Trump has yet to feel the full weight of Democratic power aligned against him

Quote of the Day

“There’s no question in my mind, he will never release his tax returns. He will follow one excuse after another to say why he can’t.”

— Mitt Romney, quoted by The Hill, insisting there is a “bombshell” in Donald Trump’s tax returns.

Romney says Trump will change America with 'trickle-down racism'
Park City, Utah (CNN) Mitt Romney suggested Friday that Donald Trump's election could legitimize racism and misogyny, ushering in a change in the moral fabric of American society.

Romney was a pussy and disliked by his own party more than that same party hates Hillary
Trump is an Orange pussy who avoided Vietnam by getting a "Doctor's note" lol please excuse the Donald from danger he has "bone spurs" Lol
As an ex military member I agree with you. I did 10 years. Where were you stationed? always good to hear other peoples opinions based on their enlistment.
I was with the "Vietnam Veterans Against The war "...Alachua Fl
Quote of the Day

“There’s no question in my mind, he will never release his tax returns. He will follow one excuse after another to say why he can’t.”

— Mitt Romney, quoted by The Hill, insisting there is a “bombshell” in Donald Trump’s tax returns.
once he becomes president he will have access to the best document forging team in the nation, he can get a return drawn up and released it then.

Romney says Trump will change America with 'trickle-down racism'
Park City, Utah (CNN) Mitt Romney suggested Friday that Donald Trump's election could legitimize racism and misogyny, ushering in a change in the moral fabric of American society.

Romney was a pussy and disliked by his own party more than that same party hates Hillary
Trump is an Orange pussy who avoided Vietnam by getting a "Doctor's note" lol please excuse the Donald from danger he has "bone spurs" Lol
As an ex military member I agree with you. I did 10 years. Where were you stationed? always good to hear other peoples opinions based on their enlistment.
I was with the "Vietnam Veterans Against The war "...Alachua Fl
yes but, Where did you serve? I didnt have the impression you were old enough to have served in Nam. I could be wrong.
I was 78 through 88. Should have stayed in but the grass looked a whole lot greener on the other side of that proverbial fence.
FEEL THE FORCE!!!!!! ROLLING!!!!!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

You want a dictator.
Now that President Obama, Vice president Biden, and Senator Elizabeth Warren have endorsed Hillary (with Bernie coming on board soon) - Trump will soon be buried in constant negative attacks using his own actions and words against him until the General Election. Hell is coming...

This all assumes that RNC powers haven't derailed Trump by then.
Did you see trumps pathetic tweets? He thinks those tactics that work on racist white voters will work on the rest of us. Elizabeth Warren fucked trump up. I would absolutely pick her for my VP.

I totally agree with you about Warren as VP - except I don't believe enough voters are open minded enough to have TWO women at the top...yet. Therefore, I would prefer that Hillary pick a highly qualified male VP - because I want the Clintons back in the White House.
in other words you want bill running quite saying how great hillary is,when you just admitted you want bill back in there... think the woman can't run things...
Now that President Obama, Vice president Biden, and Senator Elizabeth Warren have endorsed Hillary (with Bernie coming on board soon) - Trump will soon be buried in constant negative attacks using his own actions and words against him until the General Election. Hell is coming...

This all assumes that RNC powers haven't derailed Trump by then.

Bow down before the awesome power of the leftard clown posse of sniveling pussies and commies! Fear their mighty wrath!!!!!.....said no one ever.
Remember those 8 years of Bill and Hillary? There back!
another one who thinks bill will be pulling the strings....
To say that a woman is controlled by her husband resonates so well with women voters.
Now that President Obama, Vice president Biden, and Senator Elizabeth Warren have endorsed Hillary (with Bernie coming on board soon) - Trump will soon be buried in constant negative attacks using his own actions and words against him until the General Election. Hell is coming...

This all assumes that RNC powers haven't derailed Trump by then.

Bow down before the awesome power of the leftard clown posse of sniveling pussies and commies! Fear their mighty wrath!!!!!.....said no one ever.
Remember those 8 years of Bill and Hillary? There back!
another one who thinks bill will be pulling the strings....
To say that a woman is controlled by her husband resonates so well with women voters.
nobody said all women are controlled by their husbands, just this one woman for certain.
but its the same as saying many of the illegals are less than desirable and then turning it into all illegals are less than desirable.
Liberals cant differentiate so I suppose it might not sit will with the women voters on that side of things.
Laura Bush Is Supporting Hillary,
Condemns The GOP While Speaking About Women’s Issues (VIDEO)

Whitman Will Support Clinton Over Trump
June 11, 2016

Republican donor Meg Whitman, the high-profile Hewlett Packard president and CEO, indicated at Mitt Romney’s closed-door summit that she would likely be supporting Hillary Clinton in November, ABC News reports.

Whitman served as Romney’s finance co-chair in 2012.
but did she come right out and say she was voting for the criminal whore Hillary?
Now that President Obama, Vice president Biden, and Senator Elizabeth Warren have endorsed Hillary (with Bernie coming on board soon) - Trump will soon be buried in constant negative attacks using his own actions and words against him until the General Election. Hell is coming...

This all assumes that RNC powers haven't derailed Trump by then.
Be careful of what you wish for. Hitlery has enough skeletons in her closet for a graveyard....
How's those indictments coming?
Presidential candidates rely heavily on state by state district by district support from their fellow party members. It will be most entertaining to see how many GOP politicians/office holders just happen to be 'busy' when Trump rolls into town. Sorry, can't make your rally. Kid's soccer game today.
Remember those 8 years of Bill and Hillary? There back!
another one who thinks bill will be pulling the strings....
Are you and your wife a team? Not every marriage is like trumps where he's the boss.
you and lakota just by including bill in your statements tells me you both are happy bill is back in there because, just like me and many others know,hillary is a half-assed candidate....thanks both of you for revealing your true feelings about hillary....

Yep, two presidents for the price of one. Sounds good to me! Go Hillary!
bur we all know who would be making the big decisions,dont we?.....if you 2 guys had any balls you would just come out and say the real reason you want hillary to win instead making her out to be something she isnt.....
Yes...stating that a woman president will just be a pawn for her husband will win over women voters.
another one who thinks bill will be pulling the strings....
Are you and your wife a team? Not every marriage is like trumps where he's the boss.
you and lakota just by including bill in your statements tells me you both are happy bill is back in there because, just like me and many others know,hillary is a half-assed candidate....thanks both of you for revealing your true feelings about hillary....

Yep, two presidents for the price of one. Sounds good to me! Go Hillary!
bur we all know who would be making the big decisions,dont we?.....if you 2 guys had any balls you would just come out and say the real reason you want hillary to win instead making her out to be something she isnt.....
Yes...stating that a woman president will just be a pawn for her husband will win over women voters.
going to be a hard vote then, the left stating that Trump can handle the job is not going to sit well with all the white voters.
Can you tell me 1 thing Hillary disagees with Bill on? I can't. All that matters is neither of them agrees with Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan's bullshit 2017 agenda. Which by the way he couldn't unveil the other day because Trump made a god damn fool of himself. And notice no matter how bad Trump is it doesn't matter to Paul Ryan? That's because Trump's better for Ryan than Hillary is. So don't fucking ask me what the difference is between the parties or say there is no difference when clearly there is. Just ask Paul Ryan.

Are you talking to me or Harry?
Both. I'm just saying that us liberals agree with each other on a lot of these issues, so fact is, it's not Hillary telling bill what to do or visa versa. They probably agree on what to do most of the time.

Same way its hard to say how Rubio Cruz Kasich Jeb or George Bush are different. Or Romney, McCain, Paul Ryan, etc. Same shitty sandwich just sometimes on a different bread.

Where our sandwiches are fresh and tasty.
of course your sandwiches are fresh and tasty, liberals steal the ingredients from the refrigerators of the conservatives. If left to use your own stuff, you would starve.
The rich people who own you wouldn't have shit without us workers or consumers.

You probably are one of us but think you're one of them. You're not
I find it amusing when anyone on a forum such as this, decides to tell someone else that they dont know, who they are.
You have no idea who I am. I could be an illegal black mexican homosexual for all you know, or I could be a really rich business owner just messing with people, or I could be your next door neighbor.
You just really dont know, and to make a claim that you do only shows your ignorance.
But please, continue guessing peoples place in society.
yep bobo has always been like that.....he knows who and what you are....but 8 years ago he was a guy who had to use his moms computer because he was to cheap to buy his own...
Now that President Obama, Vice president Biden, and Senator Elizabeth Warren have endorsed Hillary (with Bernie coming on board soon) - Trump will soon be buried in constant negative attacks using his own actions and words against him until the General Election. Hell is coming...

This all assumes that RNC powers haven't derailed Trump by then.
Did you see trumps pathetic tweets? He thinks those tactics that work on racist white voters will work on the rest of us. Elizabeth Warren fucked trump up. I would absolutely pick her for my VP.

I totally agree with you about Warren as VP - except I don't believe enough voters are open minded enough to have TWO women at the top...yet. Therefore, I would prefer that Hillary pick a highly qualified male VP - because I want the Clintons back in the White House.
in other words you want bill running quite saying how great hillary is,when you just admitted you want bill back in there... think the woman can't run things...
did i say that?.....maybe you had better read that again Bo....
Hillary is pretty much immune from further political damage - since NaziCons have already conjured up almost everything imaginable against her. She has been thoroughly vetted. a twenty year history of treating the rule of law like it's something that applies to OTHERS and getting away with it...means that you're "vetted"? Interesting concept...
How's that indictment coming?

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