Trump hiring freeze hurts vets

IDK about that last thought Spare_Change - it's not like Alaska doesn't have plenty of history hiring on temp gov workers every summer, and we're being told they can't be hired this year. It's possible our local news is playing games, they've gone a bit liberal since they were bought out by lower 48 companies.
Trump's Federal Hiring Freeze Could Hurt Vets: Officials |

Trump's federal hiring freeze supposedly has exemptions for members of the military. But not their spouses.

A military family I've worked with for almost 2 years was assigned to a new state a few months back. They're set to make the move in a few days. But the job that was promised to the wife of the soldier, a federal employee for years now, was rescinded the day Trump signed his order. Half the family's income is now gone. If they'd moved a month ago she'd be fine. It's insane.

I advised them to contact their new local congressperson. If anybody here knows any alternative solution I'd appreciate it and would contact them with it.

The whole spouse preference thing in Federal jobs is a mess to begin with. Many times positions end up going to less qualified spouses, rather than the person they really want. Often times the unit will cancel a job posting over and over until they can finally hire a competent person. A military person gets housing for their family as is, so they don't need the extra income to survive. Other than that, hiring freezes have happened before, and it's just a fact of life for Federal employees. As for the current one, if you had orders within 60 or 90 days (I can't remember which it is) you were good to go. If it was past that, you were out of luck. Yes it does suck, but it is not as if the military family is going to be out on the street or going hungry.
This thread turned mean-spirited. If anybody has any suggestions PM me. Right now it seems contacting a congressperson is the only option.
You posted this in politics in a debate forum. This forum exists solely for debate. I cant fathom why you expected people not to engage.

On another note - media. They love this stuff and usually results happen when things hit the news.
Oh whatever. Mods move it to another forum then. This is a real family with a real problem. There's probably nothing I can do about it. But if there is and someone here knows then I would appreciate it. I am not the media. I'm just a guy spit-balling here hoping someone on this dumb forum happens to have a great idea.

If her report date is past the "cut off" date, then she will likely have to wait until the freeze is lifted. The only other option is a waiver, but they would probably only do that for an emergency essential position.
Trump's Federal Hiring Freeze Could Hurt Vets: Officials |

Trump's federal hiring freeze supposedly has exemptions for members of the military. But not their spouses.

A military family I've worked with for almost 2 years was assigned to a new state a few months back. They're set to make the move in a few days. But the job that was promised to the wife of the soldier, a federal employee for years now, was rescinded the day Trump signed his order. Half the family's income is now gone. If they'd moved a month ago she'd be fine. It's insane.

I advised them to contact their new local congressperson. If anybody here knows any alternative solution I'd appreciate it and would contact them with it.
Nowhere near as bad as democrat Nazis hurt vets....
IDK about that last thought Spare_Change - it's not like Alaska doesn't have plenty of history hiring on temp gov workers every summer, and we're being told they can't be hired this year. It's possible our local news is playing games, they've gone a bit liberal since they were bought out by lower 48 companies.

Your point is well taken - but each of those temps are new hires. The way I read this situation - and what the hell do I know? - is that this was a transfer to an existing manpower slot - not a new one.

Who knows? They could also just be using the ban as a convenient excuse to get out of a commitment they made.
This thread turned mean-spirited. If anybody has any suggestions PM me. Right now it seems contacting a congressperson is the only option.
You posted this in politics in a debate forum. This forum exists solely for debate. I cant fathom why you expected people not to engage.

On another note - media. They love this stuff and usually results happen when things hit the news.
Oh whatever. Mods move it to another forum then. This is a real family with a real problem. There's probably nothing I can do about it. But if there is and someone here knows then I would appreciate it. I am not the media. I'm just a guy spit-balling here hoping someone on this dumb forum happens to have a great idea.
I did not say you were the media. That was my suggestion, go to the media. Here we have a radio show called the problem solvers and that is the type of situation that they may report on. If the family calls the congressman they will likely get the run around. If the local radio station calls they are going to get a lot more attention.
I know this may be mind blowing but she could look elsewhere for

And you can find other threads to post in
Sorry I didn't fall for your bullshit tear JERKer story. Makes me wonder did you post such humanitarian threads when Obama closed down the parks & put thousands out of work? I kind of doubt it so I think a FUCK OFF is in order here, don't you?
Ignore list now. Never thought it would come to that. This does it.
Oh so he calls out your bullshit and you put him on ignore, awe nice snowflake. I didn't hear any outrage when Obama screwed over our troops. Remember when he closed the ww2 memorial to vetrans, but let an illegal immigrant parade take place? No, you were silent.
Freezing govt hiring prevents the federal govt from growing any bigger.

One could argue, partisanly, that the freeze hurts any group they so chose to point out:
It hurts blacks...because NO ONE is being hired.
It hurts Latinos...because NO ONE is being hired
It hurts midgets...because NO ONE is being hired
It hurts One-legged ex-ditch diggers...because NO ONE is being hired.


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