Trump-Hating Leftist Socialist Democrats Waste No Time: Day 1 - Impeachment Introduced in House

No evidence of a crime having been committed worthy of investigation let alone a special counsel

No evidence of a crime committed by the President

No official finding yet filed by Mueller

...yet the Democrats, who have abandoned any attempt to hide their partisan hatred for the President who defeated their felon candidate in 2008 wasted no time in introducing Articles of Impeachment.

Democrat introducing impeachment measure against Trump on first day of new Congress

A California congressman is introducing articles of impeachment against President Trump on Thursday -- the first day of the new Democratic majority in the House.

"Rep. Brad Sherman is reintroducing the impeachment articles that he first filed in 2017 with Democratic co-sponsor Rep. Al Green of Texas, a spokesman said.

“He will be introducing the same articles he introduced last year once the House is in session this afternoon,” Sherman spokesman Shane Seaver told Fox News.

The move is one of several indications that despite the go-slow approach of Democratic leadership, some in the rank-and-file will be eager to launch impeachment proceedings now that they're in the majority. A
Detroit Free Press op-ed co-authored by incoming Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib, of Michigan, said the House does not need to wait for the outcome of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe "before moving forward now with an inquiry in the U.S. House of Representatives on whether the president has committed impeachable 'high crimes and misdemeanors' against the state".

As with Brett Kavanaugh, Democrats have declared the President to be GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT. No evidence of guilt is required - they have their pitch forks, they have their torches, and they are filled with hate....

'Nuff said...
starting investigations on people does not prove guilt, just ask Hillary, Bill, or Barak.... who have been investigated from here, to high heaven! :eek:

investigations usually net ''not guilty'' by those being investigated...

if there is nothing there, Trump will be fine....

The cases of Flynn and Popodopolous already proved that theory wrong, dipstick.
and your felonious association of Hillary proves that you have convicted her without trial, the same thing you are whining about Trump being subject to. comments and opinions of Hillary are based on:

1. Former FBI Director Comey declared to the world on TV that Hillary Clinton had broken laws but was too stupid to know she had done so...

2. The US IG rebuked Comey for 'usurping the power of the DOJ', exercising powers he did not have in violation of the Separation of Powers, to make the decision for the DOJ / US AG that Hillary would not be indicted...

3. The evidence and testimony of FBI Counsel Baker believing that Hillary's indictment was warranted and that the FBI was split on whether to do so or not, in no way 'unanimous' that she should not be as Comey later claimed

4. The FBI publicly, like Comey had done, announced publicly that they had found approx. 1500 official subpoenaed documents Hillary had claimed were 'personal' documents, had committed Obstruction by attempting to destroy, documents that were required to be turned in by law (FOIA & Federal Records Act0 for archival but which Hillary had kept instead of submitting for archival.

5. Comey testified before Congress under oath, in answering questions from Trey Gowdy, that Hillary had LIED TO CONGRESS, that she HAD sent/received classified documents, that documents WERE officially marked at the time, that she DID attempt to hide / destroy official subpoenaed documents, that she had used MULTIPLE devices instead of just 1 as she had claimed, etc...

Unlike with the snowflake claims about the President the actual evidence of all of this exists, is documented, has been recorded, the links to support all of these have been provided numerous times. You can personally watch the video of Comey's testimony and his answering Gowdy's questions if you like, for example.
and your felonious association of Hillary proves that you have convicted her without trial, the same thing you are whining about Trump being subject to. comments and opinions of Hillary are based on:

1. Former FBI Director Comey declared to the world on TV that Hillary Clinton had broken laws but was too stupid to know she had done so...

2. The US IG rebuked Comey for 'usurping the power of the DOJ', exercising powers he did not have in violation of the Separation of Powers, to make the decision for the DOJ / US AG that Hillary would not be indicted...

3. The evidence and testimony of FBI Counsel Baker believing that Hillary's indictment was warranted and that the FBI was split on whether to do so or not, in no way 'unanimous' that she should not be as Comey later claimed

4. The FBI publicly, like Comey had done, announced publicly that they had found approx. 1500 official subpoenaed documents Hillary had claimed were 'personal' documents, had committed Obstruction by attempting to destroy, documents that were required to be turned in by law (FOIA & Federal Records Act0 for archival but which Hillary had kept instead of submitting for archival.

5. Comey testified before Congress under oath, in answering questions from Trey Gowdy, that Hillary had LIED TO CONGRESS, that she HAD sent/received classified documents, that documents WERE officially marked at the time, that she DID attempt to hide / destroy official subpoenaed documents, that she had used MULTIPLE devices instead of just 1 as she had claimed, etc...

Unlike with the snowflake claims about the President the actual evidence of all of this exists, is documented, has been recorded, the links to support all of these have been provided numerous times. You can personally watch the video of Comey's testimony and his answering Gowdy's questions if you like, for example.
Really!? Where is the conviction that makes her a felon?
No evidence of a crime having been committed worthy of investigation let alone a special counsel

No evidence of a crime committed by the President

No official finding yet filed by Mueller

...yet the Democrats, who have abandoned any attempt to hide their partisan hatred for the President who defeated their felon candidate in 2008 wasted no time in introducing Articles of Impeachment.

Democrat introducing impeachment measure against Trump on first day of new Congress

A California congressman is introducing articles of impeachment against President Trump on Thursday -- the first day of the new Democratic majority in the House.

"Rep. Brad Sherman is reintroducing the impeachment articles that he first filed in 2017 with Democratic co-sponsor Rep. Al Green of Texas, a spokesman said.

“He will be introducing the same articles he introduced last year once the House is in session this afternoon,” Sherman spokesman Shane Seaver told Fox News.

The move is one of several indications that despite the go-slow approach of Democratic leadership, some in the rank-and-file will be eager to launch impeachment proceedings now that they're in the majority. A
Detroit Free Press op-ed co-authored by incoming Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib, of Michigan, said the House does not need to wait for the outcome of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe "before moving forward now with an inquiry in the U.S. House of Representatives on whether the president has committed impeachable 'high crimes and misdemeanors' against the state".

As with Brett Kavanaugh, Democrats have declared the President to be GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT. No evidence of guilt is required - they have their pitch forks, they have their torches, and they are filled with hate....

'Nuff said...
starting investigations on people does not prove guilt, just ask Hillary, Bill, or Barak.... who have been investigated from here, to high heaven! :eek:

investigations usually net ''not guilty'' by those being investigated...

if there is nothing there, Trump will be fine....

The cases of Flynn and Popodopolous already proved that theory wrong, dipstick.
Flynn broke many laws... in addition to lying to official investigators...

Papadopoulis lied to official investigators, which also broke the law.
Really!? Where is the conviction that makes her a felon?
I will concede that she is not a 'convicted' felon, but the Democrats have proven they prefer the court of public opinion, mainly because that court is fueled by emotion and false accusations backed by zero evidence resulting in no actual conviction either. At least in Hillary's case, in the court of public opinion, there is more than enough evidence to prove her guilt, the FBI has declared she broke laws, and Comey even testified under oath that she did. Let me know when Mueller ever gets anything close to that type of evidence - or any evidence - against the President.
No evidence of a crime having been committed worthy of investigation let alone a special counsel

No evidence of a crime committed by the President

No official finding yet filed by Mueller

...yet the Democrats, who have abandoned any attempt to hide their partisan hatred for the President who defeated their felon candidate in 2008 wasted no time in introducing Articles of Impeachment.

Democrat introducing impeachment measure against Trump on first day of new Congress

A California congressman is introducing articles of impeachment against President Trump on Thursday -- the first day of the new Democratic majority in the House.

"Rep. Brad Sherman is reintroducing the impeachment articles that he first filed in 2017 with Democratic co-sponsor Rep. Al Green of Texas, a spokesman said.

“He will be introducing the same articles he introduced last year once the House is in session this afternoon,” Sherman spokesman Shane Seaver told Fox News.

The move is one of several indications that despite the go-slow approach of Democratic leadership, some in the rank-and-file will be eager to launch impeachment proceedings now that they're in the majority. A
Detroit Free Press op-ed co-authored by incoming Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib, of Michigan, said the House does not need to wait for the outcome of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe "before moving forward now with an inquiry in the U.S. House of Representatives on whether the president has committed impeachable 'high crimes and misdemeanors' against the state".

As with Brett Kavanaugh, Democrats have declared the President to be GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT. No evidence of guilt is required - they have their pitch forks, they have their torches, and they are filled with hate....

'Nuff said...

It's the best way to ensure Trump's re-election.
Flynn broke many laws... in addition to lying to official investigators...

Papadopoulis lied to official investigators, which also broke the law.

Flynn is going to jail. Papa, I believe, already did his time. Still ZERO evidence of criminal activity or illegal collusion on Trump's part...which can not be said for Hillary.
No evidence of a crime having been committed worthy of investigation let alone a special counsel

No evidence of a crime committed by the President

No official finding yet filed by Mueller

...yet the Democrats, who have abandoned any attempt to hide their partisan hatred for the President who defeated their felon candidate in 2008 wasted no time in introducing Articles of Impeachment.

Democrat introducing impeachment measure against Trump on first day of new Congress

A California congressman is introducing articles of impeachment against President Trump on Thursday -- the first day of the new Democratic majority in the House.

"Rep. Brad Sherman is reintroducing the impeachment articles that he first filed in 2017 with Democratic co-sponsor Rep. Al Green of Texas, a spokesman said.

“He will be introducing the sa
No evidence of a crime having been committed worthy of investigation let alone a special counsel

No evidence of a crime committed by the President

No official finding yet filed by Mueller

...yet the Democrats, who have abandoned any attempt to hide their partisan hatred for the President who defeated their felon candidate in 2008 wasted no time in introducing Articles of Impeachment.

Democrat introducing impeachment measure against Trump on first day of new Congress

A California congressman is introducing articles of impeachment against President Trump on Thursday -- the first day of the new Democratic majority in the House.

"Rep. Brad Sherman is reintroducing the impeachment articles that he first filed in 2017 with Democratic co-sponsor Rep. Al Green of Texas, a spokesman said.

“He will be introducing the same articles he introduced last year once the House is in session this afternoon,” Sherman spokesman Shane Seaver told Fox News.

The move is one of several indications that despite the go-slow approach of Democratic leadership, some in the rank-and-file will be eager to launch impeachment proceedings now that they're in the majority. A
Detroit Free Press op-ed co-authored by incoming Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib, of Michigan, said the House does not need to wait for the outcome of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe "before moving forward now with an inquiry in the U.S. House of Representatives on whether the president has committed impeachable 'high crimes and misdemeanors' against the state".

As with Brett Kavanaugh, Democrats have declared the President to be GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT. No evidence of guilt is required - they have their pitch forks, they have their torches, and they are filled with hate....

'Nuff said...

me articles he introduced last year once the House is in session this afternoon,” Sherman spokesman Shane Seaver told Fox News.

The move is one of several indications that despite the go-slow approach of Democratic leadership, some in the rank-and-file will be eager to launch impeachment proceedings now that they're in the majority. A
Detroit Free Press op-ed co-authored by incoming Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib, of Michigan, said the House does not need to wait for the outcome of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe "before moving forward now with an inquiry in the U.S. House of Representatives on whether the president has committed impeachable 'high crimes and misdemeanors' against the state".

As with Brett Kavanaugh, Democrats have declared the President to be GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT. No evidence of guilt is required - they have their pitch forks, they have their torches, and they are filled with hate....

'Nuff said...
No evidence of a crime having been committed worthy of investigation let alone a special counsel

No evidence of a crime committed by the President

No official finding yet filed by Mueller

...yet the Democrats, who have abandoned any attempt to hide their partisan hatred for the President who defeated their felon candidate in 2008 wasted no time in introducing Articles of Impeachment.

Democrat introducing impeachment measure against Trump on first day of new Congress

A California congressman is introducing articles of impeachment against President Trump on Thursday -- the first day of the new Democratic majority in the House.

"Rep. Brad Sherman is reintroducing the impeachment articles that he first filed in 2017 with Democratic co-sponsor Rep. Al Green of Texas, a spokesman said.

“He will be introducing the same articles he introduced last year once the House is in session this afternoon,” Sherman spokesman Shane Seaver told Fox News.

The move is one of several indications that despite the go-slow approach of Democratic leadership, some in the rank-and-file will be eager to launch impeachment proceedings now that they're in the majority. A
Detroit Free Press op-ed co-authored by incoming Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib, of Michigan, said the House does not need to wait for the outcome of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe "before moving forward now with an inquiry in the U.S. House of Representatives on whether the president has committed impeachable 'high crimes and misdemeanors' against the state".

As with Brett Kavanaugh, Democrats have declared the President to be GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT. No evidence of guilt is required - they have their pitch forks, they have their torches, and they are filled with hate....

'Nuff said...
Its like the first day of summer vacation when the kids get out of school. This guy Brad wants to throw a rock thru a window-the problem is some of his party mates may be in the room. Things may work out. Trump has not had a Democrat house to deal with, and Pelosi has not had a Republican president to deal with as speaker. (Clumsy sentence-did not want to end in a preposition).
The line from the Democrat's is that nothing is off the table, But the leaders say will wait for Muller's report. lets not get ahead of our self's. some good stuff coming if can keep the radical members in line. to many people have gone crazy, worse than Bush & war.
No evidence of a crime having been committed worthy of investigation let alone a special counsel

No evidence of a crime committed by the President

No official finding yet filed by Mueller

...yet the Democrats, who have abandoned any attempt to hide their partisan hatred for the President who defeated their felon candidate in 2008 wasted no time in introducing Articles of Impeachment.

Democrat introducing impeachment measure against Trump on first day of new Congress

A California congressman is introducing articles of impeachment against President Trump on Thursday -- the first day of the new Democratic majority in the House.

"Rep. Brad Sherman is reintroducing the impeachment articles that he first filed in 2017 with Democratic co-sponsor Rep. Al Green of Texas, a spokesman said.

“He will be introducing the same articles he introduced last year once the House is in session this afternoon,” Sherman spokesman Shane Seaver told Fox News.

The move is one of several indications that despite the go-slow approach of Democratic leadership, some in the rank-and-file will be eager to launch impeachment proceedings now that they're in the majority. A
Detroit Free Press op-ed co-authored by incoming Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib, of Michigan, said the House does not need to wait for the outcome of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe "before moving forward now with an inquiry in the U.S. House of Representatives on whether the president has committed impeachable 'high crimes and misdemeanors' against the state".

As with Brett Kavanaugh, Democrats have declared the President to be GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT. No evidence of guilt is required - they have their pitch forks, they have their torches, and they are filled with hate....

'Nuff said...
Did you expect anything less?

I didn't.

The circus has come to town for an extended stay.
You just had a super majority for the past two years.

As for whether impeachment is warranted or not, who do think "individual 1" is?
Do you have any idea what a super majority is?
When the same party has all three branches, there is effectively no difference.
You guys still dont know who "individual 1" is?

You just had a super majority for the past two years.

As for whether impeachment is warranted or not, who do think "individual 1" is?
Do you have any idea what a super majority is?
When the same party has all three branches, there is effectively no difference.
You guys still dont know who "individual 1" is?


I see your post quality is still the same.
Keep up the good work and we can increase your meds.
You just had a super majority for the past two years.

As for whether impeachment is warranted or not, who do think "individual 1" is?
Do you have any idea what a super majority is?
When the same party has all three branches, there is effectively no difference.
You guys still dont know who "individual 1" is?


You loons don't remember who controls the Senate. Without it you're wasting your time.

No evidence of a crime having been committed worthy of investigation let alone a special counsel

No evidence of a crime committed by the President

No official finding yet filed by Mueller

...yet the Democrats, who have abandoned any attempt to hide their partisan hatred for the President who defeated their felon candidate in 2008 wasted no time in introducing Articles of Impeachment.

Democrat introducing impeachment measure against Trump on first day of new Congress

A California congressman is introducing articles of impeachment against President Trump on Thursday -- the first day of the new Democratic majority in the House.

"Rep. Brad Sherman is reintroducing the impeachment articles that he first filed in 2017 with Democratic co-sponsor Rep. Al Green of Texas, a spokesman said.

“He will be introducing the same articles he introduced last year once the House is in session this afternoon,” Sherman spokesman Shane Seaver told Fox News.

The move is one of several indications that despite the go-slow approach of Democratic leadership, some in the rank-and-file will be eager to launch impeachment proceedings now that they're in the majority. A
Detroit Free Press op-ed co-authored by incoming Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib, of Michigan, said the House does not need to wait for the outcome of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe "before moving forward now with an inquiry in the U.S. House of Representatives on whether the president has committed impeachable 'high crimes and misdemeanors' against the state".

As with Brett Kavanaugh, Democrats have declared the President to be GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT. No evidence of guilt is required - they have their pitch forks, they have their torches, and they are filled with hate....

'Nuff said...
In a simple and non blathering statement of nonsense, what would you expect considering your so-called president tRump despises America, the rule of law and civilization as demonstrated? Only a fool would insist on being a tRump kisser. Now nuff said.

I sure hope Trumps life doesnt get too uncomfortable.

It's simple stupidity that prevents Democrat red-faced embarrassment.

They lack the intelligence to comprehend what they're doing to themselves.

I fail to perceive any downside in that......
You just had a super majority for the past two years.

As for whether impeachment is warranted or not, who do think "individual 1" is?
Do you have any idea what a super majority is?
When the same party has all three branches, there is effectively no difference.
You guys still dont know who "individual 1" is?


You loons don't remember who controls the Senate. Without it you're wasting your time.

Its sora like when Republicans repealed obamacare some 50 times.
I pointless effort used as a sort of proving your position; attempting to do the things your base voted you in for.

But in this case now , its based on upholding the constitution and rule of law. Also, to show that the senate is not.
You just had a super majority for the past two years.

As for whether impeachment is warranted or not, who do think "individual 1" is?
Do you have any idea what a super majority is?
When the same party has all three branches, there is effectively no difference.
You guys still dont know who "individual 1" is?


You loons don't remember who controls the Senate. Without it you're wasting your time.

Its sora like when Republicans repealed obamacare some 50 times.
I pointless effort used as a sort of proving your position; attempting to do the things your base voted you in for.

But in this case now , its based on upholding the constitution and rule of law. Also, to show that the senate is not.

They don't have an impeachable offense, loon.

Good grief you're a bunch of tards

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