Trump has yet to feel the full weight of Democratic power aligned against him

Assuming the RNC powers haven't destroyed Trump by then - I expect Hillary will beat Trump by at least a 60-40 margin. Maybe even a 70-30 margin.
You must be an indian. Your race has never been known for it's math skills. The FBI' s "Criminal Investigation" is about to drop a fuckig MOAB on Hillary's head.
Then you can put up hundreds of posts about how the FBI has always been in the control of the REPs.
Someone made the analogy yesterday...

If this were 6 man football - on the Democratic side, you have Hillary leading the team,

with Obama, Biden, Kerry, Warren, and Sanders behind her.

For the Republicans, who are the five team members with Trump????
Just about all the candidates have endorsed him at this point. Romney has made news because he says he won't. People say stupid shit everyday. You should think it over before repeating it.

Name that team!
Name them? You forgot already? Plus you are fascinated with the concept that Democrats have rallied behind Hillary.

We are united you are not. It's great
Assuming the RNC powers haven't destroyed Trump by then - I expect Hillary will beat Trump by at least a 60-40 margin. Maybe even a 70-30 margin.
You must be an indian. Your race has never been known for it's math skills. The FBI' s "Criminal Investigation" is about to drop a fuckig MOAB on Hillary's head.
Then you can put up hundreds of posts about how the FBI has always been in the control of the REPs.
And when no bomb is dropped will you stfu?
Someone made the analogy yesterday...

If this were 6 man football - on the Democratic side, you have Hillary leading the team,

with Obama, Biden, Kerry, Warren, and Sanders behind her.

For the Republicans, who are the five team members with Trump????
Just about all the candidates have endorsed him at this point. Romney has made news because he says he won't. People say stupid shit everyday. You should think it over before repeating it.

Name that team!
Name them? You forgot already? Plus you are fascinated with the concept that Democrats have rallied behind Hillary.

We are united you are not. It's great
I'm not running for office. But no, dipshit, lots of Bernie supporters are not happy.
Has anyone realized that Trump is deranged ?:

58 Donald Trump Conspiracy Theories (And Counting!): The Definitive Trump Conspiracy Guide
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Friday, 5/27/2016 1:35 pm
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump not only surrounds himself with conspiracy theorists, he has spent years pushing conspiracy theories himself, much to the delight of his supporters.

At times, Trump tries to remain evasive about whether he actually believes these conspiracy theories, insisting that he simply “heard” or “read” them somewhere or is just asking a question.

We found at least 58 instances of Trump promoting false conspiracy theories on everything from immigration to President Obama’s birthplace.

The number is certain to rise in the coming months.Trump has yet to feel the full weight of Democratic power aligned against him
Someone made the analogy yesterday...

If this were 6 man football - on the Democratic side, you have Hillary leading the team,

with Obama, Biden, Kerry, Warren, and Sanders behind her.

For the Republicans, who are the five team members with Trump????
Just about all the candidates have endorsed him at this point. Romney has made news because he says he won't. People say stupid shit everyday. You should think it over before repeating it.

Name that team!
Name them? You forgot already? Plus you are fascinated with the concept that Democrats have rallied behind Hillary.

We are united you are not. It's great
I'm not running for office. But no, dipshit, lots of Bernie supporters are not happy.
Hillary supporters weren't happy 8 years ago remember? Worked out fine for Obama. Relax we got this
Someone made the analogy yesterday...

If this were 6 man football - on the Democratic side, you have Hillary leading the team,

with Obama, Biden, Kerry, Warren, and Sanders behind her.

For the Republicans, who are the five team members with Trump????

Not quite true. But within a day or so it will be true. Indeed they'll ALL be behind her.

But not today.

They're home sharpening their knives.
'Trump has yet to feel the full weight of Democratic power aligned against him'

Bark, bark, bark....

Hey's that indictment coming?
The WH Spokesman just admitted Hillary is under criminal investigation, an investigation that continues, thanks for asking.

And in a massive conflict of interest Obama just became the qst US President to endorse someone under criminal investigation...for crimes under the Espionage Act, no less.

The DNC is now the 1st party to do the same.

So, coming along fine. :p
Someone made the analogy yesterday...

If this were 6 man football - on the Democratic side, you have Hillary leading the team,

with Obama, Biden, Kerry, Warren, and Sanders behind her.

For the Republicans, who are the five team members with Trump????
Just about all the candidates have endorsed him at this point. Romney has made news because he says he won't. People say stupid shit everyday. You should think it over before repeating it.

Name that team!
Name them? You forgot already? Plus you are fascinated with the concept that Democrats have rallied behind Hillary.


Name the top five Republicans that you are confident will be out on the campaign trail enthusiastically campaigning for Trump.

Is five too many? Shall we start with 3? Can the Weasel get some help here?
'Trump has yet to feel the full weight of Democratic power aligned against him'

Bark, bark, bark....

Hey's that indictment coming?
The WH Spokesman just admitted Hillary is under criminal investigation, an investigation that continues, thanks for asking.

And in a massive conflict of interest Obama just became the qst US President to endorse someone under criminal investigation...for crimes under the Espionage Act, no less.

The DNC is now the 1st party to do the same.

So, coming along fine. :p

A Hillary Clinton withdrawal GUARANTEES a stronger candidate replaces her.
A Hillary Clinton withdrawal GUARANTEES a stronger candidate replaces her.

While that is true, said "stronger" candidate will also have TWO (minimum) opponents. Trump and Hillary (Independent, G/S) and quite possibly Nutty Old Uncle Bernie.
Now that President Obama, Vice president Biden, and Senator Elizabeth Warren have endorsed Hillary (with Bernie coming on board soon) - Trump will soon be buried in constant negative attacks using his own actions and words against him until the General Election. Hell is coming...

This all assumes that RNC powers haven't derailed Trump by then.

Bow down before the awesome power of the leftard clown posse of sniveling pussies and commies! Fear their mighty wrath!!!!!.....said no one ever.
Remember those 8 years of Bill and Hillary? There back!

Those were easily among the best years of my life. My career really took off, I got married and had three kids. "Life was so great I had to wear shades."

So, if that's what in the offing, yes, please, I'll have "seconds," less for myself this time, but for my three kids all of whom are poised to start their careers within the next lustrum.
The "establishment's" attack on The Donald only make it more obvious that The Donald has not sold out to the neocon special interests that control the establishment. High information voters are more convinced than ever to vote for The Donald.

The "weight of democrat power" is the fat guy in this vid. :p

And makes it more obvious that he will lose.
Assuming the RNC powers haven't destroyed Trump by then - I expect Hillary will beat Trump by at least a 60-40 margin. Maybe even a 70-30 margin.
Yeah Hillary will win because she sucks a lot less than Trump. That's what it boils down to.
It's like choosing between a steaming pile of shit and a paper cut with lemon juice.

I don't like Hillary, but it's important to realize that she is the far less of two evils. She's dishonest and politically all over the place, but she at least understands government administration. That's the biggest distinction.

she is a lessor evil,she is dishonest....but hey lets vote for her we see why this country is going to hell....both sides dont care about the character of the person running,but if i vote for a 3rd party person....i am wasting my vote....

You may as well not vote.

unlike you bobo im not a pussy and just vote for who the party tells me to vote for,whether you like the person or not...your buddy billy admitted hillary is evil and dishonest but will vote for her anyway because your precious party is telling him long as you 2 party only people exist,this country is never going to improve because your parties think you are satisfied with them,and you prove it by voting for the people they want you to vote for....
The rich people who own you wouldn't have shit without us workers or consumers.

You probably are one of us but think you're one of them. You're not
I find it amusing when anyone on a forum such as this, decides to tell someone else that they dont know, who they are.
You have no idea who I am. I could be an illegal black mexican homosexual for all you know, or I could be a really rich business owner just messing with people, or I could be your next door neighbor.
You just really dont know, and to make a claim that you do only shows your ignorance.
But please, continue guessing peoples place in society.
yep bobo has always been like that.....he knows who and what you are....but 8 years ago he was a guy who had to use his moms computer because he was to cheap to buy his own...
Still don't have a computer or Internet at home. No cable either. Maybe that's why I'm 45 and my car is paid for and im 10 payments away from owning my home.

I do all the things Republicans say I should do after they fuck up an economy. I buckle down. I'm tight like the last generation that had to suffer through a recession.
yea having a computer with internet is the reason why people are broke.....geezus....
How many of you people talk about how Americans want things they can't afford or buy things they don't need. I save $1000 a year not having cable. People who make $200,000 a year often spend it all and don't have any left over for savings. They even have credit card debt.

If I followed you around for a week I could find a lot of reasons you are broke. We all do it.

Buy a Starbuck coffee every day, eat out a lot, cable bill, too many things plugged in, go to the movies weekly instead of renting Redbox, buying clothes all the time, go to bar and drink 5 beers 2 times a week. All adds up

Everyone wastes money. The fact is your number one favorite thing as a retired Person is TV and Internet. Computer for you is a necessity. I just use my smart phone and I don't pay $60 a month just to watch breaking bad or walking dead
i just sold my california 4-plex in october for 820, was paid off....i laugh at what you just said.....
Hillary is pretty much immune from further political damage - since NaziCons have already conjured up almost everything imaginable against her. She has been thoroughly vetted. a twenty year history of treating the rule of law like it's something that applies to OTHERS and getting away with it...means that you're "vetted"? Interesting concept...
How's that indictment coming?

Anyone who expects the Obama Justice Department to indict Hillary Clinton is probably naive enough to think she's honest...just saying...
Hillary is pretty much immune from further political damage - since NaziCons have already conjured up almost everything imaginable against her. She has been thoroughly vetted. a twenty year history of treating the rule of law like it's something that applies to OTHERS and getting away with it...means that you're "vetted"? Interesting concept...
How's that indictment coming?

Anyone who expects the Obama Justice Department to indict Hillary Clinton is probably naive enough to think she's honest...just saying...

It really doesn't matter. NaziCons have cried "wolf" so many times against the Clintons that when a real "wolf" shows up - most sane people don't give a shit. I don't give a shit. NaziCons owe the Clintons many "get out of jail free" cards.
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Hillary is pretty much immune from further political damage - since NaziCons have already conjured up almost everything imaginable against her. She has been thoroughly vetted. a twenty year history of treating the rule of law like it's something that applies to OTHERS and getting away with it...means that you're "vetted"? Interesting concept...
How's that indictment coming?

Anyone who expects the Obama Justice Department to indict Hillary Clinton is probably naive enough to think she's honest...just saying...

It really doesn't matter. NaziCons have cried "wolf" so many times against the Clintons that when a real "wolf" shows up - most sane people don't give a shit. I don't give a shit. NaziCons owe the Clintons many "get out of jail free" cards.
it doesnt matter what?.....if she is dishonest?...
Both. I'm just saying that us liberals agree with each other on a lot of these issues, so fact is, it's not Hillary telling bill what to do or visa versa. They probably agree on what to do most of the time.

Same way its hard to say how Rubio Cruz Kasich Jeb or George Bush are different. Or Romney, McCain, Paul Ryan, etc. Same shitty sandwich just sometimes on a different bread.

Where our sandwiches are fresh and tasty.
of course your sandwiches are fresh and tasty, liberals steal the ingredients from the refrigerators of the conservatives. If left to use your own stuff, you would starve.
The rich people who own you wouldn't have shit without us workers or consumers.

You probably are one of us but think you're one of them. You're not
I find it amusing when anyone on a forum such as this, decides to tell someone else that they dont know, who they are.
You have no idea who I am. I could be an illegal black mexican homosexual for all you know, or I could be a really rich business owner just messing with people, or I could be your next door neighbor.
You just really dont know, and to make a claim that you do only shows your ignorance.
But please, continue guessing peoples place in society.
yep bobo has always been like that.....he knows who and what you are....but 8 years ago he was a guy who had to use his moms computer because he was to cheap to buy his own...
Still don't have a computer or Internet at home. No cable either. Maybe that's why I'm 45 and my car is paid for and im 10 payments away from owning my home.

I do all the things Republicans say I should do after they fuck up an economy. I buckle down. I'm tight like the last generation that had to suffer through a recession.
My home was paid off at 40, Ive paid cash for every new car Ive ever bought, I have no idea what a car payment would be like. My daughters college was paid for before she even entered high school, the majority of my income goes into retirement accounts.
But, not being liberal I can actually do these things without worrying about other people paying my way.
sorry your life sucks.

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