Trump:"Hillary and her campaign started the 'birther' mvmt." Now Dems frantically rewriting history

Will liberals finally realize that the ex Secretary of State started the birther movement?

  • No way, they are too stupid to read this article, because they never got past 3rd grade.

    Votes: 11 73.3%
  • Somewhat, after having a night out , binge drinking, they some doubts now about the liberal media.

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Mostly because after 8 years of the lying Obama and the DNC screwing Bernie, i am going with Trump.

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • Even though Trump isnt the best choice, i cant vote for a sick candidate who could die next week.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Thecosign.illary supporter who got the birther ball rolling for her was attorney Phil Berg, a Democrat former deputy attorney general out of Philadelphia.!

Berg wasn't acting on behalf of anyone.

Berg was always a nut case- as much as you are.

So Stevie- now that your Messiah Trump has finally decided to stop being a Birther- have you decided to believe you were just duped by Clinton too?
Trump is doing just fine the way this is being handled. Focus must be on finishing the final
stretch of the campaign.
Today Donald Trump mentioned that "Hillary and her campaign started the 'birther' movement".

Democrats immediately went ballistic, and started frantically rewriting what he said, almost before the microphone had cooled.

"Trump still says Hillary started the birther movement!!! That's a lie!!!"

No, libbies, Trump said she and her campaign started it..)

And yes- that is a lie. Not that Trumpsters and Birthers care about Trump lying.

What is hilarious is that Trump is saying that he believes he was duped by Hillary Clinton- and that its not his fault he was an idiot birther

Why is Trump blaming his own Birther idiocy on Clinton? Because Trump always blames someone else.




Donald Trump- another idiot Birther.
Today Donald Trump mentioned that "Hillary and her campaign started the 'birther' movement".

Democrats immediately went ballistic, and started frantically rewriting what he said, almost before the microphone had cooled.

"Trump still says Hillary started the birther movement!!! That's a lie!!!"

No, libbies, Trump said she and her campaign started it.

What actually happened, back in 2008 as Hillary fought a bitter campaign against Barack Obama?

According to The Telegraph, a major newspaper in England:

Birther row began with Hillary Clinton supporters

"...supporters of Hillary Clinton, now Mr Obama’s Secretary of State, are largely to blame for starting it.
It was not until April 2008, at the height of the intensely bitter Democratic presidential primary process, that the touch paper was properly lit.
An anonymous email circulated by supporters of Mrs Clinton, Mr Obama’s main rival for the party’s nomination, thrust a new allegation into the national spotlight — that he had not been born in Hawaii.
“Barack Obama’s mother was living in Kenya with his Arab-African father late in her pregnancy,” it said. “She was not allowed to travel by plane then, so Barack Obama was born there and his mother then took him to Hawaii to register his birth.”

It has never been disproven by any Democrat, fact-checker, or other source, that this Hillary supporter started the "birther" movement that appeared during her campaign.

Democrat have to use subtle changes in what a Republican said, and quietly cut out the "And her campaign" part, to furiously scream and call him a "liar". But in fact, the Dems themselves are the ones lying about what Trump said... as usual.

Keep this in mind before you assume the Democrats are telling the truth. (Good advice for anything a Democrat says, at any time. You'd be surprised how often it turns out they themselves are the ones telling the lies.)

It's still lame; even if this was true! She's not saying it now; he was still saying it yesterday! What a tool! :9: :blahblah:

Clinton never made any Birther claims.

Trump went full Birther from 2011 to 2014

Obwana has spent tens of thousands of dollars to keep his past secret...everything from his grade transcripts to his bathhouse years in Chicago. But what's been his top priority is to keep his place of birth a secret. He obviously doesn't know for sure where he was born because although he was there he obviously has no memory of the event. So he's had to take somebody else's word for it like we all have. I choose to believe the people that know him best:

This is about as "settled" as it gets.

LOL- Gullible Birthers- I almost feel sorry for you- you believe anything thats posted on the internet

Anything except a fact from an official source

Today Donald Trump mentioned that "Hillary and her campaign started the 'birther' movement".
Democrats immediately went ballistic, and started frantically rewriting what he said, almost before the microphone had cooled.
"Trump still says Hillary started the birther movement!!! That's a lie!!!"
No, libbies, Trump said she and her campaign started it..)
Donald Trump- another idiot Birther.
Some leftist fanatics just can't let it go.

And they call others "idiots". :cuckoo:
seems that for today's episode of the peewee's playhouse, the secret word is ''birther''.
Today Donald Trump mentioned that "Hillary and her campaign started the 'birther' movement".
Democrats immediately went ballistic, and started frantically rewriting what he said, almost before the microphone had cooled.
"Trump still says Hillary started the birther movement!!! That's a lie!!!"
No, libbies, Trump said she and her campaign started it..)
Donald Trump- another idiot Birther.
Some leftist fanatics just can't let it go.

And they call others "idiots". :cuckoo:

Right Wing Nut jobs like you and Trump- birthers and liars.

Clinton never went Birther.
Trump went full Birther

And we all know Birthers are idiots.

But bizarre idiots- who want to blame Hillary Clinton for being the idiots that they are

Yes, before the Democratic primary. Long before the 2 Presidential candidates were nominated. It was their attempt to slow down Obama's momentum that scared Clinton and her supporters for reason.
Birther row began with Hillary Clinton supporters
An anonymous email circulated by supporters of Mrs Clinton, Mr Obama’s main rival for the party’s nomination, thrust a new allegation into the national spotlight — that he had not been born in Hawaii.
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“Barack Obama’s mother was living in Kenya with his Arab-African father late in her pregnancy,” it said. “She was not allowed to travel by plane then, so Barack Obama was born there and his mother then took him to Hawaii to register his birth.” Then in August 2008 Phil Berg, an ex-deputy attorney general for Pennsylvania and a renowned conspiracy theorist, filed a lawsuit alleging that Mr Obama was ineligible to be a candidate.

“Obama carries multiple citizenships and is ineligible to run for President of the United States. United States Constitution, Article II, Section 1,” it said.
Thecosign.illary supporter who got the birther ball rolling for her was attorney Phil Berg, a Democrat former deputy attorney general out of Philadelphia.!

Berg wasn't acting on behalf of anyone.

Berg was always a nut case- as much as you are.

So Stevie- now that your Messiah Trump has finally decided to stop being a Birther- have you decided to believe you were just duped by Clinton too?
Trump is doing just fine the way this is being handled. Focus must be on finishing the final
stretch of the campaign.
Which he will Lose.
Have you noticed how starved the Democrats are for anything positive they can say about Hillary?.

How ironic from the right wing nut job who started this thread to attack Clinton.

So do you blame Hillary for Trump being a gullible Birther?
Yes, before the Democratic primary. Long before the 2 Presidential candidates were nominated. It was their attempt to slow down Obama's momentum that scared Clinton and her supporters for reason.
Birther row began with Hillary Clinton supporters
An anonymous email circulated by supporters of Mrs Clinton]

So you agree that Donald Trump was lying once again when he claimed that Clinton and her campaign started the Birtherism- and that Trump is not to blame for his going full Birther?


So you agree that Donald Trump was lying once again when he claimed that Clinton and her campaign started the Birtherism- and that Trump is not to blame for his going full Birther?

This birther bullcrap didn't work in 2008 when Hilary's campaign INITIATED IT. That is historical fact. Now she's trying it again in 2016 and it isn't going to work any better now than when she tried it against Obama the first time. That's shows two things clearly. 1 She doesn't have a single thing in her record to run on. 2 Her campaign is in full panic mode because she is collapsing in the polls and the debates are 10 days away.
Thecosign.illary supporter who got the birther ball rolling for her was attorney Phil Berg, a Democrat former deputy attorney general out of Philadelphia.!

Berg wasn't acting on behalf of anyone.

Berg was always a nut case- as much as you are.

So Stevie- now that your Messiah Trump has finally decided to stop being a Birther- have you decided to believe you were just duped by Clinton too?
Trump is doing just fine the way this is being handled. Focus must be on finishing the final
stretch of the campaign.

So Stevie- now that your Messiah Trump has finally decided to stop being a Birther- have you decided to believe you were just duped by Clinton too?
It was a classic Turdblossom whisper campaign.

Has Donald "The Liar" Trump offered any proof that it was started by either Sec. Clinton or her staff?

Didn't think so.
Have you noticed how starved the Democrats are for anything positive they can say about Hillary?.

How ironic from the right wing nut job who started this thread to attack Clinton.

So do you blame Hillary for Trump being a gullible Birther?
I blame idiots like you , that think when the liberal lickspittle lapdog media see the vagina candidate's poll numbers falling like a bomb on Nagasaki, they come out with the birther shit again, in the hope everyone will forget how much of a sorry candidate SHE is. All you dumbfucks can do , is keep trying to divert the issue and that issue is Shrillery Clinton has much energy as a burnt out crack whore.

No. How you got that from my post, I don't know.
Yes, before the Democratic primary. Long before the 2 Presidential candidates were nominated. It was their attempt to slow down Obama's momentum that scared Clinton and her supporters for reason.
Birther row began with Hillary Clinton supporters
An anonymous email circulated by supporters of Mrs Clinton]

So you agree that Donald Trump was lying once again when he claimed that Clinton and her campaign started the Birtherism- and that Trump is not to blame for his going full Birther?

View attachment 89787

So you agree that Donald Trump was lying once again when he claimed that Clinton and her campaign started the Birtherism- and that Trump is not to blame for his going full Birther?

View attachment 89787[
Thecosign.illary supporter who got the birther ball rolling for her was attorney Phil Berg, a Democrat former deputy attorney general out of Philadelphia.!

Berg wasn't acting on behalf of anyone.

Berg was always a nut case- as much as you are.

So Stevie- now that your Messiah Trump has finally decided to stop being a Birther- have you decided to believe you were just duped by Clinton too?
Trump is doing just fine the way this is being handled. Focus must be on finishing the final
stretch of the campaign.

So Stevie- now that your Messiah Trump has finally decided to stop being a Birther- have you decided to believe you were just duped by Clinton too?

Worst birther and biggest Trump supporter on the board, and today Trump tells him he's full of shit.

Mayhem ensues.

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