with Donald Trump and elect her, then?"
In a Republic with the elected officials being chosen by the people through VOTING.............those with the most votes win..........
I guess you think we live in something other than a Republic.................The establishment will steal the nominee from the matter how you RAVE about it...........
If this is how we decide who will be president......then the Republic no longer exists............I guess you are stupid to realize that........If they do this......................No candidate put forward will's over............and I hope we burn the fucking GOP down if they do it.
Now you want a democracy not a representative republican government. If you want to beat HRC, let Kasich be the candidate.

So, ignore the primary voters, let the RNC elites pick the candidate, right? That is exactly what the dems are doing. Why even bother with the primaries and the general election, lets just let the party bosses pick our leaders. Can you say USSR?

The RNC is going to pick the candidate no matter what you do, you know that, right? This is really in no way different from how any political party in the entire history of this country has done things. In the end, THE PARTY chooses who the party will submit as a candidate.

But, in fact, the Republican Party pays more attention to the voters than any other party currently running. And I expect that if Donald Trump can get the required number of delegates, they'll let him be the nominee, no matter how much they hate it, because those are their rules. I don't expect for a second that they're going to passively stand by without trying to stop him from getting them, though.

If they ignore the primary voters they will be screwing themselves, they may do that, after all they ran Dole and McCain.

If they give the nomination to Donald Trump without him earning it according to the rules, they WILL be ignoring the primary voters. His supporters always seem to forget that they're not everyone, and the world doesn't revolve solely around them.
In a Republic with the elected officials being chosen by the people through VOTING.............those with the most votes win...........

I guess you think we live in something other than a Republic.................The establishment will steal the nominee from the matter how you RAVE about it...........

If this is how we decide who will be president......then the Republic no longer exists............I guess you are stupid to realize that........

If they do this......................No candidate put forward will's over............and I hope we burn the fucking GOP down if they do it.

We're not talking about an election, Twinkles. We're talking about a primary. That's first. We're not "deciding on a President" right now. We're deciding who a private entity, the Republican Party, is going to back as a nominee. And they owe you exactly two things: Jack and shit. And Jack just left town.

Second, feel free to get him "the most votes" . . . IF you can get him the nomination. You'll be doing it without a major chunk of the GOP voters, though.

I don't even have to guess that you don't give shit one about "republic", or "the will of the people", or any of the other shit you prattle about. I KNOW that all you give a damn about is getting your way like the spoiled, ignorant child that you and your candidate both are. Otherwise, we wouldn't be hearing this constant twaddle about how we "HAVE" to support him. We don't, and we won't.

You're fooling no one with "I hope we burn the GOP down for ignoring us". You were all about burning shit down in the first place, which is why you're supporting a political incendiary bomb with a bad combover.

your attitude will elect Hillary, the worst possible person to put in the whitehouse. Is that what you want?

That Hillary is "the worst possible person" is YOUR opinion, and has no impact on my vote whatsoever. As far as I'm concerned, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders are EQUALLY bad in their own, unique ways.

It's my conscience, and only I can vote it. If it comes down to Donald Trump versus either of the two Democrats, then from my point of view, we're completely screwed no matter what happens. At that point, well, I refer you to a quote by Joss Whedon: When nothing you do matters, all that matters is what you do.

everything posted on this board is someone's opinion. I have no desire to change your opinions, but am free to post mine and to explain why I hold them.

I will be voting against whoever the dems run. no matter who the GOP runs. That is my OPINION and I intend to act on it.

you can do whatever you want. I really don't care

No one said you couldn't post your opinions. I said you don't get to declare them as settled fact that everyone else must acknowledge and act on.

If you want to vote "against" people, rather than voting FOR someone, that's your prerogative. I personally see it as what got us into this mess in the first place, and a lesson long since needing to be learned from. No good has ever come from, "He's a shit candidate, but he's OUR shit candidate, and anyone but [fill in the blank]!" All it has done is led us to a place where the likes of Donald Trump now thinks he gets to use the same bullying demands and scare tactics.

C'mon...if Red can just make up bullshit quotes that don't exist, surely he can invent his own facts.
See you in Cleveland, Chuckles. I'm looking forward to your impotent screams.
Steal the election and you elect Hillary...................Millions are saying the same..................whoever wins should be by the voters......if it gets stolen.............then the GOP is done this election..............

They will elect Hillary..................and they don't care because she will give them what they want in the establishment................and we will get 4 more years of Obama...............and a Stacked Supreme Court.

"Steal" the election? No matter how entitled you and your Orange Messiah think you are, the election doesn't belong to him, so there's no "stealing" about it.

You keep forgetting in your blind, drooling fanboy state, that you Trumpettes are not "the voters". You're just SOME voters. There are a hell of a lot more of us who DON'T want Donny Boy, so get over this whole idea that you get to stomp your little feet and wave Donny's tiny hands and demand your way.

Since I don't hear you saying, "Beating Hillary is THE most important thing" about YOUR vote, I'm even less inclined to give a fat rat's furry ass about your demands regarding MY vote than I was to start with, and God knows, I wouldn't piss on you and your opinion to put out a fire now.

All I want is a candidate who's not a national embarrassment. All YOU want is your own fucking way, so President Hillary is all yours to own. And don't think I won't be here for the entire four years, answering every bitch you have about her with, "Well, why did you waste everyone's time with Donald Trump and elect her, then?"
In a Republic with the elected officials being chosen by the people through VOTING.............those with the most votes win...........

I guess you think we live in something other than a Republic.................The establishment will steal the nominee from the matter how you RAVE about it...........

If this is how we decide who will be president......then the Republic no longer exists............I guess you are stupid to realize that........

If they do this......................No candidate put forward will's over............and I hope we burn the fucking GOP down if they do it.

We're not talking about an election, Twinkles. We're talking about a primary. That's first. We're not "deciding on a President" right now. We're deciding who a private entity, the Republican Party, is going to back as a nominee. And they owe you exactly two things: Jack and shit. And Jack just left town.

Second, feel free to get him "the most votes" . . . IF you can get him the nomination. You'll be doing it without a major chunk of the GOP voters, though.

I don't even have to guess that you don't give shit one about "republic", or "the will of the people", or any of the other shit you prattle about. I KNOW that all you give a damn about is getting your way like the spoiled, ignorant child that you and your candidate both are. Otherwise, we wouldn't be hearing this constant twaddle about how we "HAVE" to support him. We don't, and we won't.

You're fooling no one with "I hope we burn the GOP down for ignoring us". You were all about burning shit down in the first place, which is why you're supporting a political incendiary bomb with a bad combover.
Private entity.............LOL

Who will go against the votes............and say it's for your own good......

Fuck them............It is one thing if it was just's Millions of voters who have voted........and more than any other candidate...........but these Millions voices should be ignored for our own good...........

So why the Hell should we even vote anymore............You.......Fakey.......and all those whiners who are losing by the votes say our vote and our opinion don't matter..............

If that is the GOP............and it's useless to vote anymore because it's THEIR PARTY...........Then the GOP can go to hell with you...............

That's the deal............You can cry and bitch all you want about HOW FAIR IT IS...............Fair to ignore the voters in this primary...........Then fair is fair...................the GOP is no longer worth being a part of........hope another party or two show up and make both of these CORRUPT Parties be insignificant.............

Millions are just as adamant about what I'm saying, Just as you are adamant about Stealing the election........If you do so......I suggest you are the one with a problem as well............because you will have to replace the Millions of voters you just lost as well......

Ain't life a bitch........

So take your tired "But don't you understand, I'm ANGRY! It's so fucking IMPORTANT that I'm ANGRY!" schtick and your Orange Jesus and get the hell out of a party you admit you just want to burn. Buh-bye.

Here's "the deal", and your Holy Dealmaker leader should figure it out at some point: you get a majority, you get the nomination. You don't, and you don't. That's it, that's all. You're not "entitled" to the nomination simply because you got a bunch of mushbrained jagoffs to throw temper tantrums and feel like they're somehow special and specially deserving of it. If he can't convince the majority of voters to want him as President, rather than wanting anyone else but him, and you can't convince people that you're a wonderful example of what they want to be like, then you don't get to tell them to sit down and shut up because it's only fair that you get your way, and they do as they're told. In short, you don't get to become what you claim to be railing and "SO ANGRY!" at.

You can cry and bitch all YOU want about THAT, and then you can stomp your tiny little feet (to match your tiny little hands) and storm off and pout, and all it will do is give the lie to your "We MUST defeat Hillary, so you HAVE to give me my way!" bullshit, because it will make it clear that you don't care about beating Hillary; you care about bullshitting everyone else into giving you what you want, and if you can't have it, suddenly Hillary doesn't matter. "I'm going to have Donald Trump as nominee, no matter how many voters that might lose! They just have to fall in line!" But it's okay for you to do it, you two-faced halfwit hypocrite. I refuse to vote for your candidate because he's a gigantic, spray-tanned pile of steaming refuse. You refuse to vote for my candidate because he's not YOUR candidate.

For anyone to "steal" the election, it would have to belong to you. It doesn't. Win it, or piss off to your corner to sulk. You are not "the voters in the primary". You're SOME of the voters in the primary. If you aren't the majority of them, then you lose. Fair and square. Didn't know the rules before you sat down to play? Whose fault is that?
We're not talking about an election, Twinkles. We're talking about a primary. That's first. We're not "deciding on a President" right now. We're deciding who a private entity, the Republican Party, is going to back as a nominee. And they owe you exactly two things: Jack and shit. And Jack just left town.

Second, feel free to get him "the most votes" . . . IF you can get him the nomination. You'll be doing it without a major chunk of the GOP voters, though.

I don't even have to guess that you don't give shit one about "republic", or "the will of the people", or any of the other shit you prattle about. I KNOW that all you give a damn about is getting your way like the spoiled, ignorant child that you and your candidate both are. Otherwise, we wouldn't be hearing this constant twaddle about how we "HAVE" to support him. We don't, and we won't.

You're fooling no one with "I hope we burn the GOP down for ignoring us". You were all about burning shit down in the first place, which is why you're supporting a political incendiary bomb with a bad combover.

your attitude will elect Hillary, the worst possible person to put in the whitehouse. Is that what you want?

That Hillary is "the worst possible person" is YOUR opinion, and has no impact on my vote whatsoever. As far as I'm concerned, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders are EQUALLY bad in their own, unique ways.

It's my conscience, and only I can vote it. If it comes down to Donald Trump versus either of the two Democrats, then from my point of view, we're completely screwed no matter what happens. At that point, well, I refer you to a quote by Joss Whedon: When nothing you do matters, all that matters is what you do.

everything posted on this board is someone's opinion. I have no desire to change your opinions, but am free to post mine and to explain why I hold them.

I will be voting against whoever the dems run. no matter who the GOP runs. That is my OPINION and I intend to act on it.

you can do whatever you want. I really don't care

No one said you couldn't post your opinions. I said you don't get to declare them as settled fact that everyone else must acknowledge and act on.

If you want to vote "against" people, rather than voting FOR someone, that's your prerogative. I personally see it as what got us into this mess in the first place, and a lesson long since needing to be learned from. No good has ever come from, "He's a shit candidate, but he's OUR shit candidate, and anyone but [fill in the blank]!" All it has done is led us to a place where the likes of Donald Trump now thinks he gets to use the same bullying demands and scare tactics.

C'mon...if Red can just make up bullshit quotes that don't exist, surely he can invent his own facts.

He can invent his own facts all he likes. What he can't do is make them MY facts.
Correll and fool fish like true far right Alinskys smear others and claim the others are really smearing them.

Our Trumpeters are guaranteeing HRC as president and a Democratic senate and house.
It is Trump and his supporters who have been the target of one of the most egregious propaganda campaigns in modern times. Your denial of this fact does nothing but reveal that you are completely dishonest.
You far right alinskyism is continuing to fail. Trump did everything of which he is accused. Flat fact.

You and your ilk are guaranteeing a sweeping Dem victory.


Trump is the most spectacularly unqualified candidate I can ever remember. He lies about everything: his business record, what he can and cannot do as President, how much money he has, and which of his businesses have been successful.

His promises are both expensive and unrealistic. Some of his foreign policy suggestions, such as striking out at terrorists' families, are war crimes. Banning Muslim immigration is unconstitutional. You cannot just decide to tear up signed trade treaties, and expect that the nations involved will ever enter into any kind of deal with you in future.

It would be irresponsible of anyone to vote for him.

And you'd think all of the above, and more, would be readily obvious. You'd think.
It's been said "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public". Donald Rump seems to be trying to do everything he can think of to find that threshold. And he's failed to do it.

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