Trump has yet to feel the full weight of Democratic power aligned against him

another one who thinks bill will be pulling the strings....
Are you and your wife a team? Not every marriage is like trumps where he's the boss.
you and lakota just by including bill in your statements tells me you both are happy bill is back in there because, just like me and many others know,hillary is a half-assed candidate....thanks both of you for revealing your true feelings about hillary....

Yep, two presidents for the price of one. Sounds good to me! Go Hillary!
bur we all know who would be making the big decisions,dont we?.....if you 2 guys had any balls you would just come out and say the real reason you want hillary to win instead making her out to be something she isnt.....

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that HILLARY would be making the BIG decisions! Apparently you don't pay much attention to their body language and interactions when they're together. Hillary is the boss - the dominate one.
thats in the marriage....but making policy that will affect more than just know as well as i who she will ask if its the right thing...
Are you and your wife a team? Not every marriage is like trumps where he's the boss.
you and lakota just by including bill in your statements tells me you both are happy bill is back in there because, just like me and many others know,hillary is a half-assed candidate....thanks both of you for revealing your true feelings about hillary....

Yep, two presidents for the price of one. Sounds good to me! Go Hillary!
bur we all know who would be making the big decisions,dont we?.....if you 2 guys had any balls you would just come out and say the real reason you want hillary to win instead making her out to be something she isnt.....

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that HILLARY would be making the BIG decisions! Apparently you don't pay much attention to their body language and interactions when they're together. Hillary is the boss - the dominate one.
Can you tell me 1 thing Hillary disagees with Bill on? I can't. All that matters is neither of them agrees with Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan's bullshit 2017 agenda. Which by the way he couldn't unveil the other day because Trump made a god damn fool of himself. And notice no matter how bad Trump is it doesn't matter to Paul Ryan? That's because Trump's better for Ryan than Hillary is. So don't fucking ask me what the difference is between the parties or say there is no difference when clearly there is. Just ask Paul Ryan.

Are you talking to me or Harry?
Are you and your wife a team? Not every marriage is like trumps where he's the boss.
you and lakota just by including bill in your statements tells me you both are happy bill is back in there because, just like me and many others know,hillary is a half-assed candidate....thanks both of you for revealing your true feelings about hillary....

Yep, two presidents for the price of one. Sounds good to me! Go Hillary!
bur we all know who would be making the big decisions,dont we?.....if you 2 guys had any balls you would just come out and say the real reason you want hillary to win instead making her out to be something she isnt.....

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that HILLARY would be making the BIG decisions! Apparently you don't pay much attention to their body language and interactions when they're together. Hillary is the boss - the dominate one.
thats in the marriage....but making policy that will affect more than just know as well as i who she will ask if its the right thing...

Why wouldn't they consult each other? The point is that Hillary will be making the final decisions.
another one who thinks bill will be pulling the strings....
Are you and your wife a team? Not every marriage is like trumps where he's the boss.
you and lakota just by including bill in your statements tells me you both are happy bill is back in there because, just like me and many others know,hillary is a half-assed candidate....thanks both of you for revealing your true feelings about hillary....

Yep, two presidents for the price of one. Sounds good to me! Go Hillary!
bur we all know who would be making the big decisions,dont we?.....if you 2 guys had any balls you would just come out and say the real reason you want hillary to win instead making her out to be something she isnt.....
Yes stupid. A democrat would. Doesn't matter if it's Lincoln Chaffee, Nancy Pelosi or Hillary or Bill. There are 2 agendas. The GOP agenda and the Democratic agenda. If you like Paul Ryan vote 3rd party.

Same way it didn't matter Trump, Fiorino, Carson, Christy, Huckabee, Cruz, Jeb or Rubio. All of them would rubber stamp Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan's legislation. You are clearly ok with that happening. You aren't smart enough to know any better. If 2007 wasn't enough to wake your stupid ass up, you are proof that people who don't know history tend to repeat it.
whatever this has to do with what i said i sure would like to know.....a democrat would what?.....whatever it is your left nut agreed with you....can you guys read?....for the good part of 8 years bobo,many people on this board have called you a dumbass,im starting to see why....
you and lakota just by including bill in your statements tells me you both are happy bill is back in there because, just like me and many others know,hillary is a half-assed candidate....thanks both of you for revealing your true feelings about hillary....

Yep, two presidents for the price of one. Sounds good to me! Go Hillary!
bur we all know who would be making the big decisions,dont we?.....if you 2 guys had any balls you would just come out and say the real reason you want hillary to win instead making her out to be something she isnt.....

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that HILLARY would be making the BIG decisions! Apparently you don't pay much attention to their body language and interactions when they're together. Hillary is the boss - the dominate one.
Can you tell me 1 thing Hillary disagees with Bill on? I can't. All that matters is neither of them agrees with Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan's bullshit 2017 agenda. Which by the way he couldn't unveil the other day because Trump made a god damn fool of himself. And notice no matter how bad Trump is it doesn't matter to Paul Ryan? That's because Trump's better for Ryan than Hillary is. So don't fucking ask me what the difference is between the parties or say there is no difference when clearly there is. Just ask Paul Ryan.

Are you talking to me or Harry?
Both. I'm just saying that us liberals agree with each other on a lot of these issues, so fact is, it's not Hillary telling bill what to do or visa versa. They probably agree on what to do most of the time.

Same way its hard to say how Rubio Cruz Kasich Jeb or George Bush are different. Or Romney, McCain, Paul Ryan, etc. Same shitty sandwich just sometimes on a different bread.

Where our sandwiches are fresh and tasty.
So, Lakhota starts a thread essentially chortling that the Dems will use every dirty trick, tell any lie, bribe any voter, and essentially do whatever it takes , legal or otherwise, to make sure they don't lose this election.

Bravo for the honesty Lakhota, bravo.
Are you and your wife a team? Not every marriage is like trumps where he's the boss.
you and lakota just by including bill in your statements tells me you both are happy bill is back in there because, just like me and many others know,hillary is a half-assed candidate....thanks both of you for revealing your true feelings about hillary....

Yep, two presidents for the price of one. Sounds good to me! Go Hillary!
bur we all know who would be making the big decisions,dont we?.....if you 2 guys had any balls you would just come out and say the real reason you want hillary to win instead making her out to be something she isnt.....
Yes stupid. A democrat would. Doesn't matter if it's Lincoln Chaffee, Nancy Pelosi or Hillary or Bill. There are 2 agendas. The GOP agenda and the Democratic agenda. If you like Paul Ryan vote 3rd party.

Same way it didn't matter Trump, Fiorino, Carson, Christy, Huckabee, Cruz, Jeb or Rubio. All of them would rubber stamp Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan's legislation. You are clearly ok with that happening. You aren't smart enough to know any better. If 2007 wasn't enough to wake your stupid ass up, you are proof that people who don't know history tend to repeat it.
whatever this has to do with what i said i sure would like to know.....a democrat would what?.....whatever it is your left nut agreed with you....can you guys read?....for the good part of 8 years bobo,many people on this board have called you a dumbass,im starting to see why....
Oh I know you want to lean right and agree with them soooo bad Harry. I've been calling you a closeted righty for how many years now? You'll vote Trump I'm sure of it. Too embarrassed to ever admit it.
you and lakota just by including bill in your statements tells me you both are happy bill is back in there because, just like me and many others know,hillary is a half-assed candidate....thanks both of you for revealing your true feelings about hillary....

Yep, two presidents for the price of one. Sounds good to me! Go Hillary!
bur we all know who would be making the big decisions,dont we?.....if you 2 guys had any balls you would just come out and say the real reason you want hillary to win instead making her out to be something she isnt.....

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that HILLARY would be making the BIG decisions! Apparently you don't pay much attention to their body language and interactions when they're together. Hillary is the boss - the dominate one.
thats in the marriage....but making policy that will affect more than just know as well as i who she will ask if its the right thing...

Why wouldn't they consult each other? The point is that Hillary will be making the final decisions.
yes....after she consults bill.....if he was gone she would be lost....
So, Lakhota starts a thread essentially chortling that the Dems will use every dirty trick, tell any lie, bribe any voter, and essentially do whatever it takes , legal or otherwise, to make sure they don't lose this election.

Bravo for the honesty Lakhota, bravo.

Your reading comprehension skills really suck.
So, Lakhota starts a thread essentially chortling that the Dems will use every dirty trick, tell any lie, bribe any voter, and essentially do whatever it takes , legal or otherwise, to make sure they don't lose this election.

Bravo for the honesty Lakhota, bravo.
Did she say all that? I love it when right wingers hear what wasn't even said. They hear what Rush said at lunch and you're just a trained monkey Rush tells you how to reply to liberal criticism of Trump and the GOP.
Yep, two presidents for the price of one. Sounds good to me! Go Hillary!
bur we all know who would be making the big decisions,dont we?.....if you 2 guys had any balls you would just come out and say the real reason you want hillary to win instead making her out to be something she isnt.....

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that HILLARY would be making the BIG decisions! Apparently you don't pay much attention to their body language and interactions when they're together. Hillary is the boss - the dominate one.
thats in the marriage....but making policy that will affect more than just know as well as i who she will ask if its the right thing...

Why wouldn't they consult each other? The point is that Hillary will be making the final decisions.
yes....after she consults bill.....if he was gone she would be lost....
Good. I'll take Bill back. She can be his puppet. Not the first time he had his hand up a girls ass.
So, Lakhota starts a thread essentially chortling that the Dems will use every dirty trick, tell any lie, bribe any voter, and essentially do whatever it takes , legal or otherwise, to make sure they don't lose this election.

Bravo for the honesty Lakhota, bravo.
Did she say all that? I love it when right wingers hear what wasn't even said. They hear what Rush said at lunch and you're just a trained monkey Rush tells you how to reply to liberal criticism of Trump and the GOP.

I'm not a rightie, by any means, and I have NEVER listened to even one drop of Rush Limbaugh. I couldn't care less what that bloated pill popper has to say.
Now that President Obama, Vice president Biden, and Senator Elizabeth Warren have endorsed Hillary (with Bernie coming on board soon) - Trump will soon be buried in constant negative attacks using his own actions and words against him until the General Election. Hell is coming...

This all assumes that RNC powers haven't derailed Trump by then.
Did you see trumps pathetic tweets? He thinks those tactics that work on racist white voters will work on the rest of us. Elizabeth Warren fucked trump up. I would absolutely pick her for my VP.
Why get behind someone who has no character and pretends to be something she's not?
Now that President Obama, Vice president Biden, and Senator Elizabeth Warren have endorsed Hillary (with Bernie coming on board soon) - Trump will soon be buried in constant negative attacks using his own actions and words against him until the General Election. Hell is coming...

This all assumes that RNC powers haven't derailed Trump by then.
Did you see trumps pathetic tweets? He thinks those tactics that work on racist white voters will work on the rest of us. Elizabeth Warren fucked trump up. I would absolutely pick her for my VP.
Why get behind someone who has no character and pretends to be something she's not?

Because they were told to, that's why.
you and lakota just by including bill in your statements tells me you both are happy bill is back in there because, just like me and many others know,hillary is a half-assed candidate....thanks both of you for revealing your true feelings about hillary....

Yep, two presidents for the price of one. Sounds good to me! Go Hillary!
bur we all know who would be making the big decisions,dont we?.....if you 2 guys had any balls you would just come out and say the real reason you want hillary to win instead making her out to be something she isnt.....
Yes stupid. A democrat would. Doesn't matter if it's Lincoln Chaffee, Nancy Pelosi or Hillary or Bill. There are 2 agendas. The GOP agenda and the Democratic agenda. If you like Paul Ryan vote 3rd party.

Same way it didn't matter Trump, Fiorino, Carson, Christy, Huckabee, Cruz, Jeb or Rubio. All of them would rubber stamp Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan's legislation. You are clearly ok with that happening. You aren't smart enough to know any better. If 2007 wasn't enough to wake your stupid ass up, you are proof that people who don't know history tend to repeat it.
whatever this has to do with what i said i sure would like to know.....a democrat would what?.....whatever it is your left nut agreed with you....can you guys read?....for the good part of 8 years bobo,many people on this board have called you a dumbass,im starting to see why....
Oh I know you want to lean right and agree with them soooo bad Harry. I've been calling you a closeted righty for how many years now? You'll vote Trump I'm sure of it. Too embarrassed to ever admit it.
you should be embarrassed for backing bernie and what he said about hillary,and now all of a sudden hillary is just swell....thats called a character flaw bobo....jumping on another bandwagon when the one you are on goes down,even after you agreed with the shit said about her.....piss poor bobo.....
So, Lakhota starts a thread essentially chortling that the Dems will use every dirty trick, tell any lie, bribe any voter, and essentially do whatever it takes , legal or otherwise, to make sure they don't lose this election.

Bravo for the honesty Lakhota, bravo.
Did she say all that? I love it when right wingers hear what wasn't even said. They hear what Rush said at lunch and you're just a trained monkey Rush tells you how to reply to liberal criticism of Trump and the GOP.
I love it when right wingers hear what wasn't even said.
you do the same dam thing....better watch those stones dont hit any might get cut....
bur we all know who would be making the big decisions,dont we?.....if you 2 guys had any balls you would just come out and say the real reason you want hillary to win instead making her out to be something she isnt.....

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that HILLARY would be making the BIG decisions! Apparently you don't pay much attention to their body language and interactions when they're together. Hillary is the boss - the dominate one.
thats in the marriage....but making policy that will affect more than just know as well as i who she will ask if its the right thing...

Why wouldn't they consult each other? The point is that Hillary will be making the final decisions.
yes....after she consults bill.....if he was gone she would be lost....
Good. I'll take Bill back. She can be his puppet. Not the first time he had his hand up a girls ass.
well at least you admit that....lakota thinks its the other way around....
Now that President Obama, Vice president Biden, and Senator Elizabeth Warren have endorsed Hillary (with Bernie coming on board soon) - Trump will soon be buried in constant negative attacks using his own actions and words against him until the General Election. Hell is coming...

This all assumes that RNC powers haven't derailed Trump by then.
Did you see trumps pathetic tweets? He thinks those tactics that work on racist white voters will work on the rest of us. Elizabeth Warren fucked trump up. I would absolutely pick her for my VP.
Why get behind someone who has no character and pretends to be something she's not?

Because they were told to, that's why.
i have to concur....
Hillary is pretty much immune from further political damage - since NaziCons have already conjured up almost everything imaginable against her. She has been thoroughly vetted. a twenty year history of treating the rule of law like it's something that applies to OTHERS and getting away with it...means that you're "vetted"? Interesting concept...
That Trump remains alive IS proof positive that the full weight of The Democrat Party has not yet been brought to bear.

Oh dear, is Hillary losing her touch?

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