Trump Heaps Praise On Hungary's Viktor Orban @ CPAC held in his country. appearing via video, Trump said he's a great leader who just won big election

Besides very little personal input maybe you could post other than a title?
i like to give people a chance and hear them out, i do research on topics of threads i start, but it has to be very interesting for me to include it. i don't include stuff that's routine and boring...also, i don't have time sometimes to add long posts
i like to give people a chance and hear them out, i do research on topics of threads i start, but it has to be very interesting for me to include it. i don't include stuff that's routine and boring...also, i don't have time sometimes to add long posts
Wham bam thank you Mame?
This is what they want. They've made themselves pretty clear.
Right. That's the bizarre thing about the Trumpist gaslighting:

While amateurish and laughably transparent, it also seems to work on the Trumpers.

So 59 year old Mable is currently on her laptop looking for any reason but the real one why her 'America first, nationalist party of patriots and constitutional protectors' is sidling up to a foreign autocrat who would sooner burn our constitution than admire it.

Good luck Mable. Here's hoping you wake up one day and notice the elephant in the room.
Right. That's the bizarre thing about the Trumpist gaslighting:

While amateurish and laughably transparent, it also seems to work on the Trumpers.

So 59 year old Mable is currently on her laptop looking for any reason but the real one why her 'America first, nationalist party of patriots and constituional protectors' is sidling up to a foreign autocrat who would sooner burn our constitution than admire it.

Good luck Mable. Here's hoping you wake up one day and notice the elephant in the room.
Yeah, I've wondered that all along.

They're so caught up in the cult of personality that I'm not sure if many of them fully understand what they're asking for.

Come to think of it, the world has seen that before, too.
Yeah, I've wondered that all along.

They're so caught up in the cult of personality that I'm not sure if many of them fully understand what they're asking for.

Come to think of it, the world has seen that before, too.
Indeed. Just cloak the plan in religious or patriotic virtue signaling, and the lemmings will jump off the cliff right into it.

That's how you get Bible waving grandmas in the town square, screaming against interracial marriage in the name of Gawd.

That's how you get 100 million people complaining about formula shortages and gas prices, then cheering on any effort to block measures to address them.

Welcome to bizarro world.
I assume CPAC.
Attendees do pay a fee to attend and of course large donor money, both foreign and domestic.
Also this country will pay. US policy and how Republicans want to take over with authoritarian ideology. What is offered by them now and in the past obviously hasn't and doesn't work. Power hungry to extremes.

"The growing salvos aimed at CPAC and the ACU have come as the ACU has expanded fundraising operations and become closely linked to Trump and his large loyalist base, say current and former ACU board members."

"Critics say that in recent years a “pay-to-play” mentality has become pervasive at CPAC events under the leadership of veteran Washington lobbyist and staunch Trump backer Matt Schlapp, who chairs ACU and whose wife Mercedes worked in the Trump White House as director of strategic communications."

"Moreover, a current ACU board member and lobbying experts have raised red flags about CPAC helping host events overseas in Brazil, South Korea, Japan and elsewhere. Meanwhile, CPAC’s US meetings have accepted funding from some foreign entities that have pushed political lobbying messages, spurring questions about possible violations of a lobbying disclosure law known as the Foreign Agents Registration Act (Fara)."

The Biden's are ahead a couple of million dollars in Chinese influence peddling but the left worries that "Trump heaps praise" on Hungary. Go figure.
One thing definitely in play, here:

A lot of the hangers-on and GOP officials are eyeing their next career move. Becoming a foreign agent for Hungary would be a cush job.

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