Trump-Hating Leftist Socialist Democrats Waste No Time: Day 1 - Impeachment Introduced in House

No evidence of a crime having been committed worthy of investigation let alone a special counsel

No evidence of a crime committed by the President

No official finding yet filed by Mueller

...yet the Democrats, who have abandoned any attempt to hide their partisan hatred for the President who defeated their felon candidate in 2008 wasted no time in introducing Articles of Impeachment.

Democrat introducing impeachment measure against Trump on first day of new Congress

A California congressman is introducing articles of impeachment against President Trump on Thursday -- the first day of the new Democratic majority in the House.

"Rep. Brad Sherman is reintroducing the impeachment articles that he first filed in 2017 with Democratic co-sponsor Rep. Al Green of Texas, a spokesman said.

“He will be introducing the same articles he introduced last year once the House is in session this afternoon,” Sherman spokesman Shane Seaver told Fox News.

The move is one of several indications that despite the go-slow approach of Democratic leadership, some in the rank-and-file will be eager to launch impeachment proceedings now that they're in the majority. A
Detroit Free Press op-ed co-authored by incoming Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib, of Michigan, said the House does not need to wait for the outcome of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe "before moving forward now with an inquiry in the U.S. House of Representatives on whether the president has committed impeachable 'high crimes and misdemeanors' against the state".

As with Brett Kavanaugh, Democrats have declared the President to be GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT. No evidence of guilt is required - they have their pitch forks, they have their torches, and they are filled with hate....

'Nuff said...
starting investigations on people does not prove guilt, just ask Hillary, Bill, or Barak.... who have been investigated from here, to high heaven! :eek:

investigations usually net ''not guilty'' by those being investigated...

if there is nothing there, Trump will be fine....

The cases of Flynn and Popodopolous already proved that theory wrong, dipstick.
Flynn broke many laws... in addition to lying to official investigators...

Papadopoulis lied to official investigators, which also broke the law.
hillary lied. there was in fact classified information in her mail and she said none was ever sent.

we seem to be be ok with some lying, others not so much. this also seems based on whether your on "our side" or "theirs".

not a good place for any of us.
you are regurgitating lies....

Hillary said she had no emails that were Marked classified.... and there were none marked classified from any agency...

marked means officially designated as classified, with the person's name classifying the document, the Agency classifying the document, the level of classification for the document and the date classified, and ending with the date the document is to be De-classified, in a box at the top of the document.

She had nothing in her emails that was MARKED classified, period. AND Nothing was taken from the government's secure proper place that was Top Secret, taken and put on her server.... which is needed, in order to charge her or her staff, with the espionage act's gross negligence law.... thus, no charges against her. Her staff was careless and broke protocols, unintentionally... but did not commit espionage

Hillary had a SCIFF set up in her DC home and her New York home for top level classified information, that was not connected to the internet or email for the important stuff.
and you are wordsmithing like a clinton.

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