Trump has yet to feel the full weight of Democratic power aligned against him

Hillary is pretty much immune from further political damage - since NaziCons have already conjured up almost everything imaginable against her. She has been thoroughly vetted. a twenty year history of treating the rule of law like it's something that applies to OTHERS and getting away with it...means that you're "vetted"? Interesting concept...
How's that indictment coming?

Anyone who expects the Obama Justice Department to indict Hillary Clinton is probably naive enough to think she's honest...just saying...

It really doesn't matter. NaziCons have cried "wolf" so many times against the Clintons that when a real "wolf" shows up - most sane people don't give a shit. I don't give a shit. NaziCons owe the Clintons many "get out of jail free" cards.
hard to be found guilty when all of the witnesses die
The rich people who own you wouldn't have shit without us workers or consumers.

You probably are one of us but think you're one of them. You're not
I find it amusing when anyone on a forum such as this, decides to tell someone else that they dont know, who they are.
You have no idea who I am. I could be an illegal black mexican homosexual for all you know, or I could be a really rich business owner just messing with people, or I could be your next door neighbor.
You just really dont know, and to make a claim that you do only shows your ignorance.
But please, continue guessing peoples place in society.
yep bobo has always been like that.....he knows who and what you are....but 8 years ago he was a guy who had to use his moms computer because he was to cheap to buy his own...
Still don't have a computer or Internet at home. No cable either. Maybe that's why I'm 45 and my car is paid for and im 10 payments away from owning my home.

I do all the things Republicans say I should do after they fuck up an economy. I buckle down. I'm tight like the last generation that had to suffer through a recession.
yea having a computer with internet is the reason why people are broke.....geezus....
How many of you people talk about how Americans want things they can't afford or buy things they don't need. I save $1000 a year not having cable. People who make $200,000 a year often spend it all and don't have any left over for savings. They even have credit card debt.

If I followed you around for a week I could find a lot of reasons you are broke. We all do it.

Buy a Starbuck coffee every day, eat out a lot, cable bill, too many things plugged in, go to the movies weekly instead of renting Redbox, buying clothes all the time, go to bar and drink 5 beers 2 times a week. All adds up

Everyone wastes money. The fact is your number one favorite thing as a retired Person is TV and Internet. Computer for you is a necessity. I just use my smart phone and I don't pay $60 a month just to watch breaking bad or walking dead
Might explain why you are so out of touch with reality.
on the other hand, some of us are able to save, take 4 to 6 week vacations and travel the country every year, buy what we want.. and still not worry about money while watching our Hi-Def cable.
Im thinking you should have planned better for life than just learning those 6 important words. (Do you want fries with that?)
Someone made the analogy yesterday...

If this were 6 man football - on the Democratic side, you have Hillary leading the team,

with Obama, Biden, Kerry, Warren, and Sanders behind her.

For the Republicans, who are the five team members with Trump????
Just about all the candidates have endorsed him at this point. Romney has made news because he says he won't. People say stupid shit everyday. You should think it over before repeating it.

Name that team!
Name them? You forgot already? Plus you are fascinated with the concept that Democrats have rallied behind Hillary.

We are united you are not. It's great
I'm not running for office. But no, dipshit, lots of Bernie supporters are not happy.
Maybe they should move to somewhere more to their liking
Bernie supporters are basically the leaches on our society.
Hillary is pretty much immune from further political damage - since NaziCons have already conjured up almost everything imaginable against her. She has been thoroughly vetted. a twenty year history of treating the rule of law like it's something that applies to OTHERS and getting away with it...means that you're "vetted"? Interesting concept...
How's that indictment coming?

Anyone who expects the Obama Justice Department to indict Hillary Clinton is probably naive enough to think she's honest...just saying...

It really doesn't matter. NaziCons have cried "wolf" so many times against the Clintons that when a real "wolf" shows up - most sane people don't give a shit. I don't give a shit. NaziCons owe the Clintons many "get out of jail free" cards.
it doesnt matter what?.....if she is dishonest?...

No, it doesn't matter - until you deranged NaziCons start holding your own to the same standard.
Hillary is pretty much immune from further political damage - since NaziCons have already conjured up almost everything imaginable against her. She has been thoroughly vetted. a twenty year history of treating the rule of law like it's something that applies to OTHERS and getting away with it...means that you're "vetted"? Interesting concept...
How's that indictment coming?

Anyone who expects the Obama Justice Department to indict Hillary Clinton is probably naive enough to think she's honest...just saying...

It really doesn't matter. NaziCons have cried "wolf" so many times against the Clintons that when a real "wolf" shows up - most sane people don't give a shit. I don't give a shit. NaziCons owe the Clintons many "get out of jail free" cards.

Nobody has EVER cried wolf against the Clinton's! This liberal fantasy that Bill and Hillary are the victims of a "vast right wing conspiracy" to get them is laughable! They are as sleazy a political couple as we've ever had in American politics, cashing in their status for personal gain like no one else ever has! They are both pathological liars...getting caught telling whoppers time after time...and each time they are caught, they do the exact same thing! First they indignantly deny the accusation. Then they steadfastly stonewall any investigation into what they have done while declaring that they are cooperating fully. Then they ever so slowly release evidence of their wrong doing that they have withheld while declaring that it's "old news".

Calling someone who points out how morally bankrupt the Clinton's are a "NaziCon" is nothing but partisan slander! a twenty year history of treating the rule of law like it's something that applies to OTHERS and getting away with it...means that you're "vetted"? Interesting concept...
How's that indictment coming?

Anyone who expects the Obama Justice Department to indict Hillary Clinton is probably naive enough to think she's honest...just saying...

It really doesn't matter. NaziCons have cried "wolf" so many times against the Clintons that when a real "wolf" shows up - most sane people don't give a shit. I don't give a shit. NaziCons owe the Clintons many "get out of jail free" cards.
it doesnt matter what?.....if she is dishonest?...

No, it doesn't matter - until you deranged NaziCons start holding your own to the same standard.

What Republican has a twenty five year history of lying to the American people like the Clinton's have? They are the King and Queen of pathological lying!
'Trump has yet to feel the full weight of Democratic power aligned against him'

Bark, bark, bark....

Hey's that indictment coming?
The WH Spokesman just admitted Hillary is under criminal investigation, an investigation that continues, thanks for asking.

And in a massive conflict of interest Obama just became the qst US President to endorse someone under criminal investigation...for crimes under the Espionage Act, no less.

The DNC is now the 1st party to do the same.

So, coming along fine. :p

A Hillary Clinton withdrawal GUARANTEES a stronger candidate replaces her.
At least one less scandalous and not facing prison.

On a serious note, I totally agree with you. Any candidate who replaced her could only be stronger / better. a twenty year history of treating the rule of law like it's something that applies to OTHERS and getting away with it...means that you're "vetted"? Interesting concept...
How's that indictment coming?

Anyone who expects the Obama Justice Department to indict Hillary Clinton is probably naive enough to think she's honest...just saying...

It really doesn't matter. NaziCons have cried "wolf" so many times against the Clintons that when a real "wolf" shows up - most sane people don't give a shit. I don't give a shit. NaziCons owe the Clintons many "get out of jail free" cards.
it doesnt matter what?.....if she is dishonest?...

No, it doesn't matter - until you deranged NaziCons start holding your own to the same standard.
you do realize that you just proved what i have said many a time around here right? party people can care less about the country,its all about your fucking party and what they want....and unlike you pukes i have a standard....and its way higher than hillary or trump....but thanks for proving me right once again lakota....your swell...
Now that President Obama, Vice president Biden, and Senator Elizabeth Warren have endorsed Hillary (with Bernie coming on board soon) - Trump will soon be buried in constant negative attacks using his own actions and words against him until the General Election. Hell is coming...

This all assumes that RNC powers haven't derailed Trump by then.
Thanks for the Capt Obvious post injun
Now that President Obama, Vice president Biden, and Senator Elizabeth Warren have endorsed Hillary (with Bernie coming on board soon) - Trump will soon be buried in constant negative attacks using his own actions and words against him until the General Election. Hell is coming...

This all assumes that RNC powers haven't derailed Trump by then.
Thanks for the Capt Obvious post injun

Injun? Has your Bernie cult fever turned you against sane moderate liberal Democrats? I used to respect your posts - but no more. You are a ZERO.
Hillary is pretty much immune from further political damage - since NaziCons have already conjured up almost everything imaginable against her. She has been thoroughly vetted. a twenty year history of treating the rule of law like it's something that applies to OTHERS and getting away with it...means that you're "vetted"? Interesting concept...
How's that indictment coming?

Anyone who expects the Obama Justice Department to indict Hillary Clinton is probably naive enough to think she's honest...just saying...

It really doesn't matter. NaziCons have cried "wolf" so many times against the Clintons that when a real "wolf" shows up - most sane people don't give a shit. I don't give a shit. NaziCons owe the Clintons many "get out of jail free" cards.

Nobody has EVER cried wolf against the Clinton's! This liberal fantasy that Bill and Hillary are the victims of a "vast right wing conspiracy" to get them is laughable! They are as sleazy a political couple as we've ever had in American politics, cashing in their status for personal gain like no one else ever has! They are both pathological liars...getting caught telling whoppers time after time...and each time they are caught, they do the exact same thing! First they indignantly deny the accusation. Then they steadfastly stonewall any investigation into what they have done while declaring that they are cooperating fully. Then they ever so slowly release evidence of their wrong doing that they have withheld while declaring that it's "old news".

Calling someone who points out how morally bankrupt the Clinton's are a "NaziCon" is nothing but partisan slander!

Maybe if you NaziCons would stop acting like Nazis - I'd stop calling you that...

If Republicans Don't Want to be Compared to Nazis, They Should Stop Acting Like Nazis
How's that indictment coming?

Anyone who expects the Obama Justice Department to indict Hillary Clinton is probably naive enough to think she's honest...just saying...

It really doesn't matter. NaziCons have cried "wolf" so many times against the Clintons that when a real "wolf" shows up - most sane people don't give a shit. I don't give a shit. NaziCons owe the Clintons many "get out of jail free" cards.
it doesnt matter what?.....if she is dishonest?...

No, it doesn't matter - until you deranged NaziCons start holding your own to the same standard.
you do realize that you just proved what i have said many a time around here right? party people can care less about the country,its all about your fucking party and what they want....and unlike you pukes i have a standard....and its way higher than hillary or trump....but thanks for proving me right once again lakota....your swell...
just a chuckle?....if you dont have anything to say i must be right....thanks again....
Now that President Obama, Vice president Biden, and Senator Elizabeth Warren have endorsed Hillary (with Bernie coming on board soon) - Trump will soon be buried in constant negative attacks using his own actions and words against him until the General Election. Hell is coming...

This all assumes that RNC powers haven't derailed Trump by then.
Thanks for the Capt Obvious post injun

Injun? Has your Bernie cult fever turned you against sane moderate liberal Democrats? I used to respect your posts - but no more. You are a ZERO.
if you were a sane moderate liberal you might have a point....but you are a nazilib...that aint moderate....
Now that President Obama, Vice president Biden, and Senator Elizabeth Warren have endorsed Hillary (with Bernie coming on board soon) - Trump will soon be buried in constant negative attacks using his own actions and words against him until the General Election. Hell is coming...

This all assumes that RNC powers haven't derailed Trump by then.
Thanks for the Capt Obvious post injun

Injun? Has your Bernie cult fever turned you against sane moderate liberal Democrats? I used to respect your posts - but no more. You are a ZERO.
if you were a sane moderate liberal you might have a point....but you are a nazilib...that aint moderate....
yea you calling yourself a moderate liberal was kinda funny
if you were a sane moderate liberal you might have a point....but you are a nazilib...that aint moderate....

Not certain whether that counts as a triple - or mere double - oxymoron. Hey grammar cop, come out, come out wherever you are and help us with deciding.............Harry deserves full credit!
if you were a sane moderate liberal you might have a point....but you are a nazilib...that aint moderate....

Not certain whether that counts as a triple - or mere double - oxymoron. Hey grammar cop, come out, come out wherever you are and help us with deciding.............Harry deserves full credit!

Sounds like Sarah Palin babble to me. a twenty year history of treating the rule of law like it's something that applies to OTHERS and getting away with it...means that you're "vetted"? Interesting concept...
How's that indictment coming?

Anyone who expects the Obama Justice Department to indict Hillary Clinton is probably naive enough to think she's honest...just saying...

It really doesn't matter. NaziCons have cried "wolf" so many times against the Clintons that when a real "wolf" shows up - most sane people don't give a shit. I don't give a shit. NaziCons owe the Clintons many "get out of jail free" cards.

Nobody has EVER cried wolf against the Clinton's! This liberal fantasy that Bill and Hillary are the victims of a "vast right wing conspiracy" to get them is laughable! They are as sleazy a political couple as we've ever had in American politics, cashing in their status for personal gain like no one else ever has! They are both pathological liars...getting caught telling whoppers time after time...and each time they are caught, they do the exact same thing! First they indignantly deny the accusation. Then they steadfastly stonewall any investigation into what they have done while declaring that they are cooperating fully. Then they ever so slowly release evidence of their wrong doing that they have withheld while declaring that it's "old news".

Calling someone who points out how morally bankrupt the Clinton's are a "NaziCon" is nothing but partisan slander!

Maybe if you NaziCons would stop acting like Nazis - I'd stop calling you that...

If Republicans Don't Want to be Compared to Nazis, They Should Stop Acting Like Nazis
said the naziLib

you and your childish name calling. BTW- you a male or female?
if you were a sane moderate liberal you might have a point....but you are a nazilib...that aint moderate....

Not certain whether that counts as a triple - or mere double - oxymoron. Hey grammar cop, come out, come out wherever you are and help us with deciding.............Harry deserves full credit!
that was just the truth.... lakhota is about as moderate a liberal as dean is....and we all know how moderate dean is....
Now that President Obama, Vice president Biden, and Senator Elizabeth Warren have endorsed Hillary (with Bernie coming on board soon) - Trump will soon be buried in constant negative attacks using his own actions and words against him until the General Election. Hell is coming...

This all assumes that RNC powers haven't derailed Trump by then.
Hillary is pretty much immune from further political damage - since NaziCons have already conjured up almost everything imaginable against her. She has been thoroughly vetted.
Not even close pal! I received a top 1000 list from the Trump Campaign, her huge ass is cooked!!!!

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