Trump-Hating Leftist Socialist Democrats Waste No Time: Day 1 - Impeachment Introduced in House


I sure hope Trumps life doesnt get too uncomfortable.

/——/ It don’t. Trump thrives on conflict.

People who thrive on conflict are a waste of oxygen. Americans are sick of people like this.
/----/ You really miss the old school Republicans who would roll over and play dead just to get along with democRATs.
View attachment 238399

It's called 'governing'. Something wingers know fuck all about. I understand your confusion.
/-----/ Libtards define Governing as going along with democRATS just to get along. So where are democRAT compromises to get along with Trump? Don't democRATs know how to Govern?
Uhmmmm, because the Democrats introduced a bill to impeach Trump today on Day reported....

If Pelosi is smart she will table it....

'if Pelosi is smart...'

What the hell was I just thinking.... :p

She is not going to bring it to a vote.

You freaks are dishonest to your cores.
Yeah, the fact that Democrats introduced a bill to Impeach the President on Day 1 does not mean they want to / are thinking if doing so....

:p .lol

No it doesn’t. “The Dems” did no such thing. A Dem did. It means nothing to anyone with a brain.

Would that you were so narrow and specific when it comes to people on the right. But somehow, I suspect you do a lot of broad-brush painting in those circumstances.

Prove it.

Prove that I suspect it?

I sure hope Trumps life doesnt get too uncomfortable.

/——/ It don’t. Trump thrives on conflict.

People who thrive on conflict are a waste of oxygen. Americans are sick of people like this.
/----/ You really miss the old school Republicans who would roll over and play dead just to get along with democRATs.
View attachment 238399

It's called 'governing'. Something wingers know fuck all about. I understand your confusion.
/-----/ Libtards define Governing as going along with democRATS just to get along. So where are democRAT compromises to get along with Trump? Don't democRATs know how to Govern?

Libtards/democRATs. Spoken like a winger dummy who uses slurs when they truly have nothing of substance. You must be one of those CUNTservatives. Stop talking, dummy. You add nothing of value.
She is not going to bring it to a vote.

You freaks are dishonest to your cores.
Yeah, the fact that Democrats introduced a bill to Impeach the President on Day 1 does not mean they want to / are thinking if doing so....

:p .lol

No it doesn’t. “The Dems” did no such thing. A Dem did. It means nothing to anyone with a brain.

Would that you were so narrow and specific when it comes to people on the right. But somehow, I suspect you do a lot of broad-brush painting in those circumstances.

Prove it.

Prove that I suspect it?

Yeah, the fact that Democrats introduced a bill to Impeach the President on Day 1 does not mean they want to / are thinking if doing so....

:p .lol

No it doesn’t. “The Dems” did no such thing. A Dem did. It means nothing to anyone with a brain.

Would that you were so narrow and specific when it comes to people on the right. But somehow, I suspect you do a lot of broad-brush painting in those circumstances.

Prove it.

Prove that I suspect it?


English. I didn't make a statement about your behavior. I expressed my opinion. That you decided to overreact without bothering to understand my actual words is YOUR fault, not mine.
/——/ It don’t. Trump thrives on conflict.

People who thrive on conflict are a waste of oxygen. Americans are sick of people like this.
/----/ You really miss the old school Republicans who would roll over and play dead just to get along with democRATs.
View attachment 238399

It's called 'governing'. Something wingers know fuck all about. I understand your confusion.
/-----/ Libtards define Governing as going along with democRATS just to get along. So where are democRAT compromises to get along with Trump? Don't democRATs know how to Govern?

Libtards/democRATs. Spoken like a winger dummy who uses slurs when they truly have nothing of substance. You must be one of those CUNTservatives. Stop talking, dummy. You add nothing of value.
/----/ You men like Libtards calling Presiden Trump the Orange Clown? Calling Republicans "wingers?" like you just did? You mean like that?
People who thrive on conflict are a waste of oxygen. Americans are sick of people like this.
/----/ You really miss the old school Republicans who would roll over and play dead just to get along with democRATs.
View attachment 238399

It's called 'governing'. Something wingers know fuck all about. I understand your confusion.
/-----/ Libtards define Governing as going along with democRATS just to get along. So where are democRAT compromises to get along with Trump? Don't democRATs know how to Govern?

Libtards/democRATs. Spoken like a winger dummy who uses slurs when they truly have nothing of substance. You must be one of those CUNTservatives. Stop talking, dummy. You add nothing of value.
/----/ You men like Libtards calling Presiden Trump the Orange Clown? Calling Republicans "wingers?" like you just did? You mean like that?

1. Orange Virus is a more apt description
2. Wingers are extremists of either party affiliation.
/----/ You really miss the old school Republicans who would roll over and play dead just to get along with democRATs.
View attachment 238399

It's called 'governing'. Something wingers know fuck all about. I understand your confusion.
/-----/ Libtards define Governing as going along with democRATS just to get along. So where are democRAT compromises to get along with Trump? Don't democRATs know how to Govern?

Libtards/democRATs. Spoken like a winger dummy who uses slurs when they truly have nothing of substance. You must be one of those CUNTservatives. Stop talking, dummy. You add nothing of value.
/----/ You men like Libtards calling Presiden Trump the Orange Clown? Calling Republicans "wingers?" like you just did? You mean like that?

1. Orange Virus is a more apt description
2. Wingers are extremists of either party affiliation.
Real mature. That you don't believe you're "extreme" is utterly hilarious.
Flynn broke many laws... in addition to lying to official investigators...

Papadopoulis lied to official investigators, which also broke the law.

Flynn is going to jail. Papa, I believe, already did his time. Still ZERO evidence of criminal activity or illegal collusion on Trump's part...which can not be said for Hillary.
The investigation was to find out if there was any coordination between the Trump Campaign members and the Russian operatives who interfered and attacked our process in the 2016 election, either wittingly or perhaps unwittingly.

IF there was... wittingly, then in my mind along with plain ole logic, DJT was aware of it... and likely even encouraged it...

IF there was... but unwittingly, then it is possible DJT was unaware of it, as Team Trump was too.... thus, unwitting....

Flynn's lawyers messed up,.. he could see some jail for taking his lawyer's advice... Mueller thought he was so helpful in his investigation, that Flynn deserved no jail time.... the Judge? not so much....
They were bankrupting him and threatening to prosecute his family, you fucking douchebag piece of shit. You act like Flynn was answering some online survey.
bulloney! He committed several crimes, his son broke the law as well! Flynn was given the Deal of the Century by Mueller only charging him with lying to official investigators... about their investigation.

The Judge, who also knows everything Flynn had done that he was not charged with for his cooperation, felt that Flynn was traitorous towards his Nation and hadn't helped Mueller enough, as repentance, so to say, for ALL the bad things he did, and is probably going to give him a few months in the slammer! the judge was pissed off! :eek:
Yet you have no evidence of any crimes committed by Trump or his son....nice rant, snowflake.

Am I in charge of investigating and gathering evidence???

You have no idea what Mueller has.... if that is what your post is referring to?
No evidence of a crime having been committed worthy of investigation let alone a special counsel

No evidence of a crime committed by the President

No official finding yet filed by Mueller

...yet the Democrats, who have abandoned any attempt to hide their partisan hatred for the President who defeated their felon candidate in 2008 wasted no time in introducing Articles of Impeachment.

Democrat introducing impeachment measure against Trump on first day of new Congress

A California congressman is introducing articles of impeachment against President Trump on Thursday -- the first day of the new Democratic majority in the House.

"Rep. Brad Sherman is reintroducing the impeachment articles that he first filed in 2017 with Democratic co-sponsor Rep. Al Green of Texas, a spokesman said.

“He will be introducing the same articles he introduced last year once the House is in session this afternoon,” Sherman spokesman Shane Seaver told Fox News.

The move is one of several indications that despite the go-slow approach of Democratic leadership, some in the rank-and-file will be eager to launch impeachment proceedings now that they're in the majority. A
Detroit Free Press op-ed co-authored by incoming Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib, of Michigan, said the House does not need to wait for the outcome of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe "before moving forward now with an inquiry in the U.S. House of Representatives on whether the president has committed impeachable 'high crimes and misdemeanors' against the state".

As with Brett Kavanaugh, Democrats have declared the President to be GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT. No evidence of guilt is required - they have their pitch forks, they have their torches, and they are filled with hate....

'Nuff said...
Child raping righty trump ball chuggers waste no time showing their vag-sore snowflake traits while mewling about Donnie shitstain being picked on
I would watch Pelosi's grandchildren get exterminated without guilt. No internet warrior crap. Just knowing that justice needs to be addressed at some point. The resources this witch caused people to lose is in the trillions of dollars. Watching that mumbling mouth looks like a result of using a psychotropic drug called Thorazine from decades ago and the mouth mumbling is called tardive dysconesia.
Welcome to the jungle,

Comrade! :rolleyes:

same ole Russian bull crap diagnosing the ladies enchroaching 'man's power' with some disease like Hillary with Parkinson, now you are on to a diagnosis of Pelosi.... :lol:

doesn't this crud get tiring?

or is it just plain fun?
I guess you are going to try to tell us that freezing up in the middle of talking, talking incoherently, and rambling is normal?!

Perhaps it is for Pelosi...


Of course, none of that matters one bit.
And you call what Trump mumbles and shouts in First grader's language, and then repeats it over and over again like he never said it just 3 seconds before he repeats it, as sane?

As Pelosi's daughter said, "she could cut your head off and you wouldn't even know you were bleeding..." :lol:
No evidence of a crime having been committed worthy of investigation let alone a special counsel

No evidence of a crime committed by the President

No official finding yet filed by Mueller

...yet the Democrats, who have abandoned any attempt to hide their partisan hatred for the President who defeated their felon candidate in 2008 wasted no time in introducing Articles of Impeachment.

Democrat introducing impeachment measure against Trump on first day of new Congress

A California congressman is introducing articles of impeachment against President Trump on Thursday -- the first day of the new Democratic majority in the House.

"Rep. Brad Sherman is reintroducing the impeachment articles that he first filed in 2017 with Democratic co-sponsor Rep. Al Green of Texas, a spokesman said.

“He will be introducing the same articles he introduced last year once the House is in session this afternoon,” Sherman spokesman Shane Seaver told Fox News.

The move is one of several indications that despite the go-slow approach of Democratic leadership, some in the rank-and-file will be eager to launch impeachment proceedings now that they're in the majority. A
Detroit Free Press op-ed co-authored by incoming Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib, of Michigan, said the House does not need to wait for the outcome of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe "before moving forward now with an inquiry in the U.S. House of Representatives on whether the president has committed impeachable 'high crimes and misdemeanors' against the state".

As with Brett Kavanaugh, Democrats have declared the President to be GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT. No evidence of guilt is required - they have their pitch forks, they have their torches, and they are filled with hate....

'Nuff said...
Child raping righty trump ball chuggers waste no time showing their vag-sore snowflake traits while mewling about Donnie shitstain being picked on
I would watch Pelosi's grandchildren get exterminated without guilt. No internet warrior crap. Just knowing that justice needs to be addressed at some point. The resources this witch caused people to lose is in the trillions of dollars. Watching that mumbling mouth looks like a result of using a psychotropic drug called Thorazine from decades ago and the mouth mumbling is called tardive dysconesia.
Welcome to the jungle,

Comrade! :rolleyes:

same ole Russian bull crap diagnosing the ladies enchroaching 'man's power' with some disease like Hillary with Parkinson, now you are on to a diagnosis of Pelosi.... :lol:

doesn't this crud get tiring?

or is it just plain fun?
I guess you are going to try to tell us that freezing up in the middle of talking, talking incoherently, and rambling is normal?!

Perhaps it is for Pelosi...


Of course, none of that matters one bit.
And you call what Trump mumbles and shouts in First grader's language, and then repeats it over and over again like he never said it just 3 seconds before he repeats it, as sane?

Repetition in a language you people understand might eventually knock some sense into some of you.

Or not.
Child raping righty trump ball chuggers waste no time showing their vag-sore snowflake traits while mewling about Donnie shitstain being picked on
I would watch Pelosi's grandchildren get exterminated without guilt. No internet warrior crap. Just knowing that justice needs to be addressed at some point. The resources this witch caused people to lose is in the trillions of dollars. Watching that mumbling mouth looks like a result of using a psychotropic drug called Thorazine from decades ago and the mouth mumbling is called tardive dysconesia.
Welcome to the jungle,

Comrade! :rolleyes:

same ole Russian bull crap diagnosing the ladies enchroaching 'man's power' with some disease like Hillary with Parkinson, now you are on to a diagnosis of Pelosi.... :lol:

doesn't this crud get tiring?

or is it just plain fun?
I guess you are going to try to tell us that freezing up in the middle of talking, talking incoherently, and rambling is normal?!

Perhaps it is for Pelosi...


Of course, none of that matters one bit.
And you call what Trump mumbles and shouts in First grader's language, and then repeats it over and over again like he never said it just 3 seconds before he repeats it, as sane?

Repetition in a language you people understand might eventually knock some sense into some of you.

Or not.
Repetition, is a form of brainwashing used on those who are mind control/brainwashing susceptible... which is darn near all of us. :eek:

Repetition is the key to successful advertising/marketing campaigns... :D
Repetition, is a form of brainwashing used on those who are mind control/brainwashing susceptible... which is darn near all of us. :eek: Repetition is the key to successful advertising/marketing campaigns... :D
Barak Hussein Obama

Child raping righty trump ball chuggers waste no time showing their vag-sore snowflake traits while mewling about Donnie shitstain being picked on
I would watch Pelosi's grandchildren get exterminated without guilt. No internet warrior crap. Just knowing that justice needs to be addressed at some point. The resources this witch caused people to lose is in the trillions of dollars. Watching that mumbling mouth looks like a result of using a psychotropic drug called Thorazine from decades ago and the mouth mumbling is called tardive dysconesia.
Welcome to the jungle,

Comrade! :rolleyes:

same ole Russian bull crap diagnosing the ladies enchroaching 'man's power' with some disease like Hillary with Parkinson, now you are on to a diagnosis of Pelosi.... :lol:

doesn't this crud get tiring?

or is it just plain fun?
I guess you are going to try to tell us that freezing up in the middle of talking, talking incoherently, and rambling is normal?!

Perhaps it is for Pelosi...


Of course, none of that matters one bit.
And you call what Trump mumbles and shouts in First grader's language, and then repeats it over and over again like he never said it just 3 seconds before he repeats it, as sane?

Repetition in a language you people understand might eventually knock some sense into some of you.

Or not.

Yes, but how do we find a language they understand?
I would watch Pelosi's grandchildren get exterminated without guilt. No internet warrior crap. Just knowing that justice needs to be addressed at some point. The resources this witch caused people to lose is in the trillions of dollars. Watching that mumbling mouth looks like a result of using a psychotropic drug called Thorazine from decades ago and the mouth mumbling is called tardive dysconesia.
Welcome to the jungle,

Comrade! :rolleyes:

same ole Russian bull crap diagnosing the ladies enchroaching 'man's power' with some disease like Hillary with Parkinson, now you are on to a diagnosis of Pelosi.... :lol:

doesn't this crud get tiring?

or is it just plain fun?
I guess you are going to try to tell us that freezing up in the middle of talking, talking incoherently, and rambling is normal?!

Perhaps it is for Pelosi...


Of course, none of that matters one bit.
And you call what Trump mumbles and shouts in First grader's language, and then repeats it over and over again like he never said it just 3 seconds before he repeats it, as sane?

Repetition in a language you people understand might eventually knock some sense into some of you.

Or not.
Repetition, is a form of brainwashing used on those who are mind control/brainwashing susceptible... which is darn near all of us. :eek:

Repetition is the key to successful advertising/marketing campaigns... :D

Repetition is also an effective way to teach children.
I would watch Pelosi's grandchildren get exterminated without guilt. No internet warrior crap. Just knowing that justice needs to be addressed at some point. The resources this witch caused people to lose is in the trillions of dollars. Watching that mumbling mouth looks like a result of using a psychotropic drug called Thorazine from decades ago and the mouth mumbling is called tardive dysconesia.
Welcome to the jungle,

Comrade! :rolleyes:

same ole Russian bull crap diagnosing the ladies enchroaching 'man's power' with some disease like Hillary with Parkinson, now you are on to a diagnosis of Pelosi.... :lol:

doesn't this crud get tiring?

or is it just plain fun?
I guess you are going to try to tell us that freezing up in the middle of talking, talking incoherently, and rambling is normal?!

Perhaps it is for Pelosi...


Of course, none of that matters one bit.
And you call what Trump mumbles and shouts in First grader's language, and then repeats it over and over again like he never said it just 3 seconds before he repeats it, as sane?

Repetition in a language you people understand might eventually knock some sense into some of you.

Or not.

Yes, but how do we find a language they understand?

Babytalk might suffice.
No evidence of a crime having been committed worthy of investigation let alone a special counsel

No evidence of a crime committed by the President

No official finding yet filed by Mueller

...yet the Democrats, who have abandoned any attempt to hide their partisan hatred for the President who defeated their felon candidate in 2008 wasted no time in introducing Articles of Impeachment.

Democrat introducing impeachment measure against Trump on first day of new Congress

A California congressman is introducing articles of impeachment against President Trump on Thursday -- the first day of the new Democratic majority in the House.

"Rep. Brad Sherman is reintroducing the impeachment articles that he first filed in 2017 with Democratic co-sponsor Rep. Al Green of Texas, a spokesman said.

“He will be introducing the same articles he introduced last year once the House is in session this afternoon,” Sherman spokesman Shane Seaver told Fox News.

The move is one of several indications that despite the go-slow approach of Democratic leadership, some in the rank-and-file will be eager to launch impeachment proceedings now that they're in the majority. A
Detroit Free Press op-ed co-authored by incoming Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib, of Michigan, said the House does not need to wait for the outcome of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe "before moving forward now with an inquiry in the U.S. House of Representatives on whether the president has committed impeachable 'high crimes and misdemeanors' against the state".

As with Brett Kavanaugh, Democrats have declared the President to be GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT. No evidence of guilt is required - they have their pitch forks, they have their torches, and they are filled with hate....

'Nuff said...
starting investigations on people does not prove guilt, just ask Hillary, Bill, or Barak.... who have been investigated from here, to high heaven! :eek:

investigations usually net ''not guilty'' by those being investigated...

if there is nothing there, Trump will be fine....

The cases of Flynn and Popodopolous already proved that theory wrong, dipstick.
Flynn broke many laws... in addition to lying to official investigators...

Papadopoulis lied to official investigators, which also broke the law.
hillary lied. there was in fact classified information in her mail and she said none was ever sent.

we seem to be be ok with some lying, others not so much. this also seems based on whether your on "our side" or "theirs".

not a good place for any of us.
hillary lied. there was in fact classified information in her mail and she said none was ever sent.
Comey testified to this and more under oath before Congress while answering Trey Gowdy's questions.
No evidence of a crime having been committed worthy of investigation let alone a special counsel

No evidence of a crime committed by the President

No official finding yet filed by Mueller

...yet the Democrats, who have abandoned any attempt to hide their partisan hatred for the President who defeated their felon candidate in 2008 wasted no time in introducing Articles of Impeachment.

Democrat introducing impeachment measure against Trump on first day of new Congress

A California congressman is introducing articles of impeachment against President Trump on Thursday -- the first day of the new Democratic majority in the House.

"Rep. Brad Sherman is reintroducing the impeachment articles that he first filed in 2017 with Democratic co-sponsor Rep. Al Green of Texas, a spokesman said.

“He will be introducing the same articles he introduced last year once the House is in session this afternoon,” Sherman spokesman Shane Seaver told Fox News.

The move is one of several indications that despite the go-slow approach of Democratic leadership, some in the rank-and-file will be eager to launch impeachment proceedings now that they're in the majority. A
Detroit Free Press op-ed co-authored by incoming Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib, of Michigan, said the House does not need to wait for the outcome of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe "before moving forward now with an inquiry in the U.S. House of Representatives on whether the president has committed impeachable 'high crimes and misdemeanors' against the state".

As with Brett Kavanaugh, Democrats have declared the President to be GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT. No evidence of guilt is required - they have their pitch forks, they have their torches, and they are filled with hate....

'Nuff said...
starting investigations on people does not prove guilt, just ask Hillary, Bill, or Barak.... who have been investigated from here, to high heaven! :eek:

investigations usually net ''not guilty'' by those being investigated...

if there is nothing there, Trump will be fine....

The cases of Flynn and Popodopolous already proved that theory wrong, dipstick.
Flynn broke many laws... in addition to lying to official investigators...

Papadopoulis lied to official investigators, which also broke the law.
hillary lied. there was in fact classified information in her mail and she said none was ever sent.

we seem to be be ok with some lying, others not so much. this also seems based on whether your on "our side" or "theirs".

not a good place for any of us.
you are regurgitating lies....

Hillary said she had no emails that were Marked classified.... and there were none marked classified from any agency...

marked means officially designated as classified, with the person's name classifying the document, the Agency classifying the document, the level of classification for the document and the date classified, and ending with the date the document is to be De-classified, in a box at the top of the document.

She had nothing in her emails that was MARKED classified, period. AND Nothing was taken from the government's secure proper place that was Top Secret, taken and put on her server.... which is needed, in order to charge her or her staff, with the espionage act's gross negligence law.... thus, no charges against her. Her staff was careless and broke protocols, unintentionally... but did not commit espionage

Hillary had a SCIFF set up in her DC home and her New York home for top level classified information, that was not connected to the internet or email for the important stuff.

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