Trump has yet to feel the full weight of Democratic power aligned against him

bur we all know who would be making the big decisions,dont we?.....if you 2 guys had any balls you would just come out and say the real reason you want hillary to win instead making her out to be something she isnt.....

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that HILLARY would be making the BIG decisions! Apparently you don't pay much attention to their body language and interactions when they're together. Hillary is the boss - the dominate one.
Can you tell me 1 thing Hillary disagees with Bill on? I can't. All that matters is neither of them agrees with Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan's bullshit 2017 agenda. Which by the way he couldn't unveil the other day because Trump made a god damn fool of himself. And notice no matter how bad Trump is it doesn't matter to Paul Ryan? That's because Trump's better for Ryan than Hillary is. So don't fucking ask me what the difference is between the parties or say there is no difference when clearly there is. Just ask Paul Ryan.

Are you talking to me or Harry?
Both. I'm just saying that us liberals agree with each other on a lot of these issues, so fact is, it's not Hillary telling bill what to do or visa versa. They probably agree on what to do most of the time.

Same way its hard to say how Rubio Cruz Kasich Jeb or George Bush are different. Or Romney, McCain, Paul Ryan, etc. Same shitty sandwich just sometimes on a different bread.

Where our sandwiches are fresh and tasty.
of course your sandwiches are fresh and tasty, liberals steal the ingredients from the refrigerators of the conservatives. If left to use your own stuff, you would starve.
The rich people who own you wouldn't have shit without us workers or consumers.

You probably are one of us but think you're one of them. You're not
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that HILLARY would be making the BIG decisions! Apparently you don't pay much attention to their body language and interactions when they're together. Hillary is the boss - the dominate one.
Can you tell me 1 thing Hillary disagees with Bill on? I can't. All that matters is neither of them agrees with Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan's bullshit 2017 agenda. Which by the way he couldn't unveil the other day because Trump made a god damn fool of himself. And notice no matter how bad Trump is it doesn't matter to Paul Ryan? That's because Trump's better for Ryan than Hillary is. So don't fucking ask me what the difference is between the parties or say there is no difference when clearly there is. Just ask Paul Ryan.

Are you talking to me or Harry?
Both. I'm just saying that us liberals agree with each other on a lot of these issues, so fact is, it's not Hillary telling bill what to do or visa versa. They probably agree on what to do most of the time.

Same way its hard to say how Rubio Cruz Kasich Jeb or George Bush are different. Or Romney, McCain, Paul Ryan, etc. Same shitty sandwich just sometimes on a different bread.

Where our sandwiches are fresh and tasty.
of course your sandwiches are fresh and tasty, liberals steal the ingredients from the refrigerators of the conservatives. If left to use your own stuff, you would starve.
The rich people who own you wouldn't have shit without us workers or consumers.

You probably are one of us but think you're one of them. You're not
I find it amusing when anyone on a forum such as this, decides to tell someone else that they dont know, who they are.
You have no idea who I am. I could be an illegal black mexican homosexual for all you know, or I could be a really rich business owner just messing with people, or I could be your next door neighbor.
You just really dont know, and to make a claim that you do only shows your ignorance.
But please, continue guessing peoples place in society.
The "establishment's" attack on The Donald only make it more obvious that The Donald has not sold out to the neocon special interests that control the establishment. High information voters are more convinced than ever to vote for The Donald.

The "weight of democrat power" is the fat guy in this vid. :p

Hillary is pretty much immune from further political damage - since NaziCons have already conjured up almost everything imaginable against her.

Yeah, that kinda happens when she has the US Government protecting her from any civil or criminal penalties.
Can you tell me 1 thing Hillary disagees with Bill on? I can't. All that matters is neither of them agrees with Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan's bullshit 2017 agenda. Which by the way he couldn't unveil the other day because Trump made a god damn fool of himself. And notice no matter how bad Trump is it doesn't matter to Paul Ryan? That's because Trump's better for Ryan than Hillary is. So don't fucking ask me what the difference is between the parties or say there is no difference when clearly there is. Just ask Paul Ryan.

Are you talking to me or Harry?
Both. I'm just saying that us liberals agree with each other on a lot of these issues, so fact is, it's not Hillary telling bill what to do or visa versa. They probably agree on what to do most of the time.

Same way its hard to say how Rubio Cruz Kasich Jeb or George Bush are different. Or Romney, McCain, Paul Ryan, etc. Same shitty sandwich just sometimes on a different bread.

Where our sandwiches are fresh and tasty.
of course your sandwiches are fresh and tasty, liberals steal the ingredients from the refrigerators of the conservatives. If left to use your own stuff, you would starve.
The rich people who own you wouldn't have shit without us workers or consumers.

You probably are one of us but think you're one of them. You're not
I find it amusing when anyone on a forum such as this, decides to tell someone else that they dont know, who they are.
You have no idea who I am. I could be an illegal black mexican homosexual for all you know, or I could be a really rich business owner just messing with people, or I could be your next door neighbor.
You just really dont know, and to make a claim that you do only shows your ignorance.
But please, continue guessing peoples place in society.
Im right. Lower middle class. You don't have enough saved to retire at 65. You have a big mortgage. Paying for kids college or still your own. And you don't have enough saved to be out of work for a year.
Hillary is pretty much immune from further political damage - since NaziCons have already conjured up almost everything imaginable against her.

Yeah, that kinda happens when she has the US Government protecting her from any civil or criminal penalties.
Conspiracy theory but. Probably a birther.

George Bush shouldn't have deleted all those emails. Set a bad precedent.
'Trump has yet to feel the full weight of Democratic power aligned against him'

Bark, bark, bark....

Are you talking to me or Harry?
Both. I'm just saying that us liberals agree with each other on a lot of these issues, so fact is, it's not Hillary telling bill what to do or visa versa. They probably agree on what to do most of the time.

Same way its hard to say how Rubio Cruz Kasich Jeb or George Bush are different. Or Romney, McCain, Paul Ryan, etc. Same shitty sandwich just sometimes on a different bread.

Where our sandwiches are fresh and tasty.
of course your sandwiches are fresh and tasty, liberals steal the ingredients from the refrigerators of the conservatives. If left to use your own stuff, you would starve.
The rich people who own you wouldn't have shit without us workers or consumers.

You probably are one of us but think you're one of them. You're not
I find it amusing when anyone on a forum such as this, decides to tell someone else that they dont know, who they are.
You have no idea who I am. I could be an illegal black mexican homosexual for all you know, or I could be a really rich business owner just messing with people, or I could be your next door neighbor.
You just really dont know, and to make a claim that you do only shows your ignorance.
But please, continue guessing peoples place in society.
Im right. Lower middle class. You don't have enough saved to retire at 65. You have a big mortgage. Paying for kids college or still your own. And you don't have enough saved to be out of work for a year.
try again slacker.
I think you just described your miserable life.
Both. I'm just saying that us liberals agree with each other on a lot of these issues, so fact is, it's not Hillary telling bill what to do or visa versa. They probably agree on what to do most of the time.

Same way its hard to say how Rubio Cruz Kasich Jeb or George Bush are different. Or Romney, McCain, Paul Ryan, etc. Same shitty sandwich just sometimes on a different bread.

Where our sandwiches are fresh and tasty.
of course your sandwiches are fresh and tasty, liberals steal the ingredients from the refrigerators of the conservatives. If left to use your own stuff, you would starve.
The rich people who own you wouldn't have shit without us workers or consumers.

You probably are one of us but think you're one of them. You're not
I find it amusing when anyone on a forum such as this, decides to tell someone else that they dont know, who they are.
You have no idea who I am. I could be an illegal black mexican homosexual for all you know, or I could be a really rich business owner just messing with people, or I could be your next door neighbor.
You just really dont know, and to make a claim that you do only shows your ignorance.
But please, continue guessing peoples place in society.
Im right. Lower middle class. You don't have enough saved to retire at 65. You have a big mortgage. Paying for kids college or still your own. And you don't have enough saved to be out of work for a year.
try again slacker.
I think you just described your miserable life.
Nope. I'm firmly upper middle class. 10 months home paid off, live on the lake, car paid off, 401k, high 5 figures and will inherit money.

In fact the president of my company agrees with me you Republicans are ridiculous. He's from England. There's another guy from England and he's a Republican just like you.

Being a liberal doesn't mean you want a handout or that we're slackers. The fact that you say it makes you sound like a rushbot or foxbot
of course your sandwiches are fresh and tasty, liberals steal the ingredients from the refrigerators of the conservatives. If left to use your own stuff, you would starve.
The rich people who own you wouldn't have shit without us workers or consumers.

You probably are one of us but think you're one of them. You're not
I find it amusing when anyone on a forum such as this, decides to tell someone else that they dont know, who they are.
You have no idea who I am. I could be an illegal black mexican homosexual for all you know, or I could be a really rich business owner just messing with people, or I could be your next door neighbor.
You just really dont know, and to make a claim that you do only shows your ignorance.
But please, continue guessing peoples place in society.
Im right. Lower middle class. You don't have enough saved to retire at 65. You have a big mortgage. Paying for kids college or still your own. And you don't have enough saved to be out of work for a year.
try again slacker.
I think you just described your miserable life.
Nope. I'm firmly upper middle class. 10 months home paid off, live on the lake, car paid off, 401k, high 5 figures and will inherit money.

In fact the president of my company agrees with me you Republicans are ridiculous. He's from England. There's another guy from England and he's a Republican just like you.

Being a liberal doesn't mean you want a handout or that we're slackers. The fact that you say it makes you sound like a rushbot or foxbot

corporate handouts are still handouts, you probably pay 13-15% income tax and call others out when they are paying more. People from England are used to being treated like cattle.
Assuming the RNC powers haven't destroyed Trump by then - I expect Hillary will beat Trump by at least a 60-40 margin. Maybe even a 70-30 margin.
Yeah Hillary will win because she sucks a lot less than Trump. That's what it boils down to.

She doesn't suck at all according to Bill which is why he had to whore instead of being President a twenty year history of treating the rule of law like it's something that applies to OTHERS and getting away with it...means that you're "vetted"? Interesting concept...
23 years and really, ya got nuthin. All you got is that while the Clinton's are in the media, Republicans will act like stupid little bitches the entire time. Same way they did with Bill and Obama hell, even Carter.

In fact they acted so badly during Carter that HW Bush in the CIA made a deal with Iran to hold on to the hostages until after the election. Then a year later got caught selling guns to Iran Contra. How the fuck do you think you become the VP or President of the GOP? You have to be a sell out or have done some pretty nasty favors.

Not as sexy as fast and furious but you get the point.

23 years of Clinton lies...proved to be lies over and over and over again...yet people like you still defend two of the sleazier people we've ever had living in the White House...a couple that enriched themselves while pretending to be THERE for the common man! Bill and Hillary Clinton feed you bullshit, Sealy and you eat it up by the shovel full!
No one makes Republicans madder than a rich liberal.

Nothing makes me shake my head more than a liberal who has gotten rich by selling political favors to the well connected pretending to be "fighting" for every day citizens! Hillary Clinton got fabulously rich by doing just that!
So what? Her agenda isn't anti middle class and poor like Paul Ryan and Trumps. You can say they are all the same but clearly in November you're going to be voting for Republicans and lets face it, you hold Democrats to a higher standard than you do Republicans. You don't seem to mind all the former Republicans who are now lobbyists, do you? Maybe you're just mad because the best speaker you guys have is Rudy Jewlioni.

Hillary Clinton's "agenda" is the same now as it's always been...she wants to put herself in a position of power so she can make millions of dollars selling favors. It's what she and her husband have done since their Arkansas days. I don't hold the Clinton's to a higher standard! There isn't anyone else in the history of our nation that have done what they have done. They have become millionaires by taking money from the politically connected. Only the truly naive don't see what's right there in front of their eyes.
Now that President Obama, Vice president Biden, and Senator Elizabeth Warren have endorsed Hillary (with Bernie coming on board soon) - Trump will soon be buried in constant negative attacks using his own actions and words against him until the General Election. Hell is coming...

This all assumes that RNC powers haven't derailed Trump by then.

As far as the RNC--Lindsey Graham has told other Republicans to hold off endorsing Donald Trump. Red State which is a top right wing web site, has suggested that they change party rules, so they can dump Trump at the convention. Several Colorado Delegates from here-say are not going to vote for him at the convention unless he releases his income tax returns. Let's just say that the WALLS and imploding on all sides around Donald Trump.

Trump is the accidental nominee. He really wasn't the chosen one, simply the benefactor of way too many candidates in this race. 17 of them. Votes were flying everywhere, and unfortunately the crap floated to the top. Scott Walker & Rick Perry dropped out immediately, and warned if others didn't drop out Trump would be the nominee. They were right. The RNC used polling data to set up their 2 debates stages, & against the advice of the pollsters themselves. This kept Trump who has 100% name recognition front and center in all the debates, even though 60% of Republicans were not voting for him. Then add to that FOX news who gave Donald Trump unprecedented news coverage, and all the right wing radio talk show hosts--the accident turned into a train wreck.

They're not going to vote for him the General Election either.
Republicans for Hillary? -
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Mac Stipanovich: An open letter to my fellow Republicans

Last edited:

Romney says Trump will change America with 'trickle-down racism'
Park City, Utah (CNN) Mitt Romney suggested Friday that Donald Trump's election could legitimize racism and misogyny, ushering in a change in the moral fabric of American society.

Romney was a pussy and disliked by his own party more than that same party hates Hillary
The GOP doesn't like trump much either. Most people who show up to vote against trump will also vote against any Republicans endorsing trump. The GOP knows this is true

Romney says Trump will change America with 'trickle-down racism'
Park City, Utah (CNN) Mitt Romney suggested Friday that Donald Trump's election could legitimize racism and misogyny, ushering in a change in the moral fabric of American society.

Romney was a pussy and disliked by his own party more than that same party hates Hillary
Trump is an Orange pussy who avoided Vietnam by getting a "Doctor's note" lol please excuse the Donald from danger he has "bone spurs" Lol

Romney says Trump will change America with 'trickle-down racism'
Park City, Utah (CNN) Mitt Romney suggested Friday that Donald Trump's election could legitimize racism and misogyny, ushering in a change in the moral fabric of American society.

Romney was a pussy and disliked by his own party more than that same party hates Hillary
Trump is an Orange pussy who avoided Vietnam by getting a "Doctor's note" lol please excuse the Donald from danger he has "bone spurs" Lol
As an ex military member I agree with you. I did 10 years. Where were you stationed? always good to hear other peoples opinions based on their enlistment.

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